I'ace 14 The Clarinston/Courtice Independent. Bowmanville. Samrdav. Jantiarv 23, 1999 Servin e e @ » The Canadian Statesman proudly continues the tradition of providing the finest in news and sports coverage for the citizens of Clarington. .'SMi'Sï'W- tif'jÏKè Êlûhki ■ Z'"'" Z i /T-> V ,, ;// /p./i'.î ,,V ' ,/*•[ a, ,* -, ' ', '/i'-'/, /.v / • -y. :\;v■ o :.. ..... .. ' ' : 'ï .7 ; / zzl. W- B- ' \ 'zl W*' ' tXVÂ/; ' /,: v v/1, SSfBzf' -'-liNfM ' ;ï ; ;h/7 . '■ ■ M-l ;x :7i : b'ixvB z 'B.. ; ;;BB : : - ■.... il': 1 -- . -, ■- ,, - . -, -, . - "'/.-/".'■V ' e ■ 7V. ^ ; Î7'i- •SKMm-'y . ■ V);' x -77' V' Z /;/ .ÿ/;!:.' ■ 7171 ; ...,. ...... . ,7®:- . . if.*®;,*- , f Z'nfsisHr 0' .^■'-eSiséiSt:. " ; d m; „::ï : '.«iiSK., .dydd-BF ,v.£7 "' - - ■- , . -...d'/dd'd,' d, .-'.7 j-y / V,z "f ' :// K T; 't-' /'*■;7i:/; -V/ r >/ ? 7' - ,7-7 .J; //'. 7 r.: 11A ni ■,xV>I L "..i'. ... / , 1,. -.v,.'ri',-,...7 -dd/; r ; ' - 1 117/77. ^'B-'^BBiB" '■■■■■'■ïvk'iii: i>B z-- z, B.-B-. zBzBBBzB Z'-'S'Zi Zv ! Z.'dVdZZ'dd: Z'Z.dZ#zZ' v -d - zzlz 7, ' f-1 ,-3-";' dÇÿï} ■-! ,. ; vV. .■■ âl/Sf - ;,v ' *' Produced by yoür neighbours, The Statesman and The Independent are delivered to more homes each week than any other newspaper in Clarington. V , 1 ' i | i Wd;,\ .If |i Sililil ■ Mi'X' pfyiW'tyU \ v r% •; ,■•(/{? iwifffity .Sdf! v./; ' I . » ' ' ft •»*7 /'/'■' ffiBf'B.o ÀiïWîMMm&i - 'V£v/Ï j, 7'V' Tivl' vV ' ; #»¥ B ■ -sk -d If you're new to our community, or a life-long resident, you can be sure there's something of interest in these award-winning publications. For a subscription to one of Canada's oldest community newspapers, call, write, fax or e-mail us today! / / // i> / ( v<7 J ;< 4yW4W IK T : z 7 l /l v- ■ . <■> V'T y . X ( ; 'v |!i-v - Mz v '. • f\<:vZx <z s> ,<V0 r ^ V v. ■|^Vv 1 - 62 King Street West, Bowmanville Telephone: 905-623-3303 Fax: 905-623-6161 e mail: statesman@ocna.org. iwn