The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, January 27, 1999 Page 5 ( Local Soldier on Duty In Bosnia Herzegovina A Canadian Regiment Battle Group. He is a Reserve soldier whose parent unit is The Ontario Regiment, which he joined in 1989. This is his first overseas lour of duty. MCpl Maclean was born in Oshawa, where his father, Harry Mclean, still resides, and where he attended GL Roberts Collegiate Institute, while his mother, Linda Boyd, is a resident of Windsor. His wife, Tanya, is a native of Bowmanville. MCpl Maclean and his colleagues in "A" Squadron are keeping the peace in and around the city of Kljuc (pronounced Klooch), in the south of the Canadian area of responsibility. He is seen in the accompanying accompanying photo alongside the Cougar armoured vehicle in which he and the two other members of the crew conduct their patrols. The 3 RCR Battle Group encompasses an area the size of Prince Edward Island and is Canada's main contribution to the multinational multinational peacekeeping force. Its mission in Bosnia is to prevent hostilities, hostilities, support civil development and monitor the military requirements of the Dayton Peace Accords. MCpl Maclean and his fellow soldiers will be returning to Canada in late January or early February 1999. J Master Corporal John Maclean is currently currently serving with the Canadian contingent of the NATO-led Stabilization Force (or SFOR) in Bosnia Herzegovina. MCpl Maclean, 27, is a crew commander in "A" Squadron, The Royal Canadian Dragoons, which is serving in Bosnia as part of the 3rd Battalion, The Royal KEEPING THE PEACE -- Pictured above with his Cougar armoured vehicle, Master Corporal John Maclean is serving with the Canadian contingent of the NATO-led Stabilization Force. The Oshawa native is a reservist in the Ontario Regiment. His wife, Tanya, is from Bowmanville. He is seen alongside the Cougar armoured vehicle in which lie and the two other members of the crew conduct their patrols: Trinity United Church ' Church and Division Streets Bowmanville, Ontario Jjt Church Phone Office Phone MXjuL 623-3912 623-3138 TJmPWI Rev. Dr. Frank W. Lockhart, M.A., gjgjyii M.Dtv.,, th.d. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1999 10:30 a.m. - God's Revealing: #5 "Music" Nursery Care and Church School Available IjBI A Warm Welcome To All Visitors kS2 En git can Clntrclj lâsISsïS' Temperance St. S., Bowmanville SUNDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1999 EPIPHANY TV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 9:15 a.m. Contemporary Service 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion Rector - The Reverend Canon Byron Yales. BA. S.T.B. Ç Si178 Church Street Bowmanville Rev. Nancy J. Knox, B.A., M.Div. Intern Minister: Pamela Gray 'wkZ Organist: Douglas Dewell Church Secretary: Helen Mclnnes 623-7361 SUNDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1999 Worship Service -10:30 a.m. "Doing Justice" Nursery Care for Pre-School Children Every Sunday Sunday School for K - 8+ If you're new to Bowmanville, we invite you JTS make St. Paul's your church home. THE SPINAL COLUMN Capsule Comments with Neale McLean, B.Sc. Phm. Until further data is available, all herbal products should be avoided during pregnancy. Herbal products are drugs and as with prescribed and over-the-counter medications, the least taken during pregnancy the safer. We still don't know all the effects herbals have on the fetus so when in doubt, don't take it. The Los Angeles Times commissioned its own analysis of 10 brands of St. John's Wort last year. Three of the 10 samples contained less than half of the active ingredient claimed on the label. Some samples contained less than 20%. It highlights the need for some regulation in this field. Consumers should get what the label says they are paying for. The number of cigar smokers has risen 50% since 1993. It's been made glamorous by movies and TV but cigar smokers who inhale have a greater risk of lung cancer than cigarette smokers and 10 times the risk of mouth, throat and lip cancer. Not so glamorous. Away back In 1610, when tobacco was becoming popular in England, Sir Francis Bacon stated that "non-medical use of tobacco is increasing and that it is a custom hard to quit." True back then. True today. Trying to stop smoking? Talk to our pharmacists. We have ways to help. Pharmacist Orthotist Bowmanville Clinic Pharmacy Ltd. 222 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. Free Deliveries (905) 623-7611 ' ®|.p. Carbon Monoxide Calls on the Rise by Michelle Wyton Staff Writer If you needed a catch- phrase to describe the activities of the Clarington Fire Department over the last week you could use just five words: carbon monoxide and car accidents. accidents. Since Jan. 11, the department has responded responded to 15 carbon monoxide monoxide calls and 14 car accidents. accidents. Overall, the month of December showed a dramatic increase in public hazard calls over the same month last year. In December 1998, there were 34 public hazard calls while in Dec. 1997 there were only 9. The reason for the increase, Ni: St. Stephen's Secondary School Grade Eight Parents' OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7 p.m. in the Auditorium St. Stephen's Secondary School 30 Middle Road Bowmanville L1C 3K2 says Clarington Fire Chief Michael Creighton, is carbon monoxide detectors. "The majority of our public hazard calls are carbon monoxide calls," he said, "and the main reason for that is more people are installing carbon carbon monoxide detectors in their homes. I anticipate anticipate that, with the continued continued use of these devices, it (the number of calls) will continue to increase and then level off." As far as car accidents accidents go, the recent numbers can be attributed attributed to slick driving conditions. conditions. For 1998, the number of rescue calls (which includes car accidents) accidents) sits at 297, compared compared to 307 in 1997. The numbers were just as close for false lire calls, medical assist calls, and unauthorized burning calls. In total, there was little little difference between fire department activity in 1997 and 1998. Total calls for 1997 were 1,885 and for 1998 1,853. Between Jan. 11 and Jan. 17 there were six fire calls, two of which were vehicle fires. There was also a tractor fire at a residence on Courtice Road, with $4,200 damage damage being done, and a snowmobile fire on Jan. 16 with $500 damage reported. The most significant significant fire occurred on Jan. 13 at a trailer on Long Sault Road. An estimated $10,000 damage damage was done when a hot water heater in the furnace furnace room overheated and burnt through the floorboards. The cause of the fire has not been detennined. FOR YOUR INFORMATION NEWTONVILLE PANCAKE PANCAKE BRUNCH -- The Ncwtonville United Church is holding a Valentine Pancake Brunch, Sunday February 14, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Proceeds for the Sunday School Curriculum. COPE MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM -- The COPE Mental Health Program of Durham Region Community Care' Association is looking for mature men and women for one-to-one support and in group settings. All volunteers volunteers arc provided with an 8 week course in "Basic Helping and Communication Skills" to help prepare them for this sensitive and rewarding work. For information call Janice Kroft at 623-4123. Surveys conducted in 1990 and again in 1997 include a massive increase in visits to alternative care providers like chiropractors. The study, published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine outlines the following key findings: • Use of chiropractic remains the single most widely used alternative • 40% of respondents used at least one alternative in 1997 • Overall use of non-allopathic care has increased by a huge 25% • Total visits to alternative providers like chiropractors rose to 629 million and exceeded total visits to all primary care physicians by 243 million • Total expenditures rose to a whopping 21.2 billion dollars, 12.2 billion was an out of pocket expense. Dr. Wayne Jones, M.D., in an article of the Journal of the American Medical Association, comments that, "alternative health care is here to stay because it. reflects the changing needs and values in society". He further outlines what drives the changes we are seeing. "People have an ever declining faith that conventional scientific breakthroughs will have relevance for the personal treatment of disease and people are increasingly concerned about the adverse effects and escalating costs of conventional health care." Kim Jobst, Editor-in-chief, lournal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine outlines the two major factors behind this amazing rise in alternative health care. First, the ineffectiveness of western biomedicine for a significant proportion of the common chronic diseases; and second, the fact that conventional medicine is too expensive to be universally affordable. Health care money should be spent on life not death. A recent statistic confirmed that fully 70% of an individual's health care budget is spent in the last 10 days of their life. The human body has a remarkable ability to be well. In fact, our natural state is one of wellness not disease. Chiropractic focuses on this amazing capacity of the body to heal and to be well. Isn't it time you joined the ever increasing number of people who have gotten results from non-traditional care. Chiropractic may be the perfect choice for you. Call your chiropractor today. To learn more about chiropractic, health and wellness, Dr. Herron provides a health talk every Tuesday night at Herron Family Chiropractic, Bowmanville. Seating is often limited so RSVP can be made by phoning (905) 623-5509. The workshop runs Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ©J.P. ESTATE PLANNING UPDATE Your family may be in danger of losing millions Call for your free booklet on the facts No one enjoys paying taxes, It takes most people at least a lifetime to accumulate wealth and when taxes threaten the financial and sentimental assets that make up one's wealth, it is even more disturbing. Many mature Canadians possess an asset portfolio that has gone through a period of tremendous growth. 4 FORTUNE FINANCIAL I McGregor, hnvstment Adrisor mw I'/iMin' ( 'iiJmr.i/iiin ,', V(W Stmt litiirmiiiii'M', ON I.K.'JII? ( lit Mi.llllnl/ I A, I hir Zr.iwu 'pmlMulln hh Iuwwm I ( mUi What many Canadians don't know is that any growth in the value of these assets will be subject to tax at the owner's death. Wouldn't you rather see your money go to family, charities anti friends? Call today for a special report on how easy it can he to protect your assets with a carefully thought out estate plan. Call: 905-623-2414 for your free report "Pnic/iùil I is/iite I'/<wiling: 10 S/ru/cgies tn Protect yinir lis/ti/c". Quality Christian Education Knox Christian School in Bowmanville is a school which has served the Clarington area since 1957 and offers quality instruction and learning to students in grades JK - 8. Expect to find the following in this exciting, growing school of over 320 students: • qualified, Christian teachers • Biblically-based, academic instruction • much parental involvement • a large playground in a park-like setting • enthusiastic students • a caring atmosphere • computers, sports, music and more Kindergarten registration dates arc: Tuesday, February 2 and Wednesday, February 3 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Junior kindergarten students must be 4 years old on or before December 31, 1999. Senior kindergarten students must he 5 years old on or before December 31, 1999. Registrations for all other grade levels (1 - 8) will be accepted as well. Call the school at 623-5871 to arrange your appointment. We look forward to serving you. 410 Seugog Street, Bowmanville L1C 3K2