Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, February 10, 1999 Hydro Bill gets a New Look From page 1 poration. With the changes going on, Mr. Clark says there won't be any disruption in service. "For customers who do not want to make a change, Clarington Hydro will have a default supply of hydro," he said. "With the changes, we will be able to buy hydro from different suppliers and hopefully hopefully gel a better price." Allowing competition in the industry means it won't be long before people start getting telephone telephone calls and people coming to the door offering savings on your hydro bills for switching to another supplier. In fact, this has already been happening around the province. But Clark cautions against signing any deals because it's too early to tell what the savings will be. "I would advise customers to be very wary of anyone offering deals at this point," he said. "Nobody knows where the prices are going to be." When the time comes, companies companies wishing to market electricity electricity and natural gas to residential residential and small commercial consumers will require a licence and any deals signed before Nov. 7,2000 will have to be re-signed when the changes take place. It is the hounden dul> of parents to rear their children to he staunch in faith, the reason heiny that a child who removelh hnnscll Iront the religion of God will not act in such a way as to win the good pleasure ol his parents and Ins Lord For every praiseworthy deed is horn out yf the light ol religion, and lacking this supreme bestowal the child will not Him away from any evil, nor will he draw nigh unto any good. BAHA'I FAITH FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL AUTOMATED 1-800-433-3284. Story Time There were almost 40 children at the Courtice Branch of the Clarington Public Library last week for their program Talcs for Twos. Above, Sammy the Snail, was a big attraction during story time. The half-hour program is hosted by children's services technician Paul Ax ford. hi*. t'y Kv Bits and Pieces WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WEEK -- The week of February 7th to 13th is Women's Institute Week in Canada. The organization was started 102 years ago at Stoney Creek. BLOOD SHORTAGE -- Canadian Blood Services need to collect 650 donations every day in order to supply enough blood for patients in the 61 hospitals in central Ontario. You can help alleviate the winter blood shortages by making a donation at Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church. There will be a blood donor clinic from four p.m. to eight p.m. on Wednesday, February 17th. The church is located at 130 Scugog St. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS -- See our advertisement advertisement in this edition of The Statesman for our "Random Acts of Kindness" competition. We're looking for Good Samaritans who went above and beyond the call of duty to help their friends or neighbours. You're invited to fill out the form that appears in the ad. This will give us the name of your nominee and the details of his or her act of kindness. kindness. We'll select a winner who will receive a prize package package from local merchants. Names of nominees will be posted so that all our Good Samaritans are recognized. POST-BUDGET BREAKFAST -- Durham MP Alex Shepherd will be following up on Finance Minister Paul Martin's new budget next week with a breakfast meeting for local businesses. The post-budget breakfast takes place from 7:30,a.m. to. 9 a.m, at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. That's on February 17th, immediately immediately after the tabling of the budget on Tuesday, February 16th. The local meeting is held in conjunction with the Clarington Board of Trade. The public is welcome to attend. Peter Hobb, a chartered accountant, will be on hand to provide technical analysis. Snowmobiles and Trailers Stolen Two Skidoo snowmobiles were stolen in Clarington last week. Both thefts occurred overnight Tuesday, February 2nd. The first Skidoo, a 1994 Mach 1, was taken from Prestonvale Road in Courtice. The other, a 1995 edition of the same model, was stolen from a home along Highway 115. Both trailers arc described as homemade. Sergeant Ted Dionne of Durham Regional Police ; Clarington says there's little which can be done to deter snowmobile thieves. In one instance, the stolen vehicle was chained and locked onto a fence post. "There arc just too many opportunities" for parts from stolen snowmobiles to be sold, he says. Sebastien Hers<o celebrates his firs! birthday this week on February 11th. Proud parents.Barry and Bonnie, sister Miranda; aunts Janice and Gail. Brimming with pride at the Coronation Restaurant are proud grandparents Johnny and Me Me Seto and Robert Hersco of Toronto Don't Miss a Single Issue Catch all the news, sports and advertising that make up our community. t,* , uv K" tv' Category 1 Sob. Subscribe™ who wish to pick up their own subscription at our offices after 11 a.m. Wednesday. You will lx? given a card to preaont each week when you pick up your Klateaman. Category 2 Subscribers within Canada Category !i Subscribers outside of Canada $25 $:$o $100 G.S.T. $1.75 $2.10 $7.00 Subscription Order Form I Naim;: -- I i Adiliemi:- Now Q or Konowal U Postal Codu: , 'IVluplumu No,: . 1 Menai! pay by choque, VISA, Miitdei Cnnl, or money order. , VIHA/MC Number: Kxpiry Ditto: SI) e Canabtmt Statesman P.O. Box 190, G2 King Strool West, Bowmanvlllo, Ontario, L1C 3K9 Second Class Mall Permit No. 1GG1 Enjoy your pizza right to the last bite r v> , with your choice of Italian Marmara or Creamy Garlic dipping sauces! yVw^iî I- / W WW a S m i i (J .. y j y Jf 4 \ J M \ ^ M H i y 5 K. 1 vfêxi I ..lA.l... -.-t -Jv îXJaiM W M is I Es I UilUl.VrtWfcv-iwi «fi -.»• ^ «