» The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanville, Saturday, February 13, 1099 Page 11 \ Facing Off at the Winter Carnival "Bonhomme Carnavalc," a familiar mascot in Quebec's winter carnivals, paid a visit to St. Stephen's Elementary School in Bowmanville recently. Here, he joins a group of students in a game of hockey. Other activities at "Winter Carnaval" included the crowning of a king and queen, ice-fishing, a three-legged race, bean-bag loss, and much more. The event was organized by the French Dept. Durham MP and Board of Trade To Host Post-Budget Breakfast Alex Shepherd, CA, CFP, member of Parliament for Durham, will host a post-budget post-budget breakfast at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreational Complex, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February 17 from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. in the Kinsmen Room. "It's important the business community and the public at large, have the opportunity to question their representative on how money is spent and the reasons reasons behind these decisions," said Shepherd, who chairs the federal government's economic caucus as well as being a member member of the government's Industry Committee. The breakfast will be held in conjunction with the 200-mem- ber Clarington Board of Trade who are beginning their second year as a business organization in Durham. The breakfast is also open to the public. "I'm pleased Mr. Shepherd is hosting what I see as an accountability session with the public on what the priorities of his government are with regard to the spending of our tax dollars," dollars," said Michael Patrick, president of the Clarington Board of Trade. Patrick, President of the Bowmanville Foundry Co. Ltd, which employs 45 people in Durham, said small and medium-sized medium-sized business is responsible responsible for the lion share of jobs created in the country country and his membership is interested in seeing what measures will be in the budget to sustain the growth Canada is experiencing. experiencing. Shepherd said it is important the federal government present a balanced account of the budget to the public and not just government opinion. Peter Hobb, CA, of the accounting firm Hobb Bakker Bcrgin Hill, will critique the budget as well as provide a technical analysis. Before being elected to Parliament Shepherd practised practised as a Chartered Accountant for 25 years specializing in tax. He was a senior partner in the firm Shepherd and Powell Chartered Accountants and was president of a number of companies companies operating in Canada and the United States. Cobourg Band Plays at Military Band Spectacular For more than 20 years, the Concert Band of Cobourg has officially represented represented the Royal Marines Association of Ontario and performs at many military military parades, tattoos and ceremonials under the name "The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines Association of Ontario". It is in this capacity that the Cobourg Band will perform with the Pipes, Drums and Military Band of the 48th Highlanders of Canada in Toronto on Sunday, February 21, 1999. The performance will take place in the 1100-scat Minkler Auditorium of Seneca College, 1750 Finch Avc. East, starting at 1:30 p.m. Headlined as "A Military Band Spectacular", this is the third year of an annual show which is becoming recognized by fans of military band music as a premier event in the Toronto calendar. In the amphitheatre setting of the wonderful Minkler Auditorium, the event is a visual and musical feast for the audience looking down on the massed bands resplendent in their colourful uniforms. The musical musical program will include popular pieces by both the Pipes and Drums and the Military Bands and special features with the combined massed bands. Supporters of the Cobourg band wishing to enjoy this spectacular concert concert may also obtain tickets by calling Bill Crawford at 372-0644. Minkler Auditorium is in Seneca College at 1750 Finch Ave. East, a short distance up the north extension of the Don Valley Parkway. 14th Oshawa International PSYCHIC FAIR CANADA'S BEST LIVE READERS INCREDIBLE BOOKS AMAZING CRYSTALS FREE LECTURES DEMOS & PRIZES Friday: 12-10 p.m. Saturday: 11-10 p.m. Sunday: 11-7 p.m. Admission $6 GOOD ALL WEEKENI February 19,20, 21 . Kinsmen Club 109 Colborne St. W. (at McMillan), Oshawa @jp F^lEPLEX ODEON CINEMAGUIDE CINESAVETUESDAYS ONLY $A25 ✓presenhdin ALL SHOWS "I 1 DIGITAL SOUND I NEW PUKING POLICY - CHILD, YOUTH 17 & UNDER, SENIOR, TUESDAYS t MATINEES $4.25 I SH0WTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 TO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Big Sisters Need Volunteers February is Big Sister Month! We are in especially great need of Big Sister volunteers to help out the almost 30 young girls on our waiting list. If you can spare 3-4 hours per week for a period of at least one year...our Little Sisters would appreciate your help. As a pre-requisite pre-requisite to the application application process for becoming a Big Sister, individuals must attend one of our monthly Orientation Sessions. The next session will be held Friends Of Music The Port Hope Friends of Music present the dazzling dazzling Canadian guitar virtuoso, Norbert Kraft, in concert with the renowned Diaz Trio, on February 19th, at the Capitol Theatre. The concert, at 8 p.m., features Beethoven's wonderful Trio in G major, Guitar Pieces by Brazilian composer composer Villa Lobos, and Paganini's captivating captivating Quartet #15 for String Trio and Guitar. Tickets are available at the door, or the Capitol Theatre box office (905) 885-1071. on Wednesday, February 17th from 7-8:30 p.m.. Big Sisters office, 555 Wentworth St., E., Unit 1, Oshawa. Please call to reserve or for more information call 725-9300. l ? 0 s> 1 1 Beü Piiimÿ» Mmm Hotel] The most unique waterfront setting in the region, serving the community for over 26 years. KzSf On Saturday, February 13th ENJOY THE VALENTINE'S BUFFET Featuring: Sliced Roast Beef in gravy, sliced Turkey in sauce, dressing, vegetables, scalloped potatoes, the complete salad bar with Lobster and Shrimp, along with a dessert table and tea or coffee. Also includes admission to the dance with the live sounds of "CORDOVA CROSSING" ALL FOR ONLY $24.95 PER PERSON Cover charge to attend only the Valentine's Dance on Saturday, February 13 - $5.00 IPeê OaoiigEii Mima HsM 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville (905) 623-4925 @Jp ✓ SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (AA) Fri-Tbur*: 7:45 Fri-Su\Tu<* Mat 3:30 ✓ MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (AA) Fri-Thui: 7,03,9:40 FtFSun Mat 1.00,3:40 Tuo# Mat: 3:40 ✓ PAYBACK(R) Fri-Tbur*: 7:40,9:50 Fri-Sun Mat 1:45,4:15 Tuoa Mat: 4:15 ✓ MY FAVORITE MARTIAN (PG) Fri-Tbcr*: 7:20,9:35 Frf-Sm Mat 1200, £30,4:45 Tut* Mat: 2:30,4:45 ✓ BLAST FROM THE PAST (PG) Fri-Th**: 7:30,9.45 Fri-Sun Mat 12:40,3:00,5:10 Tuea Mat: 300,5:10 ✓ PATCH ADAMS (PG) Fri-ThLn: 7:15,255 Frt-Srn Mat 1 JO,4 00 Tuo» Mai: 4.00 ✓ STEPMOM (PG) Fri-Tbur»: 215 ✓ RUCRATS-THEMOVIE (F) Fri-Sut Mat 1210.220 TUos Mat: £20 A O VIL ACTION (PG) Fri-Tbur*: 7:25,255 Fri-Sun.Tuo*M*t4-.20 ✓ WPS ALL THAT (PG) FriTHat: 7:35.250 Fri-Sin Mat 1:15,3:30 Tuo* Mat 3:30 ✓ WAKING H ED DE VINE (PG) Frt-THr*:7.05 Fri-SuvTuo* Mat £00,4:15 ✓ SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (AA) Fri-Thun: 6:50,225 Fri-Sun Mat 1:20,4.05 Tuoe Mat: 4.05 ✓ SIMPLYIRRESISTIBLE (PG) Fri-Tbur*: 7:10.220 Fri-Sun Mat 1220.4:50 TUo* Mat: 4:50 ✓ PRINCE OF EGYPT (PG) Fri-Sun Mat 1:10 saving private ryan ft . . •■srrr- GfVWU l OU VI 11WU161. ItUTIt rama, lWillSg"* un NOE IKOHUUHDID (OR (KADIEN. FAIT OFfINO VOMI "A LOVE LETTER TO THE HEART. GLORIOUS AND ROMANTIC." LOUIS B. HOBSON, CALGARY SUN From The New York Times Bestseller. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE llSn Î.'SÜÏE. oéSEsI tmm men FRASER SUVERST0NE jr ting Plate Women seeking... LET'S CONNECT Single while female, 21, lull tigered, employed, enjoy sports, dining & dancing, dancing, outdoor activities. Seeking a male who knows how to treat a lady, has a good sonso ol humour and a good (load on his shoulders. AD#5147 WINTER DREAMS Single white lomalo. 33, attractive, soaking o singlo malo, who Is tall, roady for family lilo, commitment and lilo llmo ol companionship. ADW5117 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo lomalo, 27, 5W, 125lbs, long brown hoir and oyos, lovo to laugh, onjoy movlos, donclng, dining out, outdoor outdoor activities. Soaking n malo, 25-32, honosl, slncoro, 5'4'7, conlldonl, nnd In good shnpo, ADI/50G4 FRIENDSHIP ONLY Separated whlto lomalo, 22, 5'5", hnvo 1 child and 0 month prognnnl, dork brown oyos nnd dark brown hair, onjoy movlos, nil typos ol music, animals, kids. Booking a malo. 2-1-30. prolorrod black, employed, non-smokor, social drlnkor, 1G0-170lbs, lamlly orlonlod. AD/15073 FRIENDSHIP Singlo whlto lomalo, 18, blond hair and | bluo oyos, onjoy movlos, music, sports. Socking a whlto malo, 18-20, with similar similar interests. ADS5058 FUN TO BE WITH Singlo white lomalo, 21, 57", reddish- blond hair, bluolsh-groon oyos, honosl, outgoing, vory octlvo, fun to bo with. Booking a malo, around samo ago, who has an Interest in art. ADK-1935 LEVEL HEADED Singlo white lomalo, non-drlnkor, smoker, smoker, onjoy animals, music. Soaking a malo, 23-2-1, lovol hooded, non-smokor, who Is Into iho bar scono, with similar Interests, to go out to dinner and talk. AD#4999 ROMANTIC MOMENTS Singlo lomalo, 35, attractive, friendly, outgoing, roady to oxploro now pleasures. pleasures. Sooklng a mate lor long lorm relationship. AD#479G LOVELY LADY Singlo lomalo, 39, 5'fl", employed, no children, onjoy long walks, horseback riding, Iravol, dining & dancing. Sooklng n malo, non-smokor, employed, with similar Interests, ADII-1872 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext.88 LET'S HAVE COFFEE Single female, 38, non-smoker, 5'8", employed, no children,- onjoy dining & dancing, long walks, horseback riding. Seeking a male, 67, honest, sincere, caring lor lasting relationship. ADM6B5 LIGHT MY FIRE Single while lomalo, polite, fire-lighter. Seeking a male, 33-40, no couch potatoes, potatoes, no flame loo hot to handle. ADU4599 WINTER ROMANCE Separated while lomalo, 34, 5'11", medium medium build, honest, hardworking, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, onjoy long walks, horses, good conversation. conversation. Seeking a malo, honest, tall, considerate, good sonso of humour. ADU4908 NIFTY 50'S Single lomalo, early 50's, 5'3", brown hair & oyos, 130lbs, attractive, enjoy canoeing, working out, Ihundor storms, palming, candlo making, reading, honest, honest, caring, compassionate, spontaneous. spontaneous. Seeking a male, 45-55, lor lasting lasting relationship. ADH4815 STARTING OVER Singlo divorced female, 34, Bowmanvillo area, 5'3", 150 lbs., vory shy, onjoy many outdoor activillos, looking lor gentleman gentleman with similar interests. Ad# 4041 ROMANTIC AT HEART Singlo white lomalo, 5'2", 113lbs, dark brown hair & eyes, onjoy outdoor activities, activities, sports, movlos, dining & dancing, creative, loves children. Sooklng o mafo with similar Interests & values. AD#4487 SHARING HOPES & DREAMS Singlo lomalo, loving, coring, willing to sltaro hor lilo, onjoy motor cycles, going to tho boach, dancing, qulol tlmos. Sooklng a malo, 30-45, nonost, slncoro, likes lo cuddlo & laugh. ADII4281 BIG & HUSKY Singlo lomalo, 57", brown hair & oyos, easy going, onjoy animals. Sooklng n big & husky malo, 67, dial onjoys lilo & outdoor aclivilios. AD#4291 SEEKING ROMANCE Singlo lomalo, pollto, professional, blondo, romantic, prolly, III, onjoy anliquos, old cars, wolghl lilting, travelling, travelling, dancing, sooklng a mnlo who Is charming & easy going. Ad# 4008 SPICE TO MY LIFE Singlo lomalo, nllocllonato, looking lor somoono lo bring splco Into my lilo, sooklng n mnlo, I all, good build, caring, honosl, good sonso ol humour, who onjoys dancing, music, camping & children. children. Ad# 3916 LIKE FISHING Singlo lomalo, 37,6'5", 150 lbs., going lo collogo, also work part llmo, onjoy fishing, fishing, canoeing, sooklng a mnlo who Is slncoro, romantic, luit loving, sonsual & nonsmokor, Ad# 3740 Men seeking.. Questions?? 416-236-6644 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH Single malo, 32, 6', 190lbs, blond hair, bluo eyes, employed, hard worker, enjoy hockey, water skiing, swimming, skating, skating, camping, movies, quiet times. Seeking a lomalo, 27-33, attractive, employed, with similar interests. AD#5158 NO HEAD GAMES Separated white male, 32. 6', t95lbs, vory spontaneous, enjoy long drives, picnics, hockey, skating, outdoor activities, activities, coltago weekends, movies, quiet romantic, evenings. Seeking a lomalo. 28-33, attractive, employed, who likes children, has a sense of humour, is honest honest and sincere. AD#5114 GIVE ME A CALL Singlo white malo, 38, 5'9", clean shaven, enjoy dining and dancing, long country walks. Booking a lomalo, who Is a good cook, with similar interests. AD#5072 WANTED: SUNSHINE GIRL Singlo malo, 38, 5'10", III, employed, spontaneous, brown hair, hazol-groon oyos, enjoy swimming, long walks, picnics, picnics, doing things logelhor. sooklng a lomalo, 20-35, with bluo oyos, altraclivo, sizo 6-7, with family values, who loves farm lilo. AD# 5022 LET'S CHAT Singlo malo, 5'9", 155lbs, dirty blond hair, bluo oyos, onjoy sports and outdoor outdoor aclivilios. Sooklng a lomalo wilh a good sonso ol humour, and a good conversationalist. conversationalist. AD#5048 BE HONEST Singlo malo, 31, 5'10", medium build, soll-omployod, good listener, sonsllivo, honosl, conlldonl, caring, onjoy movlos, sports, romantic ovonlngs. sooklng a lomalo with similar Interests. AD#4060 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND Singlo malo, goldon brown hair, hazol oyos, 5'10", slncoro, honosl, athletic, onjoy reading, writing, sports, swimming, swimming, dancing, camp tiros, walks along Iho Boach, lonnls, fishing, roller blading, romancing. Sooklng a boautiful sunshine sunshine girl. AD#40B0 CASUAL FUN RELATIONSHIP Separated mnlo, 41, 57", slim, clonn cut, bluo oyos. Sooklng an Intelligent lomalo, honosl, kind, likos lo oxploro hor lanlaslos and now things. AD#4007 NEW TO THE SYSTEM Singlo white malo, 5'11", 170lbs, onjoy Iho simple things In lilo, sports, Iho outdoors, outdoors, vory onsy going, sooklng n lomalo, not Iho slim modol typo, to hnvo Ion nnd onjoy lllo's ploasuros. AD#4905 FINE DINING Singlo white mnlo, 28, 5'tO", IGOIbs, altraclivo, sandy blond hair, hazol-groon oyos, non-smokor, social drlnkor, well ostabllshod llnnncinlly, onjoy reading, outdoors, movlos, qulol tlmos. Sooklng an altraclivo lomalo, 20-30, who Is warm honilod and Intnlllqnnl. AD#40?5 To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 The cost of the 900# is only $2.49 per minute SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER Singlo mate, 570". 168lbs, well build, easy going, loves lo travel, open to new ideas, enjoy long romantic walks on the beach, romantic moments, slow dancing. dancing. Seeking a prolly, polite, attractive lady who enjoys weight lining, travelling, antiques, and lots ollovo. AD#4813 FAMILY VALUES Singlo dad, 570, 170lbs, tall, dark, & handsome, young at heart, clean cut, loves cooking, kids, animals, tho outdoors, outdoors, spending weekends travelling, non-smokor. Sooklng a lady 5'4"-5'9 , 115lbs- 120lbs, with a zosl lor lilo, sharing, sharing, gonerous, open minded, and cuddly. cuddly. ADW4748 OLDER WOMAN Sinnlo mate, 40. attractive, loan build, sooklng an altraclivo, older woman, for casual got logothors and dancing, dining, dining, and to havo lun. AD#4751 LET'S CONNECT Singlo malo. blond hair, grocn oyos. 5'9', 170lbs, athlolic, onjoy tennis, Iho outdoors, qulol ovonlngs. Seeking a special lady with a god sonso ol humour, lo onjoy Iho special moments with. AD84756 CASUAL DATING Singlo whlto mnlo, 30, 570", 170lbs. rospcctablo, down to earth, now lo Iho area, onjoy working out, having a good llmo. Sooklng a lomalo in tho area lor casual dating. ADW46G9 CARIBBEAN BORN Singlo block malo, 5'8", 160lbs, soll- omployod, travels olton. onjoy dining and dancing, romantic ovonlngs, outdoor outdoor aclivilios Seeking a lomalo, non- smokor, social drmkor, white, 25-30, lor sortons relationship, ADW4G72 LET'S HAVE COFFEEI Singlo mal. 41, slim, hnndsomo. Sooklng an oldor, attractive, slim, young thinking woman. ADII4500 ROCK & ROLL Singlo dad, 32, 571", 175lbs, brown hair, bluo oyos, musincho, on|oy Harloys, Rock 8 Roll, sports, horseback riding, havo lalooos. Sooklng a lomalo lo spoil lor a lilo llmo. AD#4513 OLDER WOMAN Singlo mnlo. 40. slim, cloan shaven, kind, gunorous, liko animals, mco poison, poison, seeking a slim, nllracllvo, oldor woman. ADH4510 Alternative lifestyles.. Bl CURIOUS Bi curious male, 40, married. 67", 220lbs, live in tho Clarington area, clean, discrete. Seeking males ol similar similar ago or couples for discrete daytime daytime encounter, AD#4857 JUST CURIOUS Married white lomalo, 32, has 2 children, children, is seeking a bi-soxual lomalo lor curious first encounter. AD#4567 NOTIES Male, 30, 571", 160lbs, brown hair, blue oyos, short beard. Looking lor a malo wilh similar Interests lor casual got together and nolics. AD#4477 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Singlo while malo, 38, 5'8". 170lbs, from Iho Bowmanvillo area. Seeking a malo, ago not important lor discrete encounters. AD#4389 FULLY FEATURED Singlo malo, seeking a Iranssoxual wilh lull tentures lor daylimo encounters, encounters, discretion oxpoclod & assured. ADH4415 OPEN MINDED Altraclivo couplo, lato 20's, indopon- dont, opon minded, easy going, vory secure. Sooklng a bi-curlous malo in his 20's lor tun & advonluro. ADW4312 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Singlo malo, 5'9", 165 lbs., groon oyos, handsome, well built, work oui dolly, onjoy sports, bowling, cooking, drivo in thontros, sooklng n sho-mafo who is woll toned, til, trim, trustworthy, lun loving, sincoro. Ad# 4234 DURHAM REGION White bl-mnlo, 35, 67", blondo hair, bluo oyos. sooklng olhor bl-mnlos lor casual got logolhor. Ad# 4190 JUST HAVING FUN Singlo lomalo, 120 lbs, altraclivo, hi- curious, blondlsh brown hair down lo waist, bluo oyos, onjoy working out, dancing, walking, going lo bars K just having lun, sooklng n lumnlo or lomnlos lo oxploro Iholr bl-curlous sides. Ad# 4100 OPEN MINDED Attached malo, 30, professional, cooking cooking an opon minded altraclivo couplo inloroslod In hoi daylimo encounters, Atlii 4133