Page 10 The Claringlon/Courlice Independent, Bowmanvillc, Saturday, February 20, 1999 Your Guide To: Health, Hobbies and Entertainment Vegetarian Cooking Class Artists at Work Students in a drawing program at Bowmanville's Visual Arts Centre are shown above as they concentrate concentrate on their work last Saturday. The art class was creating paintings inspired by life in the swamp. A vegetarian diet is one of the keys to health and long life. Vegetarianism is also the diet of the present for the future. Now the "Healthy Choices" vegetarian cooking class and health lectures in Bowmanvillc will teach what is healthy to eat and what tastes good, too. Participants don't have to be nutrition experts and they don't have to go on starvation diets, say organizers. Helpful information, along with tasty vegetarian recipe demonstrations and health lectures make the "Healthy Choices" lectures popular. Many nutritionists now agree that vegetarian diets arc healthier, easier and more economical. Down-to-earth information information to better health is taught at the Healthy Choices classes. classes. For example, eating less or no animal fat reduces risk of cancer, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Beta- carotene - found in dark green and yellow vegetables, also helps protect from cancer. People who maintain their ideal weight tend to live longer and healthier than people people who are just 10 pounds overweight. "Healthy Choices" starts February 22 at the Seventh- day Adventist Church, 2850 Hwy. #2 at Lambs Rd„ Bowmanvillc. This very popular seminar allows participants to touch, taste, see and hear about vegetarianism vegetarianism and healthy living. This seminar is conducted by the Bowmanvillc SDA Church as a community service. service. Pre-registration may be done by phoning 623-6031 or 438-0987. 14th Oshawa International PSYCHIC FAIR CANADA'S BEST LIVE READERS, INCREDIBLE BOOKS AMAZING CRYSTALS FREE LECTURES DEMOS & PRIZES Friday: 12-10 p.m. Saturday: 11-10 p.m. Sunday: 11-7 p.m. Admission $6 GOOD ALU WEEKEND February 19, 20, 21 Kinsmen Club 109 Colborne St. W. (at McMillan), Oshawa p ClARINGlON Pi AC. F ClNFMAS Hwv2& 57 BOWMANVILLE ivosi 69/ o.ioa CINESAVE TUESDAYS only $A25 Œl™ nE ALL SHOWS DIGITAL SOUND SHOWTIMES FOR THE WEEK OF FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19 TO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Royal Bank Seniors' Jubilee Seeks Cast The producers of the widely acclaimed Royal Bank Seniors' Jubilee are inviting performers aged 55 and over, from across Ontario to audition for this year's variety show extravaganza, extravaganza, to be held August 16- 20,1999 in Toronto's prestigious prestigious Roy Thomson Hall. The Jubilee, a celebration celebration of ageless talent, joy and vitality provides thousands thousands of performers with the opportunity to fulfill a dream, to advance their talents talents and be challenged anew. Continuing the tradition established in 1989, Canada's largest seniors' entertainment . showcase will present singers (soloists, duets, quartets and choirs); dancers (ballroom, lap, folk, doggers); musicians musicians (popular, nostalgic, classical, bands (dance, fiddle fiddle and concert bands), comedians, cabaret and novelty acts...all featured in a professionally staged production. production. It is never too late to live a dream...fulfill a fantasy...stand fantasy...stand in the spotlight! To arrange for an audition, audition, please send your name, address, telephone number with a brief description of the act (including ages) to: Glenda Richards and Wayne Burnett, Richburn Entertainment Inc., 260 Queen's Quay West, Ste., 2805, Toronto, ON, M5J 2N3, or Fax: 416-260-5627. Deadline for applications is April 30, 1999. ✓ SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (AA) Frf-ThurK 7:45 Frf-Smjuw Me<: 3:30 ✓ MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE (AA) Fri-Thm: 7:00,9:40 Fri-Sunjuei Mai: 1:15,400 ✓ PAYBACK (R) Frf-Thur* 7:40,9:50 Fri-Sunjun Mat: 1:45,4:15 ✓ MY FAYOWTE MARTIAN (PG) FrRhur* 7:15,920 Frf-Sun,Tuw MM: 12.00,225,4:45 ✓ BLAST FROM THE PAST (PG) Frf-Thurs:725,9:45 Frf-Sunjbw M* 12^0,3:15 ✓ PATCH ADAMS (PG) Fri-ThufK 7:20,9:55 ✓ OFFICE SPACE (AA) (No Pwsw) Fri-Thw 730,9:45 FrFSunJu* Met 125,3:45 ✓ OCTOBER SKY (PG) (Nd Piwh) Fri-Thurt:7:10,9:35 Fri-Sun,Tues Met 1,00,335 ✓ ELIZABETH (AA) Fri-Thdrs: 6:50,930 FrFSun,1Ue« MM: 1:30,4:10 ✓ SHCS ALL THAT (PG) Frt-ThurK735.9-.50 Frf-Sunjuw MM: 12:45,3.00,5:15 ✓ SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE (AA) Frf-Thur* 6:50,930 Frf-Sun,'rUisMM:120,4.-05 ✓ A BUG'S UFE (PG) FrFSun,Tu* MM: 1230,2:45,5.00 ✓ PRINCE OF EGYPT (PG) Frt-Sun,TuM MM: 1:10 saving private ryan PAYBACK Festival Players Present 'The Waltz King" A COMEDY FROM MIKE JUDGE, CREATOR OF 'BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD' Office iRSWtfl "A LOVE LETTERTO THE HEART. GLORIOUS AND ROMANTIC." LOUIS B. HOBSON, CALGARY SUN t i v a 1 y e r s Fes P 1 a Philharmonic Society and Artistic Director Stephen Riches announce their second concert of the season entitled entitled "The Waltz King", to be held at the Whitby Free Methodist Church, 1916 Rossland Road East, in Whitby on Friday, February 26th and at the Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church Street North in Ajax, on Saturday, February 27th, 1999. Both concerts concerts begin at Car Raffle How would you like the chance to win a brand new Neon. In regular car raffles raffles your chances of winning arc slim - one chance in 100,000 or more but in the Bethany Hills School Raffle your chance is one in 2000. Amazing odds! The school is doing this fund raiser for their information technology technology program. You could help the school and have the chance of winning the car. Tickets are only $20. Call Joanne Duquelte at 705-277-2866 for tickets or in form alio n. Don't delay, the draw is on February 27lh. 7:30 p.m. The Festival Players will be joined, for the first time in any concert series, by the Philharmonia Singers under the direction of Christopher Cotton. Tickets are available at the door. For information tickets subscriptions subscriptions call (905) 471-6926. more or From The New York Times Bestseller. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE IIWI •• 9 Make the most of your stopover Great vacation stopovers begin at Delta Toionto Airport Hotel IS,mb mur ni'M slay ai Della Tnmiilu \irpori Motel llirmigli your Iraxcl agenl and cmjos a xavaiimi sto|)o\i*r al a xerx alfordahle rale. Whether you're just selling mil or on \our wax home. Della is llic ideal place lo iinxximl helore the iicxl leg ol xoiir trip. IK II, parking. I i days l ltia; airpori simule lopcralcs 11 hours per day I | Children miller IS stay I REK il sharing a room xxilh parents ■ Children (> anil under eal FREE 4 Della Toronlo Airpori Holel I-800-(>()8-N-h (Canada & VS) levins X ( uudilimis; . I...X -U mill.. 11.1 . I ,1 uni, ..I , !.. , Is in V . ! . .|, .in I i * i .l.-ul-l up hi. p. i pi i 11 i"J n ■ , .,1,1 n,l uliili p, i i,..,in p. i iii-lit ni.isiimim l ixluli s pi i lollin' ■ loi, i . • « 'ui i ,i. -lo. . no, liul, ipplu ,1,1. i.i LET'S HAVE COFFEE Single female, 38, non-smoker, S'S", employed, no children, enjoy dining & dancing, long walks, horseback riding. Seeking a male, 6'+, honest, sincere, caring 1er lasting relationship. AD#4685 Men seeking... EASY TO GET ALONG WITH Single male, 32, 6', 190lbs, blond hair, light my fiae blue e y es . employed, hard worker, enjoy Mawjffli.sgi.'-.SKE AUIM5SS AD#5158 WINTER ROMANCE Separated while female, 34,5'11", medi um build, honosl, hardworking NO HEAD GAMES Soparaled while male, 32, 6', 195lbs, ompÆo», sSd!E ffin 0n Saak'mo S SMWtt mivtos . qStol rnn=uinra?n k nnnH elfnco nUnmnn ' romantic, evenings. Soaking a lemalo, iniMonR 3 e ' 9 °° d se s ° humour - 28-33, altracllvo; employod, who likes Muffsauu children, has a sense ol humour, Is hen- NIFTY 50'S est and sincere. AD#5114 Single lomale, early 50's, 5'3", brown rluP MP , . hair & eyes, 130lbs, attractive, onjoy S| . white male 38 5'9" cloan DaSn 0 |fno 9 'candto n maklha h roadinq°hon- shaven ' enjoy dinlng'and'danclng, long Eli .K^^===&n=i a 0 d ^! country walks. Seeking a lemalo, who EEl'nE Qon'unETm Jd En â S (E,°k,=i" is a good cook, wilh similar Interests, noous. Socking a male, 45-55, lor last- Annanvo ing relationship. ADM815 A To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 The cost of the 900# is only $2.49 per minute STARTING OVER Women seeking... LET'S CONNECT Single while lomalo, 21, lull ligurod, employod, enjoy sports, dining & dancing, dancing, outdoor aclivilios. Soaking a malo Soaking a whilo malo, 18-20, wilh similar similar Inlerosls. ADH5058 WINTER DREAMS Singlo whilo lomalo, 33, altracllvo, sooklng a singlo malo, who Is tall, roady lor family lilo, commitment and lilo lime ol comjtanionshlp. AD#5117 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo lomalo, 27, 5'4", 125lbs, long brown hair and oyos, lovo lo laugh, onjoy movios, dancing, dining oui, outdoor outdoor aclivilios. Sooklng a malo, 25-32, honosl, sincere, 5'4"+, conlidonl, and In good shapo. ADH5064 FRIENDSHIP ONLY Soparalod whilo lomalo, 22, 5'5", have has anlnlorosl In art. ADH4936 LEVEL HEADED Singlo whilo lomalo, non-drlnkor, smok- or, onjoy animals, music. Sooklng a malo, 23-24, lovol hooded, non-smokor, who Is Into Iho bar scono, wilh similar Inlorosls, to go out to dinner and lalk. AD/,4999 ROMANTIC MOMENTS Singlo lomalo, 35, allracllvo, Irlondly, oulgolng, roady to oxploro now ploa- likos to cuddlo & laugh. ADM281 suras. Sooklng a malo lor tong lorm charming & oasy going, relationship. ADI,4796 SEEKING ROMANTIC PARTNER Single malo, 5'10", 168lbs, well build, easy going, loves to Iravol, open to new Ideas, enjoy long romantic walks on tho beach, romanlic momonls, stow dancing. dancing. Seeking a pretty, petite, attractive lady who enjoys weight lilting, travelling, antiques, and lots ollovo. ADK4813 FAMILY VALUES Singlo dad, 5'10, 170lbs, tall, dark, & handsome, young al hoarl, clean cut, lovos cooking, kids, animals, the outdoors, outdoors, spending weekends travelling, non-smokor. Seeking a lady 5'4"-5'9, 115lbs-120lbs, with a zest lor lilo, sharing, sharing, generous, open minded, and cuddly. cuddly. ADH4748 OLDER WOMAN Singlo malo, 40, allracllvo, loan build, sooklng an altracllvo, oldor woman, tor casual got logothors and dancing, dining, dining, and to have (un. AD44751 ■ LET'S CONNECT Singlo malo, blond hair, groon oyos, 5'9', 170lbs, othlolic, onjoy tonnls, Iho outdoors, qulol ovonlngs. Sooklng a special lady wilh a god sonso ol humour, to onjoy Iho special momonls wilh. AD/14756 CASUAL DATING Singlo whilo malo, 30, 5'10", 170lbs, rospoclablo, down to earth, now to tho area, onjoy working oui, having a good llmo. Sooklng a lomalo In Iho area lor casual dating. ADW46G9 CARIBBEAN BORN polite, professional, Kofcach'Kl^llshlna^olïrbtoTnn' Singlo black malo, 5'8", IGOIbs, soil- :lc, protly, III, onjoy r nmnncïnV 0n Snnklnaa 9, b r oaumul sum omployod, travols often, onjoy dining s, weight tilling, Iravol- m-KEESE An/nann 9 ° bonu u 5Un and dancing, romanlic ovonlngs, out- door aclivilios. Sooklng a tomato, non- smokor, social drinker, while, 25-30,1er serious relationship. ADH4G72 WANTED: SUNSHINE GIRL Singlo divorced lomalo, 34, Bowmanvllle fmnianoous ïrown hàh'hazoï-aroon marfy ou Ul oor 5 act ! v ifl os ^ U>ok I n g 7 ! o ° g en^ Jjics S, dolngf ïïigs^togéthe? 'seoking'a Homan wilh similar Inlorosls. Ad# 4041 "0^10.20^35, w^th blue eyes, attrac"?vo ROMANTIC AT HEART ValU ° S ' Wh ° '° V ° S FRIENDSHIP Singlo while lomalo, 5'2", 113lbs, dark ,arm " ,0 ' Au " Singlo while lemalo, 18, blond hair and ||L 0 "En h nn<: & mro,u;= Gn ji?ninn lLET ' S CHAT bluo ayes, enjoy movios, music, sporls. !^ 8 2 li 8bo f 8 '™u fef 11 Single malo, 5'9", 155lbs, dirty blond --- hafr. bluo oyos, enjoy sports and out- with similar Inlorosls & valuos. AD/J4487 doQr act j V j t j 0Si sooKlng a fomalo with a qhapimp wnDFQ #. nDCAiiQ good sonso ol humour, and a good con- Single whlt^tomlK 57", reddish- Singlo lomalo, loving, caring willing to vorsallonallst. AD#5048 Singlo malo, 31, 5'10", medium build, soll-omployod, good listener, sonslllvo, honosl, conlidonl, caring, onjoy movios, sporls, romanlic ovonlngs. sooklng a lomalo wilh similar Inlorosls. AD#4860 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND BIG & HUSKY Singlo lomalo, 57", brown hair & oyos, baS I 'Ehm Gntovslifn A « , ■» um, = « w»».», nuldonr a S ctinl 0, AO#429t 0n 0yS & Singlo mal °' 9° ,don b,own halr ' hazcl outdoor aclivilios. AD#4291 oyo g, 5'10", slncoro, honosl, athletic, onjoy reading, writing, sporls, swimming, swimming, dancing, camp pros, walks along SEEKING ROMANCE Singlo lomalo blondo, romanli Nng? U dancJng° sooklng a 3S'Is =>" bb Olrl. AD#4B80 Adll 4000 CASUAL FUN RELATIONSHIP Soparalod malo, 41, 57", slim, cloan B ol 0 onr,o 0 bMng° C -pTcolnlot^llto oomoono to taring ^p co intomy' mo, nn( , nnw lhlnn .^ A d#4887 SPICE TO MY LIFE employed, drlnkor, 1 GO-170lbs AD#5073 family orlonlod To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext88 LIKE FISHING Singlo lomalo, 37,6'6", 150 lbs., onjoy tho "simple things In lilo, spoils, Iho outdoors, outdoors, vory onsy going, sooklng a lomalo, nol Iho slim modol lypo, to Imvo collogo, also work part llmo, onjoy iPsh- * un and on l° y lil0 8 Pl° asuroa ' AD#4905 ing, conoolng, sooklng a malo who Is slncoro, romanlic, lun loving, sonsunl & nonsmokor. Ad# 3740 Questions?? 416-236-6644 FINE DINING Singlo whilo malo, 28, 5'10", IGOIbs, allracllvo, sandy blond hair, hnzol-groon oyos, non-smokor, social drlnkor, woll oslnbllshod financially, onjoy rondlng, ouldooio, movios, qulol times. Sooklng on allracllvo lomalo, 28-30, who Is warm hnnilod and Inlolllonnl. ADH4820 LET'S HAVE COFFEEI Singlo mal, 41, slim, handsomo. Sooklng nn oldor, allracllvo, slim, young lliinklng.woman. AD#4500 ROCK & ROLL Singlo dad, 32, 8'11", 175lbs, brown Imlr, bluo oyos, muolncho, onjoy Harloys, Rock & Roll, sporls, horseback riding, Imvo Inlooos, Sooklng a lomalo to spoil tor a lilo llmo. AD/14513 OLDER WOMAN Single malo, 40, sllnt, cloan ohitvon, kind, gonorous, like animals, nlco person, person, sooklng n slim, allracllvo, oldor woman. ADN4G1G Alternative lifestyles... Bl CURIOUS Bi curious malo, 40, married, 6T, 220lbs, live In tho Clarlngton area, clean, discrolo. Sooklng males ol similar similar ago or couples lor discrete daytime daytime oncounlor. AD#4857 JUST CURIOUS Married whilo lomalo, 32, has 2 children, children, Is seeking a bl-soxual lomalo lor curious lirsl oncounlor. AD#4567 NOTIES Mato, 30, 5'lt", IGOIbs, brown hair, bluo oyos, short board. Looking lor o malo wilh similar Inlorosls tor casual got logothor and nolios. AD#4477 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Singlo whilo male, 38, 5'0", 170lbs, from Iho Bowmanvillo area. Sooklng a malo, ago nol imporlanl lor discrolo oncounlors. AD#43B9 . FULLY FEATURED Singlo malo, sooklng a transsoxual wilh lull loaluros lor oayllmo encounters, encounters, discretion oxpoclod & assured. ADII4415 OPEN MINDED Allracllvo couplo, Into 20's, Indopon- dont, opon mindod, oasy going, vory socuro. Sooklng o bl-curlous malo In Ills 20's tor lun & advonluro. ADW4312 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP Singlo malo, 5'9", 105 lbs., groon oyos, Imndsomo, xvoll bulll, work oui dolly, onjoy sporls, bowling, cooking, drlvo In (hoalros, sooklng a sho-mnto who Is woll lonod, lit, trim, Iruslworlhy, lun loving, slncoro. Ad# 4234 DURHAM REGION Whilo bl-malo, 35, 6'1", blondo hair, bluo oyos, sooklng ollior bl-malos tor casual got logothor. Ad# 4190 JUST HAVING FUN Singlo lomalo, ,20 lbs, allracllvo, bl- curlous, blondlsh brown Imlr down lo waist, bluo oyos, onjoy working oui, dancing, walking, going to bars 8 just having lun, sooklng a lomalo or lomnlos lo oxploro tnolr bl-curlous sldos. Ad# 4100 OPEN MINDED Allnchod malo, 30, professional, soaking soaking nn opon mindod allracllvo couplo Inlornslod In hoi dayllmu oncounlors. Ail# 4tnn