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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1999, p. 18

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Page 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, March 31, 1999 Section Two Fund-Raising for Lupus Association Angela Dcvonisli, Worthy Matron of Durham Chapter 181 of the Order of the Eastern Star, is working on a quilt that will be used to raise money lor the Durham Region Lupus Association. Above, Dcvonisli (left) is pictured with Sharon Gayle and Lavcrnc Nimigon of the Lupus Association at the O.E.S. Bazaar last weekend. The group was selling stuffed animals to raise money for Lupus research. Men's Group Learns About Valley 2000 Solina News by Harvey Yellowlees "It was not so very long ago that you couldn't wait to get the salary that you can't live on today." "Happiness is finding your glasses soon enough to remember why you wanted them in the first place." At bowling this week the Hi C's took 4 points so they have 39 now. Solina has 36, Hampton 33, Courticc 23, Ncwlonshaw 11 and My Team still has 2. Clarence Bray won the 50/50 draw. Good luck to My Team this week. The Women's Institute women had another succcssful casscrolc luncheon on Wednesday noon with entertainment entertainment supplied by the Port Perry Seniors Choir. A lovely spring evening brought out enough people for ten tables at cards in Hampton. Winners were (high) Lloyd Broome 104, Vivian Barrett 85, Alice Beech 83, Vi Ashton 76, Ruby Smith 75. Most lone hands - Lloyd Broome. Most honest player : Win Brown. .Special number - Doreen McLean. Lucky draws - Muriel Butson, Mark Malhison, June Marchant (2), (she had to take some home to Matt), Barb Cochrane. See you this week. Thursday was a quiet night, with not much excitement but on Friday night there were 10 3/4 tables for cards at Solina with several winners. High - Marie Brooks 94, Verna Slutc 94, Kay Kelly 86, Lyle McMahon 83. Most honest player - Leona Wilson, (she had some poor partners). Special number - Em Brown. Most lone hands - Marie Brooks 8. Lucky draws - Bernice (Me) Watson, Doreen Brock, Lois Yellowlees, Lyle McMahon, Charles Kelly, Verna Slutc, Doris Hills, Leone Wright, Clarence Bray, Franc Svctcc. Some folks from the village attended attended the euchre tournament on Saturday evening sponsored by Mitchell's Corners Home and School group. Sunday afternoon was very busy along our road - folks were walking, biking, skating and driving, enjoying the mild spring weather. With the beautiful Sunday morning there was a better attendance at El dad to celebrate Palm Sunday and the reception of new members. Kevin Connelly led in the Prayer of Approach. Larainc Bennett was the lay reader. Fred and Bernice Watson were the greeters. The choir sang "Jerusalem 33 A.D." Cindy Ashton and Don Taylor sang a duct "Said Judas to Mary". Jennifer Eve Morawctz and Kevin Roy Connelly were confirmed and celebrated celebrated their first communion. Alison Fitzgerald was welcomed as a new member of the congregation. Before the service the Sunday School pupils carried in the palm branches and at the completion of the service distributed them to the audience. audience. Reverend Munro's message was "Blessed is the One Who Comes". It was good to sec Carol Knox of Grimsby at the service for her niece's confirmation and a visit with mother Eileen and the Morawctz family. There will be a Maundy Thursday service at Eldad at 7:00 p.m. April 1 and a Good Friday service, also at Eldad at 10:00 a.m. April 2, Easier Sunday, April 4 will be celebrated at the regular time of 9:30 a.m. Eldad U.C.W. will meet April 5 at 7:30 p.m. for their Easter meeting. You may come and bring your friends to any of these events. There were 20 men from Eldad, Hampton and Zion at the Men's Breakfast at Zion church Sunday morning. After the usual good meal, Doug Caston spoke and showed a video on the Valley 2000 project. The Enniskillen U.C.W. met on March 17th. There were ten ladies and President Lois Nimigon chaired the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. We arc asked to save all A&P cash register tapes, turn them in to any member. A new Devotion book has been purchased purchased for use by any member. The U.C.W. arc catering for a Guide and Brownie dinner, several volunteered to help. The Spring Renewal Program will be held at Ncwtonvillc on April 10th. Ruth McGill and Margaret Stainton Tyrone U.C.W. News vwai,,,<>„ Bus Trip Planned to See "Joseph" Orono News by I. Chaliice. Quote - "Christian faith is a grand cathedral, with divinely pictured windows. Standing without, you can sec no glory, nor can you imagine any, but standing within, every ray of light, reveals a harmony of unspeakable splendors". Nathaniel Hawthorne. With spring around the corner we wish all friends and neighbours a very happy and blessed Easter. A very merry and happy birthday to my close neigh- hour, Mrs. Mary Tamblyn, ' who on March 31 celebrates her 8Slh birthday. Orono Town Hall Card Party May Tabb 84, Reid Harness 80, Ruth Grady 77, Ray Staples 76, Edgar Millson 75. Low score - June Wilson. Lucky draws - Clare Mcuhnan, Olive Little, Clifford Frances, Joyce Cowan, Ruth Grady, Charles Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Lakeficld, were last Thursday visitors with her sister, the Challiccs. Speedy get well wishes to all who arc ill. The bank has several employees who are off ill. Our Laurie is off and several others. Mrs. Caswell is doing well. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morrison, Hi I Iciest Lane, Orono, the new owners of the former "Rolph Hardware" store, Main Street. Remember all residents of the Orono and District Community meeting this Thursday, April 1st in St. Saviour's Church hall, Mill St. at 7 p.m. for an important meeting of community Orono and Kirby United Churches Wheelchair facilities are available at Orono. Please ask our ushers for assistance. Nursery facilities arc available at both churches. Friday, April 2, Good Friday service at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, 9:30 a.m All arc welcomed. Sunday, April 4, Easter services: Sunrise Service at Lang Chapel, Orono Cemetery, 7 a.m. Easier Breakfast at Kirby, beginning at 8 a.m. Communion Service at Kirby 9:30 a.m. Donations accepted for East Clarington Food Bank. Regular Service at Orono 11 a.m. Healing Service at Orono 7 p.m. Sunday, April II, regular service at Kirby 9:30 a.m. Communion service at Orono, 11 a.m. Donations accepted for the East Clarington Food Bank. Following the service at Orono there will be a lunch served. The Choir is your host. Bus Trip - Book now for the U.C.W. Bust Trip to Osliawa Little Theatre Thursday, May 6lh to see "Joseph and the Amazing Tcchnicolour Dreamcoat". Enjoy lively music, humour and dance. Contact Dorothy Robinson 983-5059. Regal - Spring Catalogues are now available at the front of Kirby and Orono Churches. Contact Heather Johnston at 983-9891 to place your order. A Young People's Group has been re-started on Thursdays, from 6:30 - 8 p.m. in the lower C.E. Hall. Any young persons between the ages of 12-14 are welcome. We ask them to bring $1.00 an evening to help cover the expenses. Baptism: On Sunday, May 9, Family Sunday, there will be an opportunity to have your child baptized or perhaps perhaps you arc interested in baptism for yodrself. Please contact Reverend Mervyn Russell at 983-5502. Luncheon Out Program - ■ The Community Care monthly monthly lunch is Wednesday, March 31, 12 noon. Please call Community Care at 623-2261 to reserve you place. Durham Complex News The regular monthly dinner dinner meeting was held Thursday, March 18, in Complex Hall, with 51 members members in attendance. A delicious chicken dinner was served and enjoyed by all. The Orono United Church Pathfinders group did the . clean-ups and our gracious thanks! The hall was beautifully decorated for St. Patrick's and the flowers were courtesy of Mardi's Florist, Whitby. The music was supplied Enniskillen UCW News had prepared a short program. Ruth read a poem and Margaret gave the Devotion from Colossians 3 - 10-13. The offering was received and dedicated, dedicated, and several cards were signed and sent to some of our friends who arc ill. We had invited some men and ladies to come and as the meeting finished finished we had tables ready and all enjoyed several card games and croki- nole. Afterwards, we all finished with a lunch and a social hour. All the church cookbooks have been sold and another three dozen have been ordered. If you wish one call any member. It's "Good Country Cooking". Submitted by Pet of the Week Hi, I'm Starr. I'm a clean, happy, 10- monlh-old German Shepherd cross. Come down to the Clarington Animal Shelter off Liberty Street and meet me. Pet Friendly Tip Remember - pets can be spayed and neutered at six months of age. xX iii 1 V 'I n,' Sponsored by: /\ Call !M \ ___ . S7\. uuraimiiyor (905) 623-7651 taring ton. ©j.p. PNI,,in A small group of ladies met on March 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the Sunday School room and started started the meeting with worship. After this Elsie Roy read the minutes from our last meeting and Jean Slemon gave lire treasurer's treasurer's report. There will be a presbyierial executive meeting Wednesday, March 31 si at St. Mark's United in Whitby, beginning at 9:30 a.m. until noon, Don't forget forget "Spring Renewal" at Ncwtonvillc United on Saturday, April 10th, The speaker will be Belly Turcotte. Conference will be held at Bobcaygeon on Wednesday, April Milt and Thursday, April 15lh. Betty Turcotte will speak on Wednesday and Dr. Alan Bennett will he the speaker on Thursday. On June 9th, prcshytcrial executive and presidents will meet at the Blind Mission in Stoulfville at 10 a.m. Lunch will he available for $10,70 and a louroflhe facility is arranged for Ihe afternoon. Future dates to mark on your calendar - Fall Regional Meeting, evening of October full at St. Mark's, Whitby, and in the afternoon of October 13th at Tyrone. Also, preshyte- rial annual meeting on February 10, 2000, at Orono United Church. Bessie Vancyk provided us with a very interesting program concerning Elizabeth Cady Stanton born November 12, 1815 in Johnstown, N.Y. Elizabeth was "a pioneer advocate advocate of the equality of men and women," and she "was the best known, the most conspicuous and has been named the most important suffragist and feminist feminist reformer in 19th century America." Elizabeth led the litst women's rights movement for almost 50 years. Our thanks to Bessie for a very interesting, program; alter which we enjoyed refreshments. refreshments. Our next meeting will lie al the church, Wednesday, April 14th. Swulru Milne DURHAM REGION çeVsfhYy't'-j/'o Yuhti'o- / ~ 'p A- DURHAM R E CION 19 7 4 19 9 9 HOLIDAY CLOSURE OF THE REGION'S WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES The Region's Waste Management Facilities in Osliawa, Port Perry, Blackstock and in Brock Township will be closed Friday, April 2, 1999 for Good Friday. Normal operations will resume Saturday, April 3,1999. V.A. SILGAIUS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS (o.i n by "Bonnie and Friends" and as always it was very enjoyable enjoyable and brought the evening to a close. Our next euchre party is April 8, 1:30 p.m. Bouquets of daffodils were handed out from Church Sunday morning. Mrs. Dahlia Campbell is in charge of the flowers. Communications Specialist Addressed Farm Group by Jacqueline Vaneyk With the first signs of spring, the sale season has begun. Farm sales arc always interesting and a little little bit sad. It means someone someone is selling items they have worked with and valued. valued. It also means a chance for patrons to exchange information and catch up on the news. We hope improved weather carries over in to improved health for all those who arc ill. Special good wishes to Ethel Goble, who has been in Bowmanvillc Hospital. A couple of serious car accidents in the neighbourhood neighbourhood lately should remind us all to be extra careful. Durham Farmers' Co-op banquet and annual meeting was held last Thursday in Port Hope. Eleanor Wood was the speaker, once again reminding us to be as positive positive as we can in difficult times. Lorraine Oliver and Gord Barrie were re-elected to the Board of Directors. Durham Federation of Agriculture held their annual annual banquet in Ncstleton on Friday. Guest speaker here was Crystal Mackay, of Crystal Clear Communications. Crystal is also Communications Specialist for Ontario Pork. The Farm Family plaque was presented to Don Drake Tyrone News by President Paul Haddon; Don has worked in farm organizations for many years. Besides the Region Federation display, the Farm Safety Association posters made us aware that the busy season is coming and safety needs to be a primary primary concern. Blackstock Skating Carnival was presented on Sunday afternoon. Angela and Sarah Vancyk were among the large number of children taking part. A terrific terrific job was done by the organizers! Easter Services arc as follows: Thursday at 6 p.m. in Enniskillen Portable will be a Maundy Thursday supper. supper. Friday at Enniskillen Church at 7 p.m. is the Good Friday service. Also at Enniskillen at 6:45 on Sunday morning is a Sunrise Service, followed by a Pancake Breakfast. Easter Services arc at 9:00 a.m. at Enniskillen and 10:45 at Tyrone. Information on any of these services is available from the church at 263- 4107. Everyone is welcome. Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead! Newtonville Card Results There were twelve tables of card players at Ncwtonvillc Hall on Friday evening, March 26. Winners of the euchre games were: 1st Doris Joli with 89 points, 2nd Ron Burley 81, 3rd Ron Gibson 78, 4th Percy Jakcman 76, 5th Lil Boldcrstonc 75 and two had a score of 74 - Wilma Kirk and Alf Pigolt. Draw winners were Ed Hoad, Ron Gibson, Doris Joli (2), Helen Rose, Morlcy McAllister, and Frances Cathcart. The next card party al Ncwtonvillc will be held on Friday, April 9th. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE The Heritage Community Recognition Program is offered annually by the Ontario Heritage Foundation to recognize individual contributions and commitment in the field of heritage conservation. Nominations are being accepted until June 30, 1999 in the following categories: Cultural heritage: efforts to preserve and protect customs and traditions Natural heritage: efforts to preserve and protect significant natural sites such as wetlands, woodlands, grasslands and geological land formations Built heritage: efforts to preserve and protect provincially-significant heritage buildings If you know of an individual who should be rewarded in one of these categories, please contact the Clerk's Department, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, L1C3A6. Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Municipality of Clarington Date of Publication: March 31,1999 CS-Ind. 5162 - MUNICIPAUT Y OF (jJarirtqton THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The Municipality of Clarington in co-operation with the Region of Durham, is proposing improvements to the following streets in Bowmanville as part of its 1999 Construction Program: • Division Street from King Street to Queen Street • Wellington Street from Scugog Street to Temperance Street • Silver Street from Church Street to Wellington Street • Elgin Street from Wellington Street to Horsey Street • High Street from Fourth Street to Meadowview Boulevard • Martin Road from Alonna Street to Prestonway Drive The work on Wellington Street, Silver Street, Elgin Street and High Street will include full reconstruction of the roadway and replacement of some of the underground services such as watermain, storm and sanitary sewers, The Division Street project will include some minor watermain replacement and rehabilitation of sidewalks, curb, gutter and the asphalt driving surface. On Martin Road, a new sidewalk will be constructed on the east side of the roadway, the road grade will be reshaped to improve sight distance, and storm sewers, curb and gutter will be installed. An Information Centre will be held on Tuesday, April 6, 1999, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street in Bowmanville. You are cordially invited to attend the Information Centre, Preliminary design drawings for the proposed reconstruction projects will be available for your review and staff will bo on hand to answer questions. Your local knowledge of the area and input can provide valuable Information for finalizing the design plans. If you are unable to attend and require further information, you may contact the undersigned with any Input, questions or concerns. Construction of those projects is subject to approval of tho 1999 Capital Budget by tho Council of the Municipality of Clarington and tho Region of Durham. A.S. Cannolla, Manager of Engineering Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 /7\. MUNICIPAL! I Y OF (glaring tori ONTAIIIO Onto of Publication: March 31,1999 CS-624B

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