t Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, May 5, 1999 Section Two I Seen and i Heard ' STRIKE UP THE BAND -- The ; Concert Band of Clavington will < host a Mother's Day Concert ! Sunday, May 9th, at the Orono Town ' Hall. It begins at two p.tn. Bring your Mom and enjoy an afternoon of music. A donation of $2 per person is requested. PARTNERS IN CRIME-FIGHT- , ING -- Since April of 1986, the ; Crime Stoppers program in Durham ; Region has been responsible for over 1,430 criminal arrests and the • solving of 1,830 eases. Over $13 ' million worth of narcotics and stolen property were recovered, thanks to Crime Stoppers. If you have any ; information that might help police 1 nab criminals, call 436-8477 locally or use the Canada-wide toll-free number of 1-800-222-TIPS. Don't forget that you never have to give your name. Through a confidential personal code number, Crime Stoppers can issue cash rewards if your information leads to an arrest. SIGNS OF THE TIMES? --We'd swear that was an election campaign sign we saw posted in front of a home on Middle Rd. on the weekend. weekend. But, since the election hasn't yet been called, we can't be certain. .Maybe they were just taking out the sign for a test drive. Incumbent MPP , John O'Toole has said he's expecting expecting an election call. The Durham Liberals had a contest at the • Kinsmen Home Show on the week- I end in which participants were invit- ! cd to guess the date of the next ; provincial election. And, as for the ; New Democrats, they're having a ; yard sale, jumping castle and barbe- i cue at their headquarters at 185 I Duke St., just off Liberty St. in Bowmanvillc. That event lakes ; place Saturday, May 8th. We suspect ; that by the time you read these ; words, the provincial election may ' be on. : HOST FAMILIES NEEDED -- ; The Canada World Youth Exchange ; program with Ukraine is coming to Bowmanvillc this summer. A group of 18 young people between the ! ages of 17 and 23 will visit the town ; ;to immerse themselves in living and ; working here. There will be nine • students from Ukraine and nine ,'from various parts of Canada. Canada World Youth Exchange is looking for host families or work placements for each pair of partici- ; pants (one Ukrainian and one ; Canadian). If you can help, call Jane ■ Kali, Project Supervisor, at 623- • 1 0621. The project supervisor can also give further details about this ; program. You may recall that last ; year, Bowmanvillc hosted a similar ■ Youth Exchange between Canadian 1 and Russian Students. That event ! proved to be very successful. ; CADET INSPECTION -- The ; annual inspection of the Royal ; Canadian Sea Cadet Corps 279 is set I Tor Sunday, May 30th. It takes place ! at the Orono Arena, with LCom D. I poster, CD, the Commanding ; Officer and MPP John O'Toole the ; reviewing officer. 4-H Senior Dairy Club Giving It Some Juice Chris Jones got to play the role of a lineman at Clarington Hydro's Display at the 13th Annual Kinsmen Home Show. The Home Show ran last Friday through Sunday at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex in Bowmanvillc. It featured more than 120 different displays. (Mgutiil OJ-IT MUT Wane.: ■!, liMj iwWhTlT DUNN'S in the Oshawa Centre Dunn's Carry Boys' Suits Sizes 16, 18 and 20 $ 129 DUNN'S Mit OPEN: Tailors - Oshawa Centre Across from Reitmans WE CARRY SUIT SIZES FROM 31 TO S2 SUNDAY 12:00-5:00 MON. TO FRI 10:00 9.00 SATURDAY 9:306:00 On April 26, this year's first Durham East Dairy Club meeting meeting was held at the Baseline C o m m u n i t y Center in Bowmanvillc. The Senior Dairy Club is open to people 15 to 21 years of age and runs throughout throughout the summer. The objective of the club is to train and show a dairy calf in the Orono Fair in September for an achievement achievement project. The senior members also help the younger members in the Junior 4-H Dairy Club with their animals. Our next meeting will be held on Monday, May 3rd at 8:00 For more in for- 5812. p.tn. at Frank illation call Glenn Press Reporter Barkey's house. Barkey at 655- Morgan Millson f PONTIAC. w BUILT FOR DRIVERS' * 1999 SUNFIRE COUPE Down Payment Lease Payment Total Due On Signing 11 2.2 litre engine, 115 HP • 5-speed transmission ■ 4-wlfeel anti-lock brakes ■ PASSLock 1 " theft-deterrent system • Next Generation dual air bags • Tinted glass • Rear spoiler $0 $235 / mo inh $1,398.25 $1,620 $18 8/month $3,207.20 $3,000 $149 /month $4,749.35 ffTotal due on signing includes down payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, PST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and admin, fees extra. Make the Call to Crime Stoppers Crime Stoppers works because people like you lake the time to make a call. :This unique crime solving •partnership comprised of the public, police and the news media has been lighting lighting crime in Durham Region for the past 13 years. A group of community community minded citizens from all .walks of life makes up the (Durham Regional Crime -Stoppers "Board of Directors". When you call Crime .Stoppers you arc given a .personal code number that ■you will use to identify •yourself when making all ! future calls to the program. If the information you supply supply leads to an arrest you become eligible for a cash reward. Remember as a caller you will never have to give your name or testify in court. At Crime Stoppers we do not use Call Display. Since April of 1986 Crime Stoppers in Durham Region has been responsible responsible for over 1430 criminal arrests, 1830 eases solved, 4340 charges being laid and 13 million dollars in seized narcotics and stolen property property recovered. If you have any information of criminal activity why not make the call to Durham Regional Crime Stoppers. Remember we're interested in What You Know not Who You Are. Our numbers arc: locally at 436-8477 or Canada Wide Toll Free at I- 800-222-TIPS. GM of Canada a Corporate Sponsor Of Mobility Cup 99 The GM of Canada Mobility Program for Persons with Disabilities .will take to the water this summer as a corporate sponsor of "Mobility Cup 99" - an international regatta regatta for disabled sailors. To be staged at the Toronto Waterfront, September 12-17, Mobility Cup 99 is a grass-roots event lor sailors of all ages who have disabilities. It is being presented through a partnership formed by the 'Sport Alliance of Ontario, the Ontario Sailing Association and the Disabled Sailing Association of Ontario. "The partnership of Spoil Alliance, the sailing associations and corporate sponsors is a model of how to develop and fund events in this province, which is why we are delighted to support this unique and exciting regatta, on behalf of the GM Mobility Program," said Taycc A. Wakefield, vice president, corporate affairs at GM, Hi iiiiiipi 2.4 litre engine, 150 1 11' • 5-specd transmission • 4-wheel anti-lock brakes ■ PASSLock' theft-deterrent system • Next Generation dual air bags • AM/PM stereo with CD player ■ Air conditioning • Cruise control ■ Tinted glass 19 9 9 5 U N F I 11 Ii GT COUPE Down Payment l.ease Payment Total Due On Signing ' so $27-1 51,468.10 51,600 S228 111011.1 S3,230.20 S3,000 SI 88/m 54,794.20 ffTotal due on signing includes down payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, PST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and admin, fees extra. PONTIAC PERFORMANCE PACKAGE 2.2 litre engine, 115 HP • Automatic transmission • 4-wheel anti-lock brakes • PASSLock' theft-deterrent system • Next Generation dual air bags - Rear spoiler • Air conditioning • AM/PM stereo • Power door locks • 15" wheels and covers • Aluminized stainless steel exhaust system 1999 SUNFIRE SEDAN Down Payment Lease Payment Total Due On Signing SO $25 8/month $1,424.70 $1,400 $21 8/month $2,988.70 $3,000 $ 1 7 2/month $4,775.80 ffTotal due on signing includes down payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, PST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, P.P.S.A. and admin, fees extra. 2.4 litre Twin Cam 150 I IP engine - Hold and exciting new design • All-new chassis, with exceptional rigidity • 4-wheel anti-lock brakes • 4-speed automatic transmission with Enhanced Traction System • 4-wheel independent suspension - Power door locks - Tilt-Wheel"' - PASSLock' lliei't-delerrent system 19 99 PONTIAC GRAND AM SI: Down Payment Lease Payment Total Due On Signing so S3 S 1,609.25 $2,050 $3,845.45 $4,(100 $ 180/m,mil, $6,021.25 I i l'm.il <lnv mi signing Imluilvs itmvn payim-m, fivlylu, svcin lly iti-|Misli, 1st numili's |uymvm pins lam.tiST, I'ST-unlp.isi.is, I ImiiT, Insurance, P.P.S.A. ainl lulmln. fees nun. /-<.:/b ; 8§l§ ; T.-'" 1 I'LlVJ jSiiliiüi i ii ieliVr'Th WB1WS1 lip® ,3800 Series II V6 195 UP engine • 4-speed automatic transmission with Enhanced Traction System • Wide-track stance • Next Generation dual air bags • 4-wheel ami-lock brakes ■ AM/I'M stereo with CD player-Air conditioning - Rear seat pass tlini • Power door locks/windows - Tilt/cruise • Rear spoiler 1 999 PON TIAC GRAND PRIX GT Mum / tiyiiii'iil /.e, lie I'.iywait Total Due On Signing $0 $399/moiu h $ 1,980.35 $3,600 $288/moinh $5.867.70 $5,000 $2'15/iiionili $7.378.25 ffTotal due mi signing includes down payment, freight, s deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, PST and g Licence, Insurance, P.P.S.A, ami admin, fees extra, W'q MO 'mn. A*™ v i !i|pi , -y ' |' , ; -1 '-/Vt «WV'MtrWk m security gas tax. f * ONLY AT YOUR ONTARIO PONTIAC DEALERS. Wn'tl llko you to know mom: Como visit in nt your local tloulor, cm our wfilmllo ol www.Hmciimula.com or call 1 000 OM OniVIl. 'lOllom haood on a Ounflto Coupo It//. Gimllro Gi Coop» 11//. tîunfim lîml.m ll/Z/Graud Am ll/i), Grand Prix GTII//. Annual cowl ol boirowliuj UITVI.O'ÜVI.UIb/îi .PîVO.OIû par annum. Annual kllonmlm limit 20,00 km. $0,12 par t oxcmin kllonmlm. Ollmr Innsn o|ilioim nvailablo, l.iconco, Innuranco, P.P.OA, admlnlMrnlion loon, and taxon not Includod. Daalor may «toll or loarai lor tonn. H'manclnu on approvod XL ( .MAG r oirlit only. Ixamplo: $I0,(M)() ol Ml ";, API I, I!to iimnlhly paymonl h $210,(it lor <10 munllm, Coni ol hoirowloo In $002,40, Total obliuallon In $10,302.40. Lxamplo: $ 10.0(H) at 4.0 APIl, tim nmntlily paymonl h $:•;•<) in fur Cost ol tmoowlnfi in $1,032.32. iolal oliliflatlon In $11,032.32. Down paymonl, Irada and/or oocunly doponll may ho ro<|olrod. <j Monihly p.iyiiinnl and c:ot.| of hormwmii will vmy doponduiti on mimunl honowod and down payimml/liatla. 'IIOIIoiii apply lo rmloc.t 1000 now or domonnlrator inodoltt, mid lo y- qualilmd cut.loiimm in Onlailo only (oxclutliiw iiitiiulur llay and Konora). Umitod lima ollom which may not ho comIHnod with otlior (ilium, Doalor oidor/liado may ho nocowmiy, Don your ilo.iloi(n) lor amdilumtt and tlolalln. wwwumnmad.i com In a liatjmnaik ol Gonoial Malum Coiporatlon.