The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Wednesday, May 5, 1999 Section Two Page 5 S *V,„V 'V-x , ;v, V* , t-Z74 Vir ^T v*-,-'V 4 '» Tree Planting Day Six-ycar-old Beaver Carly Skan got a hand from Big Brother Jonathan, a Scout, as they planted trees at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station Saturday. They were among about 200 Scouts who look part in the event. The group hoped to plant about 1,600 trees. The planting is part of Darlington's site biodiversity program. program. Large Crowd Attends Hymn-Sing by I. Challice Quote - "Life is like a garden, and friendship like a flower, That blooms and grows in beauty, With the sunshine and the showers!" showers!" Well dear readers the latter item is becoming a scarce commodity commodity these days! Just watching the farmers out in fields working the lands amid clouds of dust! Lake Ontario is at its lowest level in a long time. Some farmers arc already planting corn, which is rather carly for this crop! Congratulations and best wishes to the bride, and groom of 50 years, Jake and Wilda Middleton who celebrated this happy event on Sunday, May 2nd in I.O.O.F. hall. A large crowd of family, neighbours and friends gathered to bring best wishes. Beautiful flowers, cards and gifts were on display. Mrs. Evelcne Bark (nee Brown), of Peterborough was a visitor last Friday evening with Mrs. Mary Tamblyn. Sure glad to sec in paper "Tree Planting" is on at Darlington Nuclear Station. Trees arc a very necessary part of our lives. And, with all the thousands and millions millions of trees lost to this generation generation from our midst, here in Orono, one wonders if enough are still being planted anywhere! I'm sure many people share my enthusiasm for your lovely edition of "Retrospect". Brings back family memories, as my grandmother "Susan Matilda Prout" was born, along with brothers Alex and Everson Prout all in the former Darlington (new Clarington areas). Many family members still live in this area. Remember all area members and interested citizens our coming coming meeting for Orono District and Community Association will meet May 10, 7:30 p.m. in lower hall of Orono Town Hall, for business and election of officers. A large crowd gathered in the main hall of Orono United Church Wednesday, April 26. The ladies of St. Francis of Assisi served a delicious dinner of "Chicken Delight". The ladies were thanked for a lovely dinner by a gracious show of hands. With an invitation by Dini Schocnmakcr, volunteers from the audience were called on for an impromptu entertainment. Orono does have some excellent talent! Robert Chatcr recited the lengthy poem, "Dangerous Dan MacGrcw" and it was much enjoyed by all. Next came Jeanne Staples to recite a poem, "The Masterpiece" • by Rudyard Kipling. Joyce Cowan brought a poem "The Road That Counts" and all the above were thanked for their fine talent and especially their fine memory! The program included a presentation presentation by Edward Millson who spoke of the "Origins of Movies". An excellent program and all volunteers. volunteers. Next meeting will be next September. Our gracious thanks to the Community Care and to Dini and Klaus Schocnmakcr for all their splendid splendid help! Town Hall Card Party Elaine Doty 84, Liz Reynders 80, Marie Couroux and Ann Julicher 78, Velma Jakcman 74. Low score - Bill Orono News Grady. Lucky draws - Mae Tabb, Marie Couroux, Shirley Bubar, Jean Allen, Ray Staples, Gladys Greenwood. An Ecumenical Jubilee Service supported by churches of all kinds across Clarington will be held at Orono United Church, 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 16th. This will be an upbeat celebratory celebratory service with Janet Somerville, the Director of the Canadian Council of Churches as our guest speaker. Join in the world-wide Jubilee movement. Buffet Salad Luncheon, Wednesday, May 5th, from J 1:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Orono United Church. Call Carol 983-5326, Dini 983-5311, or Lorna 983- 5608. Orono House Committee meets on Thursday, May 13, 7 p.m. followed by Orono Pastoral Charge official board at 8 p.m. Both meetings will be at Kirby United Church. Kirby Sunday School would like to thank everyone who was involved with the Easter Breakfast. After grocery expenses we made $110.00. Also, please hand in pop tabs by May 23. Thanks again, Heather Johnston. Finally some good news, Sunday we hear from the T.V. the excellent news from Kosovo, the 3 P.O.W.'s taken from the existing existing conflicts have be released. St, Saviour's News Food Bank needs all items. Fellowship Breakfast: Open meetings at 8:30 on last Saturday of each month at the Dutch Oven. Always a new topic. We will need Sunday School teachers for the fall. If you arc interested please call Marg Lofgrcn. Teaching materials will be available. Salad Supper is on May 19 and tickets arc now available. There will be two sittings, 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. from Charles Gray. Advisory Board Meeting is on May 13, at 7 p.m. A large crowd at the Special Sunday afternoon service at Orono United Church. Guests Bowmanville Salvation Army Band, guest soloists Nancy Chisling and Mcrvyn Russell. Fifteen of your favourite old time gospel hymns were much enjoyed by all! Refreshments were served following the service. service. A very happy family reunion for the 80th birthday of Bruce Yco, at the home of daughter Carol and Ivan in Pontypool Royal Estates. Bruce had already celebrated, but daughter Carol had been away, so today (Sunday) a large family of cousins and family. Cousin from farthest was Lois Haues, St. Catharines, others were from Peterborough, Oshawa and Hampton. The oldest cousin present present was Mr. Ross Pooley, Bowmanville. Those front Orono included Scott, Alvin and Ruth Yco, Orville and Isabelle Challice. Cartwright Band Wins Gold Medal by Joyce Kelly Congratulations to Vera and Vernon Asselstine who celebrated celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary over the weekend. On Saturday the family gathered gathered at their home for a barbecue barbecue and a great visit together. Present were their family - Gerald Asselstine of Oshawa, Alan and Mary Asselstine, Tania and Michael of Ottawa, Mark Asselstine of Hamilton, Les and Leah Asselstine, and Rob of Kitchener, Gayle Asselstine of Oakville, Teresa 'Asselstine of Orangeville,. Floyd and Ruth Asselstine, -Michelle and Craig, Colin and Teresa Asselstine, Jennifer and Sara all of Blackstock. On Sunday an Open House in Vera and Vernon's honour was held at the Parish Hall, St. John's Church with a large crowd of relatives, local friends as well as friends made during their Florida stays in attendance. Heartiest congratulations to you both. Many from the Blackstock area attended the Open House on Sunday afternoon at the Nestlcton Hall in honour of Dorothy Lee on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Many happy returns to you, Dorothy. Next Sunday afternoon an Open House will be held at the Nestlcton Hall in honour of Lome McKee's 90th birthday. I am pleased to report that Mrs. Ruth Thompson has recovered from her broken hip to the point that she has been returned to the Port Perry Nursing Home following stays r CL " & save"coup0n 7 in both the Oshawa and Port Perry Hospitals. Ruth will welcome welcome visitors now that she is feeling much better. A preliminary announcement announcement of an event that has not happened in Blackstock for at least 60 years - An Orange Parade will be held in Blackstock on Monday, July 12 at 7 p.m. Following the parade a social time will be held in the arena. Congratulations to the Senior Concert Band from the Cartwright High School as it won a Gold medal at the Oshawa-Whitby Kiwanis Music Festival last week. Best, wishes from our community goes with the band as it goes now to the National Musicfcst which will be held at York • University. Our band will compete compete on Thursday, May 20 at 9 p.m. Blackstock Bladerunners Synchronized Skating Team is holding a fundraising CarWash and Barbecue on Saturday, May 8 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Reid's Independent Grocer in Port Perry. Come and support the team in their efforts to raise funds for the upcoming competitive competitive season. Next weekend, May 8 and 9 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Turner's Greenhouses will be holding the annual Open House. The Martyn family along with Shirley Turner will be there to welcome you. There were 15 tables at the weekly card party on Tuesday evening with the following winners - Roy Worry, Kay Blackstock News CLIP & SAVE COUPON BROKEN WINDSHIELD? WE RAY UR TO $300.00 TOWARDS DEDUCTIBLE II Div. of 3012276 Nova Scotia Limited FREE MOBILE SERVICE I r - ONE NUMBER DOES IT ALL - . 1-800-658.3904 ! PETERBOROUGH • CAMPBELLFORD ♦ LINDSAY I • BOWMANVILLE • OSHAWA • UXBRIDGE • ORILLIA • MINDEN | Guaranteed U216 Robot Installation Expires May 20,1999 . Some restrictions apply. | ■ CLIP & SAVE COUPON ... CUP & SAVE COUPON! Brown, Art Gibson, Velma Johnston, Vivian Kidd, Teresa Bcrker and Gary Nottenboom. Lucky draws were won by Gary Nottenboom, Art Gibson, Verna Robinson, Bernice Wells, Helen Dorrcll and Cord Finney. This week is the monthly pot luck supper which will be held at 6 p.m. followed by euchre at 8 p.m. At the regular morning service of the United Church, special music was provided by the guest choir from Norwood United Church with three fine anthems. Reverend David Shearman preached his sermon on "Kings and Priests." As the time for graduations is fast approaching, I ask families families to please let me know of family members who have completed their studies. It is always a pleasure to share this happy news with the community community St. John's News Two of the younger parishioners parishioners at St. John's were in the limelight on Sunday morning. Father Hugh presented medallions medallions to Rachel and Stephen Kubovic after the service. These medallions are awarded to young people who complete an "apprenticeship" as Altar Servers. Rachel and Stephen are two very active members of our congregation. They both arc members of the church's team of Scripture Readers and, indeed, they arc both very good readers. Botli arc members of the choir of the church school. Congratulations, Rachel and Stephen! St. John's was pleased to welcome Vernon and Vera Asselstine as they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with a reception in the Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon. Members of the church's Hospitality Committee, served refreshments to the many family family members, friends and well- wishers who thronged the hall on this auspicious occasion. We, at St. Joint's, all join in congratulations to Vernon and Vera with our prayers that they may enjoy many more years of happiness. Because the hall had been set up for the Assclstincs' party, coffee time after Sunday's serv- TOP QUALITY SOD Retail • Wholesale $130 Jj per roll HOURS: MON. - FRI. 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. SAT, 8 a.m, - 5 p.m,; SUN. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. VISSERAS SOD FARM ... 905-263-2126 Screened " h ' TOP SOIL $15°° cubic yard Q ac g Mitchell's § w Comers E z Sa 5 z TAUNTON ï BD, E. O h ■ VIhhui-h Sod Karin d i Œ c ui ice, was held in the church grounds thus providing an opportunity for everyone to spend time enjoying the gorgeous gorgeous weather. It was noticeable noticeable that the crowd stayed around for rather longer than usual...there's something about fine weather that makes people prefer chatting to going home to cut the lawn. Much as we enjoyed the sunshine, we did pray, earnestly for rain! Sunday, May 30th, will ' mark an important anniversary for. the Anglican Communion. It will be the 450th anniversary of the introduction, by : Archbishop Cranmcr in 1549, of The Book of Common Prayer. This was the first English-language prayer book to be used by the then, infant Church of England. (During the first years of the Church of England, the designated prayer book had been the Sarum Rite Liturgy which was, of course, in Latin). Father Hugh announced that, at St. John's, we will celebrate this event by using the Eucharistic Liturgy as written in that first Book of Common Prayer. (The Book of Common Prayer has undergone many revisions, some major and many minor, since its introduction). introduction). Hugh indicated that some rather lengthy sections may be cither shortened or omitted...if used in its entirety, the original liturgy would result in a church service lasting about three hours! This certainly certainly promises to be interesting. By Colin Beal 4-H Meeting On Thursday, April 22, the Blackstock 4-H Club had their Achievement Night. We met at the United Church then carpooled over to Framer's Gallery. After looking at the paintings, we went to Just B-Cuz and then to Lishman's. After we looked at the furs and die fur coats, we went to the public library to sec the paintings paintings by Clint Jammer at the Farndalc Gallery. We then went back to the church for pizza and awards. Our leaders judged our book covers. First place went to Phillip Kadowaki, second to Nicole Bccchey and third to Erin Wyllic. Honourable Mentions went to Natalie Bccchey, Janice Kadowaki, Jordyn Clark and Christine Yellowlecs, Mary Van Camp received her 6 project pin, Eileen McLaughlin from the Women's Institute, presented gifts to Nicole Bccchey, Janice Kadowaki, Matt Rickey, Sarah Rickey and Mary Van Camp for completing six projects. All the 1st time project club members received a 4-11 sign and plaque. The other members were presented with third bar for their plaque. A very .special thanks went to Randy Johns for making frames for our polar hear pie- lures ami to Ginny Masters»» lor teaching us lmw to do a folk art painting, The biggest thanks goes to our leaders: Cathy Anderson, Janice Bccchey, Gail Johns ami Taliya Moore. All the members enjoyed painting the polar hear and learning how to sketch. Press Reporter Natalie Beeeliev //i We Service What We Sell 1996 Intrepid // Fully loaded. ONLY M 1,695 iHÜH 4 door, with air. Only 47,000 km. *11,495 SB ITS. m Loaded with 132,000 km. $ 9,985 1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL Loaded, finished in teal blue, 70,000 km. $ 12,995 1991 Volkswagen Jetta 5 speed, diesel. 4,995 ■*~j> -:-x Good running car. ONLY $ 1990 Daytona 3,795 1990 Pontiac Sunbird LE 134,000 km. ONLY $ 4,485 1 1989 Buick LeSabre 1990 Mazda 323 2 door, 4 cylinder, standard. ° ni$ 3,995 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix 4 door, very clean, 123,000 km. ONLY . „ *7,285 rfmUe SaCe& "KJc S&wcce WAdt KJc Sett" (905) 728-2755 520 Taunton Rd. East Oshawa