I Page 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, May 12, 1999 Section Two Darlington Provincial Park ENJOY CAMPING, BIRDING, HIKING AND A GROOMED SANDY BEACH ALONG LAKE ONTARIO - JUST OFF OF THE 401 (EXIT 425)! CAMfIN'f!: 315 silcs (135 with hydro) many which overlook Lake Ontario. All season washrooms, showers and laundry facilities. Site specific reservations are available. Monthly leasing rates available. WALKING TRAILS: Extensive trails and footpaths throughout with connections to Waterfront Trails and Second Marsh Trail systems. Scenic lookout over Lake Ontario. DAY USE ACTIVITIES: 3 large picnic areas with resemble shelters and BBQ's. children's playground groomed sandy beach on Lake Ontario. Park store and canoe and paddle boat rentals. Excellent birding and nature observation. Park open for day use year-round. Camping available May through October. Call (905) 436-2036 or www.cwise.com/darlpark.hlm for information. ONTARIO PARKS rTZ ■■ ■■ -- 1 ■■ ■■ ■■ $E E K CHZEJ 11 N ÏD\ FIND THESE WORDS IN THE PUZZLE SELOW. ALMANACS BEESWAX JACKS PICKAX PIGGYBACKS RACKS SETBACKS SNACKS SUBTRACTS THORAX TRACKS WISECRACKS THE WORDS READ UR DOWN AND ACROSS. A P I C K A X S S D W I S E C R A c K S F G U G J L 0 p C C B G B E R T Y U A A E Y T H O R A X B N E B R A C K S w T A S A A Q S D A N E M W C C s N A C K S L A K T R A C K S M a' X S S ■ W J A C K S L TICo P ■ C U R E TAC* Ls-:-.v."a.' : x<4vX>.n.>5. x.v XvXvS: Xva.v. z.-x Color in each space that contains a letter. TOE WHICH TWO ARE EXACTLY ALIKE? talk Cat W Zm 'From RUSSIA: Amur Leopardi 4 SlberianTigers » • From ASIA: Snow LeopardslChineie Leopards *8» From AFRICA: Cheetahs, Lions, Servals, Caracals, Sand Cats From SOUTH AMERICA: Black&Spotted Jaguars From CANADA: Cougars, Lynx, Bobcats Grizzly Bears A River Otters Listen to the lonely howl of the Wolves • Marvel at the World's smallest primates, Marmosets • Enjoy the funny antics of various monkeys • Pet free roaming Deer, Goats, Peacocks & many more • Watch the mischievous Animal Babies play - Lion & Tiger Cubs, Wolf Puppies... Experience the FEASTOF THEBEASTS every dayat 1:30 Children's Playground • Enjoy a Picnic -Snack Bar • Gift Shops. Just 45 Min. fromToronlo, Hwy 401 East to Hwy 35/115 (Exit 436) tlkmnorlhtoTaunlon Road, South-east corner IORONO.ON■ (9051983 5016 FAX:(9051983-9858 New I Come see the 2 Baby Tigers and 4 Baby Coyotes * on display now! X1S ÛNV 3Ald TQMSNV^, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PAY CAMPS This year Community Services Department is offering a Summer Day Camp Program at Rickard Recreation Complex and Courtice Community Complex for children ages 4 -12 years. These camps are divided into specific ages and the activities are age appropriate. Kinder Camp Ages 4 and 5 years. Fun-filled day of activities and crafts. Discovery Camp Ages 6 - 8 years. Make new friends and memories! Adventure Camp Ages 9-12 years. New adventures, friends and lots of sports. These Camps run from July 5 - August 20,1999, from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Except August 2, Civic Holiday) LEADERS IN TRAINING Ages 12 to 15 years A program designed to develop experienced campers, as well as first timers into effective leaders. Skills learned can be applied to any leadership situation, especially within the Camp environment. Participants will enjoy snacks, games and crafts. All participants receive a COOL T-shirt! Program held from July 5 - 9 and July 12-16, 5th Annual Clarington KIDS of STEEL 9 (9 9 & 19 GACÜÜD SlatcbMnd Wtid GET SOME TOYS WITH Now you can get the world's most famous wisecracking, nap-taking, coffee-guzzling, dog-puntlng, spider-whacking fat cat - GARFIELD! You can pick one with the purchase of a DQ* kid's meal, or $149 with any purchase. But to be the real fat cat on the block, you need to collect all six while supplies last. So don't get caught napping. Get to your local Dairy Queen* 4lIU store today. B Btf US. f<U ÎH 01 Am. D.Q COT>. ©1990 PAWS COURTICE 1420 King St. E» 436*8410 siei«tioum DRIVE-THRU Ojyn Everyday Him to 11 pm O 6) 9 The Clarington Kids ol Sled Triathlon Is Saturday, August 21,1999, A day ol tun racing and activities lor the family at the Courtice Community Complex, II you can swim, bike and run, tills even! Is meant lor you. The Kids ol Steel event Is, designed to oiler all children and youth the opportunity to come out and have tun while participating In a Triathlon. Each participant will receive a unique T-shirt, a certificate ol completion willi a medallion 1er everyone that crosses the finish line. Draw prizes, treats and lois ol food will be available, Remember, the locus is on fun and participation. The Kids ol Sleol race Is coordinated coordinated and sancllonod by tho Ontario Association ol Triathletes (OAT) and all participants ol races must ho mouthers ol the association, Don't lei Ibis scare you away, Most participants aro not members ol OAT hut when a $5,00 day membership Is paid on raco day, Ibis qualities you lo participate, Tills day membership will cover you lor Insurance during the event, This additional lee is paid lo OAT and Is not Included In tho registration lee lo participate In the ovenl, To assist children and youlli with Ihelr skills In swimming, Hie Community Services Deparlmonl Is ollorlng limes during tho summer lo prepare your swimming skills lor tho upcoming summer racing event, Organized swimming techniques and skills sessions will lie ottered In July and August at all lour pools, KIDS CLINIC ■ SATURDAY, MAY 29,10 a.m. -12 p.m. for volunteers 1:00 p.m. • 3:00 p.m., for race participants To register & information Carol / Sandy (905) 404-1525 www.munlcipality.clarlngton.on.ca q . <7 V ? ? 9 6 Im? » i (s X D V r) M (si (s' fxl V Vi(S X D V >1 £ X V T <11 X D V N s; D D M. W 3 N V Cl S O V V S V l M (s X D V E H 3 N Ht X V B 0 II T) A a V V n A J. >1 H a D <oJ zi D D d 0 r I r D n 0 il X D V B D H ls, I M) a IsJ s(x V X D i 15 V