Page 8 / The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, May 12, 1999 Section Two Youth Leadership Camp Comes to Bowmanville by Michelle Wyton Staff'Writer Clarington youth between tltc ages of 11 and 16 have a summer camp of their own. Champions of Change Youth Leadership Camp is set to start in July at Bowmanvillc Senior Public School. The camp aims to provide an opportunity for girls and boys to develop leadership leadership skills through involvement involvement within the community. "We want to expose them to a variety of different things," said camp coordinator Carrie Cameron. "Information activi- Top 10 Lists Movie Rentals 1. At First Sight 2. A Bug's Life 3. Apt Pupil 4. The Siege 5. You've Got Mail 6. Stepmom 7. Meet Joe Black 8. The Waterboy 9. Simon Birch 10. A Night at the Roxbury -National Home Video tics will be supplemented with arts and crafts and other recreational recreational activities." Current social issues and their implications for the community community will be discussed, and participants will learn about the different resources and volunteer volunteer organizations available in the area. "We want to get the kids exposed to volunteering before they gel to high school and it becomes a requirement," said Cameron. Career opportunities will also be a focus and Cameron says they arc looking for volunteers volunteers from the community to share their experience. "We're looking for guest speakers from any occupation, traditional and non-traditional, to speak to the campers," said Cameron. Brainstorming, working working effectively in small groups and planning and implementing a fund raising raising activity will also be part of the camp. Role playing, music and drama activities, day trips and sports and recreational activities will round out the camp. "With the leadership skills and the job search component component this camp is really geared towards older kids and young adults," said Cameron. "It's really a good mix of education and fun." Tliis is the fifth year for the camp, which is affiliated with Big Brothers of Clarington, and registration is open now. Sessions run for two weeks starting July 5 and ending August 27. The last session is geared towards 15 and 16-ycar- olds as it concentrates on job search skills, future career opportunities, and inter-gcncra- tional programs. The cost of one two-week session is $65. Each session varies in content and activities, with only minimal repetition so participants can sign up for as many sessions as they wish. The cost for two sessions is $115. Three sessions cost $165 and all four sessions have a fee of $200. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate and a letter of reference from a camp facilitator, facilitator, which they can attach to their resume. For more information, or to register, drop in to the Big Brothers of Clarington Office at 23 Scugog St. in Bowmanvillc. A Nice Day for Fishing St. Joseph's School in Bowmanville marked Catholic Education Week with a number of activities for children, including a presentation of the play "The Fish and the Big Bad Wolf," Above, cast members Krista Metcalf and Jennifer Ritchie prepare for the curtain to rise on their play. Members of the Bowmanvillc High School stage band perform for parents and friends at the annual BHS Spring Concert. The event held on May 5th featured the school's choirs and bands, plus a farewell tribute to Ron Parker, head of the music department. Mr. Parker is leaving BHS to teach music at Trinity College School. Enjoy Frog Sympnony at Forest Centre Hike Spring is in the air! Not only is it warmer outside, but creatures of all types arc singing at the top of their lungs. Come on out to the Ganaraska Forest Centre for an evening hike to ■ enjoy some of nature's symphony. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority is offering a "Spring Fever Night Hike" on Saturday, May 15,1999 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. On this interpretive interpretive walk through the forest, participants participants will discover how alive the forest can be at twilight with thrushes singing, moths flying overhead and a chorus of frogs and toads , calling at our beaver ponds. We may even hear a barred owl calling or sec woodcocks in full aerial display over the fields behind the Forest Centre. The cost of the program is $12.00 per family, $6.00 per adults, and $4.00 per studcnt/scnior/child. A $2 discount for families or a $1 discount on other rates is available to Ganaraska Forest members. Pre-registration is required. Please call the GRCA at (905) 885-8173 by Friday, May 14 at 4:30 p.m. Books For Museums T h c Bowmanville Museum and the Clarke Museum and Archives have each received a copy of the Women's Institute centennial centennial history of Ontario. The book "For Home and Country" is by Linda M. Ambrose. At a District meeting in Blackstock May 6th, books were donated to the Clarke and B o w m a n v i 11 c Museums as well as the Scugog Shores Museum. Pictured are: (from left) Barbara Kapteyn, President; Charles T a w s , B o w m a n v i 11 e Museum Curator; Mark Jackman, Curator of the Clarke Museum and Archives; Bob Beach, Chairman of the Board of the Scugog Shores Museum and Village; and Bernice Watson, District Secretary. The books were presented at a meeting of all units in the Durham West Wl District FRIENDSHIP ONLY Separaled while female, 22, 5'5", 1 child & 8 month pregnant, dark brown eyes & hair, enjoy movies, all types ol music, animals, kids. Seeking a male, 24-30, preferred black, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, 160-I70lbs, family oriented. oriented. AD//5073 FRIENDSHIP Single while lomalo, 18, blond hair and bluo eyes, enjoy movies, music, sports. Seeking a while male, 18-20, with similar interosts. ADÜ5058 ROMANTIC MOMENTS Single female, 35, attraclivo, friendly, outgoing, ready lo explore now pleasures. pleasures. Seeking a male lor long term relationship. AD//4796 WINTER ROMANCE Separated while lomalo, 34,5'11", medium medium build, honest, hardworking, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, enjoy long walks, horses, good conversation. conversation. Seeking a male, honosl, tall, considerate, sense ol humour. ADH490B FUN TO BE WITH Single white lomalo, 21, 57", reddish- blond hair, bluolsh-grcon eyes, honosl, outgoing, very aclivo, lun lo bo with, ig a male, around same ago, who i interest In art. AD/14936 Sooklni has an Women seeking... To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 CONFIDENT Singlo while lomalo, 32, 5'4", allractivo, dark hair, green eyes, onjoy outdoors, camping, hiking, canoeing, play pool, horseback riding, reading, quiet limes ol homo. Socking n tali, white male, 28.40, caring, romantic, confident, and established. ADI/5411 RUNTIMES Separaled wlillo lomalo, 53, 5'3", 150lbs, lit, enjoy dining and dancing, movies, casinos, horse races, travelling, travelling, arts and crnlls, old cars. Seeking a male, joyful, big, husky, non smoker, with a good heart. ADI/3i:!3 A GOOD HEART Single while lomalo, Willi children, out- going, allractivo, 30, petilo Seeking a while male, 30-38. 5'10"-G', advuniin- ous. outgoing, 1er Irionds Hist relation- ship. Alli/5201 WINTER DREAMS Singlo while lomalo, 33, attractive, seeking seeking a singlo malo, who Is tall, ready lor family lilo, commitment and lilo lime ol companionship. AD//5117 ROMANTIC EVENINGS Singlo whito lomalo, 30, port-lime slu- deni, onjoy outdoor activities, music, dancing, romantic ovonlngs, long drives, camping, fishing, dining out. Seeking a while male, 30-40, Willi shot! hair, who Is lull, woll built, with similar Inlorosls. AD//5222 LET'S CONNECT Singlo wlillo lomalo, 21, lull figured, employed, enjoy sports, dining & dancing, dancing, outdoor nclivlllos. Socking a malo who knows how lo Iron! a lady, has a good sense ol humour and a good head on Ills shoulders. ADI/5147 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Singlo lomalo, 27, 5'4", 126lbs, long brown hair and oyos, lovo lo laugh, onjoy inovlos, dancing, dining oui, outdoor outdoor aclivillos. Sooklng a malo, 25-32, honosl, slncoro, G'4"+, conlldonl, and In good stingo, ADI/50G4 LEVEL HEADED Single whito lomalo, non-drinker, smoker, smoker, enjoy animals, muslp. Booking a malo, 23-24, lovol headed, non-smoker, into tho bar scene, with similar Inlorosls, lo go out lo dinner and talk. ADI/4999 LOVELY LADY Singlo lomalo, 39, 5'B'\ omployod, no children, onjoy long walks, horseback riding, travel, dining & dancing. Sooklng o mole, non-smoker, omployod, with similar Inlorosls. AD/M072 LET'S HAVE COFFEE Singlo lomalo, 38, non-smoker, 5'8", omployod, no children, onjoy dining & dancing, long walks, horsoback'rldlng. Sooklng a malo, G'+, honosl, slncoro, caring lor lasting relationship. ADH4G85 LIGHT MY FIRE Singlo while lomalo, polilo, llro-llghlor. Booking n malo, 33-40, no couch potatoes, potatoes, no llaino loo hoi lo liandlo. similar Inlorosls"! 25 AD//4599 Men seeking... To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 LET ME ADORE YOU Single while malo, 34, 5'9", 165lbs, blond hair, bluo eyes, now lo Durham area, enjoy cooking, sports, indoor and outdoor activities, secure, confidant, a bit shy, not Into head games. Socking a singlo whilo lomalo, allractivo, 28-34, with similar Inlorosls. ADU54B8 ATTENTION LADIESI Singlo whilo malo, 49, 5'9", blue eyes, brown hair, enjoy sports, wood working, movies, employed. Seeking a lomalo, slim lo medium built, lor long lorm relationship. relationship. ADf/5463 ROMANTIC AT HEART Singlo whilo malo, 38, enjoy dining, dancing, long walks, sports, going lo Iho boach, country drives. Sooklng a lomalo, similar qualllios & Inlorosls. AD/15436 GIVE ME A CALL Singlo whilo malo, 38, discrool, seeking a lomalo, 20-30, open lo now ideas and adventures. AD/15413 FAMILY VALUES Divorced malo, 37, 2 children, mombor ol Bahl Faith, university dogroo, moving to Iho Oshawo area, onjoy family lilo, variety ol Inlorosls. Seeking o lomalo, 25-38, any raco or culluro, lor Irionds first relationship. ADI/3183 CALL ME Singlo malo, 57", outgoing, liko to Irav- ol. Socking a lomalo, 24-34, about 57", lor a serious relationship. AD/15383 LIKES TO HAVE FUN Singlo wlillo malo, 33, 5'10", dark hair, soil-employed. Seeking an oasy going lomalo, spontaneous, enjoys outdoors long walks, likes lo liavo lun. AD//5345 CALL ME Singlo malo, B'11", 150lbs, lit, secure, plrll ' ' To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1- 900-451-4552 Ext. 88 The cost of the 900# is only $2.49 per minute tunl, Irani Bowmanville, sponln- doi ' To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Exf.88 NIFTY 50'S Singlo lomalo, onrly 50's, 6'3", brown linlr S oyos, 130lbs, allractivo, onjoy cnnoolng, working oui, lliundor storms, painting, candle making, rending, lion- ost, curing, compassfonnlo, sponln- noous. Sooklng n male, 45-55, lor lasting lasting rolnllonship. AD//481G noous, onjoy Iho outdoors, gardening, horseback riding. Sooklng n lomnlo with -"■55.AD//5355 LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME Singlo malo, 42, Itnndsomo, loan, slim, build, Sooklng n lomnlo, nttrnclivo, slim, ago 1s not Important, ADII5273 WEEKEND GETAWAY Single malo, 38, B'10, lull, dark, linnd- somo, III, humorous, enjoy dining oui, roller blading, bowling, movies, swimming, swimming, children. Seeking n slim, slondor lomnlo, 23-30, long curly Imlr, ndvonlur- ,. AD//G207 „ STARTING OVER Singlo divorced lomnlo, 34, llowmniivlllo ous nnil sponlnnoous, nron, G 3", 150 lbs,, vory shy, onjoy many outdoor nclivlllos, looking lor gen- Homnn with similar Inluresls, Ad# 4041 Questions?? 416-236-6644 COUNTRY CHARM Single while dad, 40, long sandy brown hair, brown uyns, 5'0", mollis, hand- sumo, romantic, I'lucos, liuslnosa typo, lil, live in Iho country. Sooklng n lomnlo, slim, good looking, 25-38, wlillo, winking, winking, iiiiisl lovo kills and dogs. ADWB2G4 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH I Singlo malo, 32, 6', 190lbs, blond hair, bluo eyes, omployod, hard worker, enjoy hockey, water skiing, swimming, skating, skating, camping, movies, qulol limes. Sooklng a female, 27-33, attractive, employed, similar inlorosls. AD/15158 NO HEAD GAMES Separaled while malo, 32, 6', 195lbs, spontaneous, onjoy long drives, hockoy, skating, outdoor activities, cottago weekends, movies, romantic, ovonlngs. Seeking a lomalo, 28-33, attraclivo, omployod, likes children, sonso ol humour, honosl, slncoro. ADI/5114 GIVE ME A CALL Singlo whilo malo, 38, 5'9", clean shaven, onjoy dining and dancing, long country walks. Sooklng a lomalo, good cook, will! similar Inlorosls. AD//5072 WANTED: SUNSHINE GIRL Single malo, 38, 5'10", III, omployod, sponlnnoous, brown hair, hazol-groon oyos, enjoy swimming, long walks, picnics. picnics. Booking a lomalo, 20-35, bluo oyos, attraclivo, slzo G-7,lamlly values,loves lorm lilo. AD/I 5022 LET'S CHAT Singlo malo, 5'9", 155lbs, dirty blond hoir, bluo oyos, onjoy sports and outdoor outdoor nclivlllos. Sooklng n lomalo with n good sonso ol humour, and a good con- vorsntlonallsl. ADI/5048 BE HONEST Singlo malo, 31, 5'10", niodlum build, soll-omployod, good llstonor, sonsilivo, honosl, conlldonl, caring, onjoy movies, sporls, romantic ovonlngs. sooklng n lomnlo wllli similar Inlorosls. ADH4B60 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND Singlo malo, goldon brown hair, Imzol oyos, 5'10", slncoro, honosl, nlhlotlc, onjoy rending, willing, sporls, (lancing, camp lires, walks along Iho boncli, llsli- Inp, rollor blading, romancing. Sooklng a uonulllul sunsliino girl, AD//4BB0 CASUAL FUN RELATIONSHIP Soparnlod main, 41, 57", slim, clonn cm, bluo oyos, Sooklng nn Inlolllgont lomalo, honosl, kind, llkos lo oxploro lior lanlaslos mid now things, AD//4UU7 NEW TO THE SYSTEM Singlo wlillo malo, 5'11", V/Olbs, onjoy Iho clmplo tilings In lilo, spoils, Iho outdoors, outdoors, vory onsy going. Sooklng n lomalo, not ilia slim modul lypn, lo liavo lun and onjoy lilo'o pluasuros, AD//4005 Alternative lifestyles... To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 BI-CURIOUS Singlo malo, 26, brown hair, 170lbs, 6', seeking a malo lor discrete evening oncounlors, discretion Is assured. AD/15452 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Single malo, 19, lil, sooklng a malo, 30-50, discrool oncounlors. ADK5361 FUN LOVING Singlo malo, 20, 5'8", 140lbs, lit, woll built, sooklnq a malo or couples lor discrolo morning or allornoon oncounlors oncounlors and havo somo lun. AD/15360 TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Two singlo mnlos, hotorosoxuals, both 6', dark hair, hazol oyos, woll built, seeking a lomalo, 20-35, lo lullill your lanlaslos. AD/15451 Bl CURIOUS Bi curious male, 40, marrlod, 6'1", 220lbs, livo In Iho Clarington area, clean, discrolo. Sooklng mnlos ol similar similar ago or couplos lor discrolo day- tlmo oncountor. ADK4857 JUST CURIOUS Mnrrlod wlillo lomalo, 32, has 2 children, children, Is sooklng a bi-soxunl lomalo lor curious llrsl oncounlor. AD//4567 NOTIES Malo, 30, 5'11", 1 GOIbs, brown linlr, bluo oyos, short board. Looking lor a malo with similar Inlorosls lor casual got logolhor and notlos. AD//4477 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Singlo wlillo malo, 30, G'O", 1 VOIPs, from Iho Bowmnnvlllo nron. Sooklng n malo, ago not Important lor discrolo oncounlors. AD//4309 FULLY FEATURED Singlo imilo, sooklng a Irniiosoxunl wllli lull loaliiron lor clnyllmo oncounlors, oncounlors, discrullon oxpodod R assured. AD//441C OPEN MINDED Attraclivo couple, Into 20's, lndo|ion- dont, open inlmlud, onsy going, very cocuro, Sooklng n lil curious malo In Ills 20's lor lun R ndvunluio. AI)/m:H2