4 Pace 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Wednesday, May 19,1999 Section Two French Spoken Here Students in the French program at Enniskillen Public School hosted a French Calc this month. The students brought in cookies, muffins and drinks which they served to visiting parents and community members. The students greeted, took orders and served the snacks in French. Oshawa Woman Wins $50,000 with Instant Crossword "i would really like to go back to school to learn visual arts and now I can!" Andrea Dodd of Oshawa told Ontario Lottery Corporation staff when she collected a $50,000 cheque. She won the money playing Instant Crossword. Dodd, 21, is a cook for East Side Mario's. She also plans to pay bills, buy a car and invest the remainder of her windfall. windfall. Dodd bought her winning Instant Crossword ticket at Smokers' Corner in Pickering Town Centre. Second Marsh Receives *70,000 in Federal Funding by Jennifer Stone Staff Writer An Environment Canada program will allow the Friends of the Second Marsh to help restore 400 metres of eroding stream bank in Clarington and Oshawa. Friends of the Second Mars.h spokesperson Carole Scysmith says while the $70,000 the group will receive from the government is a little less than they had originally applied for, "it is an important and significant amount of money." Eco Action Program The money comes from the EcoAction 2000 program. The program program requires the projects to result in positive, measurable environmental benefits and build public awareness of priority environmental issues. They must respond to community needs and obtain a minimum of 50 percent in matching funding or in-kind support from other sponsors. Scysmith says her organization has received support through partnerships with agencies such as the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Municipality of Clarington, the City of Oshawa, and the Durham Land Stewardship Council. All have committed committed to the project either financially or through in-kind deals. The Friends of the Second Marsh intend to enlist the help of over 300 volunteers to plant 1,200 native tree, shrub and wildflowcr species. The group will also develop and implement a stewardship program for many urban and rural landowners. The goal of the initiative is to secure at least 25 stewardship stewardship agreements with landowners in the Farewell Creek Watershed. Scysmith says the group will speak with private landowners about either maintaining current efforts to protect the watershed, or to implement new means of protection. Those efforts will be spread throughout the watershed in Oshawa and Clarington. "If any land owners are interested in stewardship, they can give us a call," says Scysmith. Friends of the Second Marsh can be reached at 723-5047. Work is scheduled to begin in June or July. 3 DRAWS TO BE WON! THURSDAY, MAY 20 $30 Gift Certificate FRIDAY, MAY 21 $30 Gift Certificate SATURDAY, MAY 22 $40 Gift Certificate Buy any 2 Yellow Ticketed items and receive your 3rd Yellow Ticketed item (of equal or lesser value) BOWMANVILLE MALL A ' ---- -- it- 243 King Street East, Ai by pCopw WCft (foil, Bowmanville MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:30 TO 9:00; SATURDAY 9:30 TO 6:00; SUNDAY 11:00 TO 4:00 SAAN ( w'mrntoM bti beobk ufa < ■V', What Does Clarington Mean to You? Video Contest is Part of Anniversary Celebration 1 * 'V : % The municipality is holding holding a "Clarington at 25" video contest as a highlight of the area's 25th anniversary. "I think people can really have some fun with this," said Jennifer Cooke, Clarington's manager of marketing marketing and communications. "It's the natural next step after our very successful photo contest last year." The only two rules for the contest are that the videos must be suitable for family viewing and they have to be shot somewhere in the municipality. Once the contest contest closes on October 1, the tapes will be judged before being put together for a video festival presentation in the fall. Videos arc to be a maximum maximum of 30 minutes long and must be accompanied by a registration form. The contest is being sponsored by Ontario Power Generation Inc. - Darlington and the grand prize winner will receive a video camera/camcorder. Also on tap to celebrate the anniversary is the return of the popular Apple Blossom awards - with a new twist. "The focus this year is to get people to nominate themselves," themselves," said Cooke. "There are so many residents who work hard on their gardens. We'd hate to see one missed." Nomination forms are available at the Town Hall and selected Clarington Garden Centres. The contest is open to commercial, residential residential and industrial properties. properties. The contest closes in mid-July and is being organized organized through a partnership involving the Municipality's Public Works and Marketing Departments and the area's Horticultural Societies. 1999 GMC SIERRA EXTENDED CAB Vortec 4800 V8 engine, 255 HP • Automatic transmission with overdrive- Air conditioning • Largest third dtior opening" opening" • AM/FM stereo with cassette • PASSLock" theft-deterrent system • Full instrumentation including tachometer and hour meter • Driver Message Center • Chrome grille, bumper and wheels • Tilt-Wheel™ steering • 40/20/40 split bench seat • Front tow hooks Accessories THE 1999 GMC SIERRA HAS MORE HEAD & LEG ROOM THAN THE F-150XLS OR THE RAM 1500 ST. yr'o.xo) ■ •<.. ;omc>) lifei ; ÿÿMayntjijj WB m VkTijUlllL TlR'ÜÜï .•"linmi!-' it ÉiEÉïL.TT':; ' |M(&§ u '-)) '(qv;u •. '&$}, \. < yyy.ir ■ , i, TRIM YOUR TRUCK WITH A GENUINE GM ACCESSORY PACKAGE. SPECIALLY PRICED OFFER. LEASE FOR T6** PER MONTH/36 MONTHS OR PURCHASE FOR s 919**. AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME. 19 99 SIERRA EXTENDED CAB Down Payment Lease Payment Tout Due On Siyumy^ $0 $43 6/montli SI,582.40 $1,550 $ 3 8 8/month $3,309.70 $3,745 $327/month $5,754.60 ffTotal due on signing includes down payment, freight, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, VST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, V.V.S.A. and admin, fees extra. Retail Closings On Victoria Day Consumers and merchants arc reminded that on Victoria Day, Monday, May 24, 1999, most retail businesses must be closed under the Retail Business Holidays Act (RBIIA). Victoria Day is one of eight days each year when the public must not be admitted to retail businesses and no goods or services may be offered for sale, with a few limited exceptions. The other closing days under RBIIA are Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Examples of exempted retail outlets include: stores selling nursery slock or flowers, flowers, gas stations, and small stores with no more than three employees selling only sundries. For more information information on the RBIIA, contact the General Inquiry Unit at the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations at (416) 326-8555 or toll free 1- 800-268-1142. As well as businesses exempted by the province, some stores may open for tourism purposes in accordance accordance with specially enacted municipal bylaws. Questions about local hours or retail operation should be directed to the municipal clerk's office in the appropriate jurisdiction. jurisdiction. Minimum fines for opening opening on prohibited days of retail operation are $500 for a first offence, $2,000 for a second second offence and $5,000 for a third or subsequent offence. Retail outlets found guilty may he lined up to $50,000 or the total amount of gross sales for the day, whichever is greater. Enforcements of the Act is the responsibility of local police services, 1999 GMC SONOMA 4.3 litre V6 175 HI 1 engine ■ Air conditioning • 4-wheel A11S brakes • AM/FM stereo CD player •Bucket scats • Tinted glass • Next Generation driver/passenger air bags • PASSLock' security system • ZQ8 sport suspension • Sportside pickup box ■ 16" special aluminum wheels 19 9 9 GMC SONOMA Down JUyinent l.e.ise Payment Tout Due On Signing 1 $0 $305 $1,5 69.00 $2,260 $238 $4,040.95 $4,000 $186 $5,982.15 ffTotal tine on signing intitules iloivn payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, VST anil gas tax. Licence, insurance, V.V.S.A. anil admin, fees extra. a.oM' itS - i ïr-ï'PViiÿ ■. "'v'-ii M'iViîi X Waterfront Festival June 11-13 This year's Oshawa Waterfront Festival promises to be an unforgettable weekend for all who attend, 'flic event, the second annual, is set for June II- 13, Held nl l.akeview Park at the southern end of Simeon* Street, this 75-acre festival will he full of activities lor people of all ages. Organized by the Oshawa Folk Arts Council, the festival features will include nightly concerts, a large craft show, Caribbean bench party, the Budweiscr NFL experience, beach volleyball, a huge children's play area and much, much more. Last year, nearly 40,001) people attended the three-day festival, making il an overwhelming first year success. Attendance lor 1999 is expected to increase greatly and on-site vendors are bracing for record crowds, , , "Our goal is to bring the people ol Oshawa an event that will rival any in Southern Ontario," said organizer Marl SheriII. "To achieve this goal, we've Invested everything we've got lo make u a great festival for everyone." ★★★★★ l ive STAR SAFETY RATING Pontiac Trans Sport has been awarded five stars (top safely rating) for both driver and rear-seat passenger in side- impact testing.' • 1999 PONTIAC TRANS SPORT 3.4 litre 340(1 V6 185 111' engine • 4-speed automatic transmission • Air conditioning' Next Generation driver and front passenger air bags • Seat-mounted side air bags • 4-wheel AttS • AM/FM stereo ■ I leated power minors • Programmable power door locks T .sqYpWi .Xjjj.fo) Ri'c Cl : ; TtXlæ T.'xvaLi.i.'A ,i i'll-' 1999 1 * ONT I AC TRANS SPORT Down P.iynwnf l.e.ise lUyi ,'til Tm.il Dnethi Sie.iiniy" $0 $324 m $ 1,776.85 $3,0011 $238 m $5,052.95 $5,1100 $181 m $7,287.40 II I.a.4 tint*mi signing Incluilfx ilitwnpayment,freight, security tlepnslt, 1st niimlli'x payment plus taxes, (LSI, I'M anil gas lax, Licence, Insurance, V.V.S.A. ami nilmln. fees rxlia, \Wiri!ii 1 i i 1999 GMC JIMMY 4x4 4-DOOR 4.3 litre Vortec 4300 V6 190 I IP engine • Automatic transmission transmission ■ Next Generation dual front air bags • 4-wheel ABS • Power door locks/windows • Tilt-Wheel™ • AM/FM stereo cassette • Air conditioning' Locking differential • Premium ride suspension • Remote keyless entry system • Rear liftgate with liftglass 199!) GMC JIMMY 4-DOOll Down Payment Ijusc Payment Tufa/ Onc On Signing $0 52,930 $5,000 $446/,,,,.,„i, $35 8 /,„„„, i, $2 96/m,mill $2,366.15 $5,534.45 $7,768.65 ffTotal due on signing includes doxvn payment, freight, security deposit, 1st month's payment plus taxes, GST, VST and gas tax. Licence, insurance, V.V.S.A. and admin, fees extra. pjpjpx X '-a-1", gs ">J?x Sp!M ; tit/T ePlKAS/ L ip / k)-y I. Vi 1999 GMC SAFARI 4,3 litre Vortec -1300 V6 190 1 IP engine ■ 4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive ■ 4-wheel ABS • Next Generation dual front air hags • Air conditioning ■ AM/PM stereo with cassette • Cloth seats • Deluxe chrome grille • Deep tinted glass ■ Power door locks • Roof luggage carrier , , | PONTIAC BUICK GMC LIMITED TIME OFFER. HURRY IN. ONLY AT YOUR ONTARIO GMC DEALERS. Wo'd like you to know moto: Como visit us nl your local doalor. on our wobsilo nl www,flmcnn«da,com or call I-HOOGMDHIVI:.. 'Olloro bnsodon n Sloim t>[ondod[Cab ItfZ/Sonomn R7Z/Jimmy 4*tloor I \77f\um Spoil R/Z. Annual cool ol borrowing 0.4'W5.«1%/0.«V: 1/1.0°, » per annum. Annual kiloniolro limit 20,000 km, *0. !.. per excels kilomotro. Ollior lonso options nvnltablo. 'fFroInht (as Indicalotl). Iiconco, Inouranco, PP.S A, administration loos, and laxos not Included, Dealer may coll or loaso lor loos, (.mac credit only, Example: $10,000 al 1.0% APR, llio monthly paymonl Is $210 51 lor «10 months, Cool ol borrowing) Is $391?, «10. Total oblwalion Is $10,3. ..,*10, Example, $10,000 at ;» <)% API I IIio monthly paymonl Is $M0,00 lor «10 months. Cool ol bonowiny Is $003 ?0. Total obliyalion lo $10,003 20. Down paymonl, trade andor t.ocurily deposit may ho [oquliod. X5,. kv . y«k' Monthly imvmonl and coslol boirowlng will vary depondino on amount bouowod and down paymonl/imdo. ' "Olloro apply lo select 109!) now or uomonouator models, anu io nun • XXx ,| )0 (j custoinoio In Ontaiioonly (oxcludnuj Noilhwoslom Onlailo), Llmilod lirno olloro which may not ho combined with other oilers, Doalor oidor/tmdo may bo nocosjaiy, Goo your iloal* oils) lor conditions and details, Yin 1500 Borioa class. 'Tooling conduclod by llio National I liyhway Trnllic Saloty Administration (NIIÎ GA), f □