The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Tuesday, June I, 1999 Section Two Page 5 \ Artist Cynthia Harper unveiled her new work at the Visual Arts Centre entitled Spillway Gate, The piece was created specifically for the Visual Arts Centre. Arts Centre by Ben Medd Art was spilling out all over last month as artist Cynthia Harper unveiled her new work "Spillway Gate" at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington. The installation was formally unveiled on Friday, May 21. : The piece/ which is currently being exhibited on the north side of the Visual Arts Centre, will only be there temporarily. "It's up until next May and then I'll come up and take it down," said Harper. "It's part of. the Art in the Parks project." Harper said "Spillway Gate" was created specifically specifically for the Visual Arts Centre. "This piece came together based on historic ■milling imagery and information information I' ve gathered from the Bowmanvillc Museum and also from some other library research that I did," said Harper. "So that's where the diagonal forms come from and the circular shapes in the centre centre are all based on that type of research." Although not a Clarington artist, Harper says she has had an interest interest in mill towns for quite some time. '"r , read' 1 'the"cair'fàf l entries for the Arts in the Parks project and that this was an historic mill. I also live in a town called Millville," said Harper. "I have an interest in those types of forms and the history history of mill forms, the wheels and various types of machinery that goes with it." Harper has had extensive extensive experience creating public art projects throughout the United States. She has received awards for her art in Arizona, Nebraska, Alaska, Dallas, California, and abroad in Finland. Walk for the Health of It Support Durham Charities Come out and walk, run, or take the baby or dog for stroll during "Walk for the Health of It" in support of the Oshawa YWCA, Distress Centre Durham, and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Organization. The walk will lake place June 5. Starting at 8:30 a.m. with the check-in and warm-up, the walk will get underway at 9:30 a.m. The route is as follows: start at the Oshawa YWCA Recreation and Fitness Building (at the corner of Simcoc and McGrigor Streets in Oshawa); walkers will then proceed west on McGrigor Street, across Centre Street to the walking path, south to Thomas Street, and back to the YWCA. Registration and pledge forms arc available for pick-up at the Oshawa YWCA or by calling Distress Centre Durham at 723- 4 4 6 1. Registration forms must be submitted and all pledges must be paid on walk day. All participants raising $50 or more in pledges will be entitled to a draw ticket for special prizes. All prizes will be awarded on walk day. Try getting a team together and Dave Broadfoot in FORBIDDEN BROADFOOT "His Best Ever!" "comic genius" "audience paralyzed with laughter" as seen on AIR FARCE LINDSAY ACADEMY THEATRE Sat., June 5 - 8 p.m. Reserved Seating: $22.50 (GST inch) Box Office: 324-9111 (10-5 p.m.) ALL NEW SHOW - THIS SATURDAY!! challenge others to form teams. Then work to meet or beat a team's overall total pledge. Walk will be held rain or shine, so come prepared for a day of fun. Your support of this joint fundraising event will help the Oshawa YWCA, Distress Centre Durham, and the Cardiac Rehabilitation Organization to continue providing providing programs and services for improved mental, physical, and emotional health for thousands of Durham residents. residents. PORT HOPE FESTIVALTHEATRE # 3 Great Shows $51.00 4% June 23 - July 3 7 Chapters to Love A Romantic Comedy Sponsored by Comfort Inn July 14 - July 24 Forever Plaid ! The Classic Musical ■ Sponsored by The Port Hope Evening Guide» ♦iitnnniiH»miinmmmnt; Aug. 4-Aug. 14 Move Over Mrs. Markham; Hilarious British Farce «Sponsored by Cashway Building Centres» Capitol Theatre Box Office 1-800-434-5092 or 905-885-1071 20 Queen St., Port Hope Series Sponsored by Cameco Kawartha Lakes Children's Festival Evinrude Centre and Canadian Canoe Museum, Monaghan Road, Peterborough THURSDAY, JUNE 3 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Grandparents Night r'r On Stage: Aces of Harmony Bear Hug Band Fiddler Mike Lemoire 2 Juggling Fools The Overtones Scottish Dancers Fashion Show Three great days of entertainment and activities rh Program subject to chouse Admission $5.00/person FRIDAY, JUNE 4 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. '-'c On Stage: Wm. Orlowskl Dance Co. ' "Jack Gfunsky Maritime Marionettes Roseneath Theatre Rubbaboo Washboard Hank Ken Ramsden Terilyn Spooner 2 Juggling Fools 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Battle of the Bands (14+) SATURDAY, JUNE 5 8:30 a.m fo 11:00 a.m. Pancake Breakfast ($3.99) 9:00 a.mi to 3:00 p.m. 4- On Stage: Jack Grunsky Roseneath Theatre Wm. Orlowski Dance Co. Rubbaboo Washboard Hank 2 Juggling Fools /.. Ken Ramsden Terilyn Spooner ■ I'M 4:00 p.m. fo 8:30 p.m. GRAND FINALE at Del Crary Park Canadian Children's Dance Theatre Anne Lederman and the Come from Everyway Band For information call (70S) 743-8273 Lois to See and Do! Multi-cultural Exhibits ~ Family Channel Tent (Thur & Fri) - Paint Your Own T-shirt -- Road Safety Activities and Bike Rodeo (Sat) ~ Access Awareness Workshops ~ Archery Range ~ Crafts - Fuhtastic Promotions Bouncy Castle - Voyageur Encampment and Hudson Bay Trading Post at the Canoe Museum -- Environmental Activities ~ Career Expo , Rotary Club £ ol Bridgenorth, Ennismoro & Lakeliold Human Resources Development Canada -- T^ntEpvrwoAoiai Gwmryioj bXAMINER Basking/) Robbins CHEX % fTlodi'/UJork n<w UJeorhou/e Llltlock Coach Lines New Exhibit at Gallery Art exhibition of recent work by Canadian artist Myron Turner will open at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery on June 10 and continue until August 8. This exhibition is circulated circulated by the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Titled Autobiography, Turner's work bears a resemblance resemblance to a waysta- lion on a lenglhy and complex journey. journey. The viewer is confronted with a spectrum of experience experience - one meets people, explores different cultures, learns a new mythology and sometimes gels good and truly Inst. The installation consists of two computers and two monitors. One computer is devoted devoted to the World Wide Web. The Internet becomes part of the work's process-centred evolution, The oilier cumptiler uses the artist's own software. On the monitor are images from old family albums. Accompanying the image is an anecdotal, anecdotal, nnrrnlive text. Women seeking... To respond to an ad. call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 CONFIDENT Sinnlo whilo lontalo, 32, 5'4", attracllvo, dark hair, groan oyos, onjoy outdoors, camping, hiking, canoolng, play pool, horseback riding, reading, quloi llmos al homo. Sookrng a tall, whilo ntolo, 20-40, coring, romantic, conlidonl, and ostabllshod, AD#5411 FUN TIMES Soporalod whilo lomolo, 53, 5'3", 1 BOIbs, lit, on|oy dining and dancing, movlos, casinos, Irorso rocos, travailing, travailing, ails and crolls, old cars, Sooklng a malo, loylul, big, husky, non smokor, will) a good lioart. AD#3l23 A GOOD HEART Slnglo whilo fomnlo, with chlldron, outgoing, outgoing, nllrnclivo, 3G, polilo, Sooklng n whilo malo, 30-30, B'10"-G' l ndvonlur- ous, outgoing, lor Irionds llrst relationship. relationship. AD#S2ul WINTER DREAMS Slnglo whilo lomalo, 33, altractlvo, sooklng sooklng a slnglo malo, who Is tall, roady lor family lilo, commitment and Ilia timo ol companionship. ADH5117 ROMANTIC EVENINGS Slnglo while lomolo, 30, porl-llmo slu- dont, onjoy outdoor acllvlllos, music, donclng, romantic ovonlngs, long drivos, camping, lishlng, dining out. Sooklng a whilo malo, 30-40, with short hair, who Is loll, woll built, with similar Inlorosls. AD#5222 LET'S CONNECT Slnglo whilo lomalo, 21, lull llgurod, omployod, onjoy sports, dining & dancing, dancing, outdoor nctivillos. Sooklng a malo who knows how lo Iron! a Indy, has a good sonso ol humour nnd a good bond on Iris shouldors, ADH5147 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Slnglo lomalo, 27, 5'4", 125lbs, long brown Imlr nnd oyos, lovo lo laugh, onjoy movlos, dancing, dining oui, outdoor outdoor acllvlllos, Sooklng a malo, 25-32, Ironosl, slncoro, 6'4"+, conlidonl, nnd In goodslmpo. AD#50G4 To Place Your FREE Ad Call 1-888-400-3283 Ext88 FRIENDSHIP ONLY Separated white female, 22, 5'5", t child & 8 month pregnant, dark brown oyos & hair, enjoy movies, all types ol music, animals, kids. Seeking a malo, 24-30, preferred black, employed, non-smoker, social drinker, 160-170lbs, family oriented. oriented. AD85073 FRIENDSHIP Single whilo female, 18, blond hair and blue eyes, enjoy movies, music, sports. Soaking a whilo malo, 18-20, with similar inlorosls. AD#5058 Men seeking... To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 GOOD TIMES Single male, 5'11", 190lbs, enjoy the outdoors, bike riding, hiking, camping, soaking a female With similar Inlorosls. ADK2169 SPONTANEOUS ROMANTIC MOMENTS Single malo, 33, 5'10", soil employed, Single female, 35, attractive, friendly, on|oy trying now things. Sooklng a outgoing, ready to explore now plea- female, 25-40, who en|oys outdoors, suros. Seeking a maio lor long term sports, movies, car races, dancing, relationship. AD#4796 ADK1679 WINTER ROMANCE LET ME ADORE YOU Separated whilo lomalo, 34, 5'H", modi- Slnglo while malo, 34, 5'9", 165lbs, urn build, honest, hardworking, blond hair, blue oyos, now lo Durham omployod, non-smokor, social drinker, area, enjoy cooking, sporis, Indoor and onjoy tong walks, horses, good convor- outdoor activitios, secure, conlidonl, a sallon. Sooklng a male, honosl, loll, bit shy, not Into head games. Seeking a consideralo, sonso ol humour. AD#4908 single whilo lomalo, attractive, 28-34, with similar Inlorosls. ADW5488 FUN TO BE WITH Single whilo lomalo, 21, 57", reddish- ATTENTION LADIESI blond hair, bluoish-groon oyos, honosl, Single whilo malo, 49, 5'9", blue oyos, outgoing, vory acllvo, fun lo bo with, brown hair, onjoy sports, wood working, Sooklng a malo, around samo ago, who movlos, omployod. Sooklng a female, has anTntorosl In art. AD#4936 slim lo medium built, lor long lorm rela tionship. AD65463 LEVEL HEADED Slnglo whilo lomalo, non-drinkor, smok- ' ROMANTIC AT HEART or, onjoy animals, music. Sooklng a Slnglo whilo malo, 38, onjoy dining, malo, 23-24, lovol hoadod, non-smokor, dancing, long walks, sports, going lo Iho Into Iho bar scono, with similar Inlorosls, beach, country drivos. Sooklng a to go out lo dinnor and talk. AD#4999 lomalo, similar qualitios & Inlorosls. AD#5436 LOVELY LADY Slnglo lomalo, 39, 5'8", omployod, no GIVE ME A CALL children, onjoy long walks, horsoback Slnglo whilo malo, 38, discrool, sooklng riding, travel, dining & dancing. Booking a lomalo, 20-30, opon lo now idoas and o malo, non-smokor, omployod, with advonluros. ADW5413 similar Inlorosls. AD44872 FAMILY VALUES LET'S HAVE COFFEE Divorced malo, 37, 2 children, mombor Slnglo lomalo, 38, non-smokor, 5'8", ol Bnhl Failh, university dogroo, moving omployod, no chlldron, onjoy dining & lo Iho Oshawa area, onjoy family lilo, dancing, long walks, horsoback riding, varioty ol Inlorosls, Sooklng a lomalo, Sooklng n malo, 6'+, honosl, slncoro, 25-38, nny rnco or culture, lor Irionds caring tor lasting relationship. ADH4GB5 lirst relationship. AD431B3 LIGHT MY FIRE CALL ME Slnglo whilo fomnlo, polilo, llro-llghlor, Slnglo malo, 87", outgoing, liko lo trnv- Sooklng a mnlo, 33-40, no couch poln- ol. Sooklng a lomalo, 24-34, about 57", loos, no Homo loo hoi lo linndlo. lor a sortons relationship. ADH5383 ADW4599 NIFTY 50'S Slnglo lomalo, oarly 50's, 5'3", brown halt S oyos, 1 GOIbs, nllrnclivo, onjoy canoolng, working oui, Ihundar storms, palming, cnndlo making, rending, honosl, honosl, caring, compasslonalo, spontaneous. spontaneous. Sooklng a malo, 45-55, lor lasting lasting relationship. ADK4815 STARTING OVER Slnglo divorcod lomalo, 34, Dowmonvlllo uron, 5'3", 150 lbs,, vory shy, onjoy many outdoor acllvlllos, looking lor gun, Homan with similar Inlorosls, Ad# 4041 Questions?? 416-236-6644 LIKES TO HAVE FUN Slnglo whilo malo, 33, 5'10", dark hair, soll-omployod, Sooklng art oasy going lomalo, sponlnnoous, onjoys outdoors tong walks, likos lo hnvo fun. AD/153-15 CALL ME Slnglo malo, 5'11", 150lbs, III, socuro, spiritual, Irom Bowmnnvlllo, spontaneous, spontaneous, onjoy Iho outdoors, gnrdonlng, horsoback riding. Sooklng a lomalo willr similar Inlorosls, 25-55. AD#5355 NO HEAD GAMES Sopnrnlod while mnlo, 32, O', I95lhs, sponlnnoous, onjoy long drivos, hockey, skating, outdoor ncllvllloii, cottago wookondo, movlos, romantic, ovonlngs. Sooklng a lomalo. 28-33, nllrnclivo, omployod, likos children, sonso ol humour, honosl, slncoro. AUriSIVI To Listen & Respond To Ads Call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 The cost of the 900# is LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME Single malo, 42, handsomo, loan, slim, build, Seeking a lomalo, attraclivo, slim, age is nol imporiant. ADK5273 WEEKEND GETAWAY Single male, 38, 5'10, tail, dark, handsome, handsome, lit, humorous, onjoy dining out, roller blading, bowling, movlos, swimming, swimming, children. Sooklng a slim, slender lomalo, 23-38, long curly hair, adventurous adventurous and sponlanoous. AD45207 COUNTRY CHARM Single whilo dad, 40, long sandy brown hair, brown oyos, 5'9", 165lbs, handsomo, handsomo, romanlic, Plocos, business lypo, lit, live In Iho country. Seeking a lomalo, slim, good looking, 25-38, while, working, working, must lovo kids and dogs. ADW5254 EASY TO GET ALONG WITH Slnglo male, 32, 6', 190lbs, blond hair, bluo oyos, omployod, hard worker, onjoy hockoy, wafer skiing, swimming, skating, skating, camping, movlos, quiot limos. Sooklng a lomalo, 27-33, attracllvo, omployod, similar Inlorosls. ADH5158 GIVE ME A CALL Slnglo whilo mnlo, 38, 5'9", clonn shavon, onjoy dining ond dancing, tong country walks. Sooklng a lomalo, good cook, with similar Inlorosls. AD#5072 WANTED: SUNSHINE GIRL Slnglo malo, 38, 5'10", lit, omployod, sponlanoous, brown Imlr, Imzol-groon oyos, onjoy swimming, long walks, picnics. picnics. Sooklng a lomalo, 20-35, bluo oyos, altractlvo, slzo 6-7,lamlly values, lovos (arm lilo. AD# 5022 LET'S CHAT Single malo, 5'9", 155lbs, dlrly blond Imlr, bluo oyos, onjoy sporis nnd outdoor outdoor activitios. Sooklng a lomalo with a good sonso ol humour, and n good con- vorsnllonnllsl, AD#50-I8 BE HONEST Slnglo malo, 31, 5'I0", modium build, soll-omployod, good llslonor, sonsllivo, honosl, conlidonl, caring, enjoy movlos, spoils, romanlic ovonlngs. sooklng n lomalo with similar Inlorosls. AD»46C0 LET'S UNITE IN A COMMON BOND Slnglo malo, goldon brown Imlr, Imzol oyos, 5'10", slncoro, honosl, alhlulic, onjoy loading, willing, spoils, dancing, camp tiros, walks along tho Irorich, lislr- Ing, roller blading, romancing. Sooklng a uonulilul ounslnno girl. AOK408I) only $2.49 per minute Alternative lifestyles... To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 88 HOT, EROTIC TIMES A married couple , early 30's, livo in Iho Bowmanville area. Malo Is 6'2", 195lbs, lomalo Is 5'8", 130lbs, both are clean, discrete, opon minded, down lo oarlh. Seeking a bl sexual lomalo lor good limos. AD#3500 CALL ME Professional malo, 31, 6', 170lbs, attracllvo, lovol hoadod, sooklng a malo, 25-35, who Is good looking, down lo oarlh, onjoys dining, sports, movies, and tho ouldoors. AD# 1456 BI-CURIOUS Slnglo malo, 26, brown hair, 170lbs, 6', sooklng a malo lor discrolo evening oncounlors, discretion Is assured. AD#5452 DISCRETE ENCOUNTERS Singlo malo, 19, lit, sooklng a malo, 30-50, discrool oncounlors. AD#5361 FUN LOVING Slnglo malo, 20, 5'B", 1-tOlbs, lit, woll built, sooklng a malo or couples lor discrolo morning or altornoon oncounlors oncounlors and Imvo somo lun. AD#53G0 TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Two slnglo males, hotorosoxunls, both O', dark Imlr, hazol oyos, woll built, sooklng a lomolo, 20-35, lo lullill your fnnlasios. AD#5451 Bl CURIOUS Bl curious mnlo, 40, married, G'V, 220lbs, livo In iho Clnringion area, clonn, discrolo, Sooklng mates ol similar similar ago or couplos lor discrolo day- limo encounter. AD#4057 JUST CURIOUS Married whilo lomalo, 32, has 2 children, children, Is sooklng a bl-soxual lomalo lor curious first encounter. AD#45G7 NOTIES Malo, 30, 5'11", 1 GOIbs, brown Imlr, bluo oyos, short board. Looking lor a mnlo with similar Inlurosls tor casual go! logolhor nnd riolius, AD#4477