Page 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, Tuesday, June 1, 1999 Section Two Campaign Cook-out With the provincial election campaign entering its final week, Liberal leader Dalton MeGuinty (right) made a stop at Camp Samac in Oshawa Sunday, Local candidate Garry Minnie joined MeGuinty, flipping burgers during the brief visit to this area. MeGuinty told the large gathering of supporters that, regardless of the polls, his party was taking a great deal-of momentum momentum into Thursday's election. Adopt-A-Cat Monti June is "Adopl-A-Cat Month" throughout Ontario. If you don't already share your home with a friendly feline, now is the time to consider consider adopting one. If you already enjoy living with one cat, "Adopt-A-Cat Month" may provide an opportunity to expand your family. The Ontario SPC A wants to increase adoptions by 10 per cent in June, according to the Society's Chief Executive Officer, Vicky Earle. During June, local humane societies will be promoting feline adoptions through special special initiatives such as adoption fee reductions, "adopt-a-thons" and local awareness and education education campaigns. To inquire about adopting a cat, please visit your local humane society. Big Brothers of Clarington In Need of Volunteer Board Members Big Brothers of Clarington is looking looking for individuals who wish to make a positive difference to a child's life and to their community. The agency, which establishes and fosters friendships between adult volunteers volunteers and children, needs both male and female volunteers to serve as members of the Board of Directors. Interested volunteers must be 18 years of age, live in Clarington and care about the needs of children. As a member of the Board, you will work with other volunteers to develop programs that benefit the needs of our children, fundraise, recruit new volunteers volunteers and promote the agency within the community. You will be required to attend the monthly Board meetings and be an active member of at least one committee. Volunteers arc also needed to serve on committees. As a committee member, member, you would have the opportunity to share your interests and talents with other volunteers to specifically work on one objective of Big Brothers of Clarington. You could direct your focus on fundraising, planning activities activities for our Big and Little Brother matches, promoting community awareness, advising on match decisions, decisions, working with the Champions of Change Camp or assisting on financial issues affecting the agency. Big Brothers of Clarington is always looking for volunteers to serve as Big Brothers and Mentors and be a special friend to a child in need. If you want to make a positive difference - join the dedicated team of volunteers. Big Brothers of Clarington is a non-profit charitable organization that has been serving the needs of the children children of the community for over 20 years. For more information on volunteering volunteering with Big Brothers of Clarington please call 623-6646, m fn n/ic V / / : ' ; 1 i / . ! \ 1 \ll \ ! ' : ! ! \ .1 f ! !■ : \ / \ / V :> r. . / / i \ \ ! / / \\ ,:■■■■ a < \ \ / j J J I ; i ' / / \ M/ ! ,■ i ■'mV'm W'i ■ : t -v \ ' '•'/ / \ X A- : V, • L v t V L v.; - • ? RESOURCE SAVER SYSTEM no / / j y ii II M n . LLL.. J) Sk-p'te'ï mmucES^:-' Quality You Can Trust .OQU ExtraCare** System helps get clothes cleaner - gently! Traditional top-loading door for convenient loading and unloading. •Registered trade mark/trade mark ol Whirlpool U.S.A., Inglis Limited Licensee in Canada. "Registered trade matk/lrade mark ol Inglis Limited. tUp to S50 per year in energy savings, up to $25 per year In water savings over our traditional deep till rinse washers. $1 out ol every 2 washing machines sold In Canada is supplied by Inglis Limited. -^Manufacturer's suggested retail price. Dealer's price may vary. U r \ : - v bMm) i New & Reconditioned Appliances Sales • Service • Parts Fridges • Stoves • Washers • Dryers • Built-in Products • Microwaves • Dishwashers Gas Products • Freezers • Bar Fridges BUSINESS HOURS: Taunton Rd., Hampton Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (3 miles east of Courtice) m\v7mf ISllBàUXXLiD U FREE DELIVERY RENT TO OWN •12 MONTH TIRMO.A.C, Downpayment of $100 per appliance 263-8369 1-800-798-5502 S3f Mil! Taunlon Rd. PADDY'S MARKET Hwy. 2 The Canadian Statesman's Business Directory ACCOUNTANCY HOBB BAKKER BERGIN HILL Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A Thomas FG. Hill, C.A. 222 King St. E., Suite 103, Bowmanville 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 721-8600 LAING, McHARDY & ROHR CHARTERED ■ ACCOUNTANTS Michael D. Laing, c.a. Stephen J. McHardy, b.a., c.a. Jeffrey L. Rohr. B.Acc., C.A. 40 King St. West, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L1 (905) 579-6245 AUTO INSURANCE /instate" HOME-AUTO «INSURANCE Darlene Ferguson 905-987-1611 BRIDAL SERVICES iA. SfijedcU- . . . • Invitations •Announcements • Bridal Books • Napkins •Accessories 3 Books to choose from James Publishing Co. Ltd. G2 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone (905) 623-3303 COMPUTER SERVICE miimmmm Now & used computer systems In home, one-on-ono, computer training Windows/Dos/Networks Hardware Software setup & maintenance / Upgrades Internet / Website Design dll today (905) 907-1005 fax! (905) 9117-111» gilmarkfiilurham.nut CATERING I HALL RENTAL Clarington Beech Centre Beech Avenue, Bowmanville Former Lions Centre All Occasions Phone 905-697-2856 BANQUET HALL RENTAL Weddings, parties, meetings and other occasions. Catering Services Available Bowmanville Country Club (9051 623-2670 KEG'S COURT CATERING (j Kathy & Kevin Anyan Phone: (905) 623-4277 Fax: (905) 623-2198 COUNSELLING Mediation Counselling Services FREE Consultation ii Live and;Confidential Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. .■ Doug Roach, Family Counsellor 434-3737 or 24 hr. Pager (416) 664-3652 GARDENING SERVICES Seagull Lawn Care • Mowing / Mulching • Dethatching / Raking • Garden Maintenance (416) 984-0567 Days (905) 697-3158 Evenings Serving Durham Region No One Cares For Your Property Like... mr. trim Compléta I'rofuielonel Outdoor Services 623-9711 FINANCIAL SERVICES & REGAL CAPITAL PLANNERS LTD. Since 1968 108 King St. E., Bowmanville "Canada's Largest Independent Financial Planning Organization" - RRSP's - RRIF's - Mutual Funds -Trust Funds - Tax and Estate Planning Steve Scatterty, Financial Advisor 623-1936 Planning your tomorrow today! Serving Clarington area since 1985. Life & Disability Ins. Critical Illness Ins. RRIFs/LIFs/Annuities Mutual Funds*/RRSPs Segregated Funds Estate Planning_Serv. John Willoughby 623-4038 */i - 1-888-296-WILL Fti Licensed with Mulual Lilo of Canada/Mulual Invcstco Inc.*, two companies of Tho Muiunl Group." I sy j The Mutual Group Investors Group FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Andrew J. Rice B.B.A. (Hons.) 62 Prospect Street, Bowmanville Res: (905) 623-3666 Bus: (705) 876-1282 Fax: (705)741-4165 Freedom55 Tlie freedom to choose. The power to get lliere. • Life insurance » Disability Insurance • RRSP and Investment planning •Annuities, RRIFs and LIFs • Group Products • Mutual funds Dwight L. 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(905) 259-0393 - Noel or (905) 623-8673 • ROOFING • SHEET METAL • SIDING Dave Barr 26 Years Experience Tel: (905) 987-1445 Fax: (905). 987-3838 INSURANCE JAMES INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 26 King St. E„ Bowmanville FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 905-623-4406 Fax: 905-623-5570 Home - Auto - Life Don Irvine Agent 108 Waverley Road, Bowmanville Bus. 905-623-4482 Fax. 905-623-3621 LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St, W„ Bowmanville Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589 Lifo Insurance RRSP's RBIF's SUPPLIES AND SALES ORONO BUILDING & DECORATING Slnco 1035 • Plumbing • Roofing • Electrical • Paint • Lumber • Decorating 85 Station St., Orono , 983-9167 PEST CONTROL Complete Control • Pest Control • Turf Management FREE ESTIMATES Go „ Uc (905) 697-3032 PHOTOGRAPHY IS largess foto eourco'* PIOTOOBQPIIDS WlfirtD. Personalized Photo Gifts • Premium Photo Finishing 31 King St. W. Downtown Bowmanville Tel: (905) 623-2568 POOLS Permanent Pool and Patio Swimming Pool and Spa Sales and Installation Serving Durham Since 1983 1646 King St. E„ Courtice, ON LI E 3K7 (905) 404-0583 SERVICES Filler Finishes Tracy Osmond Complote F umitute Restoration and Repair Cdninq VontMMinci, Carvinn. French Polish 7 8 6 2 4 7 7 - Reasonable Rates - Punctual and Very Thorough (905) 697-9052 Trans County General Auto Repairs Certified Vehicle Inspection Station • Licensed Mechanics • Air Conditioner Repairs Call Ed or Dan for appointment (905) 983-5422 Durham Rd. 9, cast of Kendal MAJESTIC MAID ^/cleaning service W 697-MAID (6243) For People Who Don't Have Time" Slnco 1979 Wo do thorough donning with a royal touch Residential • Commercial CARPET CLEANING •INSURED BONDED < Wo wllMitj^our Gchodulo^vt nol so ro^nlj)rjco^