i i Page 12 The Clarington/Courticc Independent, Bowmanvillc, Friday, June 4,1999 Pathfinders Receive Canada Cords Brandy Cook and Amber Key, of the 5th Bowmanvillc Pathfinders, were awarded Guiding's highest honor on Wednesday, June 2nd, with the presentation of their Canada Cords. The honorées are pictured above with their parents parents at a ceremony in the St. John's Church Hall. Joining the Pathfinders for the photo arc Blaine and Tammy Cook and Linda and Ken Key. Registration Underway for Summer School Programs Registration is now taking place for the 1999 Summer School Programs for elementary and secondary students in the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board. Summer-school programs will run from Friday, July 2, 1999 to Friday, July 30, 1999 inclusive and will be offered at Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School in Peterborough, Bowmanvillc High School in Bowmanvillc and East Northumberland Secondary School in Brighton. These programs offer students students opportunities for remediation upgrading or to obtain a full credit in a number of subject areas. The Elementary Summer School Program is offered for students currently currently in Grade 8 with a focus on lan guage and math skills. Eligible students students who require remediation in these areas must have approval from their present principal before beginning beginning the program. The Elementary Summer School Program is voluntary, but is recommended for Grade 8 students students who may need additional academic academic practice before entering Grade 9. Significantly different than other summer school courses, the Grade 9 Summer School Program is designed to develop learning strategies and provide provide remediation in literacy and numeracy. This program features an intense "skill building" session to assist students in meeting the learning expectations from the Grade 9 program. program. As well, the Secondary Summer School Program offers students opportunities to upgrade, or earn a full credit in a number of Grade 10 to OAC courses. Secondary Summer School classes arc scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Applications for the secondary program will be accepted up until the first day on July 2, 1999. Transportation, on a limited basis, will be provided for Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board students. Completed applications for either elementary or secondary Summer School may be faxed, dropped off or mailed to Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School, Armour Road North, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 7B1, Attention: Summer School 1999. The fax number is (705) 749-9452. Don't Sell Our Water Canada has over three-fifths of the world's fresh water. Some countries in Africa have limited access to fresh water, which leads to disease, malnutrition and high rates of infant mortality. Texans arc 1000 feet into their aquifers and almost all their rain is held in containment ponds and consumed. Los Angeles has to get water three hundred miles away and the delivery system is very expensive. This puts significant pressure on Canada to export water. I'm not talking about bottled water but large bulk shipments. Because of the world's perception of Canada possessing so many clean mountain streams, we enjoy a significant significant penetration into foreign markets of Canadian bottled-water. The current issue is whether or not Canadians should ship water in bulk directly from our reservoirs by tanker, pipeline or water diversions to other countries. countries. The federal government government has sought a moratorium moratorium from the. provinces on the export of water until a policy can be decided on. All provinces have agreed, the obvious exception being Quebec, but tensions tensions are building. In Newfoundland, there is a proposal to take the outflow of a lake, five minutes before the water enters the Atlantic Ocean, and put it in containers to ship. Obviously this would be a resource industry for Newfoundland, a province suffering from chronic high unemployment. unemployment. But it begs the question of whether or not exporting water is the start of something we will have difficulty controlling. Some argue water is no different than oil. Therefore, since the provinces control natural resources, why can' they ship water as well? There is also the question of whether or not water is a renewable resource. Here in Ontario only about 10 per cent of the water we sec in our lakes comes from current year runoff. runoff. The other 90 per cent is a catchment from the glacial age. When we start eating into it, our environment must adjust to what we are taking. Some of the most vocal proponents of bulk water shipments are from the Southern United States. In my mind they have simply abused their water resource and now want to do the same with ours. There are also people in the Canada's rural areas who want to ship water as well. These people see it as a way of energizing their local economy. Based on the technology being used to export water in bulk, I don't see job creation as a big feature. Provincial governj ments will most likely support bulk-watef exporting because they see this as a way of gem crating revenue by levying levying an export lax much like stumpage fees or oil royalties. 1 j Some supporters will try to tug at our com science because people in far-off places don't have access to enough water. Personally, • Î would rather bring those people here to expert ence Canada, to learn about irrigation, to learri about water supplies and how to preserve and manage them. ; We should tell out governments that, as Canadians, we don't regard our lakes and rivers as revenue genera? tors or a tax source) Instead, we see oqrj selves as custodians of a precious resource thjjt requires our maintenance. maintenance. Canadians better start giving governments their views fairly soon, because plans arc being discussed behind closed doors now. The concept of divid L ing provinces against one another will also be part of the game plah. After all, if Newfoundland can make money shipping watet, why can't Ontario? . , ACCOUNTANCY HOBB BAKKER BERG1N HILL Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A Thomas F.G. Hill, C.A. 222 King St. E., Suite 103, Bowmanvillc 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 721-8600 LAING, McHARDY & ROHR CHARTERED ■ ACCOUNTANTS Michael D. Laing, c.a. Stephen J. McHardy, b.a., c.a. Jeffrey L. Rohr, B.Acc., C.A. 40 King SI. West, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7L1 (905) 579-6245 AUTO INSURANCE /instate® HOME • AUTO • INSURANCE Darlene Ferguson 905-987-1611 BRIDAL SERVICES Me» tjou Know. IjoWt love U Special,,, • Invitations • Announcements • Bridal Books • Napkins • Accessories 3 Books to choose from James Publishing Co. Ltd. 62 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone (905) 623-3303 Business Cards, Letterhead and Envelopes can bo printed to your specifications and within your budget. Customized Rubber Stamps James Publishing Co. Ltd. 62 King St, W., Bowmanville (905) 623-3303 or Fax: (905) 623-6161 CATERING! HALL RENTALS Clarington Beech Centre Beech Avenue, Bowmanville Former Lions Centre All Occasions Phone 905-697-2856 BANQUET HALL RENTAL Weddings, parties, meetings and other occasions. 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Since 1968 108 King St. E., Bowmanville "Canada's Largest Independent Financial Planning Organization" - RRSP's - RRIF's - Mutual Funds -Trust Funds -Tax and Estate Planning Steve Scatterty, Financial Advisor 623-1936 Planning your tomorrow today! Serving Clarington area since 1985. Life & Disability Ins. Critical Illness Ins. ■RRIFs/LIFs/Annuities ■Mutual Funds*/RRSPs ■Segregated Funds ■Estate Planning Serv. John Willoughby 623-4038 K/| The Mutual Group 1-888-296-WILL FA] Licensed with Mutual Ule of Cnnadn/Mulual Invcslco Inc.*, two companies ol Tito Mutual Group. Freedom 55 Ttic freedom to choose. Thepowcrtogct there. • Ule insurance » Disability insurance •RRSPand Investment planning •Annuities, RRIFs and LIFs • Group Products • Mutual funds Dwight L. Hickson Toll Iroo: 1-000-341-5506 Nowcasllo: 005-907-1345 LIFE INSURANCE HUTTON INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 52 King St. W„ Bowmanville Don Hutton Bus: 623-7688 Res: 263-8589 Lifo Insurance RRSP's RRIF's Your Ad Could Be Here! 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