Page 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Wednesday, June 16, 1999 Plans Underway for 85th Anniversary by Hazel Crago Have a correction to make from last week's item re: the Watershed Award. Hazel misinterpreted the account. Bob , and Esther All in accepted the Award on ; behalf of the Thickson's Wood Heritage ; Foundation Inc. There are nine mcm- ■ bers on the Board and Esther and Bob ; were the two who accepted the award ; from the Central Lake Ontario •Conservation Authority. Thickson's 1 Woods is a wonderful place for migrat- ' ing birds arriving in Southeast Whitby. ; Clumps of native shrubs, evergreens, • oaks, ash and maples arc there - back to • nature! i Sympathy is extended to Molly ; (Quigg) Paterson in the death of her ; husband Victor. Funeral was held on ; Friday, June 11. • To relatives and friends of Mary ! Christina Ginn whose funeral was held Jon Saturday, June 12, we extend sympa- thy. • On Thursday noon, about seventy 'Newcastle Seniors enjoyed lunch at the ! Dutch Oven. President Alee Martin ■ announced the June 27th fiftieth wed- ■ ding anniversary reception of Mark and Evelyn Marchant at St. John's Anglican ! Church, Bowmanville. A get-well card ! was circulated by Marilyn Martin for , attendants to sign. This was to be sent to ; Vance Cooper who is a patient at ;Sunnybrook Hospital. Many of the • attendants returned to the Newcastle ! Community Hall where cards were ; played in the Lions Room. ; The Newcastle Village and District • Historical Society will enjoy the ! President's Pot Luck Lunch this year at üthe home of Pippa and Denis jSchmiegclow on Sunday, July 18, at • noon. Please bring food. Beverage will • be supplied. " On Sunday, June 13, a baby shower ; was held at the home of Murray and •Juanita Martin in honour of their grand- -son, Nathan Lambert, born on May 11, • 1999. Nathan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. jBrad Lambert (nee Annette Martin). ; Many relatives and friends attended this •shower hosted by Aunt Cheryl Burli and ! grandmother Juanita. On Saturday, June 5, at Newcastle ;Unitcd Church, Reverend David •Chisling united in marriage Danielle Yvonne Irene Peel and Shean Graydon ! David Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' Graydon Kennedy of Orono. Danielle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Peel (nee Irene Kimball) and granddaughter of Jack Kimball and the late Wanda '.(McKay). We extend congratulations and best wishes. ; On Wednesday morning, June 9, ■ Narda Hoogkamp hosted an executive Forthcoming Marriage Allan and Teresa Kiely and Wayne Barrett and Shcrryl Barrett wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Christine Kiely and Dana Barrett. They will be married on July 10, 1999 at St. Joseph's Church in Bowmanville. Newcastle News meeting for the Newcastle Horticultural Society. In attendance were Dorclla Lancastcr-Forget, Vicki Lesnick, Isabel Hart, Josic Weller, Ann Best, Bonnie McCracken, Shelley Etmanskie and Hazel Crago. Cheques were accepted for the Millennium tulip bulbs, a fundraiser fundraiser for the Ontario Horticultural Association. Much time was spent planning planning for the June 22 Rose Show and 85th Anniversary parly. While doing my Community Care tag-day duty on Friday, June 4, Edna Hoiiden came along. Her comment was that we had missed her 90th birthday. Herman Perrin reached his 95th birthday birthday on May 15. We extend congratulations congratulations and best wishes to these nonagenarians nonagenarians who reside at Parkview. Former students of Newcastle Public School lake note! The dedication of the cairn commemorating the old Newcastle School will take place on Monday, June 21, at one o'clock. If you didn't attend the school, but arc interested, interested, please come along. The cairn is located near the site of the old school on Beaver Street and at the cast end of Robert Street. St. George's News On Sunday, June 13, Pentecost 3, Holy Communion was celebrated at both eight and eleven o'clock services at St. George's Anglican Church. Holy Baptism and Eucharist at 11:15 when Trent Walter Stephen Flower was baptized baptized and made as a child of God, a member of the Kingdom and a welcome addition to the Christian Community. The flowers at the altar were in loving memory of William Baker (Cousin) and Dorothy and Frederick by Susan Scdlak. After morning service, the Parish Picnic was held at the Parish Hall. It was well attended by the Sunday School children and members of the congregation. congregation. The games were enjoyed by all. Thanks to Chris Evans and family for organizing the event. Sunday School resumes in September with the Junior Choir meeting on Thursday evenings at 6:15 p.m. Have a happy and blessed summer. No 8 a.m. services at St. George's during the month of July. United Church On Sunday, June 13, at Newcastle United Church, Lay Reader Amanda Storks read the scripture and Reverend David Chisling delivered the reflection, Being Persistent. Sunday School news from Superintendent Janet Cringle: Vacation Bible School at Orono United. 'The Great Bible Dig', August 16-20, in the mornings. Helpers and children from Newcastle United are encouraged to participate. Planning begins soon. Contact Reverend Russell 983- 5502/5508 or Janet at 987-1569. . Thanks to all who came to the picnic. God gave us a wonderful warm day for fun and friendship. Thanks to Erla and Francis Jose, kind hosts who shared the beauty of their setting. Thanks to Sunday School teachers and helpers for faithful and commendable commendable work with the young people. Thanks for the gifts of a pretty throw and mug and for your kind words. From this you realize a Superintendent is required. Sunday School teachers are also needed for the fall term. The annual meeting of the Clarington East Food Bank will be held June 16th, at 7:30 p.m. at St. George's Parish Hall. Congratulations to Reverend David Chisling whose picture appears on the People page of the June 1999 United Church Observer. He asks people to pray to stop school violence and remember those who died and were injured in the Columbine High School violence in Denver, Colorado. Plant a columbine to protest violence. Well-Adjusted Grand Opening Dr. Robin Jeffrey made a minor chiropractic adjustment on Clarington Councillor Jane Rowe last Saturday as she celebrated the grand opening of her practice, Dr. Jeffrey's practice is located in the Bowmanville Family Chiropractic Clinic at 243 King Street East. Parade Helps Kick Off Solina Day by Harvey Ycllowlees "There is no such thing as a weed, only a flower that is misplaced." "Over every mountain is a path that can't be seen from the valley." It's been another hot week. Many farmers are at hay full swing. The Solina Park is very busy every week. Saturday was Solina Day. Around 11:30 a.m. there was a parade into the park. Decorated bicycles, wagons, wagons, carriages and walkers all dressed to represent the Disneyland theme. These were judged. The winners received ribbons and everyone who participated received a prize. Of all the various games available, the Dunk Tank proved the most popular. No one minded a dip in the tank on such a warm day! Hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages were available throughout the day and the cooks kept busy supplying the demand. There were races for the children and Bingo was played. There was à keen competition in horseshoes. Glenn Werry and Danny Hoperoft came out the winners. I hear Dennis Bennett had some very interesting games and entertained the spectators. Draw prizes were given out to those with park memberships in the afternoon. afternoon. More special prizes were awarded awarded at the dance in the evening. It wasn't wasn't a big crowd but everyone had a good time. The committee would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make the day a success. Sherri Philips and Karen Kolarek were co- cliairs of the committee. Hampton cards on Wednesday had a goodly number come to play. Winners were: High - Helen Gilroy 85; George Gilroy 78; Marie Gibson 76; Bernice Renton 75 and Don Cochrane 74. Low Charles grounds at the cemetery look great with the new fence now completed. Vacation Bible School leaders and helpers arc still needed. Come out to the meeting June 14 at 7:00 p.m. if you can help July 19-23. Jean and Joyce Taylor, Marjorie Cryderman and Lois Ycllowlees were at the home of Peggy Larmer on Sunday for a shower for bride-to-be Sara Metcalf. U.C.W. News Eldad U.C.W. met June 7th at the church. The meeting opened with a pdcrq by the President and all repeating repeating the U.C.W. Purpose. The May minutes and financial financial report were given . Correspondence included a thank you from Donna Johnston for thé gift of her U.C.W. Life Membership. Newsletters from O s h a w a Presbytery U.C.W. and a notice about the Campbell's soup labels. Jean Taylor announced a booking booking of a "Muffin Break" on Saturday, July 17th. It was suggested suggested we could Solina News have some crafts for sale for the guests. The July outing will be on Monday, July 26th at Hills Haven cottage for a picnic at noon. Please remember to bring lawn chairs. Reports were given by Mary Millson, Elaine Baker, Ida Bray, Lois Ycllowlees and Jean Taylon ; The worship was .conducted . by Loraine Knox who opened with prayer. Scripture was from Isaiah 42: 1 to 7. The story of the "Economical Miracle in Korea" was read. We sang "Take My Life and Let It Be". The offering was received and dedicated. The topic of "Missions" was given by Betty Grant. She gave many views of how our M & S funds are shared, through these funds we bring health,- hope and healing to many people throughout the world. C0URTICE HEALTH CENTRE WALK-IN CLINIC Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sal. & Holidays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. We are pleased to announce the addition of 3 NEW FAMILY PHYSICIANS 1450 Hwy. #2 Courtice, ON LIE 3C3 Accepting New Patients 905-721-4304 5-6-59 j Look who's 1 40 Today and Still Dribbling! Happy ■ Birthday, Son Love, Mum Lots of love from * Little Sis end Family î a/i/m // Olf Love Mom, Dad and Family Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Harold and Dorothy Bannister I June 18,1949 - June 18.1999 6** A | f from Will) Love, Vour Fiimily L a n g m a i d . Special number - Vivian Barrett. Most lone hands - Ada Richards. Lucky draws - Franc Svclcc, Meta Swain, Bernice Renton, Ruby Griffin and Clarence Bray. Come again this week. Lois and I along with daughter daughter Karen Dair and sister Gladys Short attended the Convocation ceremony ceremony at the University of Guelph on Friday when our grandson Michael Metcalf graduated in H o n o u r s Agricultural Science. The greeters at Eldad Church on Sunday were Betty Grant and Elaine Baker. Betty Grant was the lay reader. The theme of the service was "Trusting God's Promise." The Union service Sunday at the Church. Hampton Cemetery was afternoon I lampion The Saturday 'Hiafit "Kaciuy \y 0$ VV GREAT BLUE HERON RACE CAR NIGHT featuring Mosport regulars Include: Challengers Late Models Thunder Cars CDS IL Cl INC >1 (.'GIL •• INC . 11 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I H ■ I I I I <mmai200 WWW l.nstl (Ml ON (LA Ciiscnr Castrol Super Series July 10/11 Gales open at 5:30 Admission: Adults $12.00 Students $8.00 Children 12 and Under FREE Information: (905) 983-9141 oral mospoitcom O.S.C.A.A.R. Super Lute Models 6/12,7/24, 9/4