Page A4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 22,1999 Dump expansion opposed at town hall ByJacquieMcInnes Staff Writer NEWTONVILLE -- The revival of a landfill site near Newtonville is not welcome in Clarington, according to a' newly-released municipal report. "The report is sending a very strong message that the proposal is not conforming conforming to the official plan and we object to the processing of the application," application," Mayor Diane Hamre said at Monday's Monday's general purpose and administration administration committee meeting. The mayor was referring to a planning planning staff report on an application by Newcastle Recycling for "the use and operation of a waste disposal site with a total area of 10.1 hectares (about 25 acres), for the transfer of.... non-haz- ardous solid municipal and commercial waste, at a maximum rate of 250 tonnes per day with a maximum total storage of 250 tonnes... to serve the Province of Ontario." Currently the site is licenced to accept only auto parts including used tires. At one time it was a landfill site for municipal waste but ceased operation operation when it neared capacity of its certificate certificate of approval. The municipality's opposition to the application met with delight on the part Hey kids... Brew up a And win a pizza party for your class! Here are the rules: 1. Enter in the cateory of A) Grades 4,5, and 6 or B) Grades 7 and 8. 2. Maximum length of your spooky Halloween story is 400 words. 3. Please print neatly and include your name, age, grade, school name and home phone number. 4. Contest deadline is Friday, Oct. 15. Mail to: The Canadian Statesman Statesman Spooky Story contest, 62 King St.W., Bowmanville, LIC 3K9. 5. Winners in each category will be announced Wednesday, Oct. 27. Good luck! Another community event sponsored by Œfte Canabtan Statesman Your community newspaper of à local residents' group, the Committee of Clarke Constituents, who arc opposed to any expansion. "We're very encouraged," encouraged," said Terry Caswell. "We feel the town is in support support of our position." Increased heavy load truck traffic and related safety safety concerns, potential hazards hazards to the surrounding environment environment and discrepancies in the application were all cited by the residents as concerns. concerns. The report also brought to light a land-use infraction. According to the report, in July 1998, an aerial aerial survey indicated the company company had encroached upon land zoned agricultural for their current operations. Sam Curcatz, lawyer for Newcastle Recycling, says an application for re-zoning of that property is currently being drafted. sutlon dynamic realty inc. Real Estate with Betty Smith WHEN WE'RE SELLING OUR HOME, HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO HAVE A SIGN ON OUR LAWN? Next to our very sophisticated photo M.L.S. system, there is no medium which advertises and promotes your property more effectively than a Realtor's 'For Sale' sign placed prominently on your lawn. Signs are on duty 24 hours a day and usually generate much more activity than newspaper ads, open houses, etc. Prospective purchasers who call on a Realtor's sign arc partially qualified, in that they have already seen and approved of the exterior appearance of the house, the street and the neighborhood. Many would-be purchasers spend hours driving around in areas where they would like to buy a home. They're looking for Real Estate signs! The most prevalent objection that we, as Realtors, hear from Vendors who don't want a sign is, they don't want their neighbors to know their business. Often however, neighbors living nearby or driving past your home daily, have relatives and friends in other areas, who would love to move into your area. Quite frequently, too, people in search of a smaller, larger or different style home, will move around in their own neighborhoods. So keep all the above in mind, when deciding whether "to sign or not to sign". YOUR QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME. I CAN BE REACHED AT SUTTON GROUP-DYNAMIC REALTY INC. 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Availably lo roaidonlu ol Ontario only PONTIAC BUICK GMC (y4>ttractimi 'a Salon Sherry Ann Rose of Attraction's salon is very pleased fo introduce you lo Gino, an experienced avande garde stylist from Whitby - Gino is welcoming new clients 1 starting September 22nd! Feel free to call, we're here to answer your questions. Academy Marrco*» cl t.xjxj fern nrj Guy cl lor ion [ng'and Gctiwol Cok:« cr*d uc.n ©«jci/vei I'J GronunWotb 16 Temperance St., Bowmanville Ellie Kinnear Sales Representative Qrriugc-S r&l. realty Inc. 600 Grandview St. S., Unit #8, Oshawa, Ontario JUST LISTED! NORTH END BOWMANVILLE! Beautifully maintained, original owner, 4 bedroom, offering 1,900 sq. It. with main floor family and laundry, 3 baths, including luxury en suite, fireplace, central air and double garage. 5189,900. Call Ellie at 721-1144. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 AND 26 1-3 RM. 5291 MAIN STREET, ORONO Century Charmer wilh country sized kitchen, formal living room, main floor family, 2 baths, cenlral air, loads of original trim, wood floors, delached garage. Just reduced to $145,900, Call Ellie at 721-1144. BUILDING LOT-$49,900 3/4 acre lot in village setting on municipal water. Regional lot levies and water hook up paid. Easy commute! Call Ellie at 905-721-1144. Change the colour. Change the mood. •From September 1.1 In Orlulirr ». l!t!il)' ' '• ' ORONO LUMBER 85 Station Street Orono 983-9167 THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NOTICE OF REPEAL OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAWS UNDER THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES ACT. •TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has passed a by-law to repeal Development Charge By-law #92-105, as amended by By-law #93-74, #94-115, #96-165, #97-85, #97-93, #97- 116, #97-117 and #97-220 effective September 1,1999. AND TAKE NOTICE that the last day for applying under Section 64 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 for a refund of ineligible credits is the 22nd day of November 1,999. Refunds of credits are permitted in accordance with Section 64 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 provided the Municipality has previously given credits for what, under the Development Charges Act, 1997 are now deemed to be ineligible credits. Under the Development Charges Act, 1997 an ineligible credit is a credit given under the old Development Charges Act in respect of the following services: 1. The provision of cultural or entertainment facilities including museums, theatres and art galleries but not including public libraries, 2. The provision of tourism facilities, including convention centres. 3. The acquisition of land for parks, 4. The provision of a hospital, as defined in the Public Hospitals Act. 5. The provision of waste management services. 6. Tho provision ol headquarters for tho general administration ol municipalities and local boards. 7. Othor services proscribed in lire regulations. There is no right ol appeal to tho Ontario Municipal Board In, respect ol a claim lor a rotund ol ineligible credits under Section 64 ol tho Development Charges Act, 1997. Dated at the Municipality of Clarington this 4th day ol August, 1999. MUNICII'AUIVOK IfilillfllOTI Dnto ol Publication: August 25-27, Sopt. 1.3.0,10.15,17,22 Patti L. Barrio Municipal Clerk Tho Corporation ol the Municipality ol Clarington 40Tompornnco Strool Bowmnnvillo, Ontario LIC 3 AG CS-Intl 720-1A