I > THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DECEMBER 21,1999 PAGE B11 Firehouse Youth Centre hosts concert BOWMANVILLE - The Firehouse Firehouse Youth Centre will feature a se- leclion of local hands when it hosts a concert on Friday, Jan. 14. • The concert will feature Bonedaddy and Figure Four. It will run from 7 pan. until midnight and will he supervised supervised by members of the Youth Ser vices Canada Project. The concert will he held at the Firehouse Firehouse Youth Centre, located at 132 Church St.. Bowmanville. Tickets are $3 at the door. For more information, call Chris Blowes or David Smith at 623-6814, ext. 32. Fax it SIjc Cmuibmn Statesman general 623-6161 composing 579-9273 Along with .» serene sc one of wintertime bliss, we'd like to add our very lient wishes for a happy ond healthy holiday. JAMES INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED Jfa&B 26 King St. E., Bowmanville --TSPSK""" 623-4406 Drive Merrily, DRIVE,SAFELY Many of our neighbours will be on the road to visit friends and family this Christmas. If you're one of them take your time and relax. Drive safely and enjoy the holiday. Bob's Towing Bowmanville • Courtice • Oshavva 723-5219 3 11 Jf/ I Ml # u » ISIk aj.p.y Email it EIjc Caimbtmi â>tate6nran statesmn@durham.net J Merry Tidings, One and All! Our hearts arc always open to extend our thoughts of thanks for your kind patronage. We do so value your support. from Management and Staff of ROYAL BANK Bowmanville Courtice 55 King St. E. 1405 King St. E 623-4471 576-5521 % i, l f ©j.p. HOBB BAKKER BERGIN HILL Chartered Accountants Peter A. Hobb, C.A. Wilmar J. Bakker, C.A. Ian F. Bergin, C.A Thomas F.G. Hill, C.A. 222 King St. E„ Suite 103, Bowmanville 623-9461 STEPHEN J. SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountant 13 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1W8 721-8600 t ACCOUNTING - ^CATERIHG/HALL RENTAL FINANCIAL SERVICES J KING'S COURT CATERING (1«% Kathy & Kerin Anyan Phone: (905) 623-4277 Fax: (905)623-2198 kingscourl@durhammall.com Clarington Beech Centre 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville (Historical Setting) MODERN FACILITY ALL OCCASION 250 PERSONS Clarington Older Adult Assoc. Phone 905-697-2856 ! Investors 'Group FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. Andrew J. Rice B.BÀ (Hons.) 62 Prospect Street, Bowmanville Res: (905) 623-3666 Bus: (705) 876-1282 Fax:(705)741-4165 t AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE It COUNSELING ) HORNER Ctiassis & Automotive 71 Steams Crl,, Unit 118, Bowmanville L1C4N4 • Computer Diagnostic • Licensed Med lanits • AC Servicing •Safely Inspections • Custom Exliausl '""'623-4286 jUberty tear * 1Wash H VELVETOUCH TUNNEL SOFT WASH 5 Self Serve Bays D®6% Water ses 623-7410 146 LIBERTY ST. SOUTH Family Matters Counseling Services FREE Consultation Live and Confidential, .... . Monday - Friday 10 a.m.' to 8 p.m. Doug Roach, Family Counselor 434-3737 or 24 hr. Pager (416) 664-3652 t UPHOLSTERY London Life Freedom55 The freedom to choose. The powertoget there. • Life insurance • Disability insurance • RRSP and Investment planning • Annuities, RRIFs and LIFs ■ • Group Products • Mutual funds Dwight L. Hickson Toll free: 1-800-341-5586 Newcastle: 905-987-1345 JAMES INSURANCE BROKER LIMITED 26 King St. E„ Bowmanville FOB ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS 905-623-4406 Fax: 905-623-5570 (LEGAL SERVICES) Sam L. Cureatz, Q.c. Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public 104 James Street West Newcastle, Ontario LIB 1C6 j ; Phone:(905)987-3500 ' ' Pax: (905) 987-3503 f Home: (905) 987-9811 Are your children getting the GRANT? IAN C. TURNER ^ CENTRE DIRECTOR Young Drivers SERVING CLARINGTON 14 Division St. (south of King) Bowmanville Tel: (905) 623-7017 Centres Across Canada Grundy's Country Upholstery Upholstery of Solas & Chairs, Cushions, Recreational Seats, Retractable Awnings, Sales & Installation 3375 Con, Rd, 7 Orono, Ontario LOB 1M0 Phone/Fa»: 905 983-9874 INSURANCE J (CATERING/HALL RENTAL) Home - Auto - Life Don Irvine Agent 108 Waverley Road, Bowmanville Bus. 905-623-4482 Fax. 905-623-362 BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB )) BANQUET HALL RENTAL CATERING SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR Weddings, Parties, Meetings, etc. *FULLY LICENSED 180 PEOPLE CAPACITY* 905-623-2670 What are they saying about YOUNG DRIVERS ? Just about everyone says YOUNG DRIVERS® Is the number one driving course on the planet. Which tempts certain competitors to claim Ibvy'rc just like YOUNG DRIWRS®, only cheti/icr! If you've heard libs like till tlriring instructors hike the same training, or ire tench collision (uvldumvjusl like YOUNG 1)111 VIM/, or YOUNG DltlVIiRScosts more because they're big anti successful, ! don't be fooled. Y Only YOUNG i DRIVERS® has the patented programs and Intensive Instructor training that earned us ISO 9001 registration You've heard YD Is tops? You heard right, for all the facts, just call! Collision/ Driver ImpnivcmcniGu/ % WAY YOUNG DRIVERS®of Canada | That's what parents arc for. n™sm™ Christmas course starting Jan. 4th (4 clays) NEW LOCATION: 14 Division St. (south of King) Bowmanville 623-7017 Recent unveiling of Ihe Canada Education Savings Grant now puls up lo $7,200 in your child's education fund. Many families don't know about this grant, or how easy it is lo apply. Pliimiiiiji for year c/iiM's^g^ future begins totltiy ^WJrl || Ihe grant Trinity EDUCATION TRUST PLAN Paula A. Morlese 905-436-0658 Tram up «1 child in the wav he should go. and when he is old. he will not depart from it The rich rules over the poor «mil the borrower becomes the lender's slave. -Proverbs 22 h&7 r HEALTH & BEAUTY 1 Vie Gift that keeps on growing Neighbourhood Paralegal and Credit Services Free Initial Consult 623-0201 Personal & Small Business Specialists • Small Claims Court • Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal • Personal Legal Administration • Debt Collection • High Risk Management • Credit/Bankruptcy Counseling All In The Family Hair & Nail Salon "Holiday Specials" Facials - $55.00 Acne Treatment - $8.00 (with any facial) Glycolac Treatment - $22.00 (with any facial) Eye Treatment - $17.00 (with any racial) Specialty Deep Pore Treatment - $5.00 (with any facial) Pedicures - $27.00 Also available Full Body Waxing, Lash Tinting Artificial Nails & Full ITair Service rfil t<& fyirym /Hi evenyrute a dafe- and bzfzfuf ttalidatf momm. For appointment call 728-6800 ( NANNY SERVICE )] -- * [ REAL ESTATE rmmmmmmmmmmmmm Generations Nanny & Companion Service Inc. We provide care on a Part-time, Full-time or casual basis. Serving Durham Region. jgCall 623-4439 for further info.; * ( PET GROOMING SANDY'S ESTHETICS ified Esthetician & Electrologist 'facials, 'Mimes & Dianiaires etc. Courtice Chiropractic SSr' Sandy Pipher Courlice, Onlario LI E 2R7 720-2065 /Hi in- t6c 'pasHiitf I-lair & Nail Salon Full Service Introducing U,V, Gel Artificial nails S' (905) 728-6800 [0 2 Glcnabboy Drive, Unit #9, Courlice 'Tmuiline & Ulnar Area %^J0RB £ 'to* Professional Dog Glooming Val Robertson, "Dtlg: 19 Lawrence Cres. Bowmanville, ON LIC.1M7 905-623-2889 'jmvutitf people" Kolteilstmtifspriiilea EXIT REALTY SHIRMAX Shirley Maxwell Broker/ Owner 576-5300 (90S) 576-5300 (905) 623-4445 (905) 433-8109 1-800-361-54i RESTAURANT « pools j Permanent Pool and Patio Swimming Pool and Spa Sales and Installation Serving Durham Since 1983 1646 King Si. E., Courlice, ON U E 3K7 (905)404-0583 photography!! @ lanes w folo source" PIOIOOBIPICBS VIBllD. Personalized Photo Gifts • Premium Photo Finishing 31 King St. W. Downtown Bowmanville Teh (905) 623-2568 SERVICES I S 1 EXCAVATION • POST HOLES Specializing in: a» 1 "Limited Access Areas" RENOVATIONS • DECKS • WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING Oshawa: (905) 721-2745 Bowmanville: (905) 623-0932 III ORONO BUILDING & DECORATING Since 1935 • Plumbing • Roofing • Electrical • Paint • Lumber • Decorating 85 Station St., Orono 983-9167 NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME •Thoughtfulness • Service • Concern 623-5668 53 Division Bowmanville 12 Peel Tablei • VMee Gamei •TO Satellite T.V.'e If Nightly Special* • D.J.'s * live Entertainment Thurs-Sat • Wedneiiiy Night li Wing Night 2727 Courtice Road, Courtice (905) 404-9660 . vV- V, » i ÎUJ t SUPPLIES & SALES ) ■ Si [HOME IMPROVEMENTS] t PROMOTIONS Put Your Name In Your Clients' Hands • PENS • FRIDGE MAGNETS • COFFEE MUGS • KEY TAGS • BALLOONS Hundreds ol different items, all can bo imprinted with your company or organization's logo. Clarington Promotions (905) 697-3835 To advertise on special features In Clarington This Week call the Inside Sales Department at (90S) 579-4400 fpÂMmÉiTb} Compare ourptices and SAVE/ RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • HARDWOOD rtOORING • PARQUET • CUSHION FLOORING • CARPET IMPORTERS OF FINE CERAMIC TILE { TTT' < U4 King St. W, Bowmanville , Tel: 623-3929:4 Ed Piho Enterprises Residential* Commercial All Types of Construction Ropairs/Ronovations • Kllchons/Dalhiooms • Properly Maintenance • Landscaping All Types of Masonry 905-623-5799 m «esaasi OATLAND/ "".CANADA 1IOMK OF DARLINGTON AUTO CUN I RK JOHNSON UUTIIOAKDS SALES MliKl'UKY OUTIIOAKDS SERVICE Phono: 9Ü5-983-FIS1I (3473) Kitx: 905-983-9832 mobile: office: Phone: SAVEWAY 1 RENOVATIONS LTD CsIMillihcdSInco 1974 (905)435-4161 (905) 436-0296 905 438-1511 53 aa38a8BBg88BaBB5 A Residential & Commercial • Reasonable Rates ■ punctual and Very Thorough (905) 697-9052 MAJESTIC MAID CLEANING SERVICE 'Iff 697-MAID (6243) Since 1979 Wo do thorough cleaning with a loyal touch Residential * Commercial -ST • CAHPET CLEANING 4^ ■■ • INSUnED 130MDED 'aaftr Wu will lil yunr i.climlulg al nul au luyal [iiico JEAN SIMONE School of Dance Call No w to Register 697-1943 122 WAVERLEY RD., BOWMANVILLE TO ADVERTISE IN THE CLARINGTON CONNECTION CALL INSIDE SALES DEPT. AT (905) 579-4400 OR CANADIAN STATESMAN AT (905) 623-3303