i f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, NOVEMBER 8,2000 PAGE A11 «, AJ. GROEN/Statesman pholo j. World according to Nacc trace's Office World is open for business at 1 King St. E., Bowmanville, fat Temperance Street. It offers an internet lounge with four computers, -office supplies, photocopying, faxing and printing. Above, owner Mary fLou Naccarato shows her daughter Ashley how to log onto the internet, fin background is Joey Naccarato. |MPP has a new, old idea £< Antique cm - collectors may be able citing "a very excellent reception on '!to make their vehicles a little more au- Monday" during which collectors ar- .;thentic-looking, should a private mem- rived at Queen's Park in their antique » Let s' bill introduced by Durham MPP vehicles in a show of support for the * John O'Toole pass second reading later bill. This month. "The more antique car owners I ; Mr. O'Toole's bill, which would meet with, the more I see why this is so ;allow drivers to use antique license' important to them," says Mr. O'Toole, •plates issued in the province in die same "They have invested considerable time year the antique car or truck was made, and money in their vehicles, and using passed first reading in June. The bill is the year-of-manufacture plates com- •now faced with second reading, where pletes the vehicle's authenticity." •it will be debated by the government, Mr. O'Toole says he is confident of iand that "could happen in maybe late the success of his bill. "I have every as- ;November," says Mr. O'Toole. surance from the Minister (of Trans- ; The bill has been championed by an- portation) that he is prepared to support ■tique car enthusiasts, says Mr. O'Toole, my legislation." Dr. John Balenko @623-7412 Dr. Karl Vermeulen @623-7100 DENTISTRY GENERAL EMERGENCY CARE AVAILABLE Q Sedation Q Children's Dentistry , -- Q Peridontist Q Orthodontics La}gr-&ynüstryJ) 60 LIBERTY ST. SOUTH BOWMANVILLE W/ B .53 "THl; LIGHT TOUCH" . . SAVE 4 Liberty Tax Schools Learn a valuable new skill preparing income taxes. I Upon completion of the course, you will be eligible for employment* with Liberty Tax Service. *(Completion of courses) is neither an offer or guarantee of employment) • LEARN to prepare income taxes • EARN money preparing taxes • SAVE money preparing your own return Classes start soon--so hurry to enroll Call (905) 438-8815 ( Question: Nick, my company is considering on-site massage v therapy. Can you tell me about benefits of on-site massage therapy? Does your company need On-Site Massage Therapy? Nick Cavallari. B.P.H.E., RMT < Absenteeism and injury are a significant '. cost for employers. ; This is why many companies now have wellness programs at work, including ; massage therapy. Companies like Husky, in Bolton, Ontario, are finding that money ■ spent on on-site wellness programs has < translated to significant savings in employee absenteeism and injury. . Mary Jane Nodwell, Health Services t Coordinator with Canadian Tire has i found that having a massage therapist on- ; silc is "very often effective in preventing ; people from going off work." ; On-site massage therapy saves companies ; money. Baxter Corporation, in Alliston, • Ontario, found that on-site massage therapy meant significant savings, On- . site massage therapy cut absenteeism for : work-related injuries by 25% over four , years (1989-92). In cash terms, that's one ; hundred thousand dollars per year on-site ; massage therapy has shaved off Baxter's' compensation claims. (1988-90). The research confirms the benefits of onsite onsite massage therapy. These include ■ increased alertness, and decreased stress • and anxiety levels. (Field, T. et al. 1996), ' Does your company need on-site massage : therapy? Yes, if it wants to increase productivity and decrease absenteeism and injury costs, For On-Site Massage Therapy Programs, give me a call, Grant Physiotherapy 214 King Street East, Bowmanville, ON L1C 1P3 (905) 623-2783 Fax (905) 623-9236 "Count On Us" ■ ^ ■ Canadian Nuclear Commission canadienne m . ■ Safety Commission de sûreté nucléaire Notice of Public Hearing The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announces a two-day public hearing on licensing applications for the following nuclear facilities: • Ontario Power Generation, Toronto, Ontario: - renewal of operating licence for Pickering A Nuclear Generating Station; - renewal of operating licence for Pickering B Nuclear Generating Station; - renewal of operating licence for Pickering Waste Management Facility. Presentations by the applicant and CNSC staff on the above applications will be heard by the Commission on January 18, 2001. Written submissions from the applicant and Commission staff are due by December 19,2000 and will be available on request after that date. Written submissions and presentations from intervenors with respect to the above applications applications will be considered on March 8, 2001. Commission staff and licensee representatives will also be present. Interventions may be by written submission or oral presentation. Requests to intervene before the Commission with respect to the above licensing applications applications are due by February 6, 2001. All such requests must be accompanied by a written text of the submission or presentation. Intervenors who prefer to make an oral preséntation before the Commission on January 18 instead of March 8, must send their request with the full text of their presentation to the Commission at the address below by December 19, 2000. The hearing sessions on January 18 and March 8, 2001, are scheduled to be held at the CNSC's offices in Ottawa, at 280 Slater Street, 14 th floor. Public hearings begin at 8:30 a.m. and follow the order listed in the agenda published prior to the hearing date. All submissions must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission at the following address: do Ms. Carmen Ellyson Commission Operations Officer Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Tel.: (613) 996-2026 or 1-800-668-5284 280 Slater St., P.O. Box 1046 Fax: (613) 995-5086 Ottawa (Ontario) K1P 5S9 E-mail: interventions@cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca CNSC hearings on licensing matters are open to the public and public comment is invited. Details on the public hearing process and licensing decisions are available on the CNSC web site. The CNSC regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security security and the environment and to respect Canada's international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca Canada THE FALL MAINTENANCE PACKAGE • Lube, oil and filter * 15 point inspection including battery, antifreeze, tires, wipers, hoses & belts • Tire rotation • Brake inspection • Top up fluids • Set tire pressure $39 95 TWO FREE BOTTLES OF OPTIKLEEN WINDSHIELD WASHER FLUID ISP UNIROYAL TIGER PAW ASC P185/75R14 $ 64" $124® One Tire Two Tires Fils most '90-'94 Sunblrds and Cavaliers UNIR0YflL tiger paw asc pirommn $70 95 $135" R\ One Tire Two Tires I '95-'9B Achlevas and Grand Ams UNIROYAL TIGER PAW ASC P205/70R15 $7795 $14095 One Tire TVvo Tires Fits most '92-'98 Trans Sports and Lumlna Vans | !fto777777?71 Goodyear BFGoodricH Ê UNI ROYAL Ê p§ mmj Ml 1 1 wSÊBÊmm