i r Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamnews.net THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, V/EDNESDAY EDITION, January 31,2001 PAGE 11 Sales Help Agents Sales Help Agents Sales Help Agents Sales Help Agents Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Houses for Rent Tenders Tenders Grow Your Future! Looking for some professional excitement? Growth? Respect? Reward? Want large company support with smaller company autonomy? If these things are important to you, we have an opportunity for you! The News Advertiser is looking for a seasoned Advertising Sales Rep Here's what you offer: You're a self starter able to service and develop existing and new clients. You have knowledge of the publishing industry and solid sales background. You get things done. Please send your resume, with salary expectations to: Advertising Manager 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. L1S2H5 fax:905-619-9068 -AJAX/I'JCKERING- NEWS ADVERTISER THE COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1%5 Skilled Help Skilled Help Articles for Sale Articles for Sale CARPENTRY FOREMAN wanted for new home framing contractor. Must have min. 7yrs experience framing new homes, forklift experience, read blueprints, have own tools, valid drivers license. Fax resume to (416)633-7491 HAAS CORPORATION OF CANADA Haas is a large multinational chemical management services company. We specialize specialize in reducing cost and improving processes associated with chemical use in manufacturing. Job Description: Run a paint detackifica- tion process, place chemical orders, help reduce chemical use, generate charts and graphs and help with environmental compliance. Qualifications Include: Graduate of Environmental Technology and /or Chemical Technology For additional information on our company please visit our website at: www.haascorp.com Please send all resumes and correspondence to the attention of Ian Bellinger Hass Corporation of Canada P.0. Box 30 Whitby, Ont. L1N-5R7 50-80% OFF HUGE SELECTION OF NAME BRAND PRODUCTS We Carry Electronics, Clothes, Jewelery and much more! Reply now for more Information. You won't be disappointed. E-mail: cybergades@gmx.net (Leave Name and Number) 905-786-9810 (ask for Chris or leave message) Satisfaction Guaranteed Firewood Articles lor Sale KOZY HEAT FIHEWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hard-, wood, guaranteed extra long lime fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut 8 split Honest measurement, tree delivery, 905-753-2246. FIREWOOD lor sale, cut, split, delivered or you pick up. All hardwood. 905-983-5623. ROKA FIHEWOOD • 4x8x12'. $69 - 4x8x16' $75. Locally owned & operated since 1961. Days 705-277-3381 loll Iree from Oshawa or Evenings 434-6665. Bargain Corner Hospital Medical Denial Hospital Medical Denial MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Full time (some evening hours and Saturday hours). Must be able to multi-task. Experience in Computer OIIIP and VVSIE billing, insurance claims, accounts receivable and booking appointments in a very busy Health and Rehabilitation Clinic. 234 King St. E., Bowmanvillc Please fax resume to: (905) 623-8285 DININGROOM 14PCE cherry- wood. 92' double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Bullet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. construction. Still In boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrllice $5000. (416)740-0995. Articles lor Sale ■ lull Office Help JR. LAW CLERK/LEGAL Secretary Secretary to |oln our Real Estate Law Service Team In our Whitby office. The position carries Registry and office responsibilities responsibilities with a client service career path. Competitive Competitive pay and benefits. Fax/ email, resume to: Diana, or S . at 905-985-3758, or liSRhometitlilser-' 17 ' 1 " ■ vlce.com . . -. PART-TIME LEADING In lull- lime receptionist required lor growing plastics manufacturer in Bowmanville. Candidate must have multi-line phone experience, MS Word and Excel. Excel. Please lax resume lo (905)697-1759 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY needed pari lime junior position, position, at busy law office In Bowmanvllle/Newcasllc area. Knowledge of -Word Perfect 9 required. Please reply lo File #640 Oshawa This Week, P.0. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario. LIH 7L5 Hospital Medical Denial Sales Help / Agents MERCHANDISING POSITION. Mature person required lor part lime merchandising position position in confectionery Industry. Flexible hours, S10./hr plus car allowance. Forward resume; resume; Gwenda Greenwood; ggreenwood@lriple-c-candy- com or lax 1-360-318-1358 PART-TIME HELP needed lor Retail Tile Shop. Will train, evenings and weekends. Fax resume lo (905)683-3182. SALES ASSOCIATE lor ollice equipment company. Sales experience prclerred. Training provided on product line. Strong computer skills an asset. asset. Salary, Commission and Car allowance. Reply lo: Ollice Ollice Manager, Box 193, 15-75 Bayly St., W„ Ajax, Ontario. , SUITE DREAMS • Durham's leading bedroom specially store is looking lor a Managing Managing Sales Person lor an established established location In Durham. An excellent opportunity to |oln a stable growing company. company. Fax resume lo Human Resources Resources 1-905-024-3054 Skilled Help AJAX PRINTER requires experienced experienced part-time/full-time Pre-Press Operator, knowledge knowledge ol PC and shipping Is an asset Call 905-619-1297 APPRENTICE MACHINIST • 2nd - 3rd year required lor custom machine building shop. Jobbing Shop experience experience an asset. Own measuring measuring lools required. Apply In person wllli resume: Hub Industries Industries Lid. 1621 McEwen Drive, Unit #38, Whitby Ont. L1N 9A5. LOOKING lor experienced FRAMERS lor work In the Co- bourg area. Call Robeil at 705-653-0450. DENTAL HYGIENIST required lor a busy general practice In Pori Hope, Ontario. Please lax resume lo Dr. G. Hamilton at (905)685-5492 DENTAL OFFICE MANAGER required lor one year maternity maternity leave, starting April 2001 to- May20.02; .MUst have-experi- iCenoanwIlhiiaccDunls lreceivable, lreceivable, payroll, reconciliation,'- using Quick Books accounting software. Hours: Tues. • Frl. 8- 5:30 p.m. Please lax resume lo: 905-831-5975. EXPERIENCED Denial receptionist receptionist .required lull-time lor family practice. Evenings & Saturdays required. Fax re- sume to (905)668-7295. FULL TIME DENTAL RECEPTIONIST, RECEPTIONIST, evenings and Saturdays, Saturdays, flexible hours, ABLE exp. preferred. Call lor appl. 905-839-4486 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS needed to promote natural formulas, formulas, clinically proven lo lower cholesterol, new lo Canada. Canada. For information and product product samples call 905-839- 6348 or 1-888-486-2460. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST required required Including evenings & weekends. Experience preferred. preferred. Please lax resume lo (905)831-8749. PART-TIME CHIROPRACTIC Receptionlst/Assislant required required Immediately (evening hours only). Outgoing personality personality essential, Perfect lor College student. Heallli & Science Science prelerred. Flexible hours an asset. Please lax resume by Friday, February 2nd, 2001. 905-579-4316. PHARMACY Technician (Full lime or part-time) needed at Medical Pharmacies Group Inc. In Pickering. Attractive hours, wages, and benefits. Experience In long-term care and Zadall an asset. Fax resume resume to Manager (905)831- 8751 or 1-800-275-2143, PREVENTIVE DENTAL Assistant Assistant lor Orthodontic ollice. Computer and Olhodonllc experience experience preferred. Send or drop-oil resume: Dr, E. Pong, 1050 Simcoe SI.N. Suiie#112, Oshawa, L1G 4W5 RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED lor Optometrist ollice required compuler and or optométrie assistant experience an asset. asset. 24 - 32 hr. per wee, No weekend, no evenings. Fax resumes lo (905) 579-8504. HN REQUIRED part-lime, days (24 liours/week) lor Pickering Oral Surgery ollice. Experience In Airway Management Management prelerred. Fax resume resume to: 905-837-1703 EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER Dupont experience prelerred. For busy Hat rale shop in Whitby. Jensen's Auto Body (905)668-3331 ask for Don RPN's & Attendants Required Part-time far busy retirement home. ■ Musi be (lexible and available lor weekends & call-ins snalLsIiiiis, Fax resume to: 905-831-5033 CARPETS - lois ol carpel, 100% nylon, new slain release release carpels on hand, I will carpel 3 rooms, S349. Price Includes carpel, premium pad, expert Installation, Iasi'delivery, Iasi'delivery, Iree estimates (30 yards). Norman 686-2314. A SNOWSTORM OF SAVINGS!! SAVINGS!! - Luigi Is plowing his way lo the biggest sale everl Maltresses from S89/lulons (rom S165. All merchandise must be cleared. Prices so low • you won't believe your eyes! If you're looking. For the best deal on furniture. Check us out first. All futons, bean -..bags,'. Simmons traitresses, r-, palliser leather' and'upholstery . solas and loveseals, bedroom SSIIleSS tplnlils," priced.: for 1 .-' 1 /qulck'i'clearance. Lulgl's'EiirV nilure, 488 King.SI. W„ Osha- ' via, (905) 436-0860. Always the best quality at our lowest price everll, JVC DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 surround surround sound home theatre i system; 500 digital packages must go: System Includes receiver, receiver, DVD and CD player, 5 speakers, lor complete 5:1 surround lor only S957. Super dlgiline high end JVC tuners, amplifiers, CD players, cassette cassette decks, turntables, signal processors, VCRs, DVD players, players, televisions. 90 day layaway. layaway. Oshawa Stereo 579- 0893 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES AT HANK'S APPLIANCES. Dryers S149/up. Washers 8175/up. Frost-tree trldges SI 99/up. Stoves, apt.-size 4 30", reg/sell-cleanlng, gas S149/up. Large selection gas dryers. Portable dishwashers, only S249. Amana refrigerator, bottom freezer, must see. slde-by-sides. Ibis weeks special only S349. 426 Slm- coe SIS. (905)728-4043. ANTIQUES 4 COLLECTIBLES - 76 Elgin Street Bowmanville, Ontario. Open Frl. Sal. Sun. 11-5 p.m. or by appointment. 697-3164. eg. China, Plates, Furniture. Candles, Old bot- tles, milk cans elc. APPLIANCE CENTRE • Washer, Washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher. dishwasher. all fully guaranteed. Come make a deal! 33 Station St., Ajax, (905)426-2682. APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2- door host Iree, deluxe slove, matching heavy duly washer/ dryer 5675/ali-will separate. Also Kenmore washer used 2 years S250 tOryer. Also Fridge, slove, washer dryer, dishwasher Smooths old, rea- sonable. 905-767-6598. ARCADE GAMES - Mortal Combat II, Golden T99, Pac Man, 4'x8' pool table and pin ball games. Call (905) 720- 4506, leave message. BRAND NEW, never used JVC car stereo. KS-ES200 graphic equalizer with sub woofer output. KD-LX1 CD receiver receiver with power output ol 160 walls. S450. or best oiler. (905) 436-9823. CAR DOLLY - custom built Iasi year. Excellent behind any vehicle. Asking S900 firm. Call 1-705-328-2212 Janet- vllle. J.R, MILLS APPLIANCES 125 King St. E., Bowmanville 697-1240 EJmayiag Discounters Special on Dishwashers' FAST DELIVERY PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS • Installations • Games • Back-ups (905) 721-2365 JVC STEREO PACKAGE Surround Sound Receiver, 5 disc CD, Dual Cassette 3 way Tower Speakers Only $10" per week No Money Down No Payments until May SHOWTIME TV Cobourg 905-373-0265 Daycare Wanted AUTOCAD OPERATOR. Full lime position at Onlailo Land Surveyors ollice. Musi be proficient In AutoCAD version 14 or 2000 and baye 2 years experience. Please lax re- sumo lo (005)725-9957. TOOL 4 DIE second or third year apprentice. Excellent opportunity opportunity 1er experienced apprentice. apprentice. Please lax resume lo: 905-434-7742. XEROX 00CUTECH/5330 OPERATOR; OPERATOR; experienced: one year conlracl; Oshawa. Fax: Shannon Human Resources 416-224-2627. LOVING EXPERIENCED caregiver caregiver required Monday-Wcd- nesilay In my Bowmanville homo lo care lor 3 children. References please. Non- smoker prelerred. Call (905)623-7812 EfTl Daycare Available CARPET SPECIAL Rcc. Room Carpet 15. Asst. Colours 18 oz. ,5<5(!/sq. ft. 20 oz. ,88(!/sq.fl. 10 mm Underpin! from $2.50/sq.yd. 36 oz, Carpet Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 from S89-S169.99 RICE 8. CO. 4 St. George SI, S. Bowmanville 623-1622 RCA HOME THEATRE PACKAGE 52" RCA Big Screen TV, DVD Player, and Surround Sound Stereo System. Ailler $24" per week . No Money Down No Payments until May SHOWTIME TV Cebourg » 905-373-0265 Hospital Medical Denial AJAX, lull-ilmo position available lot CDA or PDA, malcmlly leave. Will train. Fax icsililie lu 905-CU3-9387, DENTAL ASSISTANT wllli ox- peiluncn needed lor 2' days pci Week. Gieat hours and lo- callon, Call (410)284-0945. ARE YOU IN NEED OF A NANNY? Wo have experienced experienced Philliplno nannies from overseas, Rellablo/hardwork- ing, patient, llvo-ln nannies. Seeking employer lo sponsor. Call-Mother's Helper 416-496- 0562 DAYCARE AVAILABLE • llwy 2 - 4 Couitlco lid. Toddlers welcome, 30t yeais experience, experience, loving Chrtsllan, nonsmoking nonsmoking homo. References available. 905-434-1858 LOVING oxpoiloncotl daycare available ollerlng year-round,, lull-lime care, Non-smoking environment. Sanililiigham/ Trulls Couitlco. Receipts available. 433-1397 CARPETS SALE 4 . HARDWOOD HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpel 3 rooms horn S339. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpel, premium pad and installation. Free estimates, carpel repairs. Serving Durham and surrounding surrounding area. Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-686- 1772. CARPETSI CARPETSI CAR- PETSI 3 ROOMS COMPLETELY COMPLETELY CARPETED $299. (30 yrds.) NO HIDDEN COSTSIII Commercial carpel al $4.95 yd. Berber carpet al $7.50 yd. 40 oz. Saxony carpet al $11.50 yd. Free shop al homo services. services. Guaranteed best prices. SAILLIAN CARPETS, 905-373- 2260. CARPET AND VINYL SALE- Caipcl tluoo rooms, 30 square yaids, horn $339 Installed. 1 will discount your host quote up lo 10%. Now colors and desIgns.Ciislornor satisfaction guaranteed. Call Mike 1er your lice estimate, 905-43I-404Q SONY STEREO PACKAGE 500 walls, 5 disc CD, Dual cassolle, 3 way lower speakers, only $10.00 porwook Nothing Down No Payments until Nov. SHOWTIME TV Northumberland Mall Cobourg • 373-0265 Phone Today lo Place Your Classified Ad (905) 576-9335 FIND YOUR NEXT USED VEHICLE AT: durhamwheels.com Articles lor Sale OAK/PINE FURNITURE...Our Mission Furniture is on the floor...Come and see the Sr/le that has turned the Furniture World upside down..We are also now carrying a full line ol HANDCRAFTED MENNONITE FURNITURE in addition lo our own lines...Traditional Woodworking Woodworking is the leading manu- facturer ol SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region...Bring your Ideas/ plans and let us turn them into realily..Drop in and see our Slate ol the Art Woodworking lacilily and lei us show you how line luinilure is made..Remember...'There is no Subslitute lor Duality'...Traditional Duality'...Traditional Woodwork- lng...115 North Port Road (South oil Reach Road), Port Perry..905-985-8774.. ..www. traditionalwoodworking.on.ca BACKSTREET BOYS TICKETS FOR SALE - also Toronto Maple Maple Leals, Toronto Raptors. Also will buy Leals. Raptors 4 other concerts. Telephone (905) 626-5568 WEDDING DRESS - Allred D'Angelo Size 9. Best oiler. 705-745-5860.snp E77ÎV Articles Wanted ANTIQUES?Absolutelyl Advice- Advice- always valuable, usually Iree! Purchasing outright, estates estates w/some antique contents, contents, (no limit lo value considered), considered), collections ol any soil, quantities or single antique antique ilems. Special inleresl in Moorcrolt pottery. I'll try lo respond respond to all queues, Robert Bowen Antiques- Biooklin, Onlario. (905)655-8049 or (905)242-0890. COMPUTER-PENTIUM 166, 32Mb ram, 2GB-HDD. 3-1/2 floppy, 24x CD-Rom, 56k modem, modem, sound/vldeo card; keyboard, keyboard, speakers, mouse, Iree Internet, colour monilor, S350. Can deliver 4 set up. 60' big screen TV, Magnavox 3 years old..great shape S1800. 3-man hot-tub, brand new, blue marble marble libreglass, $1800. 905- 439-4769. OSS SYSTEMS - HU lest cards with/without systems. AlsoDISH network sys- tems.Get all the local channels channels with your dish 1er S175. Website carlbdss.com or email: carlbdss@yahoo.com or Call (905)426-9576. FOR SALE, fridge 4 slove, Washer 4 dryer, Excellent condition. Phone 723-6075 HARDWOOD FLOORING FOR BETTER HEALTH. Unfinished Irom S1.99/sq.ft.; prefinished from S2.99/sq.lt. Also, relln- ishing old floors 4 sanding needs. Showroom: Kendal- wood Plaza 1801 Dundas SI. E„ Whitby 905-433-9218 OSHAWA HARDWOOD FLOORS LTD. WANTED Leaf Tickets Will pay up to face value. Call Bruce 905-579-4400 Ext. 2207 Pets/Supplies/ Boarding KENMORE FROST- FREE fridge and" electric stover * $450; complete stainless steel chimney 1er wood stove, S475.905-432-2056. . KNITTING MACHINE, Passap electronic 6000, motor driven, Includes Passap U100E, Pas- sag tricolit, wool winder, 4 colour colour changer, video guide and books, 611. steel shell stand, approx S900 worth ol wool, asking $3000. (905)839-9814.. PIANO - beaulilul Baldwin piano and bench, apartment size, like new condition, $3,500,905-373-9319, PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor tuning, repairs, 4 pre-purchase pre-purchase consultation on all makes 4 models ol acuustic pianos. Reconditioned Heintz- man, Yamaha, Masdn 4 Rlsch, 4 other grand or uprlghl pianos 1er sale, starling starling al $695. Boxing Day prices! prices! Check out the web al wvAV.barbhall.com or call Barb at 905-427-7631. Visa, MC, Amex, PIANOS 4 GRANDFATHER CLOCKS. Take advantage ol our Warehouse pricing on all Roland digital pianos and Sa- mlck acoustic pianos and all Howard Miller clocks.. Large selection ol used pianos (Yamaha, (Yamaha, Kawal elc.) Not sure II your kids will stick with lessons, lessons, try our rent lo own. 100% ol all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433- 1491. www.TelepPlano.com- WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLDI UNDERSOLDI Livestock/ lor sale (905) 263-8303 fyrone/Bowmanville • March Break & Summer Day Camp • Certification Awards •SMALL CLASSES • Adult New Rider classes • Birthday Party pkg. CALL NOW! (üolmiml ÿqiicatrimi (ilcntrc Si HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Bundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and adults) for our riding and horsemanship programs, elc. For further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 33-tfSC POOL TABLES. 8' and 9' slate billiard tables for sale. Call 905-420-6113. Automobiles for Sale NEED A CAR? $699 Down Low as $199/mo Credit No Problem 9.9% 1-866-340-5559 CALL TODAY, DRIVE TODAYI RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-796-5502. SOLID mahogany partners desk with upholstered swivel chair and glass lop $3*100: Call Royal Ashburn Doll Couiso, 686-1121, Sandra exl. 222. SOLID OAK kitchen cupboards, cupboards, custom made, appliances appliances Included. 905-986- 0671. Automobiles for Sate Snowmobiles FREE TO GOOD HOME - 3 year old female, spayed, de- clawed cal, with all shots. Call 905-697-8669. enp SILVER BRAY pure bred Himalayan, Himalayan, neutered, friendly. Free to good home. 905-697- 7905.enp CANE CORSO MASTIFF Puppies, Puppies, 8 weeks, with papers, blue 4 bundle, crop, ready to go. Call (965) 985-9137 YORKIE - shih - poo, schnoo- dle and shih-poo puppies 1er sale, small non shedding, house raised, Isl needles, de- wormed. Telephone (613) 338-2270. AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL pups, adorable bundles ol love, tenderly home-raised, purebred, duclaws and tails docked, first shots and vet checked. 905-985-8021. BARN FOR RENT- 12 Stall barn with 60x80 Indoor arena. Are you looking lor a nice quiet selling? 5 Pastures. Lois ol trails, I've got the perfect perfect place on Hwy#12 just N ol Myrtle Station. S800 all Inclusive. Inclusive. Please call Rob 519- 770-3555. 1990 FORD Tempo. 169.000kms. S1995. 1990 Cavalier 200.090kms $2995. 1990 Sable 113.000kms S3295 1992 Ponliac Grand Prix S3295. Above vehicles certified, emission tested. (905)683-7301 or (905)706- 2018. 1991 DODGE SHADOW Only 78,000kms. 4 cyl., 4 door, automatic. automatic. well maintained company car, safety and emission lesled. S3295. Oshawa dealer. 83 Ritson Rd.S. 905-718-1806-Murray 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS - 2 Joor hatchback, 4 c/I. auto, certilied/emission tested. Good condition '105,000km SI,950. (905)420-0756. 1993 CHEV. CAVALIER, 4 dr. auto, am/lm cass. ps. pb, 228.000 km, tuns great . very little rust, easily cerliliable. will pass emission. S2500 obo. MUST SELL! (WOULD CONSIDER SNOWMOBILE AS TRADE). 905-434-0392 (snp) 1993 CORSICA, ps. pb, am/lm cass, air con., very clean, 4 dr, certified and emission tested. S3500 obo. Must sell!! 905-434-0392(snp) 1993 EAGLE VISION TSI, 3.5 title engine, 128,000 kit., power power windows, power locks, leather interior, alloy wheels, excellent condition. Ceriilied. S8.700. Telephone Markham (905) 471-8875 1995 HONDA CIVIC LX. 61.000km, auto. air. am/lm cassette, 4 dr, new tires, new mutiler, certilied/emmislon tested. Lady driven. Blue/grey. Excellent condition. $11,500. (905)983-5712. 1996 CHEV CAVALIER 2 door, 5 sp, air cond. AM/FM cassette. cassette. colour purple. 180,000 kms, S4800 as is. Call 905- 404-1435 1997 Chrysler Intrepid ES, 3.3 Litre, teal blue, 94.000 kms, fully loaded, keyless entry, Immaculate, safety and emission emission lesled. One female owner. owner. Asking S10.500 oho- Musi sell!!. Call 728-9815. (snp) 1998 BLACK DODGE AVENGER ■ mini condition, accident Iree, 5 speed, under 80.000km. S15.000 o.b.o. (905)666-0981. 1998 BLACK SUNFIRE GT Coupe, auto, loaded, rust checked, 2.4L, twin cam. P.W. P.door locks, cruise, air, keyless keyless entry, am/lm stereo CD, 6 speakers, highway driven. $14,000, (905)668-3995, leave mess. 1998 SUZUKI SWIFT, 4 cyl.. 5 speed, 90,000 kms., $7,500 OBO. 905-786-2852. 2000 NEON ■ 23,000km. aulo. 4dr, air, am/lm cassette cd, balance ol factory warranty S11,900. (905)434-2775 or (416)898-8467 1994 0LDSM08ILE CUTLASS SUPREME. 4 door. Good condition. condition. Black and rust coated yearly.' $7, 500 or best otter. Call 720-4869 or 433-8104 97 GRAND AM, V6, Lady driven driven 10,000 kms per year. S12.995. 97 PARK AVE. Ullra, 20.000 kms per year. 522,995. Leasing or linancing arranged, arranged, trades accepted. 905- 433- 7548. FIND YOUR NEXT used vehicle vehicle at: durhamwheels.com WANTED - Side by side re- Irigerator/lreezer, large size, with Ice-maker and water dispenser, dispenser, in good running condition condition reasonably priced. Call 434- 0392 . . 1992 CAVALIER - While, automatic, automatic, 4 door, power steering, steering, power brakes, power locks. Lady driven. Great Interior, Interior, very good engine. 130,000kms. Uncertilied. S2.400. o.b.o. Call (905)697- 2961 Automobiles Wanted CASH ,F0R CARSI We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come lo 479 Bayly SI. East. Ajax al MUR- AD AUTO SALES. WANTED dead or alive! Big bucks lor cars & trucks, one hour pick-up, tree towing. Motors, Motors, transmissions, parts and Insulation available. Call Ed's (416)281-3499 Etiil Trucks tor Sale FREE LARGE HORSE STALL, 30 acres pasture, shared turns 2 times/week at feeding time Hwy#57 8 Taunton Rd. area. 905-725-8710. 1986 CHEV S-10, V6, extended extended cab, aulo, safety, emission lesled, lois ol new parts, excellent excellent condition. S3200. Call (905)576-5476 1999 Dodge Dakota RTS, red with silver racing stripes. Only 59,500 kms, rust checked, tonneau cover, tinted windows. windows. Very clean, hwy. driven and never carried any loads. Must sell. ASKING ONLY $13,900. ceriilied. Call 1-705- 328-2212 Janetville. 1999 DODGE DURANGO SLT, 32,000 km, pw. pd, air, 3rd row seats, silver metallic, great shape. $30,000 obo. Call 905-261-3262. A STEALIII 1999 FORD F150 XL. 4-wheel drive, silver/ black colour. Take over lease S566./mo. or- purchase lor S23.500. No down payment. 905-666-2173.905-706-8606. Vans / 4 Wheel Drive 1983 Bulck Regal Irani B.C. Exc. condition, paint's laded, S1500 linn, ceriilied and emission testedl 905-434- 0392(snp) 1988 SUNBIRD, 4 cyl. 4 door, automatic, very clean, good condition. Many now parts. 52,000 .certified, plus e-tested. Call (905)436-8856. 1988 TEMPEST, ted, 4 door sedan. 4 cyl., 2.0L runs great, CD player w/removable taco. Ceriilied & emission, Insure & drive. S1850 o.b.o. (005)683-9088 1989 CHRYSLER Le Oaten, lully loaded, 2 door, good condition, condition, 141,000km, new brakes, exhaust & battery. Maroon colour. $2,800. (905)430-7507 1969 FLEETWOOD CADDY ■ 125kms, 4.5 motor, very clean, will certify. Call days 905-623-4687 or nights 305- 987-3037 1989 FORD CROWN VICTORIA. VICTORIA. One owner. Certllled/onils- slon tested. 145,000 km on current 5.0 L engine. Michelin lires and snows on separate rims S300Q. Call 401-0626. 1989 PONTIAC FIREBIRD. 2.8 title v-0 engine, p.w„ p.l., |). minois, till sleeting, ctiilso, I- roots, Needs some work but worth.lixlng tip. Only 165,000 kit. $3,600 as Is or best oiler, Call (905)436-9823. Auto Leasing Rentals Snowmobiles 1998 POLARIS XCR600, high- output triple, triple pipes, low routinely serviced mies. CRC (rent, extra 10. sludJed, Cobra windshield, aggressive track, felt and canvas cover, plastic skiis. 2001 Trail Permit. No disappointments ready to ride!! Call 905-985-8811 days; 905-431-1145 eve. Equipment WANTED ■ ■ International Super W4 or Super W6 farm tractor. Phone 905-983-9331 Apartments For Rent 1988 CARAVAN, deluxe model, runs very well and looks just as good, power windows & locks, keyless entry. entry. Salely 8 emissions are done. Immediate delivery il you wanl il. Call (905)433- 7548. For appoinlmenl lo see and drive, $2995. OBO. 1993 EXPLORER 4x4, 2 door, 160,000kms, ceriilied. Excellent Excellent condition. Asking S10,500. Call (905)686-1880. Rkill Trailers 45 FT. - STORAGE TRAILERS lor sale or rent. HASIUK TRAILERS - Courtice Road and 401.1-800-361-3228. BAD CREDIT? Denied a lease? Duality used vehicles wllli warranty. Guaranteed lease. 1-800-229-0357, 705- 748-0220. 1-BEDROOM, blight, cory clean apartment, utilities included. included. Parking tor one. suit single working person. No smoking. References, first/ Iasi. $600. Call Angela 905- 263-4490 OSHAWA, 2 - BEDROOM APT available Irom Feb 1st Electric heal, vrasher/dryer each floor. Very quiel, exclusive. exclusive. adult building. No pels. 905-579-9016. 2 BEDROOM apis near Oshawa Centre/401. Parking, laundry. Nnn Smokers Prelerred. Prelerred. S730/mo. plus hydro. Available March 1st. 1-888- 617-6979 NORTH OSHAWA Detached 3-bedroom bungalow, avail. Feb. 1st. Includes 5 appliances. appliances. gas fireplace, large lot. K (basement rented). Is. SI 100/month inclusive.'Call inclusive.'Call (905)430-5437 AJAX, 1-BEDROOM basement basement apartment, Delaney/ Church, separate entrance, laundry. S750/monlh including utilities. No smoking/pels. Call (905)619-3610 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY • Bachelor apt. Quiel hospital area in Oshawa. Unfurnished. Private entrance, no parking. S450/month includes heat, hydro hydro & cable. First/last. (905)432-2334. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Basement apartment Brock/ Hwy#2, unlutnished, heat, hydro, hydro, air conditioning included. Working, non-smoking, stogie. stogie. Near mall, buses. 401. First/last. Call 905-619-2603 AVAILABLE NOW, very quiel, private apartment, In century home, downtown Oshawa. Skylights, lireplace, private garden, cable, parking, furnished. furnished. S750 all Inclusive. Suits 1 person. Leave mes- . sage(905)434-7012. CLEAN ONE bedroom 5720/ month utilities included. Simcoe Simcoe dnd Mill area, small quiel apartment building. Call lor appoinlmenl (905)579-9890. COURTICE -3/4 acre. 2 bed- room walkout basement apartment. 1500sq.lt., 51200/ month Includes utilities and cable. No smoking/pels, parties. parties. 2 car parking, available March 1st. 905-435-0695 COZY, bright newly reno. 1- bedroom bsmt. apt, separate entrance, laundry, parking and storage. 1/3 utilities. West Shore; Pickering. Available march 1, 2001. 1st. & Iasi. S600/mo., Mill 905-831-2273 NICE 1-BEDROOM basement apartment in prelerred Oshawa Oshawa area. All inclusive. $695/ month. Laundry, cable, parking parking Included. No smoking. Call (905)720-3057 NORTH WHITBY, I-bedroom spacious basement apartment. apartment. Private entrance, laundry. laundry. facilities. No pets. $750 monthly. Single non-smoker prelerred. Available March 1st. Ask lor Rob (905)723- 0868 ONE BEDROOM Apartment, downtown core, includes heat, water, parking, coin laundry facilities, available March 1st, S490 plus hydro. Call 905- 623:4428 ONE BEDROOM Upper apartment, apartment, central Bowmanville, available Feb. 1st, no pels, non-smoker' prelerred, suitable suitable lor one person, S475 monthly plus hydro, first/last required. 905-623-7542 AVAILABLE FEBRUARY 1ST. bachelor apartment, cable, lireplace, S595/monlh all inclusive, inclusive, first/last, relerences required. No pets. Call (905)435-7305 or 519-570- 2021, leave message. OSHAWA 1-bdrm bright dean apt in owner occupancy house. Utilities, heal, parking included, a/c, suits single mature person. No pets please. Avail, immediately. Fits! & last. (905) 435-0544. OSHAWA, bachelor, attic ol house, private entrance, parking, parking, slove, fridge, microwave, Adelaide/Mary area. Asking $475 inclusive. Ist/lasl. Call (905)728-3481 or (905)436- 6085 PICKERING • Large 1 bedroom bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, laundry In unit. Near 401/GD. Non- smoker, no pels. S725, utilities utilities Included. Available March 1st. Call 905-831-3570 PICKERING ■ large 2 bedroom basement apt. Liverpool/Bay- ly, walk lo GO, separate entrance, entrance, parking, $800 including including utilities. Cali 905-420-9457 aller 6p.m. PICKERING VILLAGE • 1 bedroom bedroom basement apartment Available March 1. Separale entrance, parking, utilities, S675 Inclusive. Suilable 1er single non-smoker. No pels. (905)426-1096. PICKERING, 1-bedroom basement apartment. Available Available immediately S750/month Inclusive. No pels. Call (905)831-9750 PICKERING." Liverpool/Bayly. Newly renovated. 2 bedroom basement apartment. Separale Separale entrance. 4 pc-bath. Share laundry. No-smoking/ pels. 1sl/last. S825 Inclusive Available March 1st. Call (905) 831-8867 SPACIOUS well-maintained 2 bedroom apis. Avail, at 900 and 888 Glen SI. Some with walk-ln closets, paint provided. provided. Close lo schools, shopping centre. GO Station. Utilities Included. Call (905)728-4993. 1986 YAMAHA SRV 540, good condition, S1700 obo. Call 905-985-3719 1992 YAMAHA V MAX 4750, mint condition, very well maintained, comes wllli 2001 Hall, pass, cover, some spare pails. $3,200. (905)852-7219. snp. 1993 POLARIS INDY RXL 650. low miles, S45C0 obo (Includes (Includes trail pass). Excellent condition, electronic loci In- lection, independent front suspension, suspension, 3 cylinder, Trailer sold separately. Contact Dave 905-985-9998(snp) 1994 ARCTIC CAT BBC ZR, 2000 clutching, 144 now studs, li/l warmers, mint shape, S3500, 623-9316 or 705-328-0402 (snp) 1995 POLARIS INDY 800 Storm, with double trailer. 54,000, Call 905-579-3962. aller aller 0 pill. Fax us your ad at 579-4218 OSHAWA Family Bldg. Large 2 & 3 B/R units. 5740 & S850 at 280 Wentworth St.W. Utilities Included. Easy access lo schools, shopping, For appl. call (905) 721-8741 A-ABA-OABA-DO. I have a home for you! 6 months free! From S550.month OAC. up to S5.GQ9 cash back to you. S29.5Q9* family income. Short of down payment? For spectacular results Ken Col- lis. Associate Broker. Cold- well Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728-9414 or 1-877-663- 1054 email kcoltisgtrebnet.com 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE. Country setting. $90Q/month ♦ utilities 2 bedroom apt in farm for rent $700/month ♦ utilities. References required. fJo pets. Call 263-2861 WHITBY beautiful 3-bedroom bungalow, quiet mature neighbourhood, neighbourhood, near all amenities, newly renovated, no pets, no smokers. References/credit check required. S1100/month ♦utilities. Call 905-665-8294 KENDAL - LARGE 3 bedroom house, fridge & stove included. included. First/deposit. $800/month ♦ hydro and heat. No pets. Available Feb. 1st. Call 905- 983-1081 OSHAWA RENT-T0-0WN-3 bedroom, 3-bath, income unit, laundry, deck, fenced backyard. backyard. storage shed, 3-car parking, quiet street, excellent neighbourhood-near OC. 5995/ month ♦utilities, avail. Mar. 1. 905-571-5320^ OSHAWA- 3-BEDROOM, rent /rent to own. New kitchen, bathrooms, carpet, ceramic/ hardwood floors, fireplace, ja- cuzzi. large yard, double-garage, double-garage, excellent neighbourhood. neighbourhood. $1145/mo.plus. Available Available immediately. Call 905- 571-6658 PORT PERRY spacious country country home 4-bedrooms, 2-bathrooms. 2-bathrooms. large eat-in kitchen. Credit check, for responsible tennan!s.$1200+utilities. Also, bachelor basement apt. same location S550. Showing Sun- day. Call 905-576-3830 NORTH WHITBY, 3-bedroom upper 1/2 of house, private entrance, walkout to fenced backyard, quiet cul-de-sac. references, no animals, possession possession Feb. 1st, S900 +2/3 utilities, first/last, credit check. 905-619-9410 Housing Wanted HOUSING NEEDED retired couple with references, looking looking for clean, 2 or 3 bedroom house, condo or apartment for June 1st. Preferably in Ajax, Whitby, north Oshawa or Bowmanviile. Please call (905) 697-1688 RETIRED LADY SEEKING 1 bedroom apartment, Orchard Park, North area, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Reasonable rent. Call (705)799-5427 FuT|1 Townhouses mlÿlM For Rent Furnished Accommodation Rent a furnished room for 1 week or 1 month. 15 Min. E. of Oshawa. Low weekly or monthly rates. 905-983-6466 or 655-5308 THREE BEDROOM on main lloor ol duplex. Rilson/401 area ol Oshawa. S900/mo Includes Includes heal, hydro, laundry backyard & slorago. Avail Irom Feb 1.305-725-2307. UPPER HALF OF ROUSE • 3 bedroom 5 appliances. Good neighborhood. Near schools and shopping. Available 5900/ monthly t halt utilities. 1st A Iasi. Relerences. (905)576- 2074. WHITBY Largo, clean, 2 bedroom, near schools A parks, wcll-malnlalncd building, building, largo parking area, llrsl/ Iasi required, 1-877-499-2399 WHY rent when yon can own your own homo lor less Ilian yon llilnk?ll Call Davo Hay- lock Sales Rep. Ro/Max Summit Really (1991) LIO. (905) 608-3800 or (005) GOG- 3211. Condominiums For Rent THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as lo contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Onlario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address Tender CL2001-4 One (1) Short Box Extended Cab Pickup Pickup Truck Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, February 14,2001 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager Telephone: (905) 623-3379 January 31,2001 Ext. 268 THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address Tender CL2001-5 Two (2), V» Ton Pickup Pickup Trucks Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, February 14,2001 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager Telephone: (905) 623-3379 January 31,2001 Ext. 268 3-BEDROOM town home, new carpet, freshly painted & renovated, renovated, 2 appliances, backyard, backyard, garage, 1975 Memory Lane, Finch/Liverpool area. S1100+ utilités. Avail imme- diately. Call (416)724-0404, KING AND TOWNLINE area Courtice. Lame 4 bedroom townhouse. Garage, 4 appliances. appliances. $1075 ♦ hydro. Available Immediately. Call (905)721-8213. OSHAWA, huge 4 bedroom townhouse. living room with cathedral ceilings, plus walkout walkout to patio, main lloor laundry, laundry, eat In kitchen, plus separate separate dining room, attached garage, garage, 1 1 12 baths, rec. room. Asking $1,050. Call Career Real Estate Services Ltd. (905)723-6918 rera space For Rent 2078 SQ. FT. ♦ 4000 sq. ft. finished lower level. Excellent downtown Bowmanville location. location. Call Ed Vanhaverbeke Associate Broker, Royal Le- Page Frank Real Estate, (905) 576-4111 or Direct-(905) 987- 3211. 4,699 SQ. FT. prestige Industrial Industrial space with showroom and office. May be divided. Available immediately. ' Call Ed Vanhaverbeke Associate Broker. Royal Lepage Frank Real Estate (905) 576-4111 or Direct (905) 987-3211. KVfJV Rooms for Rent PICKERING • ALTONA/TWYN RIVERS bedroom available in large home with pool, shared batnroom with jacuzzi tub. Use ol kitchen and laundry. Working female preferred. Avail immed. $450/mo. 905- 509-0323 BOWMANVILLE-Uberty/401. Furnished room available for working pérson, quiet, clean, T.V., cable, parking, shared bathroom, kitchen & living- room. $85/week, first & last week required. 905-697-0760. THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, tor the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender CL2001-2 One (1) 56,000 GVW Tandem Diesel Dump Truck c/w Plow Equipment Tender CL2001 -3 One(1 ) 39,000 GVW Cab & Chassis c/w Plow Equipment Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 p.m. (local time) Wednesday, February 14,2001 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. Purchasing Manager Telephone: (905) 623-3379 January 31,2001 Ext. 268 Registrations | Registrations FOLK ART CLASSES The White Rabbit 11 King St. E., Bowmanvillc Beginners-Tuesdays (1-3 p.m.), Feb. 27-Apr. 17 Wednesdays (7-9 p.m.), Feb. 28 • Apr.18 To Register and to view beginners and oil other class projects, visit our store. (905) 697-2380 Ollice & Retail Space NICE CLEAN room 1er rent, lor malure, employed responsible person, S290/month, first/last required. South Oshawa near Lake. Days 416-888-4905; Eve. 905-723-2692 ROOMS TO RENT, Harwood north ol Hwy 2 In a clean home. Shared accomodations. Please call aller 5p.m. (416)409-1042. SHARE FULLY FURNISHED house. Simcoe/Bealrice. no smoking'pels. C/A. laundry, cable, utilities included. Call (905) 404-0350 leave message. message. RfH Shared Accommodation UXBRIDGE small professional professional ollice space available on Toronto Street. SI 600 Inclusive Inclusive Available Immediately. Call 905-683-5117 ask for Abe Fakhourie. Collages for Rent BETHANY HILLS -3 km lo Devils Elbow ski hill. Crosscountry Crosscountry trails In Iront ol chalet. 3 bedrooms, whirlpool, wood- stove. Weekly/monthly or yearly. Call 905-433-8830 El&fl Resorts Bëffâj Money to Lend CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, lirst 8 second mortgages lo 95%. From 6.75% lor 5 years. Best available rales. Private funds available. Relinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For Iasi professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686- 2557. MONEY PROBLEMS, Gel oui ol debt quick without going bankrupt or being garnisheed Everyone accepted regardless ol credit rating. Call lor Iree Information. 905-576-3505. Student loans Included. AJAX, 2 ROOMS, (1-bedroom (1-bedroom 8 1-ollice) shared wilh 2 teachers. S560./mo„ available March 1. utilities included. Appliances, outdoor pool. Call 905-126-4769 aller 5 pm. HOME TO SHARE wilh female. female. Courtice area; own bedroom, bedroom, ovm bath. No smoking/ pels. Working lemale prelerred. prelerred. $550/mo.t shared utilities. utilities. Avail, immediately. Conlacl Janet (905)728-1600. leave message, or 432-2585 aller 5:30 LARGE BEAUTIFUL 2-bdrm condo lo share wilh reliable non-smoking working person. Indoor pool, a/c, 2 baths. Next lo YMCA, Oshawa. Avail Immediately Immediately or March 1st. $400/ monthly. (905)723-7213. PICKERING third needed! Bottom ol Liverpool near GO. 1900sq.lt„ 2-slorey, 4-bedroom, 4-bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, lurnlshed, 2 livingrooms. gas lireplace, hotlub/pool/etc., S450 Inclusive, Inclusive, cable, utilities, Internet, maid service, and more. Avail Feb 1. Prcler worklng/school. Flrst/last/rclciences. 420- 1276. ROOM FOR RENT, Share bouse, ovm bathroom, bedroom. bedroom. living room. Share kitchen. Oowmanvllle location, location, non-smoker, no pels, suilable lor working person. Phono 905-097-7980 BUTTERMILK FALLS RESORT Need a weekend away Irom il all? Enjoy Winter Wonderland In Beaulilul Hallburlon Highlands Highlands Cosy House-keeping Collages Electric Heat Wood slove and barbecue Skiing - snowmobilinq Ice Fishing Packages Available 1-888- 368-3147 www.buttermllk- lallsresort.com Business Opportunities Private Homes For Sale THREE BEDROOM, raised bungalow semi, close to schools and all amenities. Fully finished basement, newer newer windows/decor. Open House 1-4 Saturday Feb. 3. 196 Pringle Drive Whitby. Call (905) 430-9527. WHITBY SECLUDED crescent location, 3 bedroom backsplil, lireplace, lully lenced, cedar- hedged backyard. Large deck, close lo 401. Park complex nearby. No agents, 5185,900. Call 905-434-5267 irra warned BljJI lo Buy FARMLAND Wanted To Buy In Mun, ol Clarington Level and slone-lree We will contact you at the end ol February. Eax: Box#1869 @623-6161 Or write lo: Box #1869 c/o Canadian Statesman 62 King SI. W. Box 190 Bowmanville L1C 3K9 $35,000. Investment makes you S160,000t/year. Residual reoccurring revenue lor 20 years. National residential alarm company needs dealer lor this area. Proven; unique marketing and PR programs, training and ongoing support. Will domlnale market place. Gary McDonell 1-800-964- 8805, 204-228-7466. email: tstgary@autobahn.mb.ca BAR/NIGHT CLUB, lor sale downtown Oshawa, large root lop patio, established over 6 years. Call (905)728-2613. CLOTHING COMPANY MOBILE MOBILE • Nursing homes & retirement retirement villas elc. Areas available. Must have vehicle and S5.000 Investment. Secured Secured by slock. Couple Ideal, retired okay. 1-888-715-3902. FOR SALE Automotive Body Shop In Oshawa. Fully equipped. A turn key operation. operation. For more Inlormallon, call Mario al 720-3666 or 665- 9150 alter 6p.m. FROM DREAMS TO REALITY A must see! Exciting business opportunity lor a qualified lew NOT a gel rich quick scheme! Min. Invest. $16,800. FREE Into pack and sample: 1-888- 335-7533 VENDING BUSINESS 10 wall mounted Pop Machines, established established clients, part-time 2- 4 hours/week. Fill machines 8 collec! the cash. Call evenings evenings (905)619-0833 FTTil Coming ' lik^ Events AJAX, Weslney 8 llny.#2, 2 bedroom condo, very clean, all Inclusive, S1250./mo„ call (416)953-4306. ETSl Olllco 8 ■lli Rolall Space Condos lor Sale 'EXHIBITORS WANTED* Durham's Largest llomeshow Melro East Trade Centre. March 2-4, 2001. Isl!Class Exhibitors, Call 905-655-82/8 or 1-800-461-3355. i OSHAWA RETAIL space Irom 3,800 sq. II. ■ 20,000 sq. II. Excellent rales. Downtown location. location. Call Ed Vanliavorboko Associate Broker Royal Lon- age Frank Real -Eslalo, (905) 570-41 '• CONDO FOR SALE • 2 bedrooms, bedrooms, view, air, appliances, private laundry room, parking under building, downtown Bowmanville. Phono 905-983- 9378 Personals Money to Lend 3211 1-4111 or Direct (905) 987- BUSINESS LOANS • SIOK 10 S50K approvals 48 Ins. Gov- eminent secured loans lo S250K. 1-877-643-0130 or (005)4Z0-39G0.cnp BORED LADIES • ONTARIO, Names 8 Homo 'Phono Numbers, 1-900-451-3630 ex! 680, S3,G9/nilll must be 18. T-lorio. N.N.I. Advertise your Business Here