PAGE B8THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,WEDNESDAY EDITION, April 4,2001 Visit Us On the Internet: Articles for Sa'* Articles for Sale CARPET AND VINYL SALE- Carpet three rcorr.s. 30 sq'jare yards, fron $323 insta'.'ej. I Will discount year test Quote up to ICY New cc'crs and desigr.s.Custcmer satisfaction guaranteed Can f. f ke lor ycur free est 'rate. 505-431-WO COMPUTER SPECIALS. 17' Dell monitor $149.15' $99. Ink iet printers from $49 W System. System. Dell Pentium laptop $499. complete Pentium internet internet starter system $239. Lowest Lowest prices en P3 & P4 systems. systems. 16 years experience We love doing upgrades and difficult repairs. (995)655- 2661. COW MANURE FOR SALE Pick-Up or Will Deliver .905-983-5820 DININGROOM SET, in excel- lent condition, solid oak. hutch and bullet with light, double pedestal table with leaf. 2 captain chairs plus 4 chairs, asking $1500. Call 579-7882 DIRECT TV. Boot Strap $110. H & HU programming available. available. Complete systems available. Call (905)767-8571, Whitby. DSS CARD FIX, boot strap circuit boards tor H Cards $125. Also programming lor HU cards St00, with 6 month warranty. Complete RCA Systems Systems $600 with 6 month war- ranty on card. 905-376-7352. DSS SYSTEMS - Sale on HU test cards and programming. Boot loaders. Dish network programmers. Dish Network and DTV Systems available. Website email: or Call (905)426-9578. FOR SALE: Washer & Dryer, excellent condition. Phone 723-9233. HARDWOOD FLOORING FOR BETTER HEALTH. Unfinished trem $1.99/sq.ft.; prefinished Irom $2.99/sq.ft. Also, relin- ishing old floors & sanding needs. Showroom: Kendal 1 wood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. E.. Whitby 905-433-9218 OSHAWA HARDWOOD FLOORS LTD. HOT TUB 4-person fiberglass, cover, skirt, St 800. Brand new RCA-27* TV S350. Kenmore washer $250, dryer $100. New gas weedwacker or leaf-blower, leaf-blower, 24cc S100-cach. Pentium- 166 computer, loaded $350. 905-439-4789 MILLS APPLIANCES 125 King St. E., Bowmanville 697-1240 Scratch S Deni Sale Fridges from S449 SAVE LOTS on FRIDGES & FREEZERS Full Warranty Fast Deliver;/ SATELLITE and security system system specials from $23. 1C years experience. We design and install systems Id meet yc.r r-reda. (92:-:L5-3C51 SCOOTER. FORTRESS 2001, lie ne.v, new battery plus charier, licking system. S15Q3 cr nearest citer. Call (905)653-79-54 cr (905)E63- £635. SEARS KENMORE extra capacity capacity washer . dryer S500 l.rni. Ca':;05-C2M2Q7 SHUTTERS - 34 SETS oi bi- Iclding louvered pine window shutters. 2Vx43' each. 1935)721-1703 (sup) STAIR LIFT • STANNAH, straight. 5 years old. Asking Sl.CDQ or test otter. Telephone (505)420-9265 STOVE. Kenmore. sell clean oven, C years old, excellent cond.lion.S400. 905-263-2124 OAK/PINE FURNITURE...Our Mission Furniture is on the lloor...Come and see the Style that has turned the Furniture World upside down..We are also now carrying a lull line of HANDCRAFTED MENNONITE FURNITURE in addition to our own lincs...Traditional Wood- working is the leading manufacturer manufacturer ol SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region...Bring your Ideas/ plans and let us turn them Into reality-.Drop in and see our Slate ol the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how line furniture Is made..Remember...'There Is no Substitute lor Quali- ty'...Tradiiional Woodworking...115 Woodworking...115 Noilh Pori Road (South oil Reach Road), Port Perry...905-985-8774....www. SHEOMAN • Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit, only S299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3, Picketing. For more Into, call 905-619-2093. DTV SATELLITE SYSTEMS S450 all channels open. HU card programming 580 privately privately coded. 2 month warranty. warranty. Boot loaders to make your H card work again S120. 7 days per week, 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. (905) 655-7730 Brooklin. Toronto (416) 737- 9300. House calls I or seniors available. S20. extra. BACKSTREET BOYS, N'SYNC, U2, Eric Clapton, Roxy Music, TICKETS FOR SALE- also Toronto Maple Leals. Toronto Raptors. Also will buy Leals, Raptors 4 conceit tickets. Telephone (905)626-5568 TOOLS, tools, tools, lor all trades, antique, collectables, user, kitchen collectables, sclentilic Instruments, much more. Sunday April 8th. Tools ol the Trades Show/Sale, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, Ont. 10-3:30. S4 . 519-293-3171 or 613-839-5607. WESTERN RED-CEDAR Lumber Lumber all sizes, perlecl lor decks, lenclng turnlture, etc. Cul to order! Also other varieties. varieties. Excellent prices. New- tonville (905)786-3152 cell (905)261-3343 YAMAHA mini stereo system S250. Echo gas hedge trimmer, trimmer, only used lor t hour SGOO. Call905-431-0117. TOY AUCTION Cornell's Auctioneering .Senices Ltd. Saturday, April 7th (? 11:00 am at Cornell's Auction Ham. 3 miles East of Little Britain Approximately 375 toys, the property of Hob Archer of Lindsay Approximately 92 Tractors Including: J.D. 5020 Diesel 1S37-19S7 15<)th Gold Medallion - j.D. 1947 M 1 Orange - J.D. 40th Anniversary - j.D. Model A Precision Classic - Minneapolis Moline North Dakota Centennial - Parmall 350 Canada Fnrmshow 40th Anniversary' - Ford English Fordson Special Edition 1990 - Minneapolis Minneapolis Moline Prairie Gold Rush Charles City foxva - Allis Chalmers WD 45 1989 Special Edition Edition - Ford 9S1 Collectors Edition Selecto Sneed - Parmall 1992 Special Edition - Cockshutt Golden Golden Arrow Ontario Toy Show 1987 - Plus a quantity quantity of Allis Chalmers Ford, International, Cock- shutt, white, etc. Approximately 17 Farm Ma chinery Toys: J.D. 1940 12A Combine 50th Anni versary - Walking Plow Bruce County. 1993 International International Plowing Match - J.D. Model Engine Case Number 1 Steam Engine - Home Hard- ware Banks: 3 Complete Sets of Series #2 - Complete Set Series #1 - Plus Two 1955 Chev. Convertible 30th Anniversary Plus Other Flome Hardware Banks - Canadian Tire Banks: - Complete Canadian Tire 1st Series - 2000 Millennium Millennium Truck - Supertest 1931 Hawkeye Tanker - 1931 Hawkeye Tanker - 1931 Hawkeye Wrecker Chev. - 1931 Hawkeye Tanker 13.A. - 1926 Sunoco Sunoco Mack Tanker - 1926 J.D. Mack Bulldog #101 1926 J.D. Mack #102 - Plus other Canadian Tire Banks - Approximately 180 Miscellaneous Toys: Ranch Wagon Pedal Car - Mobo Pony Child's Riding Horse - Ertl North Dakota Centennial Centennial Tanker Truck 1989 - Thistle Vantruck Red & Blue - Tonka 50th Anniversary 1949 Dump Truck - Early 60's Buddy L Horse Van - Schneiders Collection 1890 to 1990 Limited Edition Edition 6 pee. in Wooden Display Box • Lincoln Dump Truck Front End Loader Early 50's - Supertest Supertest Tow Truck #1 by 1st Gear - Silver Ghost Franklin Mint 1907 - Buick Car - J.D. 150 Anniversary Anniversary Limited Edition - Texaco Service Centre - Marx City Service Tow Truck - Lincoln Fil Wood Busy Body Dump Truck - Corvette 1987 Franklin Mint Precision Model - Texaco Service Station - Ertl Limited Edition 1988, 1952 Case 60 Tractor Truck, 47 Eord 8N, 57 Parmall 350 in Wooden Box - Dinky: Massey Harriss Tractor with Max, Dump Rake, Discs, Mower, Manure Spreader, Wagon, plus others - Plus Qty. Matchbox, Dinky, Buddy, Nylint, Tonka Plus other Toys - Majorette Toys: Fin a Gas Tractor Trailer - BP Gas Tractor Trailer - Gulf Tractor Trailer - Landrover Boat & Motor - etc 5 Glass Front Show Cases - All Toys are in Mint Con dition with approximately 85% in Original Boxes. This is one man's Private Collection. For more information Contact Don or Greg Comeil Auctioneers (705) 786-2183 e-mail ® NEED A ® HOME PHONE? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! No deposit Required Aclivaled Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 Articles Wanted PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor tuning, repairs. & pre-purchase pre-purchase consultation on all makes & models ol acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Helnlz- man, Yamaha, -Mason & i Risch, 4 other grand or I upright pianos lor sale, slart- i ing' at S695. March Break i Special on non. Check oui Ihe neb at or call Barb al 905-427-7631. Visa, MC, Amex. PIANOS/CLOCKS. Spring Sale on lor the month ol April - on all Roland digital pianos and Samlck acoustic pianos and all Howard Miller clocks.. Large selection ol used pianos pianos (Yamaha, Kawai etc.) Not sure ll your kids will slick with lessons, try our rent lo own. 100°,1 ol all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO [905) 433-1491. www. WE WILL NOTEE UNDERSOLD! PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PS1 - S35., PS2 Irom S75. All v/ork guaranteed. Install while you nail. Also avail, one PS2 mod-ed with 10 games S650. Beatrice/Wilson area (905) 721-2365 PROTECT-AIR 3000 Indoor air cleaner, best oiler. Conlacl (905)723-4687. QUEEN SIZE bed with head- board, excellent condition St 95. 8' table saw, good condition condition S95. Regulation size table tennis table S75.2 queen size bed solas S40 S S70. Drafting table S40. Electric snow blower S30. 2 grass trimmer, eleclric S40, Gas S80. BBO Including tank S90. Double bed S95. Piano, excellent excellent condition S600. 905-355- 3375. ANTlQUES?Abso!utely! Advice- Advice- always valuable, usually (reel Purchasing outright, estates estates w/some antique contents. contents. (no limit to value considered). considered). collections ol any sort, quantities or single antique antique ilems. Special Interest In Mooicroli pottery. I'll try to respond respond lo all queries. Robert Bowen Antiques- Brooklin, Onlario. (905)655-8049 or (905)242-0890. WANTED Leaf Tickets; Will pay up to face value. Call Bruce 905-579-4400 Ext. 2207 ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER . NEWTONVILLE FRIDAY, APRIL 6TH, 6 P.M. Selling the estate of Beatrice Boddy, Hampton: Kncchtel twin pedestal Duncan Phyfe dining table w/3 leaves; 6 matching chairs; sideboard and Kncchtel china cabinet (not matching); quantity of attractive china and glassware, An- yslcy demitasse set for 6, limoge, winton, Ayns- ley, Paragon, Noritake, pinwheel, amber biscuit barrel, pair of Mary Gregory green vases, open Cnrlelon ware vase, Canadian glass, silver bride basket, pink swirl fluted glass insert, Doulton figures, (top of the hill HN1833, Electee Electee HN2264), Kunst lady figure 1318, dutch jow and girl figures (France) Royal Doulton bust models of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Philip commemorating Royal Silver Wedding 1972 396, silver and sterling, spooled corner whatnot, whatnot, several attractive occasional tables, provincial provincial chesterfield and chair, occasional chairs, table lamps, floor lamps, paintings b F. H. Brig- den, M. McKay, E. Morris ot. al; stamps, coins, quill baskets, linens, bedding, 4 pc. Malcolm Walnut bedroom suite, matching spool bed, table, shaving mirror and floor lamp, bookcase, chests of drawers, rockers, odd chairs, kundo glass clock and small carriage clock, books - picture picture The Way We Were, pictorial Oshawa, vol, 1, 2 and 3, ct. al, bridge set, maple kitchen set, fur coats, Danby bar fridge, health walker, remote tv and a variety of.other articles. Preview Preview at 2 p.m. Auction starts at 6 p.m. Terms Cash, App. cheque, visa, m.c. inlerac. AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton . . (905) 786-2244,1-800-263-9886 ; www.stâplctonâü : "Celebrating our 30th year" WANTED - Couple ol Neon signs. Please phone Rick 905-786-2182 WANTED - single snowmobile trailer. Call 720-1742 aller 4pm. kkill Firewood K0ZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood. hardwood. guaranteed extra long lime fully seasoned, (ready to bum) cul & split Honest measurement, tree delivery, 905-753-2246. Restaurant Equipment HIGH SHELF STAND, griddle lop, S36". Berkel meat grinder 8 sausage maker, potato peeler. 728-6213 R7JV Pet, Supplies ^ Boarding PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION Thurs. April 5th, Start; 6:30 p.m. View: Iront noon. Kahn Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 ml. N.olHwy. 401 exit 399 Featuring: 6 pc. mah. diningroom sal, 5 pc. Deco bedroom set, oak dresser, sofa 4 loveseal, oak table 4 4 chairs, num. washstands, oak cased sewing machine, machine, stacking bookcases (needs work), 8 pc. diningroom diningroom set, Iron table 4 4 chairs, 5 pc. bedroom sel, 4 pc. waterfall bedroom set, fainting couch, maple maple table 4 4 chairs, cedar chest, large oak rocking chair, 2 wardrobes, duncan phyle tabla, 2 Vlct. bal- loonback chairs, coffee 4 end tables, oak trees, childs rolltop desk, sewing box, hanging curio cabinets, cabinets, Vlct. medicine cabinet, 4 Hummel figures, Doulton Lady 4 Doullon Dog, collector plates, large crystal pieces, lamps, Group of 7 Prints, bridge lamps, light fixtures, floor lamps, busier items, mirrors, mirrors, O'gee clocks, depression, regulator clocks, Patrick Patrick Roy autographed sweater, Potvln aut. slick, Gordie Howe aut. stick, autographs by Dimaglo and Williams, malting pitcher and bowl, Lord Nelson mugs, Marx cash register etc. Randy Potter Auctioneer (905) 683-0041 ESTATES 4 CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY! Please Note: Specially Auction Frl. April 13th also Antique Show 4 Sala May 13th - "Watch tor Ads" JVC STEREO PACKAGE Surround Sound Receiver, 5 disc CD, Dual Cassette 3 way Tower Speakers Only S10 x per week No Money Down No Payments unlit May SHOWTIME TV Cohourg 905-373-0265 AMERICAN ESKIMO Puppies UKC-regislercd (Male S Female) Female) excellent pets. Protective Protective and excellent with children children (look like small Sa- moyeds). S375. Call Casey (905)743-0995 (Oshawa)-or leave message 52" RCA BIG SCREEN TV $16.00 per wk. Nothing Down No Payments Until November SHOWTIME TV Northumberland Mall Cobourg 373-0265 And Puppy Dog Tails Ruth Ann Miller DOG TRAINING CLASSES O Nfarch 31 ' & April classes full. Rook for noil starting dale. 6 PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING "It's been ti very hny winter. Book yu«r appt. now!" 905-623-8000 AUCTION, EXCELLENT SALE, AT WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWY 2, COLBORNE, THURS. APRIL 5TH - STARTING 5PM Selling contents ol Oshawa home, owner leaving lor West next week. Nearly new solid maple dining rm or dinette with ext. table, chairs, matching hutch spotless cond., also nearly new 3 pc. sola suite with complimenting codee tables, end tables tables and lamps, cxcell oak bedroom with attractive dressers w/mlrror. armoire chest, 2 nights and hd board complete with clean box, mall, matching spread and shams, 3pc. wall unit w/ smoked glass doors, Tv w/remole control, VCR, excell aulo washer & dryer plus apt. size dryer, H.G. Iridge, good lloor model TV, garden & lawn tools plus other tools, lawn mower 5Hp, plus second bedroom sel, dressers, chests, rec rm sola & chair, excell swivel rocker, good selection household articles, articles, dishes, pots, pans, etc., selection glass, china, collectables, collectables, anl. treadle sewing machine, selection knlek knacks, selection selection dressers, chests, small tables, lamps, pictures, elc, Selection miscal chairs, some old, good chrome kitchen table and chairs, plus countless miscellaneous articles, NOTE: No Sale This Sal. Thurs. extra large, plan lo be early and slay awhile. NO RESERVES. Owner anxious to go. GARY WARNER AUCTIONEER 905-355-2106 RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Paddys Paddys Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT lor sale 1 gas deep Iryer. 1 chicken deep Iryer, microwave microwave and 2 pop coolers. Also dishes available. Prices negoliable Call 905-666-7575 >7 DENALT 1 PAINT CENTRE 4 St. George SI. S. Bowmanville 623-1622 Eggshell Semi Gloss Latex latex *20.69 - 4L *22.69 *26.99 - 4L *30.99 *42.99 • 4L *44.99 Any Pastel Colour 'With purchase o! any two 4L cans or more • FREE sel ol 2 paint brushes, value $9.99 RICE & CO.-- BLACK & YELLOW lab puppies. puppies. Excellent hunters or companions. Great with children. children. CKC registered. Hips guaranteed. Champion blood lines. $600. Ready to go now. Call (705)939-2364 MINI-DACHSHUND PUP available. Beautiful purebred black & tan shorthaired male. Vet checked and all shots given. Parents available to view. 905-623-2559 MINIATURE POODLE puppies, puppies, apricot. 1st shots, parents parents on site, asking $350. 905- 342-5648. PUREBRED 1992 ARABIAN Gelding. Sweepstakes & CAHR papers", Ecstacy x Rosa PASO, excellent breeding, going going English. 15hli, 100% sound, call (905)665-7948. SHELTIE PUPS, sable, male, CKC registered, vet checked, shots, champion sired, working working mother, ready Maich 30th. 905-797-3230. YELLOW LAB puppies. CKC registered, champion field, trail lines, excellent health, 1st shots, dewclaws removed, tattooed and dewormed, great pets and excellent hunters, $500. Call 905-352-2661. RIDING LAWN MOWER, 30' cut. 8-horse power, side discharge discharge and mulchcr. Nearly new, used to cut small lawn. Call 905-436-1822. $1.000 fimi.Snp AUCTION SALE WED. APR. 11th, 2001 AT 10:00 A.M. ESTATE OF THE LATE NORMAN SEWARD (ol Campbellford) PLUS CONSIGNMENTS AUCTION TO BE HELD AT WILLIAMS AUCTION CENTRE, CENTRE, 33 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, CAMPBELLFORD, ON. Quantity of dishes; antique pcs.; anl. dishes; ant. cheese dish; Bracket finger lamp; small cranberry pitcher; cups & saucers; Rnyal Bayreuth cup, saucer & plate; toilet pcs.; vegetable bowl & lid; earthen jugs; coffee grinder; cabbage cutler; trivets; sad iron; salt well; large rolling pin; pr. of bedroom lamps; pr. of touch lamps; electric appliances; kitchen utensils; Sharp microwave; Kenmore refrigerator/freezer (like new); Kelvinator 24" range (like new); Kenmore stacking stacking washer & dryer (like new); table & 4 chairs; 2 chrome chairs; chesterfield & chair; coffee tables; pictures pictures & frames; 2 recliner chairs; 3 nice end tables; lloor lamp; hassock; 1950's smoker stand; G.E. radio; Hitachi 26' colour TV; Hitachi washer & dryer; bedding; bedding; 2 double bookcase beds (complété); 2 dressers w/mirrors; 4 chairs; G.E. colour TV; 19" colour TV & stand; swivel rocker; record cabinet; leather chair; luggage; luggage; trunk; lawn chairs; mantle clock; medicine cabinet; cabinet; old floor lamp; patio sel; desk; bottom ol Hoosler cupboard w/enamel top; wheel barrow; garden tools; wooden step ladder; wooden ext. ladder; hand tools; large band saw; Snapper lawn mower; Eclipse lawn mower; picnic table. Many more ilems ol Interest. An Excellent Sale. Lunch Available. No Reserve. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. WILLIAMS AUCTION 4 APPRAISAL SERVICES, Campbelllord. Auctioneer: Rod Williams, CPPA. Phone (705) 553-3533 Web Site: Fax us your ad at 579-4218 1400 Auction. Os For Sa'< Os Fcf Sale VcKxcydes Motocydw Cars For Sale Articles for Sale | Articles 1er Solo | Articles lor Sale LINK GREENHOUSES isopen with HYDROPONIC TOMATOES Monday-Friday 8:00-5:30 Saturday 8:00-12:00noon Closed Sundays 3990 Bragg Road, Bowmanville (905)983-9003 * SPRING ART AUCTION * DONT mss THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY ****125 FRAMED PIECES**** FEATURING THE ART OF: * Trisha Romance * Robert Bateman * A.J. Casson * Laura Berry * Doug Laird * James Lumbers Carl Brenders Plus many more Sunday, April 8th Preview Time:12;00 noon Start Time: 1:00 p.m. Newcastle Old Town Hall (Exit 401 at Mill St.) Corner of Highway 2 & Mill Street, Newcastle For further information call 905-427-2450 AUCTION SALE of Storage Unit Contents Furniture, Dishes & Collectibles at Malcolm Sale Arena, 13200 Old Scugog Rd., South of Black- stock, Go Hwy.7A East To 57 Rd. into Blackstock or 401 East to Weaverly Rd. Or 57 Go North on 5712 miles to Bradbum Rd.Turn West Go 1/4 Mile to Old Scugog Rd.Turn North Go 1/4 Mile Tuesday April 10,2001 @ 5:30 pm Old Moorcroft bowl, large Royal Dux, hull vase, old Wedgewood brock, sterling match safe, large sterling bracelet, tooth pick holder, unique lamps, salt & pepper collection, Chzeck 20" ruby cut glass vase, hand made quilt, L.P. records, lawn mower, 15 speed mountain bike, fishing lures, submersible utility pump (new), guitar, guitar, VCR, 6-4'x8'x1/4" sheets plywood, cement cutting wet blades, ceramic mortar mortar & sanded grout, duo fast staples, portable gas BBQ, Pioneer 6 CD changer, changer, old stamp collection, Elvis stamp, 4 old press back chairs, new bird house feeders, oak curio cabinet, mahogany vanity table, tools & tool chest, tiller queen vacuum, logging chain, furniture, dishes, collectibles, hygiene & cosmetic bed, Panasonic VMS Camcorder (as is), job lots, many more items. Terms: Cash or Visa. Auctioneer: Bruce Kellett 705-328-2185 SPRING SPECIALS AT EASTOWN AUTO SALES 1977 Chev Cavalier Sporty 4 door model, 4 cyl. automatic, automatic, air cond., original paint, nice car, priced right, only $8,865. 1994 Pontiac Gran Prix th all luxury options. Includes power seats, windows, locks, etc. V-6 power - automatic, 4 dr. vehicle in great condition. Certified and e- tested. Only $7,860. 1992 Buick LeSabre Ltd. Fully loaded includes leather interior, dual zone climate control, power seats, (both sides) air- windows etc. Clean car throughout. Must see - Certified and e-tested. Only $6450. EASTOWN AUTO SALES 2818 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO (Just past the Zoo) (905) 623-4646 1995 HONDA CIVIC hatchback, hatchback, 144.000 highway km. aulo, sunroof, ceiiilied/emls- sion tested am/lm cassette, non-smoker lady driven, one owner, no rust (8.C. vehicle) $8500.995-831-0805 1997 MAZDA 6Z6, aulo. 2.0L, pw, pd. pi, anlenna, dual air bags, ABS. while with grey interior, interior, 74,000km, must sell, very clean, certified, $12,500. 905-606-9774 1997 SATURN STATION- WAGON, D0HC.19L, aulo, air, ps, pb. Alloy wheels, log lights. Will certify, one owner. 94,000k. $11,500 oho. Call 905-085-7128. 1998 NISSAN ULTIMA SE, excellent condition, only 29K, loaded, will certify, asking $17,500.686-2682 2000 HONDA CIVIC DX 1 owner, aulo. p.s.. brakes, till, 3 dr., black. Fabulous opportunity. opportunity. Musi qualily lo assume balance ol Honda lease. S269/monlh plus (axes. Call £416)722-4611' or (995)533- 91 NISSAN STANZA, burgun- dy 4 door, 2.4L, 4 cylinder, aulomalic, overdrive, power windows and door locks, till and cruise 261,000kms. Asking Asking S2500 e-test 4 cerlilied. Phone(905)683-7747. Lost and FOUND - black and while male shepherd/X In Courlice on March 5th and black and while male husky in Whitby March 20th. Call 905-852- 6534 rHiM Personals DURHAM SINGLES: Join the regions fastest growing singles singles organization. Personal Growth Seminars, Dinner Theatres. Wine Tasting. Quality Quality people lirsl rale at- mosphere. 905-438-1720 DURHAM'S OWN DATING SERVICE! 905-663-1110. Create a private mailbox ad or browse oilier ads tree. Meet a new Friend or Love lor lilc. CT7TW Daycare LXU Available LINDSAY-WOODVILLE SALE BARN -Lindsay Location Only- 705-324-2774 Regular Sale every Friday at 11:30 am Ring 1 - selling horses, finished cattle, bulls, stockers & cull cows'. Ring 2. Open at 1:00 pm. Selling bob calves, veal, bred cows. Special Lamb Sale -Friday April 6 at 1:30 pm. Bred Cow Sale • Sat. Night April 7 at 7:00 pm. Consignments Welcome. Special Spring Stocker Sales: Friday April 27 at 2:00 Peterborough Victoria County Cattlemens Stocker Sale - Wed May 2 at 10:00 am Consign to Wayne Telford 705-292-9531 _ All Breed Bull Sale. Saturday May 5 at.... r , 7:00 pm. Ross Bailey Jeff Redmond 905-985-0697 705-324-9617 AO!" Lease a New Vehicle at 8-1/2% Regardless of credit history You work, you drive Call (905) 426-0252 (No turndowns!) FIND YOUR NEXT used vehicle vehicle al: Cars Wanted CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles. Vehicles musl be In running condition. Call 427-2415 or come lo 479 Bayly SI. East. A|ax al MUR- AD AUTO SALES. WANTED • Dead ol Alive . Cars. Trucks, Machinery.. Call 655-4609 (SNP) WANTED - GM '98-'99 Mon-. " lana'dr'Vertlura'Van,loW kms. " wconsider lake over 1 lease or,,, buy . out, ., wheelchair equipped' would, be art asset. - ' Call 905-434-0392. The Style Shoppe has moved to 5 George St., Bowmanville Hair Salon & Swimwear Boutique 905-623-5455 Health à Homecare Trucks For Sale AUCTION SALE at Pethlck and Stephenson, Haydon Sat. April 7, at 6pm. From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, Bowmanville, North 8 mi. on Hwy. 57 to Con. Rd. 8, turn east at Firehall. Open at 4pm. Household articles from a Bowmanville Bowmanville home; bedroom furniture, brass daybed, pictures, books, lawn turn., pantry cupboard, chairs, glassware, dishes, dishes, lamps, tools etc. etc. still unpacking; Terms cash, debit, debit, visa, m/c. Owner and Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-8929. Barn hours Mon.-Wed.- Thurs. 3:304pm Next sale April 13 Good Friday antique antique auction at 10:30 am Estates and Consignments Welcome. Sat. Aeril 7 @ 10:00 a.m. Auction Sale of Farm Ma chinery, Hay, Straw, Riding Mower, Boat, Trailers, Antiques 4 Household for Murray 4 Colleen Kennedy @ B515 Con. 14 Brock near Pori Bolster. Farm Solti. See Onlario Farmer or Phone GARY HILL AUCTIONS lor faxed list (905-852-9538 or -1-800-654-4647) or 1991 RODEO. 4 wheel drive, 198,000 km, black, aluminum rims, auto trans, very clean, asking S4500 oho. cerlilied and emission tested, Call 905-434-D392 (snp) 1994 FORD E250 XLT truck supercab, running board, tonal cover, 20.000 lb. Illlh vzheel hitch installed and lowing hitch, low mileage. Used only in Florida, 520,500. 905-349- 2594. ' 1994 FORD F250-XLT truck, Supercab, running board, tonneau tonneau cover, 20,000lb filth wheel hitch Installed ttowlng hitch. Low mileage. Used only in Florida. $20,600. 905-349- 2594 BODY FAT LOSS The UnDiet™ Scieniilic Hormonal Permanent Weiohtloss GUARANTEED For more into call Carol 905-623-0985 Mortgages Loans Vans l 4-Wheel Dirve CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION BERRYBANK FARMS, 3383 Taunton Road, Orono, 11/2 miles west ol Hwy. 115. Saturday, April 14th, 2001 -10 AM. Sailing a lull line ol (arm equipment, tractors, machinery, machinery, vehicles, hardware, recreational Ilems, tools and lumber etc. For Info, and to consign to this auction contact the Auctioneer, John D. Berry C.P.P.A.G. 905-983-5787 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN - Due to Special Toy Sale Sat, April 7th, ll:OOam There will be NO REGULAR FRIDAY SALE on Friday April 6th, Next Friday Sale April 13 at 5:00p.m. A Good quality sale, Ihe property of the late Morris Goulet of Little Britain, 2 oak bow front china cabinets, a large quantity of good quality china & glass. More details next Week. If you are planning any type of auction at your place or ours Contact Don or Greg Corircil Auctioneers R.K. #1 Little Britain (705) 786-2183 1995 SAFARI, excellent condition, condition, loaded very clean, low kms. S12000.1990 Astro good condition, asking S3000, colli original owners, call 905-263- 8414. 1997 FORD F-150 4x4 extended extended cab excellent condition 119 000 km. Bedliner aluminum aluminum cap. S16500. Call 723- 8512. 2000 DODGE CARAVAN, 36,000km. 3.8 V6, am/lm cassette cd, running boards, captain chairs, S19.900 o.b.o. Cerlilied and e-lested. 4-2775 or (4161898- Home Improvements Heavy Duly Equipment WEDNESDAY, April 11th, 4:45 pm Auction Sale ol Furniture. Antiques and Collectables tor a Markham home, selling at NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD., 391 Regional Rd. 21, Port Perry, 1km west ol Utica. TO INCLUDE: 6pc Mahogany bedroom suite, 3pc chesterfield suite, 5pc maple kitchen suite, bed chesterfield, chesterfield, drop leaf table, washsland, hl-boy, 3pc bedroom bedroom suite, Healthware treadmill, Vilamaster bike, oak hall table, bookshelves, microwave, colour TV, desk, plus large quantity ol glassware and collectables plus many other items. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 DUMP BOX WORN OUT? NEW DUMP BOX FOR THAT NEW TRUCK!! Wo slock everything everything you need lor your Dump Box repairs. Leave it with us or buy your parts and do Ihe work yourself. Try Keeler's lirsl. BEST PRICES ■ GOOD DELIVERY - Excellent Service. Call Dan, 1-8B8-622- 0242. EXffB Coming Evenls C'J'S RENOVATING HOME IMPROVEMENTS Decks, Kitchens, Baths, Siding, Painting, Rec Rooms, Repairs, Elc. FREE ESTIMATES Call 263-4141 ask for Kelly Cars For Sale | Cars For Sale 196B CUSTOM CRUISER Station Station Wagon, p.w., p.s.. door locks, a/c, new exhaust S brakes, ceil. 8 emission lasted lasted Si 500 o.b.o. Call (905)432- 1209 1988 SUNBIRD, 4 door, emission tested, cerlilied, mini condition asking $1500. Call Odel (905)576-0406 (snp) 1989 OLD CUTLASS International, International, aulomalic, lully loaded, 4-door, well kepi, In excellent shape, 105,000 km, now tiros, recently cerlilied, E-leslcd. Best oiler. 905-983-9101 1909 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2 door, body In very good condition, condition, 4 cyl., aulomalic, new exhaust $2800 certified and E- lesled. Call 905-433-0775 1909 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 4- cyllnder, 5-speed, 2-door, black, aluminum rims, factory sunrool, hideaway headlights. 100,000kms, no rust, AM/FM cassette, reliable, economical, economical, clean S2650. cerlilied/ emissions. 005-922-3165 1990 SUNBIRD, 4 door, while, body great, interior In showroom showroom condition, lully loaded, new fires, needs engine and transmission. $500. Must sell. 438-8856 1991 HONDA CIVIC, new Hies, brakes, tune-up, no rusl, 187,000 kms, sunrool, radio, aulomalic, while. Certified, E- lesled, $2,900. Phono 305- 607-2043, cell 905-716-4310 1991 PONTIAC TEMPEST, VG, ps, ph, alr/con, am/lm cassette, cassette, clean car, 220k, asking S3000 oho, cerlilied 4 omls- slon lesled. Call 434-0392. 1992 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE. Ohio vzllh sliver lower lower quarter, all original, 1 owner, owner, lully equipped Including leather Him, power eals belli sides, power sunrool etc., looks and runs new, 12 months or 12,000 kms. PT Wartanly, $7,095. HAROLDS AUTOMOBILE SALES, Co- bourn. 905-372-1955 or loll lice 1-877-013-7303. 1992 HONDA ACCORD EXR - 5 speed, 153k, good condition. Asking 57,200 o.b.o. Cerlilied/ emission lesled. Call 419- 633-1955 1993 EAGLE VISION TSI, loaded, V-6, 3.51, aulomalic, 4 door, 129,000 km, leather seal, power windows, power locks, air, remote keyless entry, entry, alloy wheels, excellent condition, cerlilied. $7,900. Markham (005) 471-8075 1993 FORD TAURUS S H 0, extremely rate, excellent condition, lully loaded Inside 5 out. A must lo see. $5,000 OOP, Certified. 905-404-4354 1994 HYUNDAI EXCEL, certified, certified, emissions, In good condition, condition, 1 owner, lady driven, standard, 163,000 highway kms., hatch hack, emerald, 52,500. 005-372-1805. 1994 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, Cailler, lully loaded, certified and omission lesled, leather Interior, 14CK, asking $18,000 oho. 005-434-0302. 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 7 passenger van, VG, aulomalic, aulomalic, fill wheel, cruise, air, elc., tool rack, omissions approved, approved, original paint, $5,795. 7 month P.T. Warranty, lease lo own, lease hero, pay hero. HAROLDS AUTOMOBILE SALES, Cohourg. 905-372- 1955 or loll free 1-877-813- 7303. KISMET - Favourile broadway musical perlormed al Victoria Hall Concert Hall, Cohourg, April 19-28. Don't miss 'Stranger In Paradise, 1 "And This Is My Beloved' and others others Irom Ihe lush score ol this Arabian fantasy. Call 905-372- 2210 lor tickets and information. information. Group rales ($16) and Opening Night Gala tickets available. The area's finest performers accompanied by a live orchestra. FENCES ! FENCES ! FENCES ! All Styles BLACKTHORN FENCE 905-372-9648 or Toll Free 1-888-349-3362 RICHARD VANDUSEN CONSTRUCTION - Excavation -Grading - Water -Sanilary - Demolition - Ponds - Road Building - Septic Systems call 905-372-8549 or (ax: 905-372-1781 Public Notices NOTICE To Lot Owners & Anyone Anyone Interested In Lakevlew Cemetery, Newtonville. A MEETING willbeheldTp.m., Tues.. April 17th at Reid Wood's homo Advertise your Business Here Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Froo Estimates (905) 623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Cunililioiring Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Melril Aulliurizeil Consumer's Gas Dealer 983-5293, 983-6221 Coming Evenls MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Great Rates A Discounts aAa Payment plan available. IMS Call 683-9725 or 623-0331 iiuw-d mi PINE RIDGE INSURANCE COYLE sY Brandon and Pam arc harm lo announce the arrival of their beautiful baby girl Jessica Jeanne Bom on March 6,2001 in Kamloops, B.C. Weighing 7 lb. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are Jim & Shirley Coyle of Newcastle and Glen & Jeanne Joss of Cache Creek, B.C. QUINNEY ❖ Spence and Stephenie are pleased lo announce the birth of their first child Aiden Jeffrey Lawrence Quinney On March 29,2001 at 5:55p.m, Weighing 6 lb. 15 oz. Proud grandparents are Dawn and Jeff Robinson, Elinor Morley, and Sheila and Larry Quinney. Great grandparents are Allen Robinson, Don and Dorothy Cook, Cyril and Doreen Quinney, and Judy and Ken Morley. Special thanks to Dr. Albert, Dr. Caccia, Dr. jack and the maternity staff at Lakeridgc Health Bowmanville. Birthdays Birthdays Happy 1 st Birthday DAYCARE AVAILABLE - Newcastle Newcastle area. DPR. non- smoker. experienced, flexible hours, reasonable rales, references. references. Please conlacl 905- 786-2740 LOVING experienced daycare available olleiing year-round, lull-time care, Non-smoking environment. Sandringham/ Trulls Courlice. Receipts available. 433-1397 MOTHER'S HELPER required 1er 6 week old triplets. Days and/or evenings. Ideal 1er senior and students. Liberty SI. N„ Bowmanville. Volunteers Volunteers welcomed and appreciated. appreciated. Call (905)697-1713 BRY1 Esthetics/ EatAN Beauty Services \on March 15j 2001 ) yf * Shelby Loüfse Mitchell * turned one. You haw brought so much love, * laughter and happiness lo our lives, fa HAVE FUN BEING ONE BABY GIRL! K Lots of Love » : Daddy & Mommy (Steve & Judy), t . and big brothers Jesse & Co I V })( P.S. Shelby would like'.igjdvc abie i?^ •17/g.. //-.X, 1 v, rfillll 1 :". . £ti»Jhr* lhank-vou lu her GrandoarentsrAimls l 4 BUSINESS LOANS • S10K lo S50K approvals 48 hrs. Government Government secured loans lo S250K. 1-877-643-0130 or (905)429-3960.cnp CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first 4 second mortgages lo 95%. from 6.75% 1er 5 years. Best available rales. Private funds available. Refinancing debt consolidation a specially. For Iasi professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686- 2557. MONEY PROBLEMS, Gel out ol debt quick without going bankrupt or being garnisheed. Everyone accepted regardless ol credit rating. Call lor free Inlormallon. 905-576-3595. Student loans Included. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL : IMPLEMENTATION ÔF IS014001, 0HSAS 18001 AND HACCR IN THE PLANT OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE WORKS DEPARTMENT R.F.P. 608-2001 SEALED PROPOSALS, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Regional Clerk until 2:00 p.m., THURSDAY, APRIL 19,2001 Specifications and proposal forms may be secured from the Purchasing Section, Supply & Services Division, at tel. (905)571-3311 Lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. ROGERANDERSON REGIONAL CHAIR. J.S. LORNE C.E.T., M.B.A., CPPO, Manager of Supply & Services, Finance Department 60 Bond Street, West, 2nd floor, Oshawa, Ontario LIB 8B6 Public Notices Public Notices ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT CANADA? You can participate in the democratic process without violating your conscience... The Durham Riding of the CHRISTIAN HERITAGE PARTY OF CANADA invites you lo a meeting Friday, April 6th at 8:00 p.m. Garnet B. Rickard Complex (above arena) For information call 263-4256 Daycare Available Daycare Available TifAm only (fa 6eat wdl do-! Working as partners with parents and Providers, Wee Walch caters to Ihe growth and development of cliildren in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full and Part Time Care Please call: Bownianville/Oshawa East - 433-0558 Garbage Removal ÜÜÉBL Do you have an apartment you need to rent? Advertise in our Classified Section Today. Coming Evenls Coming Evenls Do you have an interesting hobby or pastime? Historic Downtown Bowmanville invites you to be part of their upcoming ANNUAL MÀPLEFEST 0 ALL THAT JAZZ Being held on May 5th. For more information please contact Lori Allin @623-4317 •TRANSFER STATION* ROIL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING ==, Ask about our Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphnlt. Ask 1er lipping lee rales. Also accepting Irldgos, slovos, batteries. All recyclable mêlais. Mon.-Frl. a-5, Sal, 8-12 l 40-110 V