THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, MAY 16 2001 PAGE 9 No promise of new farm money from minister nrmiroRAN Stuff Writer DURHAM - Brian Coburn, Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, outlined outlined his priority to develop a "forward-looking integrated risk-management strategy" during during a speech to the Durham P.C. riding association recently. "Wc need a long-term approach approach that provides a firm foundation foundation on which to build stability in our agriculture industry," Mr. Coburn told the 50 attendees at Durham College's E.P. Taylor Student Centre in Oshawa. "One that will foster income stability and a sense of security for our farmers and for our rural communities." communities." Mr. Coburn said lie would be working with Ontario's farm and community leaders to develop this approach, which lie said promises to enhance the province's control and flexibility when it comes to planning and which will meet the needs of all Ontario's farmers. However, some of Ontario's agricultural representatives found the minister's speech too shy on both details and on the possibility of new money. Referring to Mr. Cobum's integrated integrated risk-management strategy. strategy. Terry Boland, the director of public affairs for the Ontario Com Producers' Association in Guelph, remarked: 'That's a nice political statement. I'm not sure what it means. "Obviously, wc want to see a better risk-management risk-management program in place," Mr. Boland continued. "Whether it's integrated or not, I think we have to look at the individual producers producers to see whether they're supportive supportive of that type of initiative, (and) secondly whether it's feasible. feasible. There arc different crops, different livestock, a huge number number of commodities in this province and they all have different different risks and benefits." Mr. Boland said he would have been interested to hear Mr. Coburn announce the Province ' was setting aside more money for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. However, However, lie said Premier Mike Harris has made it clear almost all ministries, ministries, except possibly health and education, must be prepared for cuts when the provincial budget budget is announced on May 9. Dave Barry, the president of the Durham Federation of Agriculture, Agriculture, said he is also hoping the Province will come forth with new funds, specifically $30 million million more to help case the financial financial burden of Ontario's farmers. Mr. Barry described the $30 million as Ontario's slice of the $400 million Canada's farmers are seeking this year from the federal and 10 provincial governments. governments. On March 1, the Canadian government announced a $500- million bailout for the nation's farmers, well short of the $900 million farmers' lobbies had been seeking. Under the Safety Net Framework Agreement, which splits the funding 60-40 between the federal and provincial provincial governments, Ontario was required to contribute $70 million million to provincial farmers, to go along with the $105 million the feds would be mailing out. However, However, Mr. Coburn's ministry went above that, contributing $90 million million on April 4. After his speech, Mr. Coburn avoided comment on whether any new funds would be forthcoming forthcoming to his ministry. Xourtice Lions Club LOtS Ot^ Filter r~i.. FR&stute Em Lots*,*, Carnival- Thursday, May 17 6:00 p.m. - Carnival Gets Underway Friday. 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