PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, JUNE 27,2001 Crooks didn't want the books NEWCASTLE - It wasn't the books the crooks were after when the Newcastle branch of Clarington Public Public Library was broken into overnight Saturday. Durham Regional Police in Clarington Clarington say the library was broken into sometime between 5 p.rn. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday. The thieves ransacked ransacked filing cabinets, broke into and damaged a change machine, and made off with the library cash box, which contained a few hundred dollars. dollars. Police say the back door of the library library had been pried open. Anyone with information can call DRP at 905-579-1520, ext. 1687, or Crime Stoppers at 905-222-TIPS. Board turns to Province for help BOARD from page 1 their utmost in this regard but we can not accept the budget they have placed before us, and the Board of Trustees sees no alternative but to seek the assistance of your ministry in the resolution of the apparent discrepancy discrepancy between our communities' needs and the resources currently available," says the letter to be sent immediately to the ministry. The move is a measure of the frustration frustration trustees feel in passing a budget budget that makes cuts to many areas of education, says the board's chairman. chairman. "The board's saying, we don't like what we see, and basically, the ministry ministry has to come in and tell us how to do it so we don't have to cut programs, programs, but can still pay the bills," says Bob Willsher, a Clarington trustee. But he says he would have preferred the budget to pass. "My preference would have been - to put the plan out there, let schools get on with life for the fall, and then go to the minister" to ask for additional additional funding, says Mr. Willsher, who voted against the delay. "I don't think the minister's going to say, you can't pass a budget? Here's $6 million." million." The board is legally required to pass a budget by July 1, "unless the minister gave us some exemption on that," says Mr. Willsher. By the end of July, board staff is required to have its budget estimates submitted to the ministry, or else the board could face a penalty of $100,000 each month the numbers are not submitted. submitted. The decision to delay passed by a narrow 6-5 margin, with many trustees vehemently opposed to the move. The cuts being made to the 2001-2002 budget are largely a result of the board's $6.3-million "accumulated "accumulated deficit, not a lack of funding, says Cobourg-area trustee Gordon Gilchrist, who voted against the delay. "It's our home-grown deficit that is causing the problem," he says. Wednesday, June 27,2001 • Home Depot* •Bay* • McGregor IDA* • Future Shop* • Sears* • Square Boy* • Durham Liberal Association* • Clarington Today* • Hoopers Jewellers* • Mary Brown* ITiri nul iirn'M.inli in nil pupviA Ki iin iiihvi. .ill iiisi'ilv MU llhllll!' tillin' nil l'11 is si p,l|VI. i .in Iv iii wlvil u nil I hi- ns! nl vim mvii 'p.ipi i tiniMivli min Muv hn\ ki'in Imp pinpnim Annual strawberry social this Friday BOWMANV1LLE - Mamwood Lifccare Centre's Centre's Annual Strawberry Social Social will be held this Friday. The event will run from 2 to 4 p.m. at 26 Elgin St. in Bowmanvillc. Admission is $3. All proceeds will go to the centre's Activity Outings Fund. Mileage allowance up MILEAGE from page I compensated separately on a pcr-kilomctre basis. The new rate is the same received by councillors in Ajax, a municipality with a similar size population but smaller geographical area. It is less than some other municipalities, including Pickering, where councillors councillors receive $400 a month and the mayor's car and gas is supplied. By contrast, the Scugog mayor and councillors receive receive 35 cents per kilometre to a maximum of $125 a month. The consensus among councillors was that the increase increase was needed. Councillor Councillor Jane Rowe points out she attends meetings for six different committees and boards while Coun. Charlie Trim says, "You're here and you're there. You might be asked to check out this or that. To pul your own vehicle vehicle on the road you have the cost of maintenance and depreciation depreciation and if you're a one-car family it tics up the vehicle." Just this past weekend, says Councillor Pat Pingle, she travelled "to the Clarke Museum, to Mosport, to Orono for the tractor pull and back to Bowmanvillc for the '50s event." Councillor Don MacArthur noted even local councillors attend many functions outside their own ward for council duties. Council could consider a per/kilometre rate, the mayor notes, but "that would probably be even more than the flat rate," not to mention the added administrative administrative cost. Duplicate street names a problem DUPLICATE from page I change the duplicate street to the name of a local war veteran while another would be to add the community name before the street name such as 'Orono Mill Street'. Councillor Gord Robinson says he is "dead against the report" report" because he feels it unfairly puts the burden on Ward 4 residents. residents. But at least one councillor isn't convinced the best way to proceed is to change the names at all. Councillor Don MacArthur suggests Bell Canada should add any necessary technology to its system to correct the mapping problem instead of leaving the onus on the municipality and its residents. "Bell may not want to spend that money but why not?" he asks. "Why put it on us? It's hard to have sympathy for Bell not GORD ROBINSON 'Dead against ' the report. being able to cover the cost when it had a $5.5 billion profit last year." Bell Canada spokesman Norm Bcrbcrich says Bell Canada Canada is willing to discuss different options with municipalities though he is not familiar with a technology-based solution. "It's not a case-closed situation," situation," lie says. "We recognize the municipality's point of view in this situation where they don't want to give up part of their history'. history'. At the same lime we want to ensure consistency of service and a level of safely. Duplicate names could cause a problem in a fast growing municipality," he says. There arc a number of ways the municipality could address the problem, including changing numbers so no two addresses are the same, changing a 'Centre Street' to 'Centre Avenue' or adding a directional indicator such as changing 'Centre Street' to 'Centre Street North'. However, However, Mr. Bcrbcrich qualifies, 'The easiest solution over time is a name change because then it is recognized by all." Public input sessions will be held in the coming months. 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