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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 2001, p. 12

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PAGE 12THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, November 21,2001 Visit Us On the Inlcrnet: Market Basket ! FTiTil Market Easkel EÛT! 205 Rentals Outside Canada Allin's Orchard & Country Market Open 7 Days a Week - 10am-5pm ♦ 14 Varieties of Apples ♦ Pears (Flemish Beauty, Bose) ♦ Cider 4 Honey 4- Jams 4 Apple Butter 4- Candy Apples 4 Vegetables 4- Cheese & More Visit our newly renovated store: 3rd Concession - just west of Hwy 35/115, Newcastle Phone 905-987-2295 Business Opportunities A WORK FROM HOME Health and nutrition industry. S509- S1500 P/T. S2000-S5000 F/T Call (416) 812-6595. email, works ATTENTION! WORK From Home! Flexibility S500-S7000- mo. in your spare time! Complete Complete Training. Personal Coach wwv/.onlineincome AUTO DETAIL SHOP tor lease, turn key operation. 2 large bays fully equipped, excellent excellent business opportunity call (905) 666-3450 SIGN FRANCHISE expanding locally. Fully computerized. No experience needed, training training & local support provided. Low investment. Financing avail. Call 1-800-286-8671 or Apis. & Flats For Rent 1 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment. S675 plus electric and cable. 905-438-1563 2 & 3 BEDROOM apartments for rent in quiet building, north end Bowrnanvillc, available Dec. 1st. Phone 905-623-0594 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS near Oshawa Shopping Centre. Centre. Available January 1st S800. includes utilities. 1 parking, first/last. No pets. Call (905)434-6565 leave message 3-BEDROOM MAIN FLOOR, huge yard, shared washer/ dryer, Pickering Village. St 400 monthly inclusive Available December 1st. Call days (416)757-7773 ext. 24. evenings/weekends (416)258- 7742. WHITBY GARDENS - 900 Dundas St. E.. One and two bedroom apartments available in clean, quiet building. Utilities Utilities included. Laundry facilities facilities and parking available. Call (905)430-5420. ADELAIDE AREA, OSHAWA - 2 bedrooms, main floor of duplex. duplex. Parking, sep. entrance, 2*4pc. baths, $700 plus utilities; utilities; Available Dec. 1st. Call 905-434-8800. AJAX • lower level one bedroom bedroom apt. Appliances included. included. S650 all inclusive. Fist/ last. References. Available December. 905- 839-ftfG AJAX- NEWLY renovated, separate entrance. 2-bedroom. 2-bedroom. basement, washer, dryer, dryer, fridge, stove, security system, system, c/a, c/v, 2 parking spot, near GO bus stop, utilities included. included. 1200 sq.ft. S975. month, first/last. Avail. Dec. 1st. (416)267-0953. AJAX, Bayly/Pickering Beach Rd. Clean 1-bedroom basement basement with separate entrance. Parking, share laundry, appliances, appliances, cable, included. Prefer quiet, mature non- smoker. $675« utilities. Jen at 905-619-2540. AJAX, HUGE 2-BEDROOM basement, separate entrance, 20ft. living room, parking, S800 inclusive. Immediately. Evenings (905)427-3172 OSHAWA - 2 BDRMS with air. clean, quiet bldg. S895/month. Park, Bloor- 401 area. Call 905-432-2935 SMALL ONE BEDROOM downtown Oshawa. S650/mo. utilities, A/C included. Laundry facilities available. Cable separate. No pets. Suitable for one. On main bus route. Dec 1. 905-725-7321 ext 13 8:00am-3:00pm Mon-Thurs. BASEMENT APARTMENT in Whitby clean, spacious. Parking, Parking, separate entrance, close to 401 and GO. Living room and one bedroom. S700 plus Available immediately (905)- 619-9787 BOWMANILLE -3 bedroom apartment upstairs in 4-plex. large sunroom and outside deck. $750/month includes heat and water, avail. Dec. 1. non-smoking, no pets pre- ferred. 905-623-2409 BOWMANVILLE- Dec 1. all inclusive, immaculate, newly decorated and carpeted one bdrm apt. large eat-in kitchen, fridge/stove, paved parking, upgraded well-maintained building, A-1 location. First/ last, references. 905-623-7263 BOWMANVILLE new one bedroom bedroom basement apartment Separate entrance, parking, laundry, heat, hydro, fridge, stove. Suitable for i person No pets/smoking. $650/month first/last, available Dec. 1st. 905-623-3134 CENTRAL OSHAWA, 3-bed- room, $950, December 1st. In well-maintained building, close to all amenities. Please call (905)723-0977 9a.m- 6p.m. COURTICE Bright, spacious 2*1 main floor. Gorgeous, very clean, 4-pc bath w/sky- light, 4 appliances, 2-car parking, cable, laundry. Quiel. walk to Community Centre. $1,100 inclusive. First/last. No pets/smoking. January 1. 905- 728-7057 CÙURTICE - 2 bedroom basement apt. includes 2-car parking. 4 appliances. $790/ inclusive. Available January 1st. Call Cindy 905-725-2246 Leave message. COURTICE 1 ♦ BEDROOM basement apartment, new broadloom. clean/bright. A/C. cable. Avail, immediately. $800 incl. First/last, no smok- ing 905-435-0867 COURTICE 2 bedroom x-large bright walkout basement apartment on 2/3 acre. $1000 first/last, includes utilities, laundry, lireplace. VIP-cable. suit upto 2 people, no smok- ing/pels/parlies. 905-435-0695 LARGE 1 BEDROOM with ot- fice/den. central location Bow- manville, adult lifestyle building, building, non-smoker preferred, avail. Jan. 1st. Phone 905- 623-2106 or 905-434-0690 LARGE 1-BDRM. Central Oshawa, hardwood Mooring, separate entrance. No parking, parking, no pets. $700 inclusive. First & last. Available De- ceruber 1st (905)579-4250 LARGE 1-BEDROOM basement. basement. private home, avail Dec 1. Oshawa. $700/montli all inclusive. Private entrance near 401 exit Freshly painted, gas fireplace, oak bar. carpeted. carpeted. lirsl/lasl No pets/smok- ing. 905-436-6070 LUXURY 1 BR APT., ground Moor, lireplace, air conditioned. conditioned. deluxe kitchen. 8 appliances, appliances, cable, high-speed internet, parking, all inclusive, north Whitby $995/month. avail. Dec. 1.905-655-7551 LUXURY SPACIOUS 1-bedroom 1-bedroom apartments with live appliances appliances lor rent Excellent location. location. Downtown Water Street. Port Perry. Ouilding overlooking Park & Lake Sen- gog. Call 905-728-7361 Mon • Fri. 8am-5pm 170 Apartments & Flats For Rent ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT apt Park/Adelaide, beautiful new. gas fireplace, parking, laundry, storage, yard, avail. Jan 1. S700 per month inclusive. inclusive. call 416-892-0195 OSHAV/A- 2 BEDROOM apt. available Dec 1st Electric heat, washer/dryer each Moor Very quiet, exclusive, adult preferred building No pets 905-579-9016. OSHAWA 2 bedroom Park S area Available December 1st Clean quiet bldg Fust. last, references required. No pets $850/monthly Call alter 5pm (905) 571-4576 OSHAWA APTS -Bachelor, t and 2 bedroom, newer buildings. buildings. Includes utilities, parking. parking. Laundry on-site No dons Building «1 905-132-8914. Building p2. *3. #4 905-571- 0425 or for all 1-888-558-2622 OSHAWA/WHITBYborder. large spacious basement apt.. with separate entrance, avail, dec.t. no pets, access to laundry, close to all amenities. amenities. prefer single or couple, references. $700 ♦ 1/3 utili- ties., call (416)315-0858 PICKERING • brand new walkout. 2 bedrooms, 4 appliances. appliances. parking, $900 Available immediately. ALSO 2+1 bedroom. 2 baths, luxurious luxurious building, parking, available available immediately $1450. Port Union/Sheppard 905-831- 7673. PICKERING BRIGHT CLEAN one bedroom basement apartment. Separate entrance, parking, walk to GO. laundry no smoking $750 « utilities. Available Immediately Refer- ences. (4f6)-7t2-8t78 PICKERING VILLAGE - 1 bedroom bedroom basement apartment. Available December 1st. Separate Separate entrance, parking, utilities, utilities, $675 inclusive. Suitable for single non-smoker. No pets. (905)426-1096. PICKERING, stunning, very clean, newly renovated large 1-bedroom basement, quiet neighbourhood, near Go/401, private entrance, utilities, parking, laundry included, nonsmoker, no pets Available Jan 1 $750/month!y (905)420-3636 PORT HOPE - high rise, river view, large, modem, renovated, renovated, quiet area, scenic view and walking distance to downtown. downtown. One bedroom S750, 2 bedroom $850.905-885-7799. PRIVATE, SELF-CONTAINED, newly-decorated, furnished. 1 bedroom apartment in clean, quiet desirable North Oshawa adult home. Fully Equipped Kitchen with separate eating area. Study area, carpet in bedrooni&living room 4-piece bathroom with separate vanity vanity area. Close to bus stop. Non-smoker. $575/month 905- 728-2395. REGENCY PLACE • 15 Regency Regency Cres., Whitby. Senior Apt. Complex. One & One bedroom bedroom with den. Clean quiet building. Excellent location. Quiet setting across from park. All utilities included. For appt. call 905-430-7397 RUSSETT AVE., N. oft Sim* coe 2-bdtm. apt., good location. location. well maintained 12-plex. Nice neighbourhood; Close to shopping, bus. $850 inclusive. Cable & parking included, newly decorated, laundry facilities No dogs. 905-576- 2982. OSHAWA - Quiet building near shopping, transportation Utilities included. Simcoe/Mil! 1 2 AND 3 Bedroom for Dec 1st $719. $819 « $919.. (905) 436-7686 until 7.30 pm. OSHAWA 2 & 3 B/R apis. 280 Wentworth St. W. S765 8 S876. Utilities incl. Close to schools, shopping, shopping, 401. Public Transit right past your door. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 WHITBY • DUNDAS/ BROCK. Luxury 1-bdrm. Carpel. Carpel. elevator, a/c. very quiet bldg. Newly painted, storage, all inclusive. $900/month. Avail, immediately. First & last required. (905)668-0182 WHIT8Y - Regency Manor. Larne 2 bed. m quiet matuie building. S960/month incl utilities. On-site laundry. Avail. Jan 1/02 Call 905-668- 7758. WHITBY RESIDENTIAL incredibly incredibly spacious t bdrm above ground basement apt. Separate entrance, hardwood floors, roman style tub. asking $680 inclusive. Avail. January 1st. (905)430-3519 WHITBY, Dundas & Cochrane. Cochrane. large clean multi-level 2-bedroom units, some with hardwood. Available Dec 1st. Near school, shopping, transit. zCall Joanne 905-666-4145 be- * fore 9pm WHY rent when you can own your own home lor less than you think?!! Call Dave Hay- lock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 6GG- 3211. 185 1st Time Buyer? Professional Renier? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To "Own" Your Next Home! ni 1-Boÿ"Sho-627S iiz jo C"v" oc Mark Stapley A-ABA-DADA-DO. I have a home fur you! 6 months free! From $550/month OAC. up to $6.000 cash back to vou. $29.500* family income Short ol down payment? For spectacular results Great Rates Call Ken Collis Associate Associate Brokei Cold 1 ,veil Ranker RMR Real Estate (905)728 9414 or 1-877-663-1054 cmail:kcollis<flt(ebnel com 2-STOREY HOUSE tor rent. Bowrnanvillc 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, finished basement rented separately Shared kitchen and laundry facilities Available Jan 1st $1200/ month utilities included lust- last. 905-697-0/11 3 BDRM. BUNGALOW foi lent, country setting and use ot barn included SlQOO/iiioiith plus utilities, tirsl/lasl required. required. available Dec 1. references references 905-780-3157 0 ROOMS, buck, parking, downtown Oshawa Mr Leroy 905-576-0111 ext 224 185 Houses For Rent A NEWLY RENOVATED 4 bed- room home in Westshore Fa- mil,-room w/fneplace ♦walkout ♦walkout to large deck, cat-m kitchen. kitchen. built-in dishwasher. C/A. avail Jan. $1500 ♦ Call 905- 837-2766 AN UNBEATABLE DEAL! From $500 down, own your own home stalling at $69.900 carries carries tor less than rent OAC. 24 lus free recorded message 905-723-1C69 ext 277. Ccld- v:ell Banker RMR Real Estate. Aurelia Rasanu A-A-A-A-MANY HOUSES FOR RENT in Pickering. Whitby. Ajax. Oshawa. Bowrnanvillc and surrounding areas Rent from $1.100 to S5.000 per month plus utilities Call Garry Bolen. Sutton Gioup Status at 905-436-0990 (MUST ASK foi Jan Van Duel for info and scheduling) AJAX. HARWOOD/HWY 2 detached detached bungalow. 2 bedrooms, close to schools and shopping shopping $985/month. avail Jan 1. first/last. 905-831-6351 days; 905-426-6682 evenings AJAX very clean 3-bedroom house, 2-1? baths, maintloor laundry. 4-appliances, double garage, fenced yard w/dcck. newly painted, a'c. first time rented, basement not included included Avail Jan./Fcb. (tlexible) No pets Prefer established professional couple $1350 ♦ utilities 905-426-7785 OSHAWA 3 bedroom house vailable Dec. 1st. excellent location, very clean, big fenced backyard, close to schools shopping. $950 + util., first-last, no pets. 905-263-2104 PORT HOPE - 4+1 bedroom bungalow. 1 1/2 baths, west side of town, close to schools. $1.000 plus utilities, available December or January, 905- 885-7627. SEMI DETACHED 2-bedmom Victorian farmhouse. 1km. north of Brooklin. Ideal for couples starting out. S850+ utilities. Prefer no pets. Available Available Dec. 1 or Jan. 1. 905* 655-496G THREE BEDROOM bungalow for rent Newcastle Village, available immediately. SI,010 / month t hydro ♦ gas. Call (905) 987-321 1 190 Townhouses For Rent AJAX, HARWOOD/DREYER, 3 bedroom townhouse-upper floors. New carpet, appliances (3), freshly painted, parking, near schools/shopping, GO No pets $1200/mo.. most utilities (no phone/cable). First/last, available immeoial- ley 905-686-7086. CARRIAGE HILL TOWN- HOUSES • 122 Colborne St. E Oshawa. 3 bedrooms available available For appt call (905) 434- 3972. 192 Rooms For Rent & Wanted COURTICE • Room tor rent, share facilities in clean home. Furnished or unfurnished, parking, kitchen/laundry facilities. facilities. suitable for working gentleman. gentleman. StOO/week. available immediately. 905-438-1778. LARGE ROOM in Bowman- ville area. $400/month. First & last. Share full house Call after after 6pm (905)697-8807. AFFORDABLE MOTEL ROOMS FOR RENT, furnished. furnished. weekly/monthly rates. Hwy 35/115. 15 minutes east ot Oshawa. 8 km north of 401. Call 905-983-6466 ROOM FOR RENT in luxurious luxurious country home, many extras. extras. Roseneath area Call 905-352-3535 ROOM FOR RENT TO SINGLE worktop person preferred, with lots of extras For info call 905-697-1733 ask for Bobby ROOM FOR RENT use of all facilities, close to downtown Bowman ville. $95 weekly. Phone 905-623-2326 ROOM CENTRALLY LOCATED Quiet working person, non- smoker, parking. Cable TV and kitchen privileges. $325/ month (905)434-2558 or (9051-434-6971 Shared Accommodation ADELAIDE/STEVENSON clean 3 bedroom house to share 2 bathrooms, fireplace, laundry, deck, parking, storage storage Avail Immediately. $450/ month. Call 905-431-2955 evenings AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - close to Oshawa Centre/40/ bus, laundry facilities, kitchen privileges, cable tree parking $400 inclusive - One bedroom in private home. 905-721- 0940 BAYLYAVESTSHORE, 3rd person to share furnished 3 bedroom garden apartment S480/month. all facilities included. included. available now 905- 839-4271. BEAUTIFUL ROOM with ensuite ensuite and walk-in closet available available to professional preferred Clean executive home in Courtice. $550/month Call 905-404-5262 GAY OR GAY POSITIVE person person preferred. South Whitby, near go. to share house. $400 inclusive Immediate. Laundry Laundry and parking. (905)665- 7627 AJAX- convenient to 401 - 3 bedroom executive nonsmoking nonsmoking furnished home to share with cue Separate 4pc private bath, own livmgroom. Laundry, a/c. fncplacc. Bus at door Suit professional Quiet street $775/mo/negohable Dec 1st Parking 905-686- 9963 M. OR F. S400 Inclusive. 1350 sgft townhome. How- manville private. 9x12 . 9x9 4 pc hallnoom. slimed kitchen. kitchen. l.'R. laundry, gaiage. no pets please available immediately immediately Call Jim 905-697- 3569 SHARE BEAUTIFUL Victorian taimliouse near Lake Simcoe 5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, laundry, fireplace, wood stove, garden satellite acreage w/ ham * paddocks $540 incl 20 mm N ol Uxbridge 705- 43/ 9974 snp WHITBY share luxury house $675, oi mar,lei bedroom, en suite Jacuzzi, lireplace cable cable $750 Laundry facilities, parking Short term available No lease 905-600-113? CLEARWATER FLORIDA, tor- factored homes 65* pool. 1C5° het tub. near teaches ma -f ^fractions. MIL Hockey Hockey NFL fcattail. Blue Jay baseball Children v.-ciccme Photos $275 week (less than motel) 1905)653-5503 DISNEY UNIVERSAL StuJ.cs Cilando. Florida Discount Rates! 2 new executive. 4 bedroom homes with pools Canadian owner Call 1 -SCO- 246- 1996 or website http '/ v.tbhome idirect com/-cratne Snowmobiles 1990 SKIOOO FORMULA Mach 1 Rave 583. thumb and hand warmers, excellent condition condition asking S2.2G0 Ask for Rick (905)852-6920 303 Horse Supplies & Boarding • Indoor Arena • Riding Lessons • Leasing •Birthday Parties • Fun Social Calendar Book now (or Christmas Treasure Hunt on horseback Dec. 16th Tyrone, 7 minutes North of Bowmanville 905-263-8303 HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and adults) tor our riding and horsemanship programs, etc. For further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 33-tlSC 309 Bargain Centre MICROWAVE OVEN. Kenmore (18x24. brown) oak stand $20; 15 action figures. Spidcrman. $1 each. A-1 condition. 905- 623-8314 310 Articles For Sale LEATHER JACKETS, up to 1/ 2 price, leather purses from $9.99. luggage from $29.99. leather wallets from $9.99. Entire Stock Clearance Sale! Family Leather. 5 Points Mall Oshawa. 905-728-9830 ot (416)439-1177 Scarborough CARPETS • lots ot carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpets for $319.00. Residential on Berber Berber carpets for $389.00. Includes Includes carpet, premium pad. expert installation. Free, no pressure estimate. Norman (905) 686-2314. 6-PERSON HOT TUB with covers, accessories & chemicals. chemicals. $3.500 or trade for big screen TV. Call (905)434- 8667 9 PCE. DINING ROOM suite solid pine, table, 6 chairs, two extra leaves, buffet and hutch $1,500 or best oiler. Telephone (905) 721-8466 HOME THEATRE SYSTEMS SPECIAL SALES - only $100 per piece in packages while supply lasts. Cash only. Back to the 60s-70s. Vintage equipment equipment trom Accuphase. Aiwa. Qenon. Mitsubishi. Naka- michi. Nikko. Optonica. Pioneer. Quad. Revox. Rotel. Sharp. Sherwood. Dual. Empire. Empire. Garrard. PE. Akai, Do- korder, Belcor, Tuners. Amplifiers. Amplifiers. Receivers. Signal -Processors. -Processors. Equalizers, Cass- Decks. Reel to Reel. Turntable. Turntable. 8-tr Rec & player, Super Super Digifine Hi-End JVC tuners tuners amplifiers. CD players, cassette decks, signal processors processors VCRs. DVD players. 90 day layaway. Oshawa Stereo 905-579-0893 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANKS APPLIANCES. Matching tridge/stove. good condition $249 Whirlpool Washer «dryer $449/pair. Washers rcg/exlra-cap $149/ up. Dryers exlra/reg $125/up Selection apt.-size washers/ dryers. Selection fridges $100/ up. Side-by-sides $299 White/almond stove, full/apt- size 5150/up Air conditioners $100/up. Portable dishwashers dishwashers $225/up. Visit our showroom. showroom. Parts/sales/service. 426 Simcoe Sl.S Mon-Fri 8- 6pm. Sat 9-5pm. Sun 11-4pm. (905)728-4043. DTV SYSTEMS HU. H & Dish network programming. For all your DSS needs call (905)683-5493 or (905)427- 1416. ANTIQUES FOR SALE: Elegant French antique door, beveled glass 23'x80', door knobs, claw teet for bath tub, and Chinese screen. (905)697- 9462 APPLIANCES refrigerator, stove, heavy duty Kenmore washer & dryer. Also apartment-size apartment-size washer & dryer. Mint condition, will sell separately. separately. can deliver. 905-839- 0098 APPLIANCES: refrigerator 2- door frost free, deluxe stove, matching heavy duty washer/ dryer 5675/all- will sell separate separate Alsu washer used 2 yeais $250 «Dryer and 8 mo old dishwasher $275. (905) 767-6598 BEDROOM SET. 8pce cherry- wood. Bed. chest, tn-dresser. mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened In boxes Cost $9000, Sacrifice Sacrifice $3500 416-748-3993 BEEF SALE All naturally raised larm fresh heel. Government Inspected ■sides, hinds 8 Iront quarters. CLARK MEATS 905-987-5800 DIG MOVING SALE - baby mid children s furniture, single and double stiollei kitchen, study and lamilyioom furniture, microwave. microwave. stove, large mdoor hot-tub. brand new pool heat ei Lots ol items Phone foi lull list 905-435-0321 CANNON NP4835I PHOTOCOPIER. PHOTOCOPIER. with lecder/collalor, 2-sitle copy enlarges & ic- diices. $2800 Boardroom table chairs excellent quality. $650 Culox Inndoi $70. call Cheiyl at 905-433-1784 CARPETS SALE & HARO- WOOD FLOORING: carpet 3 moms from $339 (30 sq yd ) Includes carpel, premium pad and insinuation, free eslimâtes, carpet repairs. Serving Durham and sur* mimdimj area Credit Cards Accepted Call Sam 905-CB6- 1772 310 Articles for Sa'e 310 Articles for Sa 'e 324 Arts and Crafts 324 Artsar.dCra'ts CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS' CARPETS' 3 rcCTS carpeted with pad and installation $253 (32 ,us ) SPECIAL GUV - 24o: Oerter. 10 colours. S7.5Q.yd 32oz Berber. 12 colours. $3£0'yd 45oz N.!:i Saxony. 33 colours. S13 50'yd NO HIDDEN COSTS Free shop! 2t Heme Service. Guaranteed Best Prices. SAILLIAN CARPETS. CARPETS. 905-373-2260 CARPET. VINYL & LAMINATE SALE- Carpet three rooms, completely installed w,'premium w,'premium pad. 30sq.yds. from $339. Free fast service. Guaranteed installation, residential commercial commercial Financing available. Customer satisfaction guaranteed guaranteed For tree estimate Call M=ke 905-431-4040 CO JUKEBOX. Fabbi soccer tabic, pinball machines, video games, pool tables. Golden T. counter tep games for sale. ALSO Require locations for high profit-sharing. (905)429- 1013 CHESTERFIELD, loveseat. 2 chairs. 7 piece diningroom, kitchen table and 4 chairs, cedar chest Phone 905-983- 9465 CHIPPENDALE CHEST on Chest, solid mahogany, excellent excellent condition S1200 call aller 6:00. 905-420-7318 COLEMAN Powermate 5000 generator new S750 firm; Beats self-propelled lawn mower, new. 5.5hp $320; Burma Burma teak 7pc. dining room set, good cond.. sliding glass doors $400. Heavy duty Torsion Torsion bar trailer hitch. S100. 905-433-7682 -Whitby COMPUTER SPECIALS. Pentium Pentium Internet starter system $299, new 1 gig pro-system with monitor $799. discounted laptops, big selection, from $399 We love doing upgrades and difficult repairs. (905)655-3661 COMPUTER-Pcntium 200. 32Mb Ram. 2GB HDD. 56K modem, sound/video card, CD Rom. 3.5 floppy, keyboard/ speakers/mouse. 17' SVGA monitor. Internet ready $350. Can deliver «set-up. Also. 20" Trinitron monitor, like new $400. 905-439-4789. DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92" double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14.000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995. DIRECT SATELLITE DISH • Program your own HU card. HU programmer $199. Complete Complete RCA systems and emu- lation available. 905-626-6092 DTV RCA SATELLITE systems, systems, Çhristmas special - $350. complete with dual LNB with programmed HU card. H 6 HU card programming, DSS cards, full wide clear $10 Kirk's Satellite Services, (905) 728-9670., Oshawa. DIRECT TV SATELLITE, Complete Complete systems with programmed programmed HU card $345; also H and HU programming $25; programmers $275. Call 905- 767-8571 DSS SYSTEMS - Dish Network Network systems available. Boot loaders. Emulators. Cubes. HU loaders avail. Website; email; caribdss' or Call (905)426-9578. ELEGANT LIVINGROOM furniture. furniture. Gibbard cherry oval coffee table. 2 end-tables, small round table ($1,200). Lane sofa, loveseat, hunter green w/floral print ($1,800). 7-yrs-old rarely used. 905- 666-2517 ESTATE LIQUIDATION - Dressers $45 antique Queen Anne dining room suite $4400; antique bedroom suite $1395; sofa $155;' kitchen table & chairs $45; maple comer cupboard cupboard $495, Drafting table $175; six antique chairs $65 each; 6pc. Gibbord dresser $495; pine dresser and hutch $335; antique mirror $50; 6pc. Roxton maple bedroom suite $3200. Stove $65. Many pictures, pictures, prints, lamps, lixtures, collectibles, & many more items. 20 King St. West Bow- manville. 905-697-3532. FOR SALE: Washer & Dryer, Stove. Excellent condition. Phone(905)723-9233. HARDWOOD FLOORS FOR BETTER HEALTH. Prelinished and unfinished from $1.99 sq.ft. Showroom: Kendalwood Plaza 1801 Dundas St. E.. Whitby 905-433-9218 Oshawa Hardwood Floors Ltd. HAY AND STRAW - Round & Square bales. Stored Inside. Pick up or delivery. (905) 797- 2249 KENMORE WASHER & dryer, good condition, $250/pair. Call 905-623-4390 alter 5pm LADIES MINK JACKET size Medium, like new, $850 obo Call 905-579-8902 alter 4 pm. LUIGI'S PRE-CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE • Palliser leather is overstocked - lowest prices of the season. Futons from $165., spring mattresses from $898., always on display. 10 diflerent styles of futons always always in stock ready to wrap up tor Christmas.. Metal futon complete with mat from $199.. Simmons mattresses at wholesale prices - The do no disturb pocket coil mattress is also priced to clear. Bean bags are back. Reduced prices prices on all futons, maîtresses, colfee and end tables, wing chairs, palliser leather and upholstery, bunk beds etc. Always Always the best quality at the lowest price. Check us out first - our prices can't be beat! Luigi's Furniture, 488 King St. W. Oshawa (905) 436-0860. MARQUIS DIAMOND ring 18k yellow gold, w/4 baguettes, tew t.OSct. appraised at $8500 also matching wedding band w/0.t4ct baguettes appraised at $600 sell both for best offer. 905-426-9337 alter 6pm Mixed Sweetheart Rases $12.49 Doz. CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanville 9QS-623-SS77 MOVING SALE -Sat., Nov. 24 Hospital bed and home care equipment, dining suite, dressers, beds, couches, bar w3/stools. numerous items. Phone 905-983-9712 NEW PROPANE STOVE "B* vent type G401 Century vented vented heater, sides & hack 9* clearance, lop 24", Iron! 36'. floor non combustible $940 Call 905-342-2719. PIANO SALE on all Roland digital. Samick acoustic pianos pianos and used pianos. All Howard Miller clocks.. Large selection ol used pianos (Yamaha, (Yamaha, Kawai. Hcintzinann etc.) Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons, try our rent to own 100% ol all rental pay- mcnls apply. Call TELEP PIANO PIANO (905) 433-1491. www. Tel- WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! UNDERSOLD! PIANO SALE - NO TAX on all new & used pianos, keyboards keyboards & accessories on NOV 23 & 24TI1 - lor more information or to hook and appointment appointment Call 905-720-49-18 or drop in. 43 Wilson Rd. N. Oshawa (Wilson/King). PIANO TECHNICIAN a.a'itde far tuning, repairs. & pre-purchase pre-purchase!!at;:n cn ail makes & made!: ot acoustic pianos Reconditioned Heintz- man. Yamaha. Mason & Risch. & other grand cr upright pianos for sa'e. $500 from each tuning donated to Canadian Red Cross Relief Effort Effort Holiday special. Pay no tax-on a!l upright pianos. Gift Certificates available Call Barb at 905-427-7631 cr check out the v.eb at: Visa. MC. Am ex PIANO. UPRIGHT. Prince Toronto 1892 walnut case, excellent excellent condition. $1890 Call (9051668-8972. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS FS1 $35.. PS2 Ver 1 & 2 $75. Ver 3 $95. Ver 4 $125. All work guaranteed Install while you wait. Beatrice.Wilson area (905)721-2365 JVC STEREO PACKAGE Surround Sound Receiver. 5 disc CD, DualCassetie 3 way Tower Speakers Only $10' per week No Money Down No Payments until Feb. 2002 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg 905-373-0265 SONY HOME THEATRE PACKAGE 48' Sony Big Screen TV DVD Player and Surround Sound System only $32 ti per week No Money Down No Payments until Feb 2002 SHOWTIME TV Coboim^905*373*0265 RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new TV's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-793-5502. RESTAURANT COOLER Commodore Commodore 90 Foxter. 3 door 7' x 7' x 32". Excellent working condition. Best olfer. 905-579- 6611 SIDE-BY-SIDE FRIDGE and matching stove, excellent condition, very clean, almond colour, asking $450 (or pair. Phone 905-987-2160 SLOT MACHINE, comes with tokens, excellent condition. $1150. Also Marcy Universal Gym set $1500. Call (905)426-0750. SNOWBLOWER, Mastercraft, 10.5 hp. with drift cutter, light, manual power steering. Almost Almost new. $800. 905-644- 2025 - days. SONY COLOUR TV «stand $150; Stereo stand $25; Various Various tools; Firebird joystick $25; Brother sewing machine $50; Teak coffee table: armchair blue velvet; black marble dining table $500. 905- 666-6573 STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers. 24 tt. x 22 It.. Call 905-430-7693. STRAPLESS wedding gown, veil, matching gloves and headpiece, size 4. Paid $3,000. will sacrifice $850. 905-430-4082. OAK/PINE FURNITURE.,:Fall is here and we are celebrating with great deals on Home entertaining....Dining entertaining....Dining Room. Home Entertainment Centers. Home Office are all specially priced Our new showroom addition is nearing completion and many NEW lines are now in our finishing depart- menti.We also have some excellent excellent floor models left (with savings up to 40%) Our order book is tilling, don't be disappointed, get your orders in now Traditional Wood working is the leading, manu?, tacturer of SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region Bring your ideas/ plans and let us turn them into reality....Drop in and see our State of the Art Woodworking facility and let us show you how line furniture is made Remember. "There is no Substitute for Quality" Quality" Traditional Woodwork ing..115 North Port Road (South oft Reach Road). Port Perry,..905-985-8774....WVAV. SHEDMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit. only $299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 1, Pickering. For more info, call 905-619-2093. CARPET SPECIAL lice. Room Carpel IS Asst. Colours 18 oz. .56(?/sq. li. 20 oz. .88(f/sq.ft. 10 mm Umlcrpad from $2.50/sq.yd. 36 oz. Carpel Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 from S89-S169.99 RICE & CO. 4 SI. George SI. S. Bowmanville 905-623-1622 ® NEED A ® HOME PHONE ? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM! No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 TRANSPORTER wheelchair, aluminum walker, portable seat lift, all in excellent condition, condition, commode, never used $425 or sell separately. (905)683-8840 UP TO 70% OFF used vertical and lateral tiling cabinets. Call Speedy Business Centre at 905-668-0800. 315 WANTED - PING 7 WOOD (blonde v/ood). Call (905) 668- 4663 or (905)430-4301. WANTED CAMERAS: Canon. Nikon, Pentax, Voigtlander, Zeiss, Robot, Grafex, Com- piss, Leitz, Leica. 16mm movie cameras, old metal toys. Fair prices paid (905)432-1678 Most metal body cameras & miniature cameras WANTED TO BUY - Bowmanville Bowmanville Collector Plates (1986- 1991) featuring Schneider Enterprises, Enterprises, Woodstock; Van- stone Mill, Museum, Town Hall. Bank of Montreal. High School and Post Oltice. Call 905-697-3698 Vendors Wanted GRAFTERS WANTED at 'The Gilt & Ciatt Showplace" located located in the Courtice Flea Market. Market. 4 km. cast ol Oshawa (approx. 6000 people attending attending each weekend). Let us show & sell your cratls directly directly to the public. You do not have to be there. Rent starts at $24/month. Call 905-436- 1024. Auctions ESTATES & ANTIQUES Wanted lyiCCRISTAL AUCTIONS (905) 725-5751 Donevan Collegiate CRAFT SHOW Sal. & Sun. Oec.T'& 2"- 10.00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Dr. F.J. Donevan Collegiale 250 Harmony Rd. S. (Harmony at Olive) Walch lor signs KAWARTHA LAKES CO OP AUCTION MARKET (formerly Woodville Sale Bam) Sale every Saturday at 9:30 am Stocker Sales Sat. November 24 approx. 1 pm Sat. December 8th approx 1pm Bred Cow Sales Mon Nov 26 11 am 40 Xbrcd cows & Heifers. Property of Gary Cake. Expecting 150+ cows & cows & calves. Saturday Dec. 1 approx. 2pm. Call for info. Stephen at tile Sole Horn 705-139■■l i l t Kevin Barker 705-371-1178 John Willan 705-37-1-1613 Auction Sale Contents from Reaboro Estate Storage Unit & Others Bruce Kcllett Auctions At Malcolm Arena 13200 Old Scugog Rd., South of Blackstock Saturday Nov. 24,2001 @ 10:30am Antique arm chair, old organ stool, old nurses rocking chair, 7pc dining set (1940's), iron day bed with trundle, old oak school desk, good glass & china, 100 wall booster from ham radio, scroll saw, Emcosler 2000 universal woodworking woodworking machine, Makita cordless drill, tools, barley fork, hockey & baseball cards back to the 1960s, wooden lures, Stihl chainsaw chainsaw (12" bar), gas BBQ (used twice), che- vel mirror, Bissel carpet cleaner (new), 'gas weed eater, old rattan lawn chairs, .used steel. Many more items. Auctioneer: Bruce Kellett Phone for fax: 705-328-2185 or AUCTIONS, at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL Every Thuis. & Sal. Those wishing io receive advertising directly by way ol your email please conlacl us: and send your request to our website. You will receive our ads every Monday by way ol your email. AUCTION SALE Sunday, Nov. 25lli, 10:00 (Viewing 9:00) MacGregor Auctions, located In ORONO at Sifvanus Gardens, Take 115/35 Hwy. Io Main SI. Orono & lollow auction signs Io Mill Pond Rd. Sunday's Auction starts with Hair Salon contents, chairs & stations, cash register, plus 7 Inning beds selling as set. Regular Auction features contents from a Whllby & Oshawa home Including furniture, couches, bedroom sels, labiés, chairs, TV, VCR, diningroom diningroom sels, linens, lamps, plclures, orienlal pcs, desks, mise, tools & hardware, greenware, cement garden ornaments, oil lamps, glass & china, plus much more. Call For All Your Auction Heeds MacGregor Auction Services 905-907-2112 1-800-363-6799 AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE NOVEMBER 23RD, FRIDAY, 6 I'.M. Selling the contents from ,1 Gores bonding home and Courtice home, including antique extension extension dining table ami set of b chairs, 2 pc. chesterfield suite, household furniture, antiques, antiques, collectibles, apt. washer and dryer, refrigerator, refrigerator, and numerous other articles. Check out tire website for updates. Preview after 2 p.m., auction starts at b p.m. Terms Cash, App. cheques, visa, m/c, interne. AUCTIONEERS Frank and Steve Stapleton (9051 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 "estate specialists since 1971" AUCTION SALE Pelhick and Stephenson Auction Barn, Haydon. TUESDAY Nov. 27, @6pm. From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, North 8 ml. on Hwy. 57 Io Con. Rd. 8, lutn casl at Fireball to Haydon. Many mise, items, glassware, coins and currency, something lor everyone. everyone. Terms: Cash, Interne, Visa, M/C, Amex. Auction- eer: Don Stephenson 905-263-4402, or 705-277-9829. AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25TII Pori Perry Kinsman Hull - 12:011 NOON 15585 SIMCOE STREE T (Smith of Reach Rd) Our usual sale packed with mise, items Item several older homes including household, decorative, older items, pictures, books, bottles (milk, pop, medicine, etc.), lots ol smalls and good box lots. Contents ol several boxes unknown a time ol publication. Light refreshments available'" Terms: Cash or Personal cheque with I.D. Inn MacMartin - Auctioneer- (4161 724-6638 Email: macmartin@holmait.coni AUCTION SALE. Pelhick and Stephenson Auction Barn, Haydon Sal. Nov. 24, 2001 @ 5:30 pm./ Open @ 4. From 401 Ext. 431 at Bowmanville, North 8 ml. on Hwy. 57 to Con. Rd. 8, turn east at Fitehall to Haydon. Haydon. Household contents (torn a Newcastle home and others: others: Oshawa upright piano, Double door cooler, Love seal, Bedroom lurnilure, Rocking chair. Dishes. Crystal. Glassware, Glassware, Old coins and currency. Tools etc., still unpacking. Terms: Cash, Interac, Visa, M/C, Amex. Auctioneer: Don Stephenson 905-623-4402 or 705-277-9829. Barn hours Mon.-=Wed.-Thurs. noon-6p.m. Call Don lor all your auction needs. Next sale TUESDAY @6pm. AUCTION, SAT. NOV 24TH -10AM Selling the attractive home furnishings of Mrs Johns ol Cobourq {moved to nursing home) to be sold at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWY #2, COLBORNE. Nearly new solid maple dinette with ext. table. 2 leaves, -t carved back chairs, nearly new attractive, 3pc. sola set with nice set colfee 6 end tables, microwave 6 stand, entertainment stand and VCR. attractive oak dining rm suite with ext table. C chans matching china hutch, nice wal- nut china cabinet also walnut corner china cabinet, knee hole desk and chair, 2 complete bedroom suites, antique dressers with mirrors, several old trunks, tge quantity small collectable pcs., old metal mantel clock, dishes, knick knacks, chest ol silver, good vacuum, qly cups, saucers, oilier china, rediner chair, records. IV. record player plus countless iniscal articles articles including household pots, pans etc. pictures, mag rack, etc. No reserves. Terms: Cash, cheque, Visa, M.C.. Interac Gary Warner Auctioneer (905)355-2106 AUCTION. Thurs. Nov. 22nd - 5|).m. at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy #2, Colborne. Household content sale, furnishings, appliances, dishes, housewares, pols. pans, elc.. selection dressers, chesls, sofa set, TV. VCR. frost free fridge, apt. size fridge, 24' slovc. excellent dining room table & 6 chairs, maple dinette suite, sectional sofa, brand new bed sofa, occasional chairs, attractive love scat, swivel rocker, coffee & end tables, mirrors, lamps, pictures, several Persian hand knotted rugs, selection dishes, small kitchen appliances, dishes, glasswares, books, desk, selection china, crystal, figurines, figurines, knick knacks, collectables, countless oilier articles, all unpacked al time ol advertising. NO RESERVES Terms: Cash, clrcque. Visa, M C., Interne Guty Warner Auctlnnoor 905-355-2196 www.wurncrsaucllon.cum ROSS AUCTION SERVICES Largo llollilay Auction Sale Sal. Nov. 24ih al 19 a.m. ODDFELLOWS HALL, 14469 Slmcoo St., Port Perry 1/4 km. South ol Hwy. 7A Excellent soloctlon ol consigned antiques, collectables, collectables, lurnilure anil lools. Wood-burning parlour stove, now snowmobllo sleigh, occ. chairs anil leaded leaded bevelled mirror (all circa 1949), signed colohrlly jilclitros, now mechanics tool Ghost, largo qnaollly nl lools (anllqtio, now, elec., hand, gardening), 2 harvest harvest Initias, 6,966 D.T.U. air contl, sola lied, pltolo cimt., wooden loy box, rocking horse, c.p. doll, W.W.11 liai, hoar trap, some FlroKIng, SPODE "Rosebud Chintz" plato, sol ol crystal, vlnlago llnnor- lo, coslttmo Jewelry, Chrlslmns does., and MUCH MOREI Viewing: 9 Terms: cash, Inlcrac, Visa, app. clionuo. Lunch available. Larry Ross Auclloneor 905-GGG-8G76 Estates and Conslymiionl Sales 325 Auctions 325 Auctions SAT., NOV. 24TH - 10:00 a.m. Auction lor local estates @ Vanhaven Arena, 722 Davis Dr., Uxbridge. Durham 23 (Lakeridge Rd.) II. Io Davis Dr. & W. 2 km or Hwy. 404 It. Io Davis Dr. (Newmarket) & E. 24 km. Antiques. Furniture & Household: Pedestal table, desks - walnul db. ped. dovetailed, oak & old school; bookcases, mah. parlour table, chairs - pb, oak. rocking 8 child's rocker; 4' pine'deacon's bench, pine phone table, oak hall mirror, octagon colfee 8 end tables, record cabinet, sewing machine, rugs, bar stools, blanket boxes, steamer trunks, bdrm. stes. - 5 pc. Kruege King, 5 pc. dovetailed 8 3 pc.; Queen beds incl. brass: cherry dovetailed chest, oak dresser, lamps • blue bubble glass' table, crystal 8 brass chandelier, bridge; Kenmore 10 cu. It. freezer (3 yrs. old): China. Glass. Silver 8 Jewellery: Austrian vases, qly. teacups • Aynsley. Coalport, Paragon. Royal Albert, Royal Stafford; crystal incl. stemware, pewler teapot, cream 8 sugar; assorted silverware, costume jewelry; Collectibles: COCA COLA • Over 600 pcs.- trays, bottles in wooden crates, table 8 chairs, dishes, calendars, lies, signs, candy sets, (collections was appraised @ 510,000-sée our website lor pliotos-great Chrislmas gilt idea lor Coke collectors)-, old lins incl. tobacco, milk bottles - Silverwood. Dixon. Stuarts. Highland, Aurora. Kent, Ritchies. U-Serve All, Anderson, Cobourg: older dial phones, older cameras, mini swirl oil lamp; crocks - BP Co. Belleville, Medalta, B.Newcombe, E.P. Gould Brantford w/blue flower. Medicine Hat; draft beer dispenser, brass blow torch 8 lire ext., old ironing board, cast grates, old pulleys, Over 150 Toys • old Dinkys w/boxes. Corgi, Matchbox, steel trucks, tin 8 plastic planes, qly. plastic soldiers. Indians 8 animals; stuffed animals, wooden. Mercury fridge 8 stove (2 1/2' steel 1960's). - also for Christmas ■ New diecast, race car, trucks, motorcycles, dolls, rocking horse, high chair 8 more; records, books, Art - Lid. Edition 8 Celia LeDrew oil - Uxbridge Marketplace; Sports Cards, cigarette holder, handkerchiefs, quills, vintage clothing 8 liais, 1959 licence plates, post scales, wooden wash tub table, butler churn barrel, Coins • silver dollars 8 halves; Outdoor. Tools 8 Mise.: Truck caps incl. 8' Chev; 12' Fealherlile step ladder, exl. fluorescent lights, wheelbarrows, 3 oxy/ace welding sets 8 carls, sanding drum kit, hammer drill, 10" table saw, antique tools, hand 8 power lools, ladders, pr. Victorian ornamental mouldings, exercise equipment, ligure skates; Ttvo auctioneers selling at same lime Preview: 8 a.m. Sale Day Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, Interac or approved cheque Note: New website name - Gary Hill Auctions (Div. ol 1361082 Ontario Limiled) Uxbridge Office 905-852-9538 Cellular 416-518-6401 Toll Free 800-654-4647 Fax 905-852-1067 PUBLIC AUCTION Tlitirs. Nov. 22nd, Start: 6:30 pm. View: Irom noon. Kalin Auctions, 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 491 exll 399 Featuring: oak dining table with 6 chairs, 60s Viet, parlour set, sola, Baker lurnilure. chesl ol drawers, 3 wall china cabinets, oak drop leal table, walnul dressing lable, washsland, 2 walnul bullets, 2 sels ol 6 walnut dining chairs, oriental bar, Viet, side chairs, Eatons cedar chest, mah. duncan phyla lable, small oak bullet, large pine cupboard, carved console console lable, occ. labiés, sel ol 4 oak chairs, art deco buffet, oak arts and cralls desk, coffee tables, magazine magazine tables, walnul highboy, anl. traveling organ, curio cabinet, figurai bench clock, Royal Ooulton figurines, figurines, 4 dinkys In box, Britain soldiers In box, 1959s hockey cards to Include: Jacques Plante, Boom Boom Geoflrion and olhers, 1933 sports cards, Waterloo Waterloo crystal decanter and glasses, num. Canadian silver coin sets, blue Delft, 2 Moorcrott ashtrays, Royal Albert, new knlle sel, figurai torchierre lamp, new stainless steel cookware, Indian arrowheads, walking slick with crystal handle, ant. light fixtures, slereovlew, bridge lamp, lantern with glass slide, sterling silver, num. old prints, 3 early Canadian oil talnllngs, Slewarl Warner radio, Vixen telescope, amps, Group ol 7 prints, mirrors, globes, Canadian native prints and originals, sel ol scales...much morel! Randy Poller Auctioneer 995-683-9941 ESTATES 8 CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY!! TOSS Tidd Estate Sales Service EXCEPTIONAL ESTATE AUCTION Saturday, November 24th at 10 a.m. at TIDD'S AUCTION HOUSE ITwy #2 east of Cobourg Directions- Exit 401 at Hwyf/45 Cobourg. Go south to 5th set of lights (King St./Hwy#2). Turn left. Follow for approx. 6 kms. Watch for signs. Selling the contents from fhe estate of the late Georgina Chubb of Cobourg. Featured Featured in this sale excellent selection fine furniture furniture an China, antiques, glass and collectibles. FURNITURE - Quality mahogany furniture - (2) bedroom suites, tables, desks, chairs, antique antique furniture, old pictures and prints, oil paintings, frame postcards, many books on "Antiques". GLASS AND CHINA - (103) pee. set of Masons "Vista" china, (93) pee. set of Woods and Sons "Woodland" china, Moor- croft, Hummel) and Doulton figurines, Nori- take dinner service, Royal Crown Derby "Mikado" "Mikado" Tea Set, Sterling silver pees., etc. For full listing log onto Viewing t ri. Nov. 23rd., 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to time of sale. Terms • Cash, Visa, M.C., Interac, Cheque w/proper I. D. Auctioneer Patricia Patricia Tidd TIDD ESTATE SALES SERVICE (905) 372-2994/1-877-863-2477. Specializing in Antique and Estate Auction Sales.

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