i Visit Us On the Internet: www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. December 12,2001 PAGE B11 Chmtmis T,e« Chrittmai Trtes Graduations Graduations zxi x 1LACKST0CK CHKISTMAS TREES Cut your own SPRUCEAND PINE PRE-CUT FRASER. BAI.SAM AND DOUGLAS FILLS Open 'till December 24 ; 9:30 Mill dark-7 (lavs a week HIDDEN TREE TRAIL, . WAGON RIDES l' Wf'rc just south of Hlaclwock T' -fV* .'S 1 Take Durham Rd. 57 (o l 'i Mounljoy Rd„ gocasl ((>#4060. f>r.v. **' CABS. WAYNE 0379 •Happy Holiday! Merry Christmas! A Enjoy a Real Tradition CUT YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREE A SANDWOOD TREE FARM PONTYPOOL 1/2 mile west ol Hwy. 35 on Drum Rd. 6'to 10'Scotch Pine and Spruce Your choice $15 OPEN: Saturdays and Sundays in December 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Free hoi chocolate and treats - Free tree baling - Wagon rides to patches (weather permitting) Everyone Welcome 7OS-277-2327 Births Births It's a Girl! Makayla Brianna Zwicker, 7 lbs., 6 oz., born October 16,2001 to Jennifer (nee Monery) and Paul Zwicker. Proud grandparents are Sylvia and Bernard Zwicker & Linda and Gary Monery. Great grandparents are Marjory Monery & Jean and Harry Hulcheon. Makayla is a great-great granddaughter of 95 year old Winnifred Millar of Campbellford. ! Lordy, Lordy, look who's forty! : x (Okay, so we're a year early •« Ha! Ha!) Ha opy Birthday B.T.! 9 • 4 ik' ar 29 Forever fifty 'SùUtuÙUf Doris Love from Mom, Don, Jeff, Kyle, Krista, Megan, Landry, Greg, Lois & Magg. Coming Events Coming Events m ■ Shop at the Brown's Hill CANDLE FACTORY FRIDAYS NOON - 0 RM. SATURDAYS 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. December 7th - 22nd FEATURING, SCENTED SAMPLER/VOTIVE CANDLES SCENTED MASON JAR CANDLES SCENTED SHIMMER LIGHTS _ GEL CANDLES A REINDEER DROPPINGS Cash Sales Only - Sorry no Interne or Credit Cards BACK DOOR, 3RD FLOOR 182 WELLINGTON ST @> SCUGOG ST. 'JUST NORTH OF HWY. #2 ATTHE Q RAILROAD TRACKS, BOWMANVILLE @ CHRISTMAS AT THE INN * Eye of Newt Carriage House • Antiques • Crafts • Candles • • Giftware • Free Draws • OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10am-5pm Hwy.#2, just cast of Newtonville Rd. Newtonville 905-786-2999 NEW YEAR'S DANCE Tyrone Orange Community Hall Dec. 31st, 2001,8:30 p.m. - ? Back Country Band $30/couple includes Buffet Lunch For tickets phone 905-728-0077,905-263-2546 Christmas Trees Pets, Sui •ding *A JQb Powell's Trees 9,000 BEAUTIFUL PINE & SPRUCE You cut or pre-cut Pine $12 Spruce $14 Always OPEN (905) 263-2762 (Mosporl) 'Mti D> Taunton Rd. Hwy, #2 Hwy. 401 BOWMANVILLE (5 kms. from Reg. Rd. 57) AND PUPPY DOG TAILS £ Christmas Grooming appts. still available £ Puppy & Adult Dog Training Classes RUTH ANN MILLER 905-623-8000 Pel, Supplies Boarding BEAUTIFUL R0TTI/MASTIFF pups S100. Call days (905)424-3362 or evenings (905)983-1064 KENNEL REDUCTION! 4-year- old registered tomato Cano Corso. Excellent security dog. For property protection only. VERY nggresslvol $500. 2- year-old rcglslorod male American bulldog. Excellent with children. Family environment environment onlyl $500. Registered Cano Corso puppies, ready January 20th. Outstanding pedigrees. $1500. Serious in- quilles onlyl 905-104-3050 TSUR0 DOG TRAINING ol- lorcd by Roger Mild. Port Mono 905-797-2855, Oshawa 905-432-8313. Kevin Grootendorst Graduated Sir Sandford Fleming College in April, earning his Geographic Information Systems (G.I.S.) - Application Specialist diploma. Kevin also graduated from the University ol Guelph in April 2000, with an Honours Bachelor ol Science in Environmental Science - with a Major in Geography, and an Area of Emphasis in Environmental Impact Assessment. Proud parents are Bill & Tina Grootendorst ol Bowmanville. Kevin is presently employed as a Coastal Scienlist/G.I.S. Analyst with the international coastal engineering firm of W.F. Baird & Associates in Oakville. Congratulations on your success! Love Dad & Mom Mark Gerrits received his Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours from Brock University on October 20, 2001. Proud parents Joe and Marylou, brother Neil, sister Addie and fiancee Kim Watt. Mark is presently working in the family business at Gerr Construction. Pets, Supplies, Boarding KINDER PUP Jail. 7 FAMILY DOG OBEDIENCE Jan. 8 - 9 FLYBALL Jan. 9 AGILITY Jan. 10 PUPPY AGILITY Jan. 12 Two Indoor facilities In Cobourg For information call DES RO KENNELS 90S-371-8ZZ6 Cars For Sale NEED A CAR? $199 Down REPAIR YOUR CREDIT! From $199 / Mth. 1-866-570-0045 Newstart Leasing Cars For Sale ROSCOE'S RESCUE still has lor adoption, very sweet American Pit Dulls: a male, lawn anil while 2 yr. old: 3 yr. old lemale. spayed, tiger bundle; bundle; a white with black patch on one eye, male 3 yr. old: a 4 yr. old neutered, short, stocky brindle male, Locks Lee Is not good with cals or other dogs. Excellent with kids and adults. These dogs desperately want a home 1er Christmas. We do not adopt to apartments. SERIOUS INQUIRES ONLY. We cannot lake in anymore rescues at this time. Please call 905-373-5563. vmw.geocilies.com/ roscoesrescuecanada ROSCOE'S RESCUE slill has lor adoption, a very sweet, fully fully trained, obedient, while 3 yr. old spayed lemale, American American Pit Bull. She would make anyone a excellent family member. A white with black patch on one eye, large male American Pit Bull, he is a rescue rescue horn Ohio. An 11-week- old male, brown and while, Pit Bull pup, very liny. He has been badly neglected, but Is recovering well at Roscoes. These dogs desperately want a home 1er Christmas. We do not accept to apartments. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. We cannot take anymore rescues rescues at this lime. Please call 905-373-5563. geocilles.com/ roscoesrescuecanada WANTED a Norwegian retriever retriever or Golden retriever (white in colour), call 905- 434-0392 Cars Wanted NO BULLII JUST BARGAINSII 95 Pontiac Grand Am S3.995! 1995 Dodge Neon S3.450M! 1997 Monte Carlo Z34 S7.950! 1994 Grand Cherokee S7950U PELESHOK AUTO SALES (995)428-8871 1951 CHEV 2 DOOR, automatic, automatic, deluxe model, cherry red, hardtop, lender skirls, good shape, needs some TLC, but runs. S4000. (905) 436- . 7633 1985 CAMAR0 as is 1er parts. Best oiler. Call Ken 905-666- 0703 alter 4 p.m. 1988 CUTLASS Sierra. S950., 1992 Dodge Shadow. Includes safety, E-tested & taxes, S2995. 1991-1995 Work trucks and vans, from S2000 & up. Deale. Call -905-718- 9347, anytime 1988 GRAND AM. auto, 177.000 km, as is S1000 or best oiler. Phone 905-623- 5168 1988 VW FOX 127,000km, standard, e-tested, new tires, brakes, gas lank, exhaust, excellent condition. St 100. 905-655-3501 1999 INTREPID • mini condition condition balance ol 5 year 160 000 km warranty. Remote start, 2.7 litre automatic. Oshawa 905-438-1246 or cell 416-891- 8693 1992 SHADOW ES, auto 2dr„ like new $2700,1991 VW Passat Passat 4 cyl., auto, loaded, like new 96k S6999. 89 MAZDA PICKUP B-2200 extra cab., auto, sham looker S3999. 90 CHRYSLER LEBARON, 2dr„ V6. loaded, real sports car 150K 53,499. All cars certified. certified. clean-air. Warranty available (dealer). (905)<""" 8922. cell (416)729-3612. 1990 FORD PROBE GT turbo SI,400 as is nice condition, needs bans, repair, 1989 Sundance $800 as is, 8 II. cap 1er CMC pickup $100. Wayne (905)259-2115. 1999 HONDA CIVIC Hatchback, Hatchback, 2-door, stereo, standard transmission, now exhaust, recent tune-up, runs great, e- tested. $3250.905-438-9759 1991 SHADOW, 4 cyl. 4 door, automatic, only 67,000 orlg. kms., drives well, safely t omissions, well maintained government car. $3.295. Oshawa dealer, Murray 905- 718-1808 Rilson Ril.S. 1992 DODGE SPIRIT • 4dr sedan, sedan, 107,000km, one owner, 2.5-4cycl„ aulo, omise, till, am/fm cassette, power treated mirrors, new tires/exhaust last year, new brakes & emission emission tested Oct. 2001. $4,000. Call 905-342-3007. CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 a St. East. Ajax al MUR- JTO SALES. CASH FOR CARS 8 Trucks. Rouge Valley Recycling. Free Towing. Call (905)700-8852 or ^905)767-9977 or (905)837- WANTED - Dead nr Alive . Cars, Trucks, Machinery.. Call 905-655-4609 WANTED - inexpensive cars or trucks. Running or not, but not too rusty. Free removal. Call 905-434-0392 (snp) cfljl Trucks For Sale 1991 FORD EXPLORER In good running order, S750. Phone 905-62-4428 1996 SILVERADO EXT. cab pickup. New engine, fully loaded, with remote start. SI 5,000. Call Tony at (005)697-1559. ONE OWNER DIESEL - 1998 GMC one-ton, 5th wheel hitch, long box with liner, auto trans., bench seats, air, running running boards, diesel 6.5. 4X4, excellent condition, certified. E-tested, 223,000 km. S1G.OOO (no extended cab, no dual- lies). Call 905-852-5411 TRUCK CAP FOR SALE • tits long box S10 • S15 S100 0B0. Cal) Justin al 905-885-2028. Vans / 4-Wheel Dirve 1993 GRAND VOYAGER LE, 82,000 kms, power-windows, door, locks, etc. SG.200. call 905- 608-7008, or 905-430-6897. Daycare Available Ptaces of Worship Fixes clV/or ship Adurt Entertainment ATTENTION: Bowmanville, Clarington, Oshawa & Whitby Churches! "WORSHIP DIRECTORY" publishes every Friday DEADLINE: Wednesday TO A.M. For info, contact Bonnie Browne Phone 576-9335 ext. 2217 Fax: 579-4218 e-mail: bbrowne3durhamregion/com ****************** 'kip'kipipirt'kirrkirrk Exclusively Yours VUpscnleV Escort Service Serving Durham Region Discretion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily (905) 725-2322 Now Hiring 18+ After more ihan 40 years of medical practice in Bowmanville, Dr. Anfossi is retiring from the office. Farewell Reception Thurs., Dec. 20* from 5 - 7 p.m. al 98 King St. W., Bowmanville (me office). Newcastle Community Church Raffle Winners Christmas Tea. Brownsdale Hall - Nov. 22/01 Wendy Wilks ol Bowmanville (Ticket #68) wins 1st Prize - A hand slilehed Denim Quill Maria Pereira ol Courtice (Ticket #364) wins 2nd Prize • An embroidered Christmas Afghan Dicken's Night. Community Hall - Dec. 8/01 Maureen Mitchell ol Bowmanville (Ticket #468) wins the hand crafted Beanie Baby Noah's Ark Garbage Removal Hauling 1992 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 4- cylinder, 5-speed, 2-door, red, AM/FM cassette, excellent condition, great luel economy, reliable, non-smoker, very clean, new all-season radial lires. S4500. Cerlilied/Emis- sions 9Q5-922-3I65 1993 GRAND AM, white, looks like new, power, easy to certify, S3650. Good condition. Phone 905-342-2471 1994 CHRYSLER CONCORD 130,000 highway kms. Emission Emission tested, will certify. $6,500. Call (905)683-0149 1995 BUICK LESABRE, 6 passenger, passenger, dark green, 3.8 litre, v-6, automatic, fully loaded, a/ c, power seals. AM-FM cassette, cassette, 177,000 kil„ excellent condition , 58,400. 905) 723- 81Q2, (905) 435-5550. 1995 CAVALIER Z24 - all options, options, black, very clean, certified. certified. 210,000km, $6,999. Call 416-286-7f44.snp 1996 FORD TAURUS Wagon GL, 171,000km. A/C, p/w, green colour. $6,500 certified. Excellent condition in 8 out. (905)786-2897. 1997 BLACK BONNEVILLE SSEI fully loaded, supercharged supercharged engine, heads up display, CD with bos speakers, speakers, sunrool, hands free cell phone Included. All the bells and whistles. Quick Sale, 122,000km S16.000 obo. Call (905) 668-1396. 1998 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, 2 dr aulo, black, a/c, am/lm, ABS, spoiler, air bags, certified $8,900. Call 905-985-3719. 1999 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE CONVERTIBLE black grey Interior 7100 kms, 6-speed, fully loaded, magnesium wheels, extended warranty. S59.000. 905-434- 6784 2000 PONT. BONNEVILLE leather, all power, lease S462 tlax, no other cost, 16 months left on lease, extended warranty, warranty, low mileage, Iasi month prepaid. Call George 905-576- 0520. Aller 6 -905-579-9892 2000 SUNFIRE COUPE, Dark Green. Pick up lease for 16 months. CD, Sunrool, Black Interior, Spotless, Fast, Sporty. Sporty. Within mileage $359/ month, taxes Included. Call 905-668-9670 2901 SUNFIRE SRS, 5 spd, silver grey, am/lm, CD, air, keyless entry, spoiler 44km, asking S12.900. Call 905-655- 9265. Public Notices | Public Notices . HEL Please, if you were o of Townline Road at 4 December 3. 2001 ai P » » Be» n Hwy. #2 just west l n.m. last Monday, id were witness to k place between a own Pontiac Venture the accident that loo Honda Accord and a hr ||van, please contact 905-623-6648 | Va ns/4-Wheel Drive | Home Improvements nwccAtk •TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOH WRECKING Ask about our six- GENERAL SALVAGE SERVICE I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Conlraclino, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Slairs, Decks, Windows, Doors 8 Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 EST. 1976 CARPENTRY B CONTRACTING COMPLETE CARPENTRY SERVICES Custom Built Homes • Renovations • Additions • Designing ■nJllCTter.1. BOWMANVILLE (905) 623-1101 y ESCORTS r WITH ELEGANCE 1UO% discretion assured Now... Serving Men & Women of the Durham Region with Class, Charm ù Elegance (905) 439-2355 Open for Hire pTJTJ* Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! Durham's Own! People meeting people, women meeting men, men meeting women. Alternative dating. Free to call and listen. (905)*683*1110. Adult Entertainment LOUNGE ON BLOOR Oshawa a relaxing massage plus hot tub, friendly faces. New management management fi new faces. 2 for 1 available. 905-404-8353 CALL US NOW 987-4741 NEWCASTLE To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 905- 576-9335 (Bowmanville) and let one of our professional professional advisors help you. For Deaths and In Memoriams seepg12 Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Frl.8-5, Sat. 8-12 40-tfC Deaths | Deaths | Deaths 1999 DODGE GRAND CARA' VAN, V6, 7 passenger, 49,000km, am/fm cd player. $16,900 b.b.o. 2000 CHRYSLER NEON, auto, 4dr. 27,000km, am/lm cd player, balance of factory factory warranty. $9,999. Call (416)898-8467 or (905)434-2775. 2002 DODGE CARAVAN, brand new. lottery prize $21,000. or 1991 Pontiac Transport, fully equipped, certified, excellent condition $4500. Call (905)434-2641 FTÎJ1 Auto Parts & Repairs Public Notices Winner of the LIONS CLUB of Bowmanville DRAW for $1000 CASH on Dec. 7th was Ticket #466 CHRIS HEAYN, Bowmanville Seller ' Coronation Restaurant Thanks lor supporting our service work In the community. Personals A Sincere Elderly Gentlemen Seeking an honest lady to live-in as a housekeeper, companion and for friendship. To live in my home. Please Phone (905)623-7841 ENERGY WORKER available (Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Ear-coning Therapist) Maureen Maureen McBride's Healing/Ener gy Clearing media document ed. including Toronto Sun. Four years success treating leukemia, cancers; chronic pain management; dissolving child-adulthood traumas/issues. traumas/issues. 905-683-1360 days, eves, weekends LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to play guitar with, interested In country and the older stuff. Please call Troy (905)579- 8146 Daycare Available QUALITY DAYCARE in my home, ECE and supervisory experience, 2 snacks, lunch, activities, lull or part lime, First Aid, CPR. Phone 905- 697-8314, Bowmanville Mall area Psychics PSYCHIC SPIRITUAL Reader/ Advisor. All problems - Palm Cards, Crystal ball reading, 35 years experience. Have helped many. 99% accuracy. Also readings by phone, jse parlies. 416-995-0187. Mortgages CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages lo 100%. From 5.75% lor 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For last professional professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & pro- lection lor your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 Home Improvements Farrow's Roofing Co. • Repairs • Recovers • Re-Roofing • Slopes & Flats 905-697-9800 Daycare Available Wee Private Home Pat Care Tdit(etc ottùf tde 6edt cacti da! Working ils partners with parents and Providers, Wee Walcli caters lo the growth and development of children In a safe, home environment. •.Sllmiilallng Daily I'rogr.uiLs • Unscheduled Hume Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full tutti Part 'finie Care I'lettseatll: llowimuivillc/Osliawa Mast - 433-0558 Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 Carpet Cleaning WANTED • 3.1 GM motor; also 4 Litre 1993 Ford Aerostr motor; parts for 1992 auto. Dodge Colt; Parts for 1993 auto. Ford Probe. 905-434-0392 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 BIZZY B Carpet Cleaning • Affordable • Insured •Family Run • Satisfaction Guaranteed Clean & Reliable FREE ESTIMATES 905-623-7212 Simpson Memorials A Family Operated Business 119 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 Port Hope (905) 885-6434 MONUMENTS • GRANITE OR BRONZE MARKERS • INSCRIPTIONS • • monument displays • etchings • home appointments gladly arranged Contact Bill Alldread, Manager 2g "A local business supporting the community" 30.1s' Flooring, Carpeting Painting and Decorating A & M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. SENIORS 20% OFF (905) 697-9601 CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality. Free estimates. 0 4 N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1800 Gardening & Landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE -V 4-1 ul,-l Tree Trimming Tree Removal Free Estimates Fully Insured (905) 263-2538 NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME Family owned and operated by Carl Good, Funeral Director, and Joyce Kufta 386 Mill St. S., Newcastle 987-3964 www.ncwcastlcfuneralliome.com "Caring for our Community" Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration Durham Whte Kids Gymnastics Winter2662Rtcrtafhnaf Schzduh 905-571 -7Ô05 PARENT AND TOTS (18 months - 3 yrs.) Class Times: Monday 9:00-9:45 Tuesday 11:30-12:15 Saturday 9:30-10:15 Cost: $42.00 for 8 weeks JUNIOR GYM (4-6 years) Class Times: Monday 10:00-11:00 1:00-2:00 10:15-11:15 6:00-7:00 11:30-12:30 KINDERGYM (3 & 4 years) Class Times: Monday 11:15-12:00 Tuesday 9:15-10:00 Tuesday 1:00-1:45 Saturday 10:30-11:15 Cost: $42.00 for 8 weeks jfc Tuesday Thursday Saturday Cost: $50.00 for 8 weeks GIRLS' RECREATION (Girls 6-12 years) Class Times: Thursday 4:30-6:00 Thursday 7:00-8:30 (10 yrs. & up) Saturday 1:00-2:30 Saturday 2:30-4:00 Cost: $72.00 for 8 weeks Boy's condition Only (10 & up) Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm Cost $68.00 ? BOYS' RECREATION (6-12 years) Class Times: Monday 7:00-8:30 Thursday 4:30-6:00 Saturday 1:00-2:30 Saturday 2:30-4:00 Cost: $72.00 for 8 weeks TRAMPOLINE (8 & up) Class Times: Monday 4:00-5:00 5:00-6:00 8:00-9:00 (12 yrs. & up) 8:30-9:30 4:00-5:00 4:15-5:15 Wednesday Friday Saturday Cost: $50.00 for 8 weeks Boy's Teen Gym (13-18 yrs.) Thursday 7:00-8:30 (13-18) Cost $68.00 Classes begin Monday, January 7,2002 REGISTRATION DATES Tuesday, December 11, 2001 7:00-8:30 Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:00-8:30 Saturday, December 15, 200110:30-12:00