Visit Us On the Internet: THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, January 2,2002 PAGE 9 325 mamm 325 SATURDAY, JANUARY 5th: 10:00 am Outstanding New Year's Auction Sale ot Exceptional Duality Furniture. Antiques and Collectables Irom a Leaside home in Toronto, selling at Neil Bacon Auctions Ltd., 1 km west ol Utica. TO INCLUDE: Furniture: Exceptional 1/4 cut oak hail seat with beveled mirror and dragon head hooks. 1/4 cut round oak table, set 4 pressback chairs. Cherry bonnet chest, oak break t cnt secretary with leaded doors. Victorian barley t.vist ball and cla.v parlour chair, mahogany bow front curio Qibinet. organ stool, oak hall tree, oak secretary, oval walnut parlai r table. 1/4 cut oak gate leg table, walnut 8' table, set 6 Victo-ian chairs, oak parlour table, pine table. Dukaboor painted chest, walnut china cabinet. 2 drawer washstand. dçdar chest, walnut parlour table, hanging cupboard, exceptional single beard 2 drawer pine blanket box. curved top dine box. trunks, iron and brass bed. carved candle lamp tabla, tavern table, painted box w birds, domed agate 18 cemury box. wooden rocking horse. Mennonite rocker. Glzssware: 10 and 12 inch Moorcroft vases, large signed art glass pieces. 2 painted porcelain Victorian urns, 13 press glass goblets. Dresden basket. Dainty Blue She!!/ cup and szucers. chintz teapot and candy dish, cranberry pitcher (.Spanish lace). RS Prussia cocoa pot. Bisque figurine. 2 Moorcroft bowls. Amberina bowl, cranberry brides basket, cranberry swirl vase, several biscuit barrels and jam pots, cunberry epergne. rare seesaw pattern plate. Toby jug. Lennox vase. Flo Blue water jug, Beswick figurine. 5 Royal Dpulton figurines. 20 pcs. Cornflower. Hummel, set of Aynslcy dishes, quantity of Royal Crown Derby Mikado dishes. Loetz vase and basket. Doulton Lambeth vase. Blue Willow. Wedgewood. Spode. Nippon. Royal Crown Ducal. Murano. Suzy Cooper. Majalica. V/avecrest. Lamps: Hanging cranberry hall lamp, coloured Aladdin lamp, cut crystal lamp w beaded shade. Tiffany type lamp, glass panel lamp, nouveau lamp base, nickel plated signed lamp base, tall ruby lustres, iron hanging lamp, fairy lamp. Napoleon banquet lamp, wrought iron piano lamp, pair ol church candelabras, brass candelabra, cast iron street lamp. Bradley and Hubbard oif lamp. peacock lamp. Colleclables: GW Reesor Grocer Main Street Markham blue flowered merchant crock. 2 stained glass 1/2 moun windows with cranberry bulls eye. 54 pcs. sterling flatware, sterling lea set. rosewood mantle clock, sterling 8" vase and prelude bowl. Nuart bookends. Egyptian bookends. Victorian napkin ring (bird on perch), cast American Eagle, heavily carved ivory needle case. 1912 B|ble with sketches, Swedish copper kettle, wooden buckets, painted bronze, cast door stop. Lincoln Tunnel tin windup race car set. complete salesman sample Morris chair, hooked rilgs. beaded dress. Chinese dolls. Staffordshire salt glazed water jug. Sfeif puppets, compass in case. WMF ice bucket, submarine hatch wheel, pair Victorian mantle ewers, bronze cherubs, signed 1880 coffee mill, hammered brass ink well and candle sticks, cigar mold, stuffed dog on wheels, enameled telephone sign, old teddy bears, old area rugs. Art: 2 1840's portraits (24x32). 10x14 Hokusai print. 11x15 lithograph. Nickola de Grand Maison, 26x19 ink and pen Ina Elaine Gilbert. 20x7 Margot Andrew silk screen, K Helinger painting. 4 1875 reverse paintings on glass British bulldog on oil, copper engravings. 2 Baxter prints, miniature oil on ivory. Wliilevale and Willowgrove photos, plus large quantity of antique books from the private library of the Estate. NOTE: This Is an outstanding quality auction sale ol rare and exceptional pieces from a Leaside Estate. Terms: Cash, Visa, Mastercard and Inlerac paid In lull on day ol sale. Preview lor this outstanding sale will be held Friday. January 41h between 1 and 8 pin and Sale Day beginning at.Sam. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-9B5-1068 AUCTION SALE Sunday, Jan. 06,10:30 a.m. (Viewing 9:00) MacGregor Auctions, Located In Orono at Silvanus Gardens. Take 115/35 Hwy. to Main St. Orono (10 km. north of 401) Follow auctions signs to Mill Pond Rd. Sunday's Auction leatures a varied selection of articles articles from the past to present Including, diningroom set, dressers, couches, mise, chairs, blanket box, côdar chest, rocking chair, mise tables (kitchen, parlour, parlour, coflee & end elc.) old organ, sewing machine, glass & china, colleclables Include Star Wars old coins, old paper, counlry collectables, beer stlnes & whiskey pitchers, bar fridge, wood stove, plus many more useful articles. * Call For All Your Auction Needs MacGregor Auctions 905-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 Auction Sale Pethlck & Stephenson Auction Barn, Haydon Sat. Jan. 5, 2002 @ 5:30 pm. Open @ 4. Ftom 401 ext 431 at Bowmanville, north 8 mi. on Kwy. 57 to con. Rd 8. Turn east at the fire hall to Haydon. Hair dressing contents from Strands, Whitby and other consigned mise, furniture and glassware: Hydraulic chairs (4), Adjustable chairs (2), Hair dryers dryers (2), Double work stations (2), Desks, Brass bench, Brass & glass display units. Screen, Coat stand, Wet//dry vac., Phones, Wardrobe, Mirrors, Bar fridge, Hair books, Mise, shelving etc. Terms: Cash, Interac, Visa, M/C, Amex. Auctioneer: Don Stephenson Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829. Barn Hours: Mon. - Wed. - Thurs. Noon - 6 pm. Call Don for all your auction needs. SATURDAY, JANUARY 5TH, 10 A.M. Estate Auction at Orval McLean Auction Center - Lindsay. Lindsay. Selling contents of several local estates - Furniture and antiques - Vilas Maple bedroom suite, modern bedroom bedroom furniture, antique round oak pedestal table, 6 t- back oak chairs, small china cabinet, walnut dining table & 6 chairs, new oak table & chairs, new chesterfield suite, Vilas coffee table & end tables, parlor tables, bed chesterfield, rugs, antique-rocker. Appliances Ken- more refrigerator (like new), vacuums, Maytag auto washer, dryer, Coke machine, microwave; Glass and China - Quantity of glass, china, crystal, etc. Tools - Ryobi 8 1/4" radial arm saw, hand & power tools, some antique, antique tool chest, 6HP gas mower. Collectibles Collectibles - Humpback trunk, old lantern, lobster trap, hundreds of interesting items. Don't Miss this one. ■ Orval & Barry McLean Auctioneers. 1-800-461-6499 or WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9TH, 4:45PM Auction Sale ol Furniture. Antiques and Collectibles selling al NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 1km wesl ot Utica. TO INCLUDE: The complete contents of a Newmarket Estate. Sales every Wednesday 4:45 p.m. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 310 PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase pre-purchase consullalion on all makes & models ol acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heinlz- mari, Yamaha. Mason & Risch, & olher grand or upright pianos lor sale. Holiday Holiday special - pay no laz on all upright pianos. Gill Cerlili- cales available. Call Barb al 305-427-7631 or check oui Ihe web' at: Visa; MC, Amex. PLAYSTATION MOD CHIPS PSI $35., PS2 Ver 1 8 2 S75, Ver 3 $95. Ver 4 $125. All work guaranteed. Install while you -wait. Beatrice/Wilson area (905)721-2365 JVC STEREO PACKAGE Surround Sound Receiver, 5 disc CD. Dual Cassetle 3 way Tower Speakers Only $10"perweek No Money Dorn No Payments until Apr. 2002 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg 905-373-0265 SONY HOME THEATRE PACKAGE 48" Sony Big Screen TV DVD Player and Surround Sound System only $32 1 per week No Money Down No Payments until Apr. 2002 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg « 905-373-0265 Articles lor Sale Articles Wanled ® NEED A B HOME PHONE? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NOPROBLEMI No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 CARPET SPECIAL Rcc. Room Carpel 15. Asst. Colours IS oz. ,560/sq. ft. 20 oz. ,880/sq.fl. 10 mm Underpin! from $2.50/sq.yd. 36 oz. Carpet Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 Irom S89-S169.99 RICE & CO. 4 SI. George SI. S. Bowmanville 905-623-1622 CASH PAID for plastic car models. Built or still in the box. 905-435-0747. WANTED - 2V monitor for computer, in good condition, reasonably priced. Call 905- 434-0392. RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new TV's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market. 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers. 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. OAK/PINE FURNI TURE...BOXING WEEK SALE NOW ON!!!...NO PST / GST!!!....Our biggest sale of Ihe year is now on. with unbelievable unbelievable prices and savings ol up ' lo 50% on selected itenis...We arc also introducing'special introducing'special pricing lor those who want to buy high quality furniture and finish it themselves...We themselves...We hand craft...Entertainment craft...Entertainment Centres. Oflice desks. Computer Centres. Dining Room Tables. Hutch & Buffet, Kitchen Tables and a very large selection of Bedroom Bedroom Furniture...Traditional Woodworking is the leading manufacturer ol SOLID WOOD FURNITURE in the Durham Region...We have been building building quality solid wood furni- turn here lor 27 ycars....We pride ourselves on being able to take your idcas/plans and turn them Into rcality...Drop In and see our Slate ol Urn Ait Woodworking facility and let us show you how quality fine furniture Is matie.-Remem- hcr.."Tliero is no Substitute for Quality"....Traditional Woodworking..! Woodworking..! 15 North Port Road (South of Reach Road), Port Peny...905-985-8774...www. WANTED • motorized treadmill. treadmill. good quality & in good condition. Call 905-986-4515 325 Auctions ESTATES & ANTIQUES Wanted MCCRISTAL AUCTIONS (905) 725-5751 330 Firewood KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood, hardwood, guaranteed cxlra long lime lully seasoned, (ready to hum) cut & spill Honest measurement, Roc delivery. 965-753-2246. FIREWOOD - serving all ol Durham 905-924-5512 FREE FIREWOOD • Broken vraodskids and pallets. Delivery Delivery available Osliawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434- 0392.(sup) Pel, Supplies Boarding GERMAN SHEPPARD puppies. puppies. All black, pure bred, no papers. Ready lo go. $250. Only one lell. 905-623-9971 Bowmanville 248 ■BSHi 248 Coming Events Coming Evcnls Bring your friends for a lour of Ihe Clarington Beech Cenlre at 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville and register 1er a wide variety ol programs lor both men and women 55t. Refreshments will be served. For more information call 905-697-2856 Clarington Older Adult Association OPEN HOUSE The Clarington Older Adult Association will be holding a Winter Open House on Tuesday January 8th Irom 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tyrone Community Centre ANNUAL MEETING Tues., Jan. 8th, 2002 @ 7pm t Tyrone Community Centre All Welcome Your Support is Appreciated.. In Honour of LES SMALE'S 90th BIRTHDAY His family is having a Birthday Celebration at THE CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT CENTRE 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville SUNDAY, JANUARY 6th, 2002 1-4 P.M. Best Wishes Only Please HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY LYDIA! 'Life is a daring adventure or nothing." Lydia you lake us on an adventure every day. Love Mommy & Daddy 260 Tenders 260 Tenders SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted lo the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6i, are invited and will be received on thei forms and in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. - ; i The work consists of the repair 1 of 23 original wood windows, as well as the main entrance doors and sidelite s at the historic Newcastle Town Hall. >Mo new windows are required or will be accepted. Typical parts of the work consist of: removing and repairing the wind ow sash, use of specially formulated epo-xy repair material, splicing into new woodl sections to match existing profiles, removal and replacement of some of the glass, installing new weather-stripping, stripping and painting using specialized sr/stems. A site meeting will be held oti January 10th, 2002 at 2:00 p.m., 20 King Street West, Newcastle, Ontario. All bidders are encourage to attend. Bidders will be required to demonstrate successful experience in similar types of work. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender CL2001-43 WINDOW CON SERVATION, NEWCASTLE'COMMUNITY CENTRE Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 p.m. ( locai time) THURS., JAN. 24TH, 2002 The lowest or any lender not necesse ,rily accepted. Clarinptnn Mrs. Lou Ann Bir kell, C.P.P., A.M.C.T. vüt-HUë 1 ™ 1 Purchasing Manager Jan. 2,2002 Telephone: (90! i) 623-3379, Ext. 268 KINDER PUP Jan. 7 FAMILY DOG OBEDIENCE Jan. 8 - 9 FLYBALL Jan. 0 AGILITY Jan. 10 PUPPY AGILITY Jan. 12 Two indoor facllltl cs In Cobourg For (i|/brm«(ton c all DES RO KENN ELS 905-372-822 6 BOXER PUPPIES CKIÙ registered, registered, home raise d, first shots, puppy pack and first collar, dewormed III st shots. Male flashy brindlu. Female lawn & white. (705) f ,78-0314 TSURO OOG TRAINING offered offered by Roger Mild. Port Hope 905-797-28! 55, Osliawa 905-432-8313. WANTED a No iwcglan retriever retriever or Golden retriever (while In colour), call 905- 434-0392 400 Cars For Sale NEED A CAR? Rebuild Your Credit with Newstart Leasing! AS LOW AS $199 DOWN 1-866-570-0045 NO 6ULLII JUST BARGAINSII 1995 Neon S35G0I 1996 Grand Am SE, 6 cyl. $6460: 1995 Grand Am $3950: 1994 Explorer Explorer 4X4 $4675; PELESItOK AUTO SALES (905) 428-6071. 1997 BLACK BONNEVILLE SSEI lully loaded, super- charged engine, heads up display. CD with bos speakers, speakers, suiirool, hands lice cell phono Included, All Ihe bells anil whistles. Quick Sale. 122,000km $16.000 obo. Call (005) 668-1396. 1999 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE 3800 V9. Excellent condition condition $13500 obo. 905-680- 0273. Registration Registration Registration Registration Oshawa Skating: Club 6 ■\ "DID YOU GET NEW SKATES FOR CHRISTMAS?" "MOW YOU MEED •SEATING LESSONS!" • KIDS SKATE • CAN SKATE • POWER SKATING STARTING JANUARY Jan Coolidge at 905-436-5047 j KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION at Your Local Public School The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board's Junior and Senior Kindergarten programs oiler excellent beginnings 1er your child's academic, social, emotional and language development. We are pleased and proud to serve students ol all backgrounds and needs. KAWARTHA PIRE RIDGE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Registration 1er lull-day, every-olher-day, junior and senior kindergarten is taking place at public elementary schools until January 30. 2002. Since registration limes vary, please contact your local school lor details. You may register your child it either ol the following applies: • Junior Kindergarten - child musl be lour years ol age by December 31, 2002 • Kindergarten • child must be live years ol age by December 31, 2002 Please bring a birth corlilicato or other proof ol age, and current immunization inlormalion. Students who are already registered need no! register again. II you are not sure which school your child should attend, please call Ihe Educalion Cenlre at (705) 742-9773 or toll-tree al 1-877-741-4577, ext. 2123 FRENCH IMMERSION Parent Information Meeting» Parents: are you Interested In enrolling your child In our French Immersion Senior Kindergarten program for the 2002-2003 school year? Please join us at one of the following Inlormalion sessions. Parents are welcome lo attend any meeting, But the session at Ihe French Immersion school your child will allend will be most helpful. II you're not sure which one to attend, please call the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board at (705) 742-9773 or toll-free at 1-877-741-4577, ext. 2123. All ol our schools are pleased and proud to serve students ol all backgrounds and needs. The information meetings will be held: • C.R. Gummow PS, 287 Gravely St., Cobourg, 905-372-9752 Tuesday, January 29, 6:30 p.m. • Lydia Trull PS, 80 Avondale Dr., Courtice, 905-438-9648 Tuesday, January 15, 7 p.m. • Edmison Heights PS, 1111 Royal Dr., Peterborough, 705-745-0722 Wednesday, January 16, 7 p.m. • Ontario Street PS, 116 Ontario St., Bowmanville, 905-623-5437 Wednesday. January 23, 7 p.m. • Prince of Wales PS, 1211 Monaghan Rd. S„ Peterborough, 705-743-8595 Tuesday, January 22, 7 p.m. • Rldpath Junior PS, 39 Ermatinger St., Lakelield, 705-652-3811 Monday. January 21, 6:30 p.m. • Westmount PS, 1520 Sherwood Gres., Peterborough, 705-742-7871 Wednesday, January 23, 7 p.m. R.L. Willsher R. (Dick) T. Malowney Chair ol Ihe Board Director ol Education Kawartha Pine District School Board A " A- JCome Tom the Fun! Registration for January: • Guitar Kids, ages 6-8 • Early Childhood Music, ages 3-6 • Private Piano & Guitar Lessons Margrit Voisin 905-697-2951 Bowmanville Places of Worship Places of Worship Improvements Home Improvement Lessons Lessons I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Contracting, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 SO+ Movin' & Groovin' Winter Program Tai-Chi, Yoga, Exercise, Line Dance Registration: Fri. Jan. 4. 9am-2pm Clarington Beech Centre 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville Contact 905-623-9732 SHOTOKAN KARATE CLUB Clarington Community Centre Tuesdays -- 5:45 - 7 p.m. First lesson free! All ages starting 7 years old! No contract! Pay as you go! Call: Sensei Joelle Mclean 905-576-6390 ATTENTION: Bowmanville, Clarington, Oshawa & Whitby Churches! "WORSHIP DIRECTORY" DEADLINE: Wednesday 10 A.M. For info, contact Bonnie Browne Phone 576-9335 ext. 2217 Fax: 579-4218 e-mail: bbrowne@durhamregion/com publishes every Friday Cars For Sale 20D1 SUNFIRE SE, 5 spd. silver silver grey, am/fm, CD, air. keyless keyless entry, spoiler 44km, asking asking $12,900. Call 905-655- 9265. Cars Wanled CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD MURAD AUTO SALES. Trucks For Sale TONNEAU COVER for Sono- ma/S10 Sportside truck, black vinyl, brand new. channel lock design, no snaps. $100 firm. 905-404-8242 or 905-376- 2448 cell. TRUCK CAP FOR SALE - fits long box S10 - S15 $100 OBO. Call Justin at 905-885-2028. Aulo Parts & Repairs WANTED - 3.1 GM motor; also 4 Litre 1993 Ford Aero- star motor: parts for 1992 auto. Dodge Colt; Parts for 1993 auto. Ford Probe. 905- 434-0392 Public Notices MISSING Yellow Case Skid Steer 1845C with yellow Hashing beacon. Went missing from Whitby on Boxing Day afternoon, last seen heading east on Bloor at Townline area. If anyone saw the direction of this machine or has any info please call 905-260-1192 160 Business Opportunities CHANGE YOURLLIFEI Access to a Computer? Work at Home Online $500-$1500i PT. $5000* FT, 1-877- 419-2807. Mortgages CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.75% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specially. For fast professional professional service call 905-666-4986/ 905-686-2557. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements. garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 Home Improvements Garbage Removal Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 Farrow's Roofing Co. • Repairs ■ Recovers • Re-Rooting ■ Slopes & Flats 905-697-9800 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 CALLUS 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Frl. 8-5, Sat. 8-12 'TRANSFER STATION* ROLLOFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our Jg, GENERAL 'BsjSgpH', SALVAGE ■ Ifcff'Y 1 me SERVICE Painting and Decorating A&M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. SENIORS 20% OFF (905) 697-9601 730 Flooring, Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality. Free estimates. D&N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1800 735 Gardening & Landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE -V iV> -V uy» Tree Trimming Tree Removal Free Estimates Fully Insured (905)263-2538 900 Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! Durham's Own! Find your male, or just share a moment. Listen to all the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. (9051-683- 1110. Adult Entertainment Exclusively Yours VUpscnleV Escort Service Serving Durham Region Discru lion Guaranteed Open 9 a.m. Daily (905) 725-2322 Nmv Hiring IS+ Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication publication as we cannot be responsible 1er more than one Insertion In the event of an error, 256 ■n* 256 BELL, Iona Jean - With deep regret Ihe fatr.'./ announces the passing cl Iona Jean Eel on Saturday December 29. 2091 a! age 57. Beloved wife of the late Harold Lauder Bell. Dearest mci'ner o! Joyce (Al) Harrison cl Lindsay. Gord (Phyllys) Bell of Peterborough. Bud (Belly Lou) Bell of Arkona. J:m ILou'se) Beil of Boboaygeon, Joanne (Laurie) Ariiss of Pridis Greens, Alberta. Survived by len grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren and two great- great grandchildren. Dearest sisier ol Crela Jenkins cl Oakwood and predeceased by sisters Ruby Hamilton and Pearl Snider. Jean was an active member cl UCW King St. United Church in Oshawa and more recently Trinity United in Bobcaygeon. Resting at Ihe MONK FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 6 Helen Street. Bobcaygeon from 1:00 lo 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday January 2. 2002, to be followed by a private family service. Memorial donations lo the Ross Memorial .Hospital Expansion Fund would be appreciated by Ihe Family. BERZINS, Aleksandra • Peacefully with her family at her side at Fosterbrooke Long Term Care Facilily, Newcastle, on Thursday, December December 27, 2001, in her 102nd year. Aleksandra Aleksandra (nee Sukacs) wile (or 55 years ol the late Robert Jekabs Berzins. Loving mother ol Normunds Berzins and his wile Ingrid of Orono. Orono. Predeceased by her children Juris Berzins and Irma Anderson. Loving Grandma to II- mars, David, Rowena, Garth, Erik, and Mara; and her great-grandchild and namesake Alexandra Williams and olher greatgrandchildren greatgrandchildren in Latvia. Special "Grandma" lo her many friends and family. Also missed by stall and fellow residents ol Fosterbrooke. Friends called al NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME, 386 Mill SI. S. (Mill SI. just north ol 401) on Sunday. December 30, alter 1:30 p.m., followed by a service in Ihe chapel ol the funeral home at 2:30 p.m. Cremation. Donations Donations lo the Fosterbrooke Therapeutic Garden Garden Fund in Aleksandra's memory would be appreciated by her family. CAREY, Adele - Peacefully at the Lakeview Manor, Beaverton, on Monday December 31, 2001, in her 82nd year. Adele Carey of Beaverton, Beaverton, formerly of Orillia. Loving mother of David Carey & his wife Suzanne of Grand Blanc, Michigan. Beloved grandmother of Bryan' and Michelle. Predeceased by her brothers John Carey ol Oshawa and Norman Carey of Toronto. The family will receive friends at the DOOL1TTLE-CARSON FUNERAL FUNERAL HOME, 54 Coldwater SI. E„ Orillia from 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral service in the chapel on Friday morning, January 4, 2002, at 11 o'clock. Interment, Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Oshawa. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations lo the Alzheimer Society would be sincerely appreciated by Ihe family. CARPENTER, Donald (Owner of "Wine Not" Barrie). Suddenly at Ihe Royal Victoria Hospital, Hospital, Barrie on Friday December 28th, 2001. Don Carpenter of Barrie, age 53. Beloved husband husband of Inge. Loving father of Tanya, Lynd- say and Ashley. Much loved brother of Bill Carpenter and his wife Judy of Toronto. Don's humour and zest lor life will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Friends may call al Ihe STECKLEY-GOODERHAM FUNERAL HOME (Clapperton and Worsley Streets) Barrie on Thursday from 2 p.m. until Ihe lime of service, service, in the chapel on Thursday January 3rd 2002 at 3:00 p.m. Cremation. Memorial donations donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated by the family. Condolences Condolences may be forwarded through - DILLING, William (Bill) (Ontario Jockey Club - Member: -Since .1946, Legion Branch -112, .Whitby). 'At the' Ajax-Pickering Health Centre Centre on December 29, 2001 in his 76th year. Bill, beloved husband of Ihe lale Sophia (nee Yarmola). Loving lather of Donna Zimmerman Zimmerman of Maple Ridge British Columbia. Dear grandfather of Brad and Brandon. Predeceased Predeceased by brother Vernon (Bud), and Earl. Mr. Billing will be resting at the W.C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL, 110 Dundas Street East, Whitby (905) 668-3410 on Thursday January chapel on Friday January 4 at 1 p.m. Cremation. Cremation. In memoriam donations may be made to Ihe Canadian Cancer Society or the Whitby Whitby Legion. DOBBIE, David Chalmers (Scolty) • (Veteran (Veteran of W.W.II 48th Highlanders and Queen's Own Rifles). Suddenly at Lakeridge Health - Oshawa on Sunday, December 30th, 2001. In his 92nd year. Beloved husband of the lale Joyce (nee Allison). Beloved father ol Annie Major and her husband Fred, Dennis Dobbie and his wife Carol Lee, Denise Heckbert and her husband Edward, Margaret Dignard and her husband Venance, Catherine Smith and her husband David, David Dobbie Jr. and his wile Cathy, Eleanor Wallace and her partner George, Daveena Fedyk and her husband Clarence and William Dobbie and his wile Bonnie. Lovingly remembered by 37 grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren, many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by brothers brothers George and Andrew and sisters Maggie, Katherine, Mary, Nan and Elspeth. Visitation was held al OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel", 847 King Street West (905-721-1234) on Tuesday, January 1st from 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Funeral Service will be held in Ihe Chapel on Wednesday, January 2nd at 3 o'clock. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. Memorial Donations lo the Charity Charity ol Your Choice would be appreciated. JAMIESON Janie Dunlop (Member ol The Oshawa Golf Club) Suddenly, at home in Oshawa, on Sunday, December 30, 2001. Janie (nee Thom), beloved beloved wife of the lale Edward (Ted) C. Jamieson. Jamieson. Dear daughter ol the late James Fraser Thom and Marion Muir Thom, formerly ol Toronto. Janie will be sadly missed by her cousin Richard Muir McCallum and wile Pearl, niece Martha Goyette of Edson, Alberta, Alberta, Lise Jamieson, widow ol her late nephew Ian Jamieson of London, Ontario, great nephews, Adam Goyette, Nathan Jamieson and Eric Jamieson and her many friends. Relatives Relatives and friends may pay their respects al the MCINTOSH-ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King SI. E„ Oshawa (905- 433-5558) on Thursday Irom 7-9 p.m. A service service will be held in Ihe chapel on Friday, January January 4, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. In lieu ol flowers, donations donations may be made in Janie's memory lo Covenant House, Toronto; Heart and Stroke Foundation or Canadian Cancer Society. McEWEN, J. Kenneth - At his residence on Saturday, December 29, 2001 in his 77th year. Ken, dear Iriend ol Ihe lale Jessie Hendry. Hendry. Loved lather ol J. Kenneth McEwen, Judith Judith Ann Margaret Foskel, Douglas Robert, Tina Louise Bain and Dorothy May Mollat. Loving grandfather ol 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Dear step lather ol Alicia, Alicia, Bruce, Heather, Debbie, Cheryl, Ihe lale Wayne and 15 step grandchildren. Pre-deceased Pre-deceased by 3 brothers and 1 sister, Friends were able lo call al Ihe MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 Division St„ Bowmanville on Tuesday Tuesday Irom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Funeral service in Ihe Morris Chapel on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations Donations in Ken's memory lo Ihe charity ol your choice would be gratefully appreciated. Please see page 10 lor more Death Notices