THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, APRIL 17,2002 PAGE 3 Public board surplus less than expected S' Despite increased E- costs, board expects surplus of over $5 million RY CRYSTAL CRIMI Stuff Writer CLARINGTON - The public school board may not be putting as much money back into schools as hoped. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board's second quarter report and financial projections suggest suggest increased cost, including including $ l million in retirement gratuities, could leave the board with $1.3 million less than expected. KPR needs its surplus for paying the remainder of what was a $ 10-million deficit. "We're still projecting a surplus of $5,064,000 and originally the budget was for a surplus of just over $6.3 million. We had an accumulative accumulative deficit and to Spring book sale Bookworms, get ready for the annual spring book sale. Thousands of used books of all genres will be on sale on May 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Clarke Museum and Archives in Orono. The cost will be 10 cents for paperbacks and 50 cents for hardcovers, or three hardcover books for $ 1. For more information information call 905-983-9243. eliminate it. we budgeted for a surplus," says Dean MacDonald, senior manager manager for finance and business services. The $1.3 million shortfall shortfall "will mean next year in the budget we won't be able to reinvest the full $6.3 million (taken to pay the remainder of the deficit)," says Mr. McDonald. McDonald. KPR Chairman and Clarington Trustee, Bob Willshcr, says the board had hoped to stop taking funds front education, as it has for the last two years, to pay off the deficit. He adds even though the surplus surplus may be less, it is still a win-win situation for schools. Funding will be restored for the 2002/2003 school year, but might not be as much as planned, he said. "We've come a long way. It's a matter of making making sure as we come into the next year, we're not focused focused on getting out of debt but on student achievement," adds Mr. MacDonald. Some major variances in original projections include include a reduction of $804,909 because of enrolment enrolment decline, $254,548 in higher-lhan-cxpccted costs for transporting students with special needs and from rural areas, and a one-time expense of $664,052 to bus operators. Most of the above costs were balanced by some higher projected revenues including $724,052 in a transportation adjustment in which the hoard received extra money from the ministry, ministry, a bonus payment of $631,700 in ministry grants for funded programs, and $290,940 in transfers from reserve funds for special education education and improved accessibility. accessibility. Probably the biggest shortfall comes from retirement retirement gratuities, says Mr. Willshcr. 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E DURHAM REGION North West corner of Highway No. 2 and Courtice Road, Municipality of Clarington NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Regional Municipality of Durham intends on passing a bylaw bylaw to stop-up, close and convey to the Municipality of Clarington, subject to any easements that may be required by any person, part of the road allowance déscribed as Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-20954, formerly in the Township of Darlington, in the Municipality of Clarington, in the Regional Municipality of Durham. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT on or before April 26,2002, prior to passing the said by-law, the Commissioner of Works shall hear In person, or by its Council, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his/her land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law. NaihRd. Municipality of Clarington ! t i $ ' Subject Property i s ^ Hwy No. *01 -t--t - . . - • - - QUESTIONS: • . 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