THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. MAY 1.2002 PAGE A3 OSHAWA - Striking OPSEU members, led by president president Leali Casselmtm, numbed through dow ntown Oshawa bn Monday morning tying tip traffic as they beaded along King Street. RON I'lETRONIRO/ Statesman photo Fun fair NEWCASTLE - Newcastle Public School at a85 Beaver St. S. invites all to its eighth annual tun lair Thursday. May lb from 5 to 8 pin. New activities for the fair ibis year include a haunted house, bingo, and a tattoo parlour. Face painting, balloons, a loonie raffle, and many stories and games will be included. included. Contact Lisa at 987-9843. for info. Police control crowd of strikers . Pickets breach court order OSHAWA - Pickets danced on the sidewalks in downtown Oshawa Monday to celebrate the arrival of the OPSEU president in the city. Durham Regional Police prevented prevented the 150 pickets from spilling onto King Street near Centre Street where they gathered across from the Michael Starr Ministry of Finance building. Although the members of OPSEU Local 340 have picketed there for weeks, president Leah Cas- selman's presence drew a larger crowd than usual. The government employees who have been off the job since March 13, were pumped by the high-energy music blaring in the area. Earlier that morning, a large group of pickets breached a court injunction ordering them to stay away from Ministry of Finance properly. Around 9 a.m„ Durham Regional Police were called to the post office on Simcoc Street South after a postal vehicle was blocked from the entrance by pickets. Police said a ministry vehicle was in the area and its driver was picking up mail. "It delayed the postal pick-up," said Sergeant Jim Grimley. The pickets marched along Celina Street to King Street and gathered in front of 40 King St. "For the most part they (were) pretty well-behaved other than breaching that section of the court injunction," injunction," Sgt. Grimley added. Strike won't stop smog alerts DURHAM - Hot, smoggy days may seem a long way off but, when they do arrive, you'll know about it. The current strike by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union won't stop the environment ministry from alerting the public to bad air days, said ministry spokesman John Steele. "We can still issue smog alerts," Mr. Steele said. With the official smog season starting starting in May, the ministry is prepared, even though only 50 per cent of its monitoring stations are up and running because of the strike, he said. And while smog alerts and advisories advisories will be issued as needed, specific specific readings may be difficult to post on the government Web site or on the hotline hotline due to the strike, he said. Smog alerts are issued three days in advance, indicating there's a 50 per cent chance of poor air quality in the following three days. Smog advisories are issued 24 hours in advance of a potentially potentially bad air day. The alerts will go out to media outlets outlets and to people who have registered on the Web site for the service, Mr. Steele said. Those several hot days in mid-April were just hot and not smoggy, smoggy, he added. INTOWNE GALLERY & GIFT SHOPPE Û Meet the Artist Bill Saunders * Saturday, May 4th l-3pm nil I taw. your print personalized in gold leaf ly Hill Saunders during Maplcfcst Sal., May •///;. Maplcfcst s,n ' d, "$igg ' ». Front "Daddy's little Girl" Enter our Free Draw during Maplefest to win "Daddy's Little Girl" Framed 7 King St. E., Historic Downtown Bowmanville (905)623-6411 Lakeridge Health Patients First Bowmanville Oshawa Port Perry Uxbridge Whitby Lakeridge Health Bowmanville AFTER HOURS CLINIC REDUCES HOURS OF OPERATION Effective Sunday, May 5 the After Hours Clinic will no longer he open on Sundays. We are reducing the hours of operation because w e do not have enough family physicians to provide coverage 7 days per week. VVe appreciate the considerable amount of time our physicians' spend supporting the Community & the Hospital in addition to busy practices. Our Emergency Department, After Hours Clinic, Palliative Care Team and Nursing Home patients arc all cared for by your family physicians. Clinics hours are as follows: Monday to Friday - 6:00 pm. - 8:30 pm. Saturday -10:00 am. - 2:00 pm. • Sales • Leasing • Parts • Service "Convenient Customer Shuttle Service 1 WHERE YOU GET MORE THAN GREAT PRICES" ISO 9002 CERTIFIED ôâûââ FIVE STAR 799 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA 905-404-0525 Tc -» t '«SÇtfSi-Vr ij • ■ "... " -T SlaiS?,! (-"LA,.