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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 2002, p. 7

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! the CANADIAN STATESMAN, September 25,2002 PAGE 9 FIND IT FAST IN THE f> 'To Place Your Ads Call " 905-576-9335 Fax 905-579-4218 fPl E-Mail Address: CaH: Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 Now when you advertise, your word ad also appears on the internat at http://WWW.durhamregion. COItl Main Office: ; ,v \i« • • ti y ;'v,r- Oshawa This Week 8S5 Farewell Street, Oetiawa Heirs: V Mie.-Fri: 8:00 a.m. • 8 p.m., Closed Saturdays "777: : lirapJifagt.rg for Canadian Statesman: V'7:^ ^ Now Localcd at SEARS-.^ 91 Baseline Road. West of Liberty. : V Open - Mbn.-Fri. 10am to 6pm, Sat. 10ain-4pm Closed Sunday - -, Careers General Help General Help General Help General Help General Help ISO 9001 and 14001 Registered Manufacturer Requires QUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER > Quality Designation Required • Trained Internal/Lead Auditor, ISO 9000/2000 1 Understanding of Environmental Compliance 1 Strong Leadership and Organizational Skills 1 Plastics/Chemical background an asset 1 2 years Minimum Experience in Manufacturing in a Quality Leadership Role Apply Stating Salary Expectations to: Jet Moùlding Compounds Inc. 251 Station Street, Ajax, ON LIS 1S3 Fax 905.683.7405 General Help General Help CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR / MANAGER Full time position for reputable General Contractor in Durham. Successful candidate must have minimum 10 years experience in institutional projects from 1M to 15M, strong knowledge in reading plans & specifications, project scheduling on Microsoft Project and tender preparation. Fax resume & letter of interest to 888-315-6320 FLEMING -- SANDFonp Fleming college"^ 1 ■ At Fleming, we deliver the hard-to-find combination of quality learning and quality of life. Assistive Technologist Part-time Peterborough Please visit our Web site at for a complete description. Apply to: Sir Sandford Fleming College 599 Brealey Dr., Room 524 Peterborough, ON K9J 7B1 Fax (705 749-5522 Genera! Help General Help J. MICHAELS A progressive Ladies Wear Chain are looking for people who can provide excellent Customer Service to fill Full & Part-Time Associate Positions Hi end ladies wear experience is preferred, but not a prerequisite. Please apply in person to our Oshawa Centre location or fax your resume to: (905) 438-0733 Fifth Wheel Truck Stop Is now accenting npulicnlions for Full i Part Time Janitorial & Retail Store Clerks P/T Dishwasher Competitive wages, training provided, Please n/>/)/i/ in person at: Hwy 401 & Waver Icy Rd. (Smith Side) Or email: Fax: 905-623-7109 Manufacturing 8 Technology Centre a leader in electronic repair is seeking motivated individuals fertile following positions: • SHIPPER/RECEIVER-full time • ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN -lull/part time For both day and evening shills. We offer competitive salaries as well as great benefits benefits and incentives. Please fax resume including including salary expectations to 905-666-2334 attn Kim Aus JIFFY LUBE Pennzoil Quaker State Canada Company and a leader In the fast lube Industry. Requires LUBRICATION TECHNICIANS lor our locations in Oshawa & Whilby. Experience preferred, excellent customer skills & a slrong desire lor advancement. Resumes to: 23 Taunton Rd. W. Oshawa, L1G1B4 No phone call please. Although we thank all applicants only those selected lor an Interview will contacted. CountryStyle. Kitchen and Front Counter help for Morning Shifts Apply in person: 3005 Hwy. 35/115 Newcastle or fax: 905-987-4791 PART-TIME EVENINGS $15,/per hr. Car required. Ideal 1er, RETIREES, Homemakers or as a Second Income, 905)686-9842 EXT. 302 - 9AM-4PM 905)686-2445 EXT. 302 - 4PM-8PM Your Good Health Oshawa Centre Reunites experienced FULL TIME SALES HELP Vitamin and sports mtlrlllon knowledge required, I'lease drop off resume, Career Training CUSS fl, D, AND Z Endorsement Endorsement training at Durham College College Whitby. Job opportunities lor graduates. Call now and reserve your seal. Completion could lake less than one month. 905-721-3368 or 905- 721-3340. Careers CALL CENTRE Workshop Training at Durham College, Whilby. Get in at the ground floor in this explosive customer customer service Industry. With our two-day workshop training program, and your lull commitment commitment and personal goals, the opportunities exist lor advancement advancement in the ever-growing ever-growing "Call Centre" business. This two-day' workshop will run: Sept. 14 and Sept. 21 and Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. For Into. 905-721-3340 or 1-800-816- 3615 .11 \ s l| s il Free Int. language for children Grades 1-8, songs, games, writing and reading are included. Mon. 6-8:30 pm - Courtice Register by phone (905) 579-4326 9 a.m.-12 noon Starts Sept. 30 Kawartha Pine Ridge D.S.B. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Peterborough, Ontario invites applications for the position of Team Leader - Compensation, Benefits and Wellness As a result ol a recent retirement. The Kawartha Pine Ridge' District School Board is currently accepting applications lor the position of Team Leader - Compensation, Benefits & Wellness. The successful applicant will be responsible (or providing elfeclive leadership, customer service and efficient management of the Board's benefit programs, wellness, and employee assistance programs; compensation systems for all employee groups; occupational health & safety, WSIB and LTD case management; and attendance management systems. The emphasis of this position will be on benefits administration including design, development and recommendations of employee benelit programs, research and analysis ol programs on an on-going basis to ensure cost effectiveness and competitiveness. Requirements: • Bachelors degree in human resources management, or equivalent, (formal benefits administration qualifications would be preferred) • 5-8 years (minimum) experience, including 2 - 4 years of supervisory experience • Excellent organizational, communication and interpersonal skills • Extensive knowledge-arid experience in benefits administration and plan design • Computer literacy and familiarity with pertinent software applications • Current knowledge ol technology used in human resources management • Current knowledge of compensation and payroll systems ■ Current knowledge of employment standards, human rights, pay equity, occupational health and safely, and WSIB legislation. The starting ol salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience within the established grade level 1er the position. A police Records screening and a clear TB test is required of all individuals hired by the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board as a condition of employment. Qualified applicants are invited to submit a resume and covering letter along with three professional references with written permission to contact by 4 October 2002. Submit to: Superintendent of Human Resources Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board 1994 Fisher Drive, P.O. Box 719 Peterborough, ON K9J7A1 R.L. Willsher Chairperson of the Board Avis Glaze Director of Education The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We thank ml who apply, personal information is collected under the Education Act, S.171(3) c.E.2 and will be used for employment purposes only. All successful applicants must undergo a criminal reference check as a condition of employment. Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board l.i/urtlit • liu/m/ /<it Sinci ".vs I'miun it>ii' Drivers AZ DRIVERS lor small local company. U.S. experience, Reefer experience preferred. Full lime. Call Greg 905-509- 8262 or lax 905-509-8265 AZ/DZ DRIVERS REQUIRED F/T 2yrsreq., $13-15 Durham / Scar. Springer Personnel 905-426-2525 CULLEN GARDENS requires a lull lime accounts payable/ cash office clerk. Accpac ex- perinece. Full lime servers, pantry person, and food service service clerks. Fax lo: (905) 668- 0510 or deliver lo: 300 Taunton Taunton Rd. W., Whilby. - CUSTOMER SERVICE/ ORDER TAKERS $21.50/HR. AVG. Full Training Provided Managers Required Call Brian 905-435-0518 MlJI General Help A COMPUTER AVAILABLE? Work from home online. S500 - S5,000/mo. P/T or F/T. or call 1-888-373-2967. AS HEARD ON THE RADI0I #1 on-line system S500-S1500 P/T. S3900tF/T 1-888-272- 9054 ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Work Irom home on-line, S500 - $5,000 pt/FT, log onto or loll tree t-888-257-8004. AJAX PROPERTY MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE company looking lor an experienced person lor windows/snow removal, must have valid Driver's License! Call (905) 428-1844. Fax re- sume (905) 428-8495. ASSEMBLE Light Products al home. Earn 5400 » weekly. Pleasant work., Call RECORDED message 24 hrs. (416) 631-4808 exLAMIB. WORK AT HOME Health Industry Industry St 000 P/T • S5000 F/T per month. Training available. Call tor tree mlormalion BOOKLET. 416-631-7156 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL, tong- term temp, Stall Plus will be interviewing 9:30 a.m. lo 2 p.m. Thurs. September 26 Ih McLeans Community Centre, 95 Magill Dr., Ajax, BUSINESS Is booming. I'm looking lor an energetic sales person that will treat my customers customers Royally. Weekends required. Computer skills and operating lilt truck an asset. We will train. Send resume lo Dickson Home Décor, R.R, #4, 7963 County Rd. #2, Co- bourg, Ontario, K9A 4J7, At- lention: Russell Dickson. COMMERCIAL CARPET/Floor technician, lull-lime/varlous hours, hourly t bonuses, valid drivers license. Diy cleaning, tile lloors, pressure wash an asset. Call Mr. Casey 905- 686-9272 CHARTERED ACCOUNTING firm. Claringlon, requires part- time stall accountant. Must have experience In public accounting. accounting. Caseware an asset. Confidential. Fax resume: 905-697-3758 DISLIKE RECRUITING 8 Selling? Selling? Visil: Slat200Qon- enter id# 8564. Take the Itee lour! DOCK WORKERS required, Whilby, lull-lime midnight- 8:30am, PART-TIME suits students 6-9pm, no experience, experience, hand bombing involved. S9.50/hour -tup paid weekly. Breakaway Stalling Solutions, fax 1 -905-670-3815 or email D0WNT0WNII Brand new ol- lice just opened. Posilions must be filled immediately. Customer service/sales t marketing/warehouse. Call today today lo book interview. Ask lor Robin 005-571-4738 ELEPHANT BLUES? Tired ol working lor peanuts? Immediate Immediate F/T Openings In Durham Regional office. We train. Customer Service, Sales/ Marketing S Management training available. Call Jessi- • ca 1-888-265-5539 EXPERIENCED pail person lor Chrysler dealership. Call Don Jr. (905) 985-7354 FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANY COMPANY looking lor highly motivated, motivated, career minded people. Experience in sales/marketing, sales/marketing, insurance or financial institutions institutions an asset not a requirement. requirement. Full training provided. provided. Contact Stewart Ro- belts (905)436-8499 HAIRSTYLIST WITH MINIMUM MINIMUM 3 years exp. lull or part time, lor ajax salon. $400 per week plus commission, Call Mario or Ramzi (905)583- 5911 or even, (905)683-1884 HEY MUST BE THE MONEY!! Tired ol jobs that suck? New company in Whilby looking lor people in all areas ol customer customer service, sales, management. management. 18». No exp. necessary. necessary. Musi like loud music and work well with the posite sex. Trevor 9685 op- CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE This Week requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as Tills Week will not bo responsible (or more Ilian one Incorrect Insertion Insertion and Iheio shall bo no llabillly lor non-in- sortlon ol any advertisement. advertisement. Liability lor errors errors In ads Is limited to the amount paid lor Iho space occupying Iho error. error. All copy is subjoct lo the approval ol management management ol This Week. CLEANING STATE Willi ox- (leilcncc lor residential 8 commercial cleaning, lull 8 pail-lime positions. Vehicle an asset. Iliilcicnces icqulicrl, Call 0U6-CBC-9472. Como JOIN DURHAM Ko- (lion's highest paid apiiuinl- inonl soiling leant. SU SI9 limiily plus bonus. Apply today, today, clail loimmuw. lull Raining. lull 8 paMimo avail- able, (095)131-0149.0>l 222 C0NSIIIUCII0N SHE super- Intemleiit, oxpoilcnced, loi I'ickoilnu loll silo. Call Mr, Wlnlois, Clenbiook Homos, (-110) -1-11-6501) HOMEWORKERS NEEDEDI To assemble our products- Malling/Processlng Our Circulars Circulars - Copy/Mailing PC Disk Program. No experience needed. Free Inlormallon. Send SASE lo: Cults, 8-7777 Keele SI, Ret. 7-207 Concord Ont, L4K1Y7 I NEED SOMEONE lo learn my business. Musi have leadership leadership ability and slrong desire lor abovo average Income. Team spiril an asset. Contact Steve(005)404-0772 JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS, a Canadian company, needs representatives lor Cluislmas Season ahead. 350» quality toys, puzzles. cralts..,6Q',i under under S15. Home party plan easily adaptable lor lund raisers. raisers. catalogue sates, Inhumation Inhumation Open House: Monday, September 30tli. Holiday Inn, 401 and Block Road, Whilby 7 • 9 pan. or call 1-800-361- •1587 X9-I90. Email: invamlelindc LABOURER • Intense, and must a bout with good hands lor mechanical work. Olivers license, resume. Monday- Saturday. Call [truce E -127-6600 til. LANDSCAPE TYPE LABOURERS LABOURERS requited lor underground entile Installation. Scaibor- ougli area. Valid drivers license license icqiilrcil. Call 410-208- 0//I. LAWN MAINTENANCE "7 SNOWPLOW operators needed needed lull lime. Experienced only. I,lx lesumo lo 905-623-6922 Nu I'liune Calls. CCE REQUIRED TOR Junior riium al little People's I'lay School. Pie,r,o send lesumu tu 33 lathy till, Ajax LIS 3113, low!™. LOSE WEI0IIT like crazy lot Urn last limoll 1-800-352-3228 men Oshawa This Week Ô65 Farewell Street, Oshawa ijlours: Mon.-Frl.: 8:00 a.m. - 8 p.m. Closed Saturdays ARE YOU LOOKING FOR WORK? THE JOB FINDING CLUB In BOWMAJYVILLE with Meta Vocational Services Inc. IS FOR YOU! This interactive and creative program will assist in providing you with the skills needed to effectively obtain employment. AT NO COST TO YOU, our Certified Job Counsellor will help you: r-v identify your strengths prepare an effective resume and cover letter i_> access the hidden job market improve your interview skills lv and much more The Job Finding Club is sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada. Call Meta Vocational Services Inc. in Bowmanville for more information. (905) 697-8887 1*1 Human Resources Development Canada Développement des ressources humaines Canada HELP YOUR HILDREN GROW! 70 ALL PARENTS A CREAT LEARNING OPPORTUNITY FOR KIDS Call the Distribution Dept, 905-579-4407 905-985-2511 PORT PERRY GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THE Learn OPPORTUNITY TO: • Responsibility ■ People Skills 1 Problem Solving ■ Life Skills Earn • Money • Respect •Trust • Recognition lum • Fears Into Confidence • Weakness Into Strength And • Goals Into Reality Newspaper Routes available in: Oshawa, Whitby, Courtice, Bowmanville, Newcastle and Port Perry area. This Week DRIVERS CLASS DZ ♦ Blue box pick-up and curbside sorting ♦ Previous experience preferred ♦ Immediate openings ♦ Permanent positions ♦ Competitive rates ♦ Company paid benelit plan ♦ Uniforms provided ♦ Safety Incentive program ' ♦ Productivity incentive ♦ Current abstract required Please apply to: MILLER WASTE SYSTEMS 1220 Squires Beach Road Pickering, ON L1W3Z5 Fax: (905)426-4223 Wo thank all applicants however, only those selected lor an interview will bo contacted, FB222 FB206 DJ024 FB231 FA238 FA217 FA594 FB279 DH013 FB204 FA245 pers FB487 FD591 FE466 CB506 CB053 DE900 CB048 EC301 CF104 CF116 pers CG041 CG038 DK100 DF718 DF715 FC278 W0801 WA226 WS100 WC021 WC003 WE046 BH019 BG002 HA0D2 BE001 BC802 BC060 BE007 BE008 Ottawa •'Whitby • Clarington • RxtHzny This Week requires carriers for the following areas: OSHAWA -Cadillacs Vimy-44 papers - King SI., Athol SI. 8 Farewell St. - 63 papers - Florian Cl., Riverside 8 Easlgrove - 36 papers - Baldwin Cl. 8 Baldwin SI. - 53 papers - Celina St., Maple St. 8 Simcoe St. S. - 64 papers - Ash St., Celina St„ Elm SI. 8 Simcoe St. S, - 61 papers - Olive Ave. 8 Court SI. - 43 papers - Athol SI. E., Highland Ave. 8 Wilson Rd. - 53 papers - Bond SI., Colborne St., Patricia Ave 8 Roxborough Ave. - 61 papers - Athol SI., King SI. E. 8 Rilson Rd. S. - 76 papers - Acbert St„ banting Ave, Court St„ Wickinson Ave - 44 pa- - Valencia Rd. 8 Cordova Rd. - 34 papers - Keates Ave., Chesterton Ave., 8 Farewell St. - 46 papers - Sylvia SI., Myers 8 Sharon Ave - 57 papers - Russell, Somerville, Simcoe SI. N. - 67 papers - Orchardview Blvd. - 64 papers - 994 Simcoe St. N. (965-951-949-945-941) - 96 papers - Sunset, Churchill, Simcoe SI. N, 8 Hortop - 53 papers - Centre St. S., Gibb SI. 8 Quebec St. - 48 papers - Buena Vista Ave. 8 Park Rd. N. - 38 papers - Adelaide Ave. W., Fernhill Blvd. 8 Madison Ave - 33 pa- - Carnegie Ave 8 Simcoe SI. N. - 43 papers - Simcoe St. N. (354-584) - 34 papers - Grandview St. N., Forestdale Ct., Windfall 8 Appleby - 63 papers -1111 Wilson Rd. N. - 39 papers - 570 Beatrice SI. E, - 66 papers - Wesley Dr. 8 Grandview SI. S. - 51 papers WHITBY - Athol SI., Brock SI. S. 8 Dundas SI. E. -144 papers - Barrow, Holliday Dr. 8 Ormandy Ct. - 49 papers - Brock St. S. 8 Watson St. E. - 60 papers - Sato St. 8 Bancroft Cres. - 41 papers - Brookwood Blvd 8 Willowbrook Dr. - 31 papers - Candlebrook Dr. - 35 papers COURTICE - Avondale Dr. - 53 papers - Kintyne SI. 8 Arran St. - 49 papers HAMPTON - King St. 8 McCallum St. - 57 papers BOWMANVILLE - Trudeau Dr. 8 Concession St. E. - 64 papers - King SI. W. - 89 papers - Queen SI. - 58 papers - Southway 8 Liberty - 32 papers -Jane, Nelson 8 llett-51 papers PORT PERRY PP015 - Simcoe St„ Caleb St., Elgin SI. 8 Clark St. - 21 papers PP013 - John St., Perry St., Water St., Casimir St. 8 Shanly St. -29 papers PP012 - Mary St., Casimir SI., Water St„ Perry St., 8 John SI. - 68 papers New Subdivision - Victoria St., Ash St., Steinway Blvd. - 35 papers To Deliver a Route near you and start earning cash tomorrow, call circulation at (905) 579-4407 We are a large printing company seeking qualified individuals for the following positions. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE In your role as Customer Service Representative you will have a proven ability to act quickly and respond to client and sales representatives needs. You are dedicated to developing and maintaining superior communication and support to internal and external clients to ensure a quality product and service is provided. Previous experience in the print industry is required. PRE-PRESS SUPERVISOR As Pre-Press Supervisor you will be responsible for the workflow and quality of work generated by your team. You have proven track record as a leader making you the ideal candidate for this challenging role. Knowledge of printing principles, theories and processes in addition to current prepress technologies (web, sheetfed binding/finishing processes) is required. Qualified applicants should submit their resume and cover letter, before September 30th. 200P to: Oshawa This Week File § 845 P.O. Box 481 865 Farewell Street Oshawa, ON L1H7L5 HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED • Qualified Stylists • Excellent wage and benefits package • Full and pari lime posilions • Busy locations • No clientele required 1 Advanced training provided *New Location In Whiffy* Positions now available in Ajax, Pickering & Whitby CalSaveria 905-427-6776 MAKE LOTS OF SSSSSS aller school!!! Telephone sales lor Garden Bros. Circus. No experience experience necessary. Monday to Friday 4:45 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Phone(905)579-6222 AFFORDABLE, MOMSSIONM. HARCAKE. CUARAOTHD» Visit our websilo: MATURE COUPLE FOR LIVE-IN SUPERINTENDENT Senior's residential housing requires a caring caring couple without dependents dependents who like working working together and want a truly rewarding career. REQUIREMENTS You must live on the premises, be a real people people person, like working with seniors and able lo have fun while you work. We supply apartment, apartment, training and salary. salary. Interested Couple Should send resume Fax(905)987-1643 GENERAL LABOURERS Whitby, $8.7S/hr, 4pm -12am shift Ol'KN ItOUSIC FOR IMMKMATK l'LACKMKNTSi! Ill in?: your resume, rel'erenees, mnl pliulo iileillilieatiim to the Osliawa Travel Lodge, 'Mil Champlain Ave, Osliawa, I.IJ 7Ah (Just nurlli ol" the -101 off ol' Tliiekson Rond) on Thursday September 2D, 211(12 from lllain- 2pm and meet willi our People Hank representative. All upplieanis iimsl have sal'ely hoots and reliable lianspoilalioii lo and from the Wliilhy area. For more liil'm nialhm, please euiilavt : Susan Mereer A I'linnerim?) 11 l-axi (0(15) 4711-5822 Ismail: simmT(ii'lhe|H'oplelmiik,t'om w w w,llK'|iviiplelianli,vom llxxkllkxk. MATURE RELIABLE PERSON required lor gas bar midinight shill, F/T. Bowmanville, Call 905-697-2109 MUSIC FOR YOUNG Children has sell-employed music leaching opportunities requiring requiring Grade 8 Piano, Grada 2 Theory. Special training Irom MYC. Phone Barbara (705) 742-9761 NEED A JOB? Have a vehicle? vehicle? Neal and clean In appearance appearance and willing lo work weekends and afternoons? Call (905) 579-7814. LOOKING FOR general labourers labourers lor woodworking shop. Fax resume lo 1905)723-39-15 QUALIFIED SCHOOL AGE ECE needed lor an established daycare. Send resumes lo: The Children's Place, 320 Ril- son Rd. S„ Oshawa ON LUI 5JI or lax 906-134-8708. Ho phono calls please. PART-TIME RETAIL Fumlluro Sales Help required. Musi bo available lor llexiblo hours Monday • Sunday, Apply willi lesumo A iclercncos. Conlact M,mailer 9Q5-GC1I-2/I0, PERSONAL ASSISTANT required required by a busy sates person person lor Iho Norlli Picketing area. Looking lor an highly organized organized poison with good computer skills, real oslalo experience an asset. Fax re- sunie lo Mike U05 (i-l!) G-105, PICKERING AREA • General lacloiy worker/ handy person, lorklill license asset, '/must be able lo lilt till ids. Please lax resumo to (905)427-015-1 Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 t: (416) 1 24-Hour Fax: (905) 579-4218 Clneslllod Onllno: Now when you advertise, your word ed also appears Our phono lino» mo open on lhe Internet at Mon, lu i ri. until ri p.m. Email:

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