PAGE 10THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, November 13,2002 We are looking for innovative, caring, and enthusiastic people to join our team! RESIDENCE THE WYNFIELD is a new 168-bed long-term care residence located in north Oshawa, dedicated to resident-centred' quality care. The foundation of our care is built on recognizing each person's past experiences, community connections, and individual needs to foster a sense of well-being and belonging. At present, we are seeking... Social Worker Quality/Infection Control Practitioner Nurse Educator/Clinical Nurse Specialist Nurse Managers (RN) Resident Support Services Manager Dietitian Cooks Nursing Unit Clerk Food Service Supervisor Environmental Supervisor Please apply, indicating position of interest, to: Human Resources Department, 1375 Southdown Road, Unit 16, P.O. Box 308, Mississauga, ON L5J 2Z1 Fax: (905) 822-7959 e-mail: We thank all interested candidates; however, only those selected for an interview will tie contacted. The facility will be opening in February 2003. No telephone inquiries, please. For more information about our other opportunities, check out WWW.r6gencyC3re.C3 Registered Practical Nurses Personal Care Providers (H.C.A./P.S.W.) Recreation & Leisure Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator Dietary Aides/Homemakers Housekeeping/Laundry Aides Restorative Care Aides Recreation & Leisure Aides Maintenance Workers & Manager As a Primary or Advanced Care Paramedic, you will he responsible to provide Basic and/or Advanced Life Support emergency medical services to ill or injured person's and transportation by ambulance to and from medical treatment facilities. Certification as a Primary or Advanced Care Paramedic, including: Diploma in Ambulance and Emergency Care or Paramedic Program from a community college A-HMCA certified by the Ontario Ministry of I lealth «*• Ability to be certified to work in an ambulance in Ontario as required by the Ambulance Act. Regulations and Base Hospital Current certification in Symptom Relief and Semi-automatic Defibrillation required •*» Certification in CPU * Valid class Ontario Drivers Licence Ability to work under stressful situations, exercise sound judgement in an emergency environment, and develop and maintain positive relationships within the department and with allied agencies. Must be available to xvork all shift patterns and in all locations. For more information on this position, please refer to the web site at We thank all applicants for your interest, however only those to be interviewed will he contacted. PHARMACIST ONTARIO LICENSED Improve your quality of life, practice in a community pharmacy. 1 hour east of Toronto, in scenic lakefront community. Attractive remuneration, excellent benefits and working conditions with a large independent. Call collect (905)372-7171 Dean PHARMACY ASSISTANT FZT & P/T Available. Required for Busy, ; Well Established Oshawa Pharmacy. ' Computer & Propharm exp. essential. Excellent Wages. Please contact us at: 905-655-0444 or Fax Resume to: 905-725-2096 EH|| Office & Business Space MODERN DOWNTOWN office building with elevator. Corner office with lois of windows. 1,456sq.ft. $8.75/sq.ft, net. Also available individual offices offices from S450/mo. + gsl. all inclusive. Landlord will decorate. decorate. available immediately. Call Ed Vanhaverbeke, Associate Associate Broker, Royal LePage Frank Real Estate. (905) 987* 3211 direct or (905) 686- 5877.Toll"-> f Ree" 1-86G-987- 3211- • o! Business Qpportunilies Office Help | Houses For Sale RAPIDLY GROWING C.A. of- NORTHEAST OSHAWA pre- wêêêM $$ GOVERNMENT - FundsSS Grants and loans information to start and expand your business business or farm. 1-800-505-8866 Apts. & Flats For Rent fice seeking a full-time accounting accounting assistant. Individual ' will be responsible for preparing preparing working paper files and • bookkeeping for several com- * panics including Payroll. GST 1 +PST Remittances. Will also ' be required to complete per- ' sonal income tax returns and perform office management functions. Please • reply by Nov. 15 by fax email or in person to: 905-728-6952, ', or ; 337 King St.W., Oshawa 1 HTV Sales Help ' & Aqenls. • COMPANY looking for Full- 1 Part time Sales Person to sell 1 an innovative product to hair 1 dressing salons. Protected ' territory. GTA & surrounding ■ area. Preference given to 1 those who service the indus- ' try and want to supplement ' their income with an addition- ' al product line. Send your resume resume to: Uniselect, 1753 Sha- dybrook Dr.. Pickering ON ' L1V 3A6 or call 416-805-6879 or email* , SALES PEOPLE wanted for ■ cellular industry. Salary plus ' commission. Full and part time. Fax resume to: (905) 1 850-8916. CLEARANCE SALE V-neck 1 printed tops $19.95. Printed • Jackets S24.95. also 2pc. - scrub sets S26.95. Uniforms • Plus. 2200 Brock Rd, North. 1 (1/2 mile north of Finch), ' dickering. (905)127-4348 ! DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/AS- SISTANT required for full time . position. Starting immediate- • ly. Must be HARP certified, new graduates welcome. Hours Mon.-Fri 8am-5pm. • Please fax resume to 905- 831-5975 EXPERIENCED FULL TIME pharmacy technician needed , immediately for busy medical . centre pharmacy in oshav/a Propharm experience pre- fened Fax(905) 725-0853 EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME Dental Rcceptionisl/Cliausidc Assistant with computer experience experience for 1yr. Maternity , Leave starting Dec./Jan. Deliver Deliver resume to Suite 202, 247 . Simcoe Street Noilh, Oshawa OFFICE MANAGER, lull-lime, . busy chiropractic office in , Uowinanvillc. Experience in , PMP program, Ohip ft MVA , insurance billing. Fax resumes lu: 'J0fi C23-G282 or call 905-623-8338 X-RAY TECH full or part time OshawaAVhitby. inammo ex- pcncncc a plus Excellent salary salary X benefits. Call 1-905- 731-4000 or fax 1-905-731- ferred area, 3-bdrm brick bungalow, garage, court location, location, near schools, hardwood floors finished basement w/ fireplace $189,900. Call 905- 720-2307 COURTICE - 2/storey, 3-bed- room house. Family room, w/ fireplace,, ca/cv. Double garage, walkout to large private yard, w/deck. S237.9Q0.905-433-3917. BOWMANVILLE, 5-BR HOME with in-law/nanny apartment. On private 10 acre wooded ravine ravine lot with creek ft stream. Asking $430.000, 905-623- 5061. Townhouses For Sale WHITBY • must see, large 3 bedroom condo. New ceramic. ceramic. doors, trim, broadloom etc. 4 appliances. S118,900. NO AGENTS. 905-999-0042 Out-of-Town Properties MONTAGUE, PEI summer retreat retreat or year round 2 storey home, 2 baths, large country kitchen, many renovations, large treed lot w/private back yard. Five minute walk to town marina. 15 minute drive to sandy beach at Pamure Is. 10min drive to 2 renowned 18 hole nolf courses ,it Btedcnell. $69,000 Phone (902)838-4532 weekdays after 6pm, anytime weekend. Pictures upon request. request. sne fpni Lots & Acreages 1 BEDROOM NEW custom- designed open concept 2- level apt/condo approx 700- sq.ft. Many extras including 6' round window overlooking green area. King East, Oshawa. Oshawa. $1100/mo inclusive. First/. Last, references. Serious in- quiries only. 905-579-8339 2 BEDROOM APT., Main street Orono, heat included, S650 plus hydro. 905-983- 8123 2 BEDROOM basement apt. available Dec. 1st. 4 pc. bath, fridge, stove, parking. $800/ first/last. No dogs. 905-434- 3644. 2 BEDROOM basement apartment. apartment. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, separate entrance, no smoking/pets. Cadillac N. Oshawa $G95/including utilities. utilities. Flexible-occupancy. (905) 983-5550. OSHAWA/WHITBY 2 BEDROOMS BEDROOMS plus den. very clean, partly furnished, all inclusive. Close to amenities, suifs professional professional couple, job references, references, $950/lirst/last. 905- 438-1935 2-BEDROOM Large executive in quiet adult lifestyle building in Whitby. New carpel, insuite storage, onsite laundry. $V25+/munlh. Available Dec./Jan. I 905-668-7758 P.E.I. TWO 10 ACRE lots on quiet paved country road. 7 acres clear, 3 wooded with brook running through wooded area. 10 min. to Panmule Island Island Beach, 15 min. form (2) 18 hole renowned goll courses courses al Burdenell: $49.000 each. Phone (902) 838-4532 weekdays weekdays aller 6 p.m., anytime on weekends, sne 401 IN DURHAM Region. Prestige site, ready to go 5 1/2 to 15 acres with all services $75,000/acre. Call Ed Vanhaverbeke, Vanhaverbeke, Associate Broker. Royal Lepage Frank Real Estate Estate (905 987-3211 direct or (905) G8G-5877 Toll free 1- 866-937-3211 Indust./ Comm. Space CENTRAL BOWMANVILLE, 3083 sq II. (up to 6.000 S(|. ft. aavailaablc. Clean open space with high ceilings, Low rental rate. Building also available for sale. Call Ed Vanhaverheke. Associate Broker, Royal LePage Frank Real Estate (905) 987-3211 direct or (905) 686-58/7. Toll 7-105 , Hotel Restaurant | Office & Business space OSHAWA • Experienced chef . shod order prep ami line . cooks returned for (tail/ restaurant restaurant amt banquet hall lor doll couiso. fax icsumo to (905) 4J3-7m Houses For Sale SIAGHAVf. 3 bi-ilionm. MOO- sq It 1 !i baths, all-wood lloois. (mitral an, ml himacu ft hoi water, millin',lied basement, basement, single attached garage. 26>26 foot dviacliuil garage, 16x32 loot mqiutiliil pool, hall- act h lot. $197,900. Call 905- UMIjW WÀllïiritONT family homo] 4 bediooms. double garage, main lloor laiiniliy, wiapai- (nmd deck, largo icc room with walkout to spring fed lake, easy commnlo Id Kingston Kingston or loronto, $1/0.000 lil-'MM'UH. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, Veltrl Complex, Howmanvillc. 68 King Street last. Ollicc/Re- tail Rental Space Parking ft Wheelchair • Accessible. Space ranging from 5Ki-oq.ll to 2195-sqIt. lor iiiuiu Inloi- matron call: 905 623-41/2 PROFESSIONAL OFFICES for lease Cotnlieo. $500/monlh includes all utilities, Call Sue DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 11,356 sg II loi lease or will divide. Newly renovated, commercial location with classy facade 2 street frontages frontages ami lull basement Available now limn $11./!) sq ft nel Call Id Vanliaveiheke, Associate lliokci, Royal to- Page I rank Ileal f stale. (905) 987-3211 duett or (905) 6II6- 5I1// loll lice t-fllili !lll/- 3211 401/WESTNEY HD. AJAX location. location. Newly renovated 1 bed. basement apt. within walking distance to Go Bus and tram. Ideal for single non- smoker, no pels. $700/ino. utilities included. Nov. 15th/ Dec 1.905-426-6701 AJAX - HARW00D/BAYLY, large one bedroom basement, sep-entrancc, parking, laundry, laundry, cable, utilities. 5775 inclusive. inclusive. Available Dec. 1st. No smoking/ pels. 905-426- 9209 AJAX Pickering Beach/Bayly 3 bedroom main level large living area, separate entrance, parking, available immediately. immediately. StOOO/month inclusive, tirst/last. Call 905-427-7409 AJAX, 2-BDRM basement apt., separate entrance, large cat-in kitchen, livingroom, 4pc battu ooiii, laundry, parking, cable, a/c. credit check required. required. $850 inclusive. 905- 427-699/ or C17-296-8355 AJAX-Bcaulilul bv-the-lakc. legalized quiet 1-bedroom basement . close to bus route. Sep. entrance, laundry, suit working adult female. No smoking/pcls. $725/iuonth in- elusive. 905-683-9QQ2 AJAX, CIIUnCII/KINGSTON, legal 3-bcdroom basement apartment, spacious, separate separate entrance ft laundry, $950/month plus 40% hydro. Tirst/last. Available Immediately. Immediately. No smokers, no pets. 905-426-4563,416-496-0600. AJAX, NEW two bedroom basement apartment, approx. UOOsqlt., separate entrance, I,mildly, utilities, one pniklmj Included $925. no smoking/ puts. Hossland/Cliuich area. December 7lh.J905)4?>3/1/_ Il AC II11 till BASE MENT apuilmcnl for lent In Oshawa All utilities Incliuleil, no pels, no smoking, lelcienccs, lust/ last lequuiMl SfiDO/month Hue 1st (905)11) I 0969 II0WMANVIIIE • 2 bedroom clean spacious apaitmeiil with balcony $l)5()/iiiimlli Including utilities, Fiist/I.i',1 No pets. Call M r,mill -i Oi)!» ÎU)/- 1603 BOWMANVILLE * January 1st, spacious one-of-a-kind 1- bedroom main floor apartment in well maintained 3-plex, 4pc. bath plus basement shower, eat-in kitchen, cupboards cupboards galore, parking, F/S, first/last, references. (905)623-7263 BOWMANVILLE, BACHELOR suite in newer home. Living room wVfireplace, balh, small bedroom. Parking, private entrance. entrance. Non-smoker, single, working person preferred. Ideal Ideal for person tired of commuting. commuting. First/last required, no pets. Available immediately. All inclusive, $500 (905)697- 9628 evenings or weekends. BOWMANVILLE, quiet 1 bedroom bedroom apt. avail, imnied., ideal for single working, non- smoker. $625. includes heat, hydro, parking, fridge/stove, relcrences/first. last, no pets. 905-623-7986 CENTRAL OSHAWA 1 bdrm $725 avail, now: 2-bdrm Jan. 1st $825. 3 bdrm Jan. 1st $950. Well-maintained building. building. near all amenities. 905- 723-0977 9am-5pm CENTRAL OSHAWA- 2 BEDROOM BEDROOM basement apt., appliances, appliances, cable, utilities included, included, available Dec. 1st. $8Q0/mo. all inclusive. First/ last a must. 905-438-8826 COURTICE - 2 BEDROOM main floor house, with laundry and kitchen appliances, quiet neighborhood, close to 401/ amenities. Large backyard and parking. SI,000/per mo. plus utilities. No pets. References References required. Ist/last, Available Available Dec. 1st. Please phone (905) 728-8979 after 6 p.m. COURTICE spacious 1400sqft apt in quiet area, 2 bedrooms, large livingroom w/fireplace, patio, eat-in kitchen, 4-pc bath, private laundry. Dec 1 $1,000/mo inclusive. 905-436- 6312 COURTICE Sunny furnished 1 bedroom, lower-level, private. Parking, laundry, utilities included. included. Suit single-working person. Quiet home. 700-S750 negotiable. Call 905-434-5704 COURTICE, BOWMANVILLE area, ranch bungalow, quiet country on 5 acres, fridge, stove, $1,200 plus utilities. Available Feb. 1st. (289) 314- 4787. EAST OSHAWA, 1-Bdrm basement, separate entrance, gas f/p, laundry, cable. 1- parking, avail. Dec. 1st. $700 inclusive. First, last. 905-436- 0487 LARGE 1-BDRM basement, laundry, separate entrance, 1- parking, security system, no smoking/pets. $700 inclusive. Dec. 1st. Close to hospital, OC Centre. 905-.404-9718 NORTH OSHAWA(Columbus) • Private main floor, 3 bedroom, bedroom, sunroom, laundry, fireplace, fireplace, pond. On 7 acres. Workshop negotiable. Available Available Immed. $1200*utilities. 905-655-3467or 705-454- 1035. 0LDE WHITBY Rare vacancy 2-bdrm in 6-plex. Avail Dec.1. Private fenced yard, new appliances. appliances. balcony, laundry facil, no pels. $1050/mth incls. utilities. Call (905)706-3640 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT and two bedroom apartment available Dec. 1st. in very clean, quiet well maintained . building. $750 and $875. Call (905) 721-0831. ONE BEDROOM APT. Bow- manville. Short-term, 5 months. Easy access to 401, Non-smoking, no pets. Stove, fridge, dishwasher, washing machine. Bathroom and bedroom bedroom on 2nd floor. $600/first/ last. Available immediately. 905-263-2316 OSHAWA SIMCOE S. 1-bdrm apt $500 plus heat, hydro. First/last required. Also 3- bedroom house plus full basemnl Simcoe ft Taunton Rd area. $1,000. Call Stephen at (905)571-3229 or 905-259- 5796. OSHAWA ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments for rent with backyard. Available Dec.1, Jan 1, Feb. 1. Ritson and Adelaide area. Please call to set up an appointment. CALL 705-277-1597 (TOLL FREE -not long distance from Oshawa) OSHAWA, 1-BE0R00M apartment for rent. No pels. First/last months required. $590 t hydro. Call (905)720- 4923. OSHAWA, Freshly painted updated decor, 2-bedroom, $725 plus hydro in clean, quiet bldg includes parking, laundry laundry on site. Available mime- diale. (905)434-9844 OSHAWA/WHITBY • one bedroom bedroom basement, (initially furnished, furnished, share bathroom, very clean, private entrance, utilities, utilities, cable Included. Immediately. Immediately. $600 Ist/last. No pets and references. (905)438- 1935 PICKERING • 2 Bedroom basement apartment. 4 appliances, appliances, 2 car parking, close to schools, shopping, GO. $850)1/2 utilities. Available Dec. 1st. Richard • Days 416- 865-7864 Evcnings/Wcckcnds 905-68G-96C2. DICKERING • 3 Bedroom main floor. 4 appliances, 2 car parking, close to schools, shopping, GO. $1200*1/2 utilities utilities Available Dec. 1st. Richard • Days 416-865-7861 Evcnings/Weekends 905-CE1G- 0662. I'ICkTrING • Block/ finch, 2 bed. basement apt., Sep, entrance, entrance, laimdiy. available Immediately Immediately $950/all Inclusive. No pcls/smokiiig. Aller 5 p m. 005-42B 0823 .DICKERING -'ONE'BEDROOM new basement apaitmonl, veiy blight, non smoker, no pels $850 per mo Available immediately. (005)600-6363 DICKERING MUST SEM lux" tuy 1300-sq-tl ground level very quiet walkout t-bdim ant Opc bath, jaui/zi, 5 appliances, appliances, fireplace, pool, cable, cable, No smoking. $1,160, Avail Due m Jan, UDO-BJI- 6516 or 4HH6WII60 OSHAWA VERY SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bclrm. apts. Close to schools, shopping centre, Go Station. Utilities included. Senior Discounts Call (905)728- 4993 OSHAWA Family Bldg., Large 2 & 3 B/R units. $765 $875 Utilities included. included. Easy access to schools, shopping. For appt. call (905) 721-8741 Condominiums For Rent Internet Sales Representative The Network requires a highly motivated individual to drive sales in the areas of- online advertising, sponsorships, business directories, auctions and trade shows. The successful candidate will: I ) have a passion for new technologies, and 2) possess basic design skills to prepare compelling online banner advertisements. Applicants must submit their resume electronically (in Word or PDF format) to: Todd II lay one, Web Publishing Manager IW* thmik all applicants. Onlij those selected for an interview will be'conlactcd Office Help Office Help EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY • Min. 2 - 5 yrs. work exp. in residential real estate 1 Knowledge of Conveyancer, Microsoft Word and Tcravievv 1 Strong communication and computer skills 1 Positive attitude 1 Fax resume and references to: Gillian (905) 427-5542 PICKERING, 1865 Glenanna Rd„ 3 bedroom apts., close to shopping, schools, daycare, GO. 4 appliances, heating, air, carpeted, large suites, From $1100. Avail, immediatley. 905-831-1250 PORT HOPE - One newly renovated 2 bedroom, $800 all inclusive. One small one bed- • room, $600 all inclusive. Both fridge and stove. (289) 314- 4787. PORT HOPE - 10 mins, west of Port Hope, large bright apartment, main floor of country home, hydro, parking, private entrance, central air and vac, great' for working couple or single, no pets, non- smoker, first and last, Dec. 1 or later. Call Reg 905-786- 2772. PORT HOPE - high rise, river view, large, modern, renovated, renovated, quiet area, scenic view and walking distance to downtown. downtown. One bedroom from $700, 2 bedroom from $800. 905-885-7799. REGENCY PLACE - 15 Regency Regency Cres„ Whitby. 50 + Adult Lifestyle Apt. Complex. Clean quiet building. Close to downtown. downtown. Quiet setting across from park. All utilities includ- ed. Call 905-430-7397. SIMCOE ST. N„ Oshawa, luxury luxury 2 bedroom, air, 5 appliances, appliances, $1,360. per mo. Available from Dec. 1st. Call ' (905) 571-3760 SIMC0E/MILL OSHAWA - Quiet building near shopping, transportation. Utilities included. included. 1-bdrm, Dec 1st, $729/ mo., 3-Bedroom avail, immediately immediately $929/mo. Move in allowance allowance $200. 905-436-7686 until 7:30pm SPACIOUS 1-bedroom upper level apt. Beautiful country setting in Solina. $725/montn inclusive. Non-smoker/pets. Available immed. 8 min. to 401 (E. of Courtice). 905-263- 4739. R/I.B.O LICENSED C.S.R. and TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Insurance experience preferred) Required by GROWING INSURANCE BROKER Fax resume to: 905-428-8672 BOOKKEEPER F/T COURTICE AREA To help implement a manufacturing s/ware system. Fax Resume To: (90S) 434-7939 Business Opportunities | Business Opportunities BUSINESSES WANTED We arc interested in growing our business into new areas by acquisitions or partnerships. partnerships. If you have a Durham Region / Northumberland County area business that would benefit from more promotion, ' we may be interested in talking with you. Our interest is primarily, but not restricted to, businesses in the areas of publishing, distribution, printing, customer fulfillment, consumer and trade shows, and advertising agencies. Please write to: File #825, do Oshawa This Week 1*0 Box 481, Oshawa, ON L1H 7L5 Email: niorcInisiiiesswiintctltfl/liotniiiiLeom describing the nature of your business with addresses / phone numbers to contact you. HI' will only contact businesses of interest. Houses For Rent Townhouses For Rent 1st Time Bayer? Prolesslonal Renter? Honest Answers....! Professional Advice...! To "Own" Your Nerd Homel mz.SXiSbro Mark Stanley : A-ABA-DABA-00, ..OWN YOUR OWN HOME! .6 months, tree! Frôm $550/month OAC, up to $6.000 cash' back to you, SBO.OOOt family income. Short of down payment? For spectacular results Great Rates. Call Ken Collis, Associate Associate Broker, Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate (905)728- 9414, or 1-877-063-1054, 3 BEDROOM HOUSE East Oshawa, St 100/month plus utilities, lirst/lasl. Available Dec. 1st. Call Dave 905-579- 3679. AN UNBEATABLE DEALI From $500. down, own your own home. Carries lor less than rent. OAC. 24 hrs tree recorded recorded message 905-728-1069 ext 277. Coldwell Banker RMR Real Estate. Aurelia Rasanu. OSHAWA, BE A part ol a community in a community. Now accepting applicants tor 2 bedroom townhouses at Hillcrest Heights. Contact Ken 905-576-9299 Please, no calls alter 9pm PICKERING SOUTH Liverpool Rd. 3-bedroom townlmuse, S1250 plus gas 8 hydro. Available Dec 1st 8 Jan 1st. (905)839-9446 TAUNTON TERRACE ■ 100 TAUNTON RD. W„ OSHAWA 3 bedrooms w/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring flooring Outdoor pool, sauna Children's, playground Close : lo.all,amenilios/Fenced.Backyards. lo.all,amenilios/Fenced.Backyards. (905)436-3346 ■ Rooms For Rent lufl & Wanted AJAX ROOM FOR RENT- Use of facilities. Working female preferred. S400 monthly first/ last required. Call 905-619- 0999. AJAX, LAKEFRONT executive home, Discovery Bay, room w/lakeview, bright, spacious, 4pc bath, SGOO/montn inclusive. inclusive. Avail. November 15th, First 8 last. Call 905-743-0126 or 416-276-4082. WHITBY Basement 1 room 8 upper level 1 room, Suilable tor female. Each $450/month inclusive. Available immediately. immediately. Call alter 7p.m. 905- 665-6946 ONE.8 TWO BEDROOM apis, available November. Conveniently Conveniently located in Uxbridge in adult occupied building. Appt. to view call 905-852- 2534 WHITBY - Newly renovated one bedroom apt. Close to go 8 401. No smoking/pets preferred. preferred. S750 + hydro, (heat/ water included) 905-666- 1261. 534 MARY ST., WHITBY - clean quiet low-rise building, park-like setting, balconies, on-site laundry, close to downtown, bus at Iront door, 905-666-2450. WHITBY ' country living, 1 bedroom apt. (can be tur- nished), suits single person, no pets/smoking, tirst/last, S635 inclusive, available any- lime. 905-655-8765 WHITBY PLACE, 900 BUN- DAS ST. E„ park like selling, close to downtown, low rise bldg, laundry facilities, balco- ny, parking. 905-430-5420 WHITBY, avail. Immediately, 1-bdrm basement apt. Separate Separate entrance, parking, nonsmoking, nonsmoking, no pels. 5560/ month Inclusive. First, last, references required. 905-668- 3364 AJAX - OXFORD TOWERS. Spacious apartment, quiet building, close to shopping, 401. GO. Pool, sauna. 2-bed- room, immediately. S950 + pk. Call [905)683-8571. ONE BEDROOM apartment lor rent. Newcastle village. SC50 plus utilities. Available January January 1. 2003. Call (905) 087- 3211 TWO BE0B00M apartment lor rent, Downtown Bowman- ville. Available Dec. 1/02. S750 per mo. Including beat and utilities. Call (905) 987- 3211 ..GOODBYE 1194 LANDLORD! Shared Accommodation CALL NOW TO OWN!!! 1STTIHE BUYERS (OAC) BANKRUPTCY? STEADY INCOME 4 '1000 DEPOSIT ■ FREEADV1CE0N-H0WT00WN ...WHY RENT? YOU CAN OWN!!H FULL TIME SALES REPRESENTATIVE (905)434-5222 1-888-732-1600 ©R0MBK' c Spirit Inc. AJAX -2 BEDROOM, impeccable impeccable Tiidcl Condo, available Immediately, Rclcicnccs t credit check required, $1595/ inonlh plus heal, hydro icable. icable. Caiol North, Rcinax fiist 905-GBG-38QQ CONDOS AVAILABLE: Dec 4/ 02: Januaiy 1/03. 3-bcdiooms, 3 bathrooms, private laundry, collcqe/uiilvoislly area. $945/ month. Please Contact mliynne smithgduiliamc on ca PICKERING PARKWAY spacious spacious 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, balcony, 5 appliances, air, light Inline, bioailloom, linking, close In amenities. Available Immediately. Isl/ Iasi, HQ-7311 2215 PICKERING PARKWAY • 3 bediooms, 2 baths, 5 appliances, appliances, balcony, all. naik- mu, cluse lu amenities Available Available Dec. Isl. SI,275/inoiilb. Call 1905) 1131 0759 or (410) 1101-7930 PICKEMNO. TRIDEL ■ one beiliiinni, balcony, in suite I,iiiinliy, Inline, stove, dishwasher, dishwasher, Immcili.ilii occupancy occupancy S17l)(l/iiiunlli. Call M5)Iiy-72KI WIIIIIIY CDIIIIO • available limnodlaloly, iinu bcilmoin, col,ilium, all appliances, to- cieallou lacllilios, SIOSO/uio 905-/711 9593 AJAX, gorgeous 2 storey, 4 bedroom, central air, 5 appliances, non smoker/ pels, S1700/month, mid December, December, Weslney/Magill area. 905-428-2015. 1AJAX • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 stoiey w/basement. 2-car parking, appliances & laundry Incl. $1300 monthly . utilities. Cicdil check leq'tl. Avail. Nov. Isl. (416)833- 5141 AJAX - 3 bedroom In semi bungalow, main lloor. $1050/ tirst/last Inclusive. Utilities included. included. No pels/no smoking. Available Dec. 1st. 905-472- 0924 AJAX 3 BEDROOM bungalow very clean hardwood Boots, laundry, parking, no pets, non smoker, Dec. Isl. S1150 plus 2/3 utilities. Ist/last (416) 568- 1437; AJAX • IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM BEDROOM 11/2 baths, upper ol house, 5 appliances, fireplace, fireplace, private laundry, no smoklng/no pels. Available Immediately. $1600. 047-280- 4074 LIVEBP00L/BAYLY • Detached Detached 3 bedroom bungalow. Large garage/workshop. Multiple Multiple p,liking, liicplaco! Dour onto deck. New kitchen. 5 new appliances! Heat schools, waloi/cablo Included. St07b/ mill. Cmlii Check, solid icier- cnccs icqulicd. Call 905-049- 08110,410-407-0010. OSHAWA 3 BEDROOM veiv clean, available Dec. Isl. 5 appliances, 2-paiklng, Inigo deck, close lu 401, $10/5 plus utilities, lirst/lasl 005-424- 9115 AT THICKSON/ROSSLAND- LARGE bedroom female preferred, preferred, spotless bungalow, kitchen, laundry, cable, internet, internet, telephone, large backyard. backyard. gazebo, must see. $450. 905-723-5653 BOWMANVILLE, 1 bedroom available Dec.1 (or sooner). Suilable for lemale. 5250/ month plus. Call aller 4pm (or more Information. 905-697- 2438 AJAX, renovated 3-bedroom to share, 6 appliances, parking, parking, cable, C/air, near all amenities. S450/month, first/ last relerences. Ed 905-428- 7737 519-247-9840 SHARE BIB 4 level back split, sale and clean, new bedroom downstairs, S400 inclusive. North East Oshawa. No smok- ing/drinking. Relerences, de- posit. (905) 433-5088 WHITBY, room lor rent sharing sharing kitchen 8 balh. Suilable lor single lemale. S400/monlh. No pels. First/last, relerences. Call 905-259-5089 RTÇB Rentals Outside EuJI Canada CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, 2-3 bedroom furnished manufactured manufactured homes. 85° pool, 105" hot tub, minutes to beaches and major attractions, NHL Hockey (Sfl/seal), Horse/dog Tracks, Blue Jay/Yankee Baseball. Children welcome. Photos. $375/wcck, Christmas Open. (905)083-5503. RTI Campers, HIl Trailers, Silcs Tutoring ETTj™ townhouses For Rent CARRIAGE HILL ■ 122 COL- BORNE ST. E„ OSHAWA • 2 8 3 bediooms available. Close to school anil downtown :t.liu|i)ilng. (905) 431-39/2. COliltllCE ■ 4bud, 4b,iths, (:/ alt, attached g.ii.igu, linlshcd basement, yatd, dock, 5 appliances, appliances, coinmiinlly, near amenities. SllllUiulili- lies. Call 905-401-1012 (Colonial tiqiirsjrimt (Centre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and adults) for our riding and horsemanship programs, etc. For further information and to register call 1-905-623-7336 33-tfSC ComputerOeals.Net (www) NEW AMD 1200*PRO computer computer with burner and DVD $699. Pentium 2 internet starter with monitor $399. Tons of off-lease laptops from $•199. We love doing upgrades ft difficult repairs. (905)655- 3661. COMPUTERS CHRISTMAS Special: Pentium/200 Complete Complete System (Internet Ready) ' $209.00 4taxes. Pentium , $299.00 4taxes. Other systems ft accessories, War- STALL OPENINGS: Trillium Equine Complex. Indoor ft outdoor arenas, miles of scenic trials, extensive indoor trail course, heated tack, lounge ft washroom facilities. 20 mins east of Oshawa. $310/month. Visit our web site, or call 905-983-5980. Poultry and Livestock 12 HEAD Simmetal Stocker calls. Plione 905-786-2965 GOATS FOR SALE, 20 bred Boer ft Nubian Nannies. 10 Boer Doelings, 10 Boer Whetherss, 1 Boer Billy, will sell as herd or individually, reasonable offers accepted. Call after 7 p.m. and ask for Palti, 905-342-2225. Clothing CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! All Brand New Stuff Kiatex Apparel 1076 Cedar St. South Oshawa (behind 7-11) Women's Party Dresses $29.99 - $49.99 Fax machine $40 Fila, Nike, Tommy Men's, Women's & Children's clothing & lots rpore gift items Come visit Us!! or call 905-579-2291 Bargain 1940S DUNCAN PHYFE mahogany mahogany tabic yrith 3 leaves 6 chair S550 obo. Mahogany Gateleg Table S300. 905-579- 0706 Articles For Sale HUNTER'S DELIGHT - 9II. slide In TRUCK CAMPER. 2 beds, stove with oven, liidge, luinace, washroom and hot water, can bo seen at Castle- ton Hills Trailer Park. Lol 4 or call 1-860-241-2224 or 905- 344-7838. WANTED TRAILER - 30-40 II. Mallard or similar. Musi be reasonable. Sleeps nine. 905- 433-2933. rXkl Snowmobiles SLEDAHAMA • Bill Annual Snowmobile Show, Sale 8 Ilea Maikcl. Sunday, November November 17th, 9-5 p.m. The Monow Building, I'otciboiough. (ticoigc/Lansdowno). Indoor/ Outdoor Event, lor Into. 705- 745-6979.WWW ramnsliowo ca A IIETTCH BEGINNING Academy, Academy, mailt, English, Special needs, LSI, lieu evaluation willi imiollmcnl. Pcisonali/cd/ following Onlailu cuiiiculum, Hcllson/Lllosmoio. (418)788- 8249, ETjCI lloiso Supplies gySfl A Hoarding CUIUS I MAS GIFT - tilling in c,miaou lesson gill ccilill- cates make the iiuilcit pies- ont lui lliu liosu luvei In ymu l.innly. In piucliaso yum gill coilllicales ploaso call llur Inllliiin Iquini) Complex tilth- 11113'blllltl or visit mu extern sivu well site at nwwliiilikom s NEED A v HOME PHONE? NO CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? NO PROBLEM? No deposit Required Activated Immediately Freedom Phone Lines 1-866-687-0863 LEATHER JACKETS. 1/2 price, purses from S9.99, lug- K from S29.99, wallets $9.99. Everything must Go! Family Leather, 5 Points Mall, Oshawa 905-728-9830 (416)439-1177 Scarborough CARPETS - lots ol carpets. I will carpet 3 rooms ( 30 sq. yd.) Commercial carpels 1er $319.90. Residential or Berber carpels for S389.D0. Includes carpel, premium pad, expert installation, Free,, no pressure. estimate. Norman (905) 686- 2314. 2 MEDICAL EXAMINING tables, tables, 72'x24'x23' high, metal frame, vinyl xioam tops, was SGOO sell S250 each. 905-839- 3029 leave message A-1 CARPETSI CARPETSI CARPETS! 30 yds. commercial commercial carpel installed with premium premium pad from S285. Or 30 yds. ol Berber carpel installed with premium pad starling from S375. We will beat any competitors written prices by up to toil. Free shop at home service, servicing Oshawa to Cobouig area. SAILLIAN CAR- PETS 905-373-2260. WANTED! Will plckuptpay cash tor oak or maple kitchen lablerchairs, diningroom furniture. furniture. nice bedroom sets or beds, nice livingroom furniture, furniture, newer fridge/stove, washer/dryer. Also any miscellaneous miscellaneous such as tools t yard equipmenl. Call 905-260- 2200 PIANO/CLOCK SALE, Home Show pricing on all new 2002 models ol Roland digital pianos, pianos, Samick pianos. All Howard Howard Miller clocks. Large selection selection ol used pianos (Yamaha, (Yamaha, Kawai, Heinlzmann clc.) Not sure il your kids will slick with lessons, try our rent to own. 100% ol all rental payments payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO PIANO (905) 433-1491. www.Tcl- WE WILL NOT DE UNDERSOLD! UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANK'S APPLIANCES. Fridges Fridges SIOO/up, stoves St 50/up, washers 8 dryers S350/pr. Washers S175/up, dryers. 5150/up. Stackable washer/ dryer 5499/up. Portable dish- wqslier $175/up. Large selection selection ol appliances. Visit our showroom. Parts/sales/service. Parts/sales/service. 426 Simcoe St.S. Mon-Fri 8-6pm. Sal 9-5pm, Sun 11- 4pm. [905)726-4043. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Amazing Electronics, 601 Dnndas St. W. Whitby. Call (905)665-7732. ANTIQUE, VICTORIAN lable, 16' white marble top. [905)697-9462 (sup) WASHER +DRYER 3yts. S450; gas sell-clean clove 3yr. $450: oak bedroom set 3yr. $800; upright freezer 1yr. S450; kitchen table 6 chairs tyr, $350; S300; single bed St 50; solabed $150; Iridgcrstove $300; mise, dresser sets, Can detiv- «905-263-2057 BEAUTIFUL EXECUTIVE Style Dak 9 piece dining room suite. suite. Pedestal table, bullet 8 hutch. Like new. Saciilicc S1500. 905-721-9770, 905- 721-9523. BED, QUEEN PILLOWTOP, mattress, box. trame. Never used, still packages cost 51025. sell $450, (419)727- 0509. BEDROOM SET, Bpr.o cherry- wood, Bed, chest, Irl-drcsscr, minor, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened. In boxes. Cost $9000, Sacil- lieu S2ROO. -116-748-3993 CARPETS, LAMINATE and VINYL SAI L. 3 looms, 32sq. yds. loi S339 including prern- lei iinilciparl and Insinuation. Laminate S2,39sq, II. Click System Residential, commercial, commercial, customer satisfaction Oiiaianlccil. lice Eslluialo. Mike 9U5-131-IQ10, CARPETS SALE 8 HARD- WOOD ILOOIIIMD: carpel 3 looms Horn 5329. (30 sq, yrl.) Includes: caipol, part anil Installation. Installation. lieu osliinalos, carpel icpalis. Serving Hill- Irani anil siiiionnillng aura. Crédit Danis Accepted. Call Sam 90!) liiHl-1772. CAIIPLTS: 111,mil new, cum- menial SI 29/11, tcslilenllal SI Mi ll liisljlloti willi pail, many mine choices, pioliis- clonal Install,illcin, quality un.iianlciol liini usHinalos, Clyde 4ltill0:ii'l)IU PLOW ron SALE • 1992 0 II. Iisliei, willi all miiliuls anil iniiiinV, hi hi 1IIIIII-I9(P.I Clicv, SIM) nlm -lift lil/l 41!Ill ramies: "Layaway Plan Available'. Available'. Call (905) 576-9216, byles COUCH/LOVESEAT set, two nallisler with matching cushions, cushions, excellent condlion, 1st set narrow green/cream/bur- gandy stripes, scolchguarded, 5950 set. 2nd set. - light coloured coloured wilh suttle pattern, S750 set. (005)427-4067 DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92' double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Bullet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14.000. Sacrilice S5000. (416)746-0995. ELECTRIC REACH TRUCK, 16 It. ol lilt. Complete battery and charger. Great running condition. condition. Certified. S3,500 or best oiler. Call (905)655-9616 FILING CABINETS, used vertical vertical and lateral, up to 70% OFF new list prices. 4x8 glass shelving on wheels S299: 4x6 lighted showcase, asking S799; chairs Irom S29.99 + up. 905-668-0800. Speedy Office Centre. FITNESS EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE - Leisure Works treadmill models 1100/1300 SAVE S500. Plus get a FREE heart rate monitor: Eclipse II Elliptical reg. 5599.99 now 5399; All Health rider Treadmills Treadmills S300 to $500 OH Plus FREE Delivery and Set Up (local): (local): 150 lb. cast plate package package includes 6' bar and dumbbells reg. S169 Sale S99; DP Treadmill S300; Nordic Track Elliptical one only reg. S899 sale S299 In Kingston Store only; Vision Treadmill $1650; Nordic Track Medallist Skier reg. S2000 sale $599 Peterborough store only; PVL Protein Special 2 lb. 18.68 limit two per customer; Cadence motorized Treadmill 5250 limiled supply; Yoga mats S24; Folding Steppers reg. S299 Sale 4199; Nordic Track skier S300; Manual Treadmills reg. S329 nov/ $75; FREE Ab Wheel vr/any purchase purchase over S25; Wesfo 860 Treadmill sale 5399; FREE local local delivery on all Treadmills; FITNESS TOWN, 749 Gardiners Gardiners Rd., Kingston 613-384- 3688, Peterborough Store, 815 High St., 795-745-8510. Toll Free 1-877-348-8696. FLOOR 8 WALL Merchandise display noils -assorted sizes $30/each tup, 2 electric cash registers, excellent condition. For appl. call 905-666-2045 FOR SALE: Washer 8 Dryer, stove. Excellent condition. Phone (905)723-6075 FREEZER - MEDIUM sized. Used lor only 9 months. Still under warranty. S299. obo, Phone (905) 72f-0GQ1. FREEZER UNIT COMPRESSOR COMPRESSOR like new, $2500. Call 905-797-2075 GIBSON EPIPH0NE. guitar (Junior model). Fender amp and case, only S290 obo. Call Mike 905-436-2997. POOL TABLES 8' 8 9' slate Billiard lables, Foosball/Jelto- ni table and table hockey for sale. Call 905-420-6113 QUEEN-SIZE BEDROOM suite Mediterranean oak, head- board, dresser w/several mir- rores 2 nighttables. armoire $1300. Antique double bed w/ matching armoire, refinished in dark mahogany $900. Anti- uqe Droyhill solid mahogany sideboard relinished S850. 905-831-9562 Brenda RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new TV's. Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market. 905-263-8369 or 1 •800-798-5502. SANTA CRUZ Snowboard (yellow 55') with Vision boots and case $175.9D5-436-2997 "SECRET FINDS" - Shop here tor Christmas or redecorating. Toys, clothing, appliances, furniture 8 more! Large Se- lection. (905)743-9976. SELKIRK CHIMNEY - 8' diameter. diameter. 8-30' pieces, 2-1 It. pieces, excellent shape, hardly used, asking S350 OBO. Call 905-786-1126, leave message. SOFA, LOVESEAT and chain medium blue, excellent condition, condition, $650. Also coltee and end tables, oak and smoke glass, $300. 905-831-1718 alter 5. TARPS Woven Poly Tarps, All sizes Irom 6'x8' to 30 x50'. Priced $5-590 (tax Incl.). Call Bowmanville 905-623-5258; Port Perry 905-985-7558 SHEDMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit, only S299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 1, Pickering. For more into, call 905-619-2093. STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 It. 8 22 It.. Call 905-430-7693. HITACHI 50" BIG SCREEN only $15 per week Delivery and set-up included No Money Down No Payments until Match 2003 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg • 905-373-0265 ®FREE ® 18" SNOW PUSHER with min. purchase ol SOsq.yds. ol carpel tor Month of November CARPET SPECIAL Rcc. Room Carpet IS. Asst. Colours 18 oz. ,56(!/sq. ft. 20 oz. .880/sq.ft. 10 mm Untlerpud . from $2,50/sq.yd. 36 oz. Carpet Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 from S89-S169.99 RICE & CO. 4 St. George St. S. Bowmanville 905-623-1622 TRADITIONAL OAK DINING room suite, double pedestal table, 4 chairs, 2 arm chairs, leal, hulchrbuffet, excellent condition asking $1000. Call 905-427-6396 WANTED: Toys, children's 8 adult clothing, appliances, books, knlck knacks, lurnilure - Consignments also, etc. (905)743-9976. EVFjfl Articles UEI Wanted LOOKING FDR PREVIOUSLY enjoyed Wedding gowns to sell on consignment. Ask lor Sheila 905-697-1676. WANTED - guns, swords, knives, military Items, ammunition ammunition etc. CASH PAID. 905-404-9094 evenings. HOSPITAL BED, $800., till chair $400. Both rarely used. Best otters. Telephone (905) 983-6276 HOT DOG CART - comes complete and ready to work tor you. Licensed In 2002. Many extras. Phone (905) 721-0601 KENMORE 18.5 CU.FI, lridge-S450. Kenmore Range- S350. protable dishwasher- S350, built in dishwasher S150., All In excellent condl- tion. 905-697-0371 KING pillowtop mattress set with frame. New In plastic, cost S1599. Sacrifice S650. (416)727-9599. LUIGI'S FURNITURE - Relocated Relocated at 500 King Street West, Unit 10 across Irom Oshawa Centre, just west ol our old location, location, in the Royal Bank Plaza. Plaza. Simmons mattress sale- bralion on now!! All Simmons maîtresses reduced to clear. All pocketcoil queen sets Irom S849 set. Mismatch Simmons double sels Irom 5499. All sels purchased receive your choice ol one ol the following. Free bed trame, tree set ol pillows, pillows, tree delivery or removal ol old mattress, or we'll pay the gsl. We also slock the lowest price mattress Irom S89, sets Irom S149. Palliser reclincr sola sels, clearance priced, good selection of fabrics fabrics to choose Irom. Palliser lloor model leather and upholstery upholstery priced below cost. Always Always in stock, the largest selection selection ol lutons in Durham, stalling Irom St 65. The best quality always at the lowest price. We also meet or beat all prices. Bean - bags are back!! Slock up now for Christmas. II you haven't seen the new store, come and visit us. Our quality and prices are unbeatable. unbeatable. Luigi's Furniture, 500 King Street West, Unit 10, Oshawa (005) 436-0860. LUXURY 7-PERS0N Coastal Spa. 1-1/2 yrs old. Z-7hp How motors, 40 lets, ozinator, cedar cedar cabinet w/stairsttibre optic optic lights 8 cover. SO,000. 005-723-0841 MOVING -Great Christmas Gifts. AAt condition gorgeous design, beautilul colours sola t matching chair, SHOO. Crallline cherry coltee t2 end lables $899.99. Lovely mahogany mahogany wall table $399.99. Sold wood dinlng/kilchen sel S999.99. While sink, matching vanily, $299.99. Antique door 23'x79' $199.09. Everything only 7 months old, open lo oilers on all. 905-432-2102 or cell 905-261-0G33 NATURAL MEAT lor your freezer, right Irom the farm. Chicken, beet, lamb, poik. Members ol "Organic Growers ol Canada.' (005)983-5370 NEW SNOWBOARD AND BINDINGS, still In carton. Sa- lomon-Dclinilioii-15-l cm. and SP5 Salomon bindings, retail value S700. asking $500.; Flicplaco glass-doom, best oiler, 905-571-0311 OFFICE FURNITURE, desks, cicilcnz.i, tiling cabinets, board room tables, P2 computers, computers, Ic,Hirer chairs, clc. Call 1410)110-0390 or visit 3/0 Monaicli Avc„ Unit 17. Ajax PIANO TECHNICIAN available tor liming, icpalis, 8 pre-pur- cliaso consultation on all makes ft models ol acouslic pianos. Reconditioned llclnlz- mail, Yamaha, Mason ft Hlscli, ft oilier grand or upright pianos lot sale. Gill Ccitilicates available. Call Haiti at 905-427-7031 ot check mil Hie woli al: www baibli, Visa, Ml), Arnex. PLAYSTATION ' MOD CHIPS I'SI basic chip $35; Stealth chip $60, PS2 chip $05; XIIOX chip now avail, luqiilin alioul mil games In slock, All woik giiaianlccrl. Iloalilco/Wilsoil tile,1(005)721-2360 POLISHED lUHCli (vôiy llglii wood) w/black lion basn/legs talilri, 4 chahs, 2 caul, lins chahs, I ilia Luge leal. (Inly I olil. Asking $14011. U05- Z/II'MII), (sue) WANTED 20 Gauge Shot Gun Call 905-576-5350 Vendors Wanted EXHIBITORS WANTED lor the 'What Women Really Want Show.' February 1 ft 2nd, 2003. Hilton Suites Hotel Convention Convention Centre ft Spa, Markham. Markham. Prime booth space still available. Call -1-888-211- 7288 ext 227 snp (CKTIh Firewood •WOOD GUYS', 100% hardwood, hardwood, seasoned, bush ft lace, delivered. Specialty woods. (Generous loads). 905-473- 3333. KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood, hardwood, guaranteed extra long time tolly seasoned, (ready to burn) cut ft split Honest measurement, tree delivery, 905-753-2246. APPLEWOOD, Burn the bestl tyear old. $240 bush cord, 16'+. Cut and . split, honest measurement. Delivered. 905-987-4445 or 905-242- 6141 Newcastle FREE FIREWDOD - Broken woodskids and pallets. Delivery Delivery available Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434- 0392. (snp) LAKERIOGE FARM FIREWOOD, FIREWOOD, the best quality wood, seasoned cut/split/delivered. Discount lor pickup. Volume discount. Serving Durham Region. Call anytime 905- 427-1734 Pel, Supplies Boarding 10 WEEK OLD black and Ian Cavalier King Charles. Bought tor SI.IOO. Sacrifice lor $600 firm. Call Shannon (905) 436- 6452. AND PUPPY DOG TAILS Dog 8 Puppy i Training Clmer W' Sal. Claeses 'g; Dog Grooming RUTH ANN MILLER 905-623-8000 CKC-REGISTERED SIBERIAN Husky pups bom August 31st, 2 lemales, 1 male; 1st shots, vet-checked, dewormed. Also parting lemale. Call 905-986- FREE TO GOOD home, 3 yr old 21/2 to 3 It. green Iguana in need ol TLC, too busy to cate 1er. Will give away heat lamp and rock. Ask lot Mel or Dave (905) 655-3620. FREE TO GOOD HOME, neutered neutered male cat. 1 1/2 yis. old, Call 005-697-1540 cup KITTENS roll SALE - 2 Himalayan, Himalayan, male, 1 Persian male, 9 weeks, tcady to go. ALSO 2 ye,it old male seal point Hint- alayan lot sale, 905-372-079-1. OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc. Classes stalling November 18lli. Basic and Open. To Register call Ocv. (905) 435- 0868 PUREBRED POMERANIAN puppies lor sale, 2 male, 1 lo- male, ready In 2 weeks. Call 705-8/8-7000 EljTjl Cars For Sale 1987 CADILLAC DE VILLE • Txccllcnl body, needs motor / exhaust system, 4 dour, power power sleeting, lully loaded, SI200, Call anytime 005-721- 1)125, 1989 HONDA ACUIIA INTEGRA, INTEGRA, 5-spood, low hllomn- lois, excellent condition, Nu lust, Must seel Coillllod ft a- tested SI.OOO obo Anita (905)660-0380 (sup) 1990 0L0SM0BILE Custom Ciulsor wagon, tuns good, body good SI0II5 as Is o.b.o. Call 01)5-905-3627,