www.durhamrcgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, Novemeber 20, 2002 PAGE B9 Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Engagements Engagements Daycare Available Daycare Available Daycare Available PINE & HARDWOOD LUMBER • Quality dry pine, oak, ash, walnut, cherry & butternut •Pine siding S1.00sq.lt. •Select pine from $1.50 sq.lt • Oak, butternut 1x4 & up from S1.00 linear loot • Ash reduced, cherry & walnut 1x6 and up from $2.00 linear It. 10 mins, east of Newcastle FRIDAY 4 SATURDAYS or by appointment Cash 4 Carry • 905-431-7230 Cars For Sale Cars For Sale NEED A CAR? Rebuild Your Credit With newstartleasing.com As low as $199 down, $199 /mth. 1-866-570-0045 Articles lor Sale HITACHI 50" BIG SCREEN only $15 per week Delivery and set-up included No Money Down No Payments until March 2003 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg • 905-373-0265 Looking for the perfect Christmas or Anniversary gilt? "A Place Called Solina" by Marguerite Fraser Popular hard covered book, 361 pages. Price $15 Phone Mrs. Mary Millson 905-263-8880 or Mrs. Pat Best 905-263-2216 Articles for Sale COMPUTERS . CHRISTMAS Special: Pentium/200 Complete Complete System (Internet Ready) Only S209.00 ilaxes. Pentium II/350, $299.00 itaxes. Laptops Laptops & New Systems. Warranties: Warranties: "Layaway Plan Available". Available". Call (905)576-9216, www.speedline.ca/bitsand- bytes. . CRAFTMATIC BED single, with mattress, lightly used, good condition, $850 obo. Call 905- <130-4739 DINING ROOM SUITE Table, 4 chairs & hutch. Very good condition, black lacquer $1000 obo. 905-433-1334 ' DININGROOM 14 PCE cher- rywood. 92" double pedestal. 8 a. " struction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5000. (416)746-0995.' FLOOR & WALL Merchandise display units -assorted sizes $30/each -tup, 2 electric cash registers, excellent condition. For appt. call 905-666-2045 FOR SALE: Washer & Dryer, Stove & Fridge. Excellent condition. Phone (905)723- 9233 FURNITURE must sell, no reasonable offer refused. Living/dining Living/dining room, Rec-room, computer & table, and much more. Call lor details. 905- 420-8802 TARPS Woven Poly Tarns, All sizes from 6x8' to 30x50'. Priced $5-390 (lax inch). Call Bowmanville 905-623-5258; Port Perry 905-985-7558 SHEDMAN - Quality wooden sheds 8' X 8' barn kit, only $299. plus tax. Many other sizes and styles available. Also garages. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 1, Pickering. For more into, call 905-619-2093. STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage conlainers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail con- ® FREE S 18" SNOW PUSHER with min. purchase ol SOsq.yds. ol carpel lor Month of November CARPET SPECIAL Rue. Room Carpel 15. Asst. Colours 18 oz. .5fi(!/sq. fl. 20 oz. .88(!/sq.ft. 10 trim UmliTniid from $2.50/sq.yd. 36 oz. Carpel Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 from S89*$169,99 RICE & CO. 4 SI. George SI. S. Bowmanville 905-623-1622 KENMORE DRYER, Inglis automatic automatic washing machine 5100/pr. Exercise stepper $30. Call (905)666-1206 (snp) KING pillowtop mattress set with frame. New in plastic, cost $1599. Sacrifice $650. (416)727-9599. Articles Wanted CASH PAID for plastic car models. Built or still >n the box. 905-435-0747. LOOKING FOR PREVIOUSLY enjoyed Wedding gowns to sell on consignment. Ask for Sheila 905-697-1676. WANTED - Bedstitting ches- terfield, 905-430-7169 WANTED - guns, swords, knives, military items, ammunition ammunition etc. CASH PAID. 905-404-9094 evenings. BeF® Vendors Wanted LOSE UP TO 20 LBS By Christmas. Call now 416-631- 3972 VAVW.lose2bfit.com LUXURY 7-PERSON Coastal Spa, 1-1/2 yrs old. 2-7hp flow motors, 40 jets, ozinator, cedar cedar cabinet w/stairstfiUe optic optic lights & cover. $6,900. 905-723-0841 MAPLE LEAF Hockey tickets, at Air Canada Centre. Excel- lent seats. 905-753-2246. MEDICAL SUPPLIES - Lift chair, Ajusta magic bed, wheelchair and miscellaneous. miscellaneous. Call 905-263-9968 or 905-432-3903 MODERN TABLE and chairs in birch with black iron base/legs table, 4 chairs and 2 captains chairs, extra large leaf. Only 1 year old. Please call 905-728- 9400 (snp) MOVING -Great Christmas Gifts. Mi condition gorgeous design, beautiful colours sofa imatching chair, $1100. Craftline cherry colfee i2 end tables $899.99. Lovely mahogany mahogany wall table $399.99. Solid wood dining/kilchen set $999.99. White sink, matching vanity. $299.99. Antique door 23"x79" $199.99. Everything only 7 months old, open to olfers on all. 905-432-2102 or cell 905-261-0633 MOVING SALE-futon, computer computer desk, mahogany formal 9pc. dining room set, bedroom bedroom set, pine king-size bedroom bedroom suite, Intel Celeron Computer complete. 905-686- 0238 NASCAR FANS Get Ready for Christmas. Gift Ideas, Pictures, Pictures, Posters, Die Casts & Collectables. Also stocking stulfcrs. Open evenings/wee- kends. Gary 905-436-7975 NATURAL MEAT for your freezer, right from the farm. Chicken, heel, lamb, pork. Members of "Organic Growers ol Canada." (905)983-5370 OFFICE FURNITURE, desks, crcdenza, filing cabinets, board room tables, P2 computers, computers, leather chairs, etc. Call B -6390 or visit 370 Ave., Unit 17, Ajax ONE DINING ROOM suite with buffet $250., one samock piano, piano, new $2,500., solid oak bedroom suite, brand new $2,000. One rainbow Lauzie with huge parrot cage $1,000. Call (905) 655-05789 leave message. PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor tuning, repairs, & pre-purchase pre-purchase consultation on all makes & models ol acoustic pianos. Reconditioned Heinlz- man, Yamaha, Mason & Risch, & other grand or upright pianos lor sale. Gift Certificates available. Call Barb at 905-427-7631 or check out the web at: www.barbhall.com Visa, MC, Amcx. PLAYSTATION MOO CHIPS PS1 basic chip $35; Stealth chip $60; PS2 chip $95; XBOX chip now avail. Inquire about our games in stock. All work guaranteed. Bcatrlcc/Wilson area (905)721-2365 POOL TABLES Ü' & O' slate Billiard tables, Foosball/Jctlo- nl table and table hockey lor sale. Call 905-420-6113 RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new T.V's, Full warranty. Paddy's Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or MI0Q-/9H-5502. "SECRET FINDS" Gnc. dining- room hutch/lablo, 60 s antique dresser, dining/kitchun wood table w/leavos. Wood bullet/ hutch, wood single bed frame, sola bed, toys, complete queen bedroom set. dryer ft morel (905)743-99/6, SOFA ft LOVESFAT (Ski,it) , Kenmoio imitable dishwasher, dishwasher, best oiler. Call aller 7 pm (905)6/6-/49:?. SOLID MAINE Diningroom or suit kitchen, table extendible on liolli ends, 4 chairs «2 armchairs, hutch itmllvt, ex- fcllont condilloil $9/5, Whitby 005'/25-0-U?0 EXHIBITORS WANTED for the "What Women Really Want Show." February 1 & 2nd, 2003. Hilton Suites Hotel Convention Convention Centre & Spa, Markham. Markham. Prime booth space still available. Call 1-888-211- 7288 ext 227 snp pKIfl Firewood CHRISTMAS TREE LOT owners, owners, Glt-IOft Spruce trees, minimum of 100 trees. $5. each. 705-277-2327. Pci, Supplies Boarding AND PUPPY DOG TAILS Dog 8 Puppy * Training Classes W Sal, Classes (if- Dog Grooming RUTH ANN MILLER 905-623-8000 BROOKLIN KENNEL requires pail lime gcnci.il help. Positive Positive pet handling experience Is necessary. Must be available available evenings, weekends and all holidays. Dianne (305 655-1721 CKC-nEGISTERED SIBERIAN Mushy mips bom August 31st, 2 females, 1 male; 1st shots, vet-checked, dewormed. Also ycailing female. Call 905-988- 0310. HE Cats For Sale $3300. 1331 DODGE SPIRIT. 13-I.OUOkriis. Certified and Drive Clean included. Please call 905-700-2720. tom CSC Sudani. $5995. 1995 PONRAC Grand Prix, loaded, 122,000kms, 00,000km powciliain warranty included. Pis Call Tom at CSC Snliaru 005-7QG-2720 1997 CADILLAC DE VILLE • Excellent body, needs motor / exhaust system. 4 dont, pow- ct steeling, lully loaded. SI200. Call anytime 905-721- !) IPS. 1990 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD loaded, cctlilicil. emission tested, as Is SI,500 Dill). Call 005-725-7220 1990 0I.DSM0UILE Custom Cnilsoi wagon, inns good, body flood. $1095 as Is olio. Call 905-935-3627. 1991 CAVALIER, led, Stan- liant, 211.OOOkms. Emission tested, as Is -Easily coitili- alilo. till'd miming car, many now pails, $000. Call (905)606-169:1. 1931 roill) TAURUS W.lflOII IX,'lully loaded, pnttiit lively- tiling, cnilsu control, only OSOOOkms, soiilot ililven. Asking S-I!.m) 0110. Call 005- 430 2194 1991 PillANII AM 4 limn, 170k, oxcellenl condition, ccildied S «.festal. Asking $2150 mill III Dll CILIIIIA, flood condition, o loslcd, ask. Ing $1150 as Is. Will accept v/liaPliavii vim as initial pay- nient 905 101 11895 W #=ï*ë*S***ë5*i"^ You are invited to an Olde Fashioned Christmas # in the Country J* Saturday, November 23rd W 10 am - 5 pm Browse through our century home, decked in A& Yuletide fare and enjoy the ambiance of yesteryear. Visit our country shop, filled with 'F* the treasures you love. 1 ^ Featuring ' Pine Furnishings, Period Reproductions, ^ Country and Victorian Accents, Christinas Decor, jfc Bearington Bears, Scented Candles % t * $ % Regular Store Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10 am-5 pm JUL W The Wooden Carousel 905 Regional Road 42, Bowmanville (Clarke-Darlington Townline) (905) 697-0919 Engagement Pete & Kathy Sutherland are pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter Robyn Dubeau to Adam Boyd Adam is the son of Pauline & Al Mote. Tlieir wedding will take place May 3rd, 2003 ( Prime Home Dai Cm TVdett only t6e 6eot (vitt do-! Working as partners willi parents and Providers, Wee Watch caters lo the growth and development of children in a safe, home environmenl. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • income Tax Receipts • Full and Part Time Care Please call: Bowmanville/Oshawa East - 433-0558 BOWMANVILLE A LOVING MOTHER welcomes your child in a smoke-free home. Lots of fun, nutritious food and worry-free. Infant CPR certification. certification. Ages 2*. Please call Tracey 905-697-9884 QUALITY CARE in a friendly learning positive home environment. environment. Many activity centres. centres. Large fenced vard, non- smoker. First Aid/CPR certified. certified. Olive/Townline. Call anytime anytime 905-723-9570 or 905- 439-0540. LOVING EXPERIENCED daycare daycare available offering year- round, full-time care, Nonsmoking Nonsmoking environment. Sandringham/Trulls Sandringham/Trulls Courtice. Receipts Receipts available. 905-433- 8732 Improvements Home Improvements Garbage Removal Hauling Anniversaries Anniversaries TICKETS FOR- SALE all Toronto Toronto Raptors, Leals Vrs Detroit Detroit Nov. 16, Philiy Nov. 23, Rangers Dec.14, and others, also will buy and sell. 905- 626-5568. WANTED: Toys, children's & adult clothing, appliances, books, knick knacks, furniture - Consignments also, etc. (905)743-9976. Van Belle Flowers ^ Annual Christmas Open House Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 21, 22, 23 > Van Belle flowers would like to invite you to 1 our annual H OJ Christmas Open House at our Courtice Location }■) Take a walk through a sea of reelpoinsettias at our , greenhouses in Courtice. Browse through a spectacular ', showroom filled with fantastic Christmas gift ware, silk arrangements, garlands, wreaths amt candles. Open House Features: 15% off all Cliristmas giftware, candles, artificial M arrangements, bows Craft Seminars for wreathe making and fresh floral j arrangements Free Craft Seminars for Kids on Saturday (Pre-registration for seminars is necessary - class sizes are limited) Colouring Contest for the Children Win a Dinner for 2 at Harpo's Restaurant and Fresh i A Cliristmas arrangement front Van Belle Flowers t '.JsMj Open _ Af' MondayAVcdncsiby 8:006:00 Van Belle FlOWCrS £S1 SmM 1979 Highway 2, Bowmanville i Sunday Closed b 905-623-4441 800-263-8008 ' "WOOD GUYS"; 100% hardwood, hardwood, seasoned, bush & face, , delivered. Specially woods. Bagged firewood. (905)473- 3333. AAA-LAKERIDGE FARM FIREWOOD, FIREWOOD, the best quality wood, seasoned cut/split/delivered. Discount for pickup. Volume discount. Serving Durham Region. Call anytime 905- 427-1734 KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood, hardwood, guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut & split Honest measurement, free delivery, 905-753-2246. FREE FIREWOOD - Broken woodskids and pallets. Delivery Delivery available Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434- ■ (snp) Christmas Trees Jlekker's len COME JOIN THE FUN AT OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA FESTIVAL -TOURDAY~ SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd, 2002 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. One day only - our production greenhouses will be open to the public to view over 60,000 poinsettias in a variety of colours. Take an educational guided tour at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. lor a behind the scene look at Poinscttia production or lake a self-guided tour throughout the day. Bring your camera. SEE THE EXCITING NEW POINSETTIA INTRODUCTION FOR THIS YEAR, "CORTEZ BURGUNDY". LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE. FREE Refreshments, Kiddy Corner, Bow Making Demo Hours: Daily 9-6 p.m. Sunday closed 1992 PONTIAC LAMANS SE 4-door, 4-cyl, auto, ps/pb, 140.000km, excellent cond. stcico cassette, buckels/con- sole, no nisi, S1550-obo. 1990 CIIEV CAVALIER 4-door, auto, ps/pb, air, look/runs great, stcico cassette, mechanically A t. tally tints, $1250. 005- 404-8541 1993 JEEP GRAND Chetokee Laredo, optional 4»hccl drive. 194K. ccitilicd & c-tcstcd, well malnlaieil, $0,500 oho. (905)420-7532. 1993 SUNBIRD, -tdr, automatic. automatic. air conditioning, power power locks. CD player, non- smoker. this car is spotless. $2950 emissions & ccitilicd. Call (905)213-0830. 1994 FORD MUSTANG 3 8 Idle automatic, air, AM/FM cassette, power windows, locks 8 trunk. Excellent condition condition $5,500. obo 905-852- 5009 1994 EAGLE TALON. IGv. non turbo. 5 speed, White/DLack, 150,kins, needs motor walk, ns Is-condition. $2500 000. 905-101-9310. 199-1 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE, 4 tlr., V0, auto, air, mint comlilioii, no rust, ccitilicd 8 c-lcslcd. $4,700 obo. (905)570-11014. 1995 PONTIAC GRANÜ-AM 2- door, lully loaded, low kin. $5,000 ccitilicd 8 o-tcsled. 1105-201-0200. *1999 CAVALIER, III 2-dum spoils coiino. lady ililven. excellent excellent comlilioii, well maintained w/seivice iccotds, 75,000km. A',king SO,900 o 0 (i. ccililicdS e Ii".,led.005-Ii9li-9I15, 1990 TOYOTA CAMI1Y OX Plus, 70,000km, -Icyi. attlo, ait, nuise, p/w, p/I, keyless, iivcnlilvo, power mode, am/ Im cassette, 4 ipeakvn, l.itipo, (ion-smoker, gauge, $12.200, 905 02,1 09/5 199/ MERCURY" SAIILE OS, l.uly durai, lil.tlOIlkmv,, I'W, I'l. I'll, M:. pcilcct comlilioii, reitilicil il-l(",teil. While. $9500.0066969207 1097 MUNIE CAIRO it, 192,0110 kins, mi cat, under 15.000 km:,, mi liianil new I1M miiliil, li-alhm, In,nli'il, Sm.llOII tciIllicit 8 r-losletl. 005 1109 1525 FOR SALE SNOWMOBILE TRAIL PERMITS Canadian Tire Parking Lot Thursday Nov. 28th 9 a.nt.-6 p.m. Friday Nov. 29th 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday Nov. 30th 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday Due. 1st 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Price: until Dec. 1st $140.(M) After $170.00 firing ownership as VIN now required Long Sault Ridge Runners Snowmobile Club e® Ï Christmas Sofa et MR ART Si GIFT SHOP 7-1021 tint/ 7/1 lietlmmj Nov., Dee. Tliurs. - Sun. It:3t)mn-. r >:3thmi (703) 277-27/r / Alsu, Visit AIINTIAIIKAV IVAKOOM for lunch or ti/fiTiiiiiin Ice (Juelili/ Cefts-Uceseneiili' Prices 1997 OLUSMOIIILE LUXURY Idilinii • One lime driver, leal, lour dour. Automatic, lully loaded, mi lust, ceititied. $10,500 I'edetl condilloil. Call 905-729-9909. Ï99Ü HONDA ACCORD, LX Milan, hein», 5 speed, powet ivlnilows, Illinois, locks, an, tinted tinted glass, mint comlilioii. $15.51111 cnililled, Hall Ryan jlllil 716-3990 or (005) 424- 92 I'lYMOUtll ACCLAIM I/I),mill km. tuns 8 locks good, Coilihotl $2,200. Call Klik 905-201-4397 1999 HONDA CIIV 4X4 speed, AC, sleico vv/G CD power windows, locks i mis; ciulso control, keyless cnliy/alaim, 127k, $17000, 410-716-1903,905 812-0220 1999 NISSAN ALIIMA SC 113,000kiiis, 5 speed, leallie Inloilor, slotoo CD, -I dour powei oveiytliiiifl, icgulaily msl-piooleil, $11,9110, Call 005-990-1030 2002 SUNIIIHU, 4 ill, sedan, $1201). Call 995-725 970/ 50^ AmlaeUa/ufr { & JhLhed tynimk and jamitif ade mailed to i ilta/ie in tbif hap-ptf ceUmtim at o Open dlouAe, 9m tkePi komud ^êtmdcuf,, ftm. 2¥ l 2002, & 1-5 pm at the (lodfol GcMaxStiam Adi fyofee., 020 tl/iiuj- SleueniM Road flcntli (0-lliaiva.Alipcnt) (deft Waked OmLf, I » T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Contracting, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 TonyFanara 263-9988 Vans'4-Wheel Drive Personals OPEN HOUSE The Lord Blessed Our Parents Peter & Jennie Vermeulen with 50 Years of Happy Marriage With love from John, Ron, Marilyn and Ed & families Opportunity to Congratulate is on Saturday, November 23rd 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. at Rehobotli Chr. Ref. Church 130 Scugog Street BOWMANVILLE Good wishes only please 1991 CHEVROLET ASTRO extended van. This van is in excellent condition and loaded. loaded. Power steering, power brakes, tilt wheel, power side mirrors, power seal, power windows, pov/er door locks, air conditioning blows cold, rear heater, pulse wipers, overhead console. Certified, emission tested and ready to no. This van is a steal at $3900.905-571-5138 1994 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY MINI VAN, AWD, 154Ks, loaded plus. E-tested/ certified, one owner, non- smoker, excellent condition/ all leather. $8900 905-683- 6750 1994 DODGE CARAVAN SE, one owner. Rust check. Great running condition. 6cyl, auto, cruise, ps, pb, pw, pi, security. 225.000 hwy kms, new brakes, tires, starter, rad, battery. battery. E-tested Aug/2001. $2,900o.b.o. 905-427- 1878snp 1999 VENTURE Extended van, 340, 7-passenger, teal green, air, pov/er, dual sliding doors, air bags, anti theft locks, CD player, built-in childs seat, 74.000 km. Excellent condr- tion, $15,900.905-434-1363. 2001 PONTIAC Montana, fully loaded, low mileage, excellent condition, $25,000. call 905- 434-9357 2002 DODGE CARAVAN, Olympic Edition, 14,500 kil., assume lease o.a.c. $453.99 per month. Telephone (905) 723-9762 95 PATHFINDER XE 4x4, white, blue interior, chrome rims, fully loaded, 219kms (hwy) -it's only a number, don t let it fool you. $12,500 ems & cert. Open to offers. Mint condition, second owner, lady driven. (905)743-9976. Motorcycles 1996 SUZUKI King Quad 300 cc, 2 & 4 wheel drive, hand and thumb warmers, good condition, 5000 km. $4200. 905-885-1196. 2002 HONDA SHADOW ACE, 1500kms, black, mint condition, condition, many accessories. Asking Asking $7,500. Call (905) 404- 8242. DIVORCE SURVIVAL STRATEGIES... STRATEGIES... Before spending large sums on legal fees, call the Family Law Centre. Our lawyers will present you with options and offer smart and proven strategies to help reduce reduce legal fees, safeguard assets, and defend your child custody and access rights. "Separate Smart" TOLL FREE 1-866-900-4529 SUCCESSFUL 39-YEAR OLD single male seeks longterm relationship v/ith single fit attractive attractive female 32-43. I am new to Durham region and own my own business v/ith freedom to do things I like: travel, golf, working out. I enjoy enjoy going out and also quiet nights at home. As a non- smoker social drinker, would prefer the same. Reply: Box 337 Bowmanville ON L1C-3L1 email: mca4fun@msn.com St tk 'TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE V/E BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our GENERAL SALVAGE tfte- Wt. SERVICE callus 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting • fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Frl.8-5, Sat. 8-12 40-nc y Painting and Decorating Mortgages Loans Announcements SSSMONEY FOR ANY PUR- P0SE$$$ - Specialized in hard to'place mortgages, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as low as 4%. When your bank says no, call us! Debt console, mortgage or tax arrears okay. Ontario Wide 1-888-591-6057. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to. 100%. From 5.55% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast profession- al service call 905-666-4986. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, & protection protection for your assets. Cali now: 905-576-3505 PURCHASE (5% DOWN), Refinance Refinance (Commercial & Residential), Residential), Debt consolidation (unlock equity & pay Mortgage Mortgage rates consolidate high interest credit cards), Self- employed, can't verify income, income, good credit. Well find you the best deal. Call N. Gil- rani @416-450-8568 Frank's Funds Inc. a y m PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painling, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. (905)-697-9601 or Cell (905) 213-9749 Gardening & Landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE "V- 41 up -V Tree Trimming Tree Removal Free Estimales Fully Insured (905) 263-2538 Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICEI NOW WITH CHATLINE! Durham's Own! Sometimes love is just not enough. Listen to the voice ads free. Women free to meet men. 905-683-1110 Massages Cars For Sale 2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE L.T., 5 spd. manual, 2.2L 4 cyl, a/c, am/fm/CD, remote keyless entry, conv. pkg, reclining front buckets, ps, pb, pd, 15" wheels, 44,500 hwy. km, factory factory warranty, will certify, $10,900.905-655-9265. 78000km 1987 DODGE ARIES 4-door, automatic, clean, runs great, $1450. 1986 DODGE PLYMOUTH CARAVAN SE, auto, fully loaded, 162K, runs great. Must see. $1175 905- 213-3053 91 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 4-door, bucket seats, pw/pdl, cruise, tilt, ac, 280,000km. Still in use today. Must sell $2,500 as is firm. 905-852- 0004 91 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4- door, A/C, PL/PW, new brakes 6 new tires. Alpine stereo system w/Sony speakers. $3000 e-tested. 905-436-7608 85 CADILLAC SEVILLE 4-Door, loaded, new factory engine w/ recepts 1-yr v/arranty left, moonroof, leather, $1850. 1992 PLYMOUTH LAZAR, 2- door sport, 16 valve, 5-speed, loaded, one owner, no rust,' $775 as is. 905-213-7476 1995 .CHRYSLER CONCORDE high mileage but excellent condition. $3,900. Certified and e-tested. Call 905-261- 4397. snp PRIVATE DEALER LOOKING FOR CONSIGNMENT VEHICLES. VEHICLES. I will get you the BEST PRICE for-your vehicle and detail it before it's sold. (905)743-9976. wnm Cars ■àli* Wanted Cars For Sale 1999 DODGE DAKOTA, low mileage, factory warranty up to 160,000km. Call for details details 905-579-2394cnp TV SHOW SEEKS CoDples and Families with relationship problems. Expert J Therapist helps. Be paid. Call 1-866- 466-1426 Home Improvements Trucks Wanted Lost and Found WANTED - 1966-71 JEEP K " ;. V6 Buick 225 engine, oil air cleaner assembly. Call 905-721-2844 snp FCTjl Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirye FOUND during Applefest in Bowmanville, Hooper's bag containing non-jewelry purchases. purchases. Please call 905-623- 4858 to identify rffil Personals Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 SPECIAL $35-35 MIN Modern Wellness Relaxing treatment by beautiful Russian girls, New faces weekly. (905)579- 2715 1995 WINDSTAR GL, 10,000km on new 3.8L engine. Certified & e-tested. $5,200 firm. Call 905-433-1299 GUITARISTS anyone interested interested in playing guitar; Neil Young, Liahtfool, Country or Rock and/or singing, nave some fun, call Don. 905-428- 7114 after 5. e-mail mill- mark1@look.ca Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be In tunning condition. Call •I27-2-II5 or come lo 479 Bayly SI. East, Ajax al MUR- AD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all lor good cars and trucks or lice removal lor scrap. Speedy service. (905) 655-4009 Eilll Trucks For Sale $8900. 1993 DODGE D150 4X4 5.2L V8, 11B,OOOkms. V year Lubiico Powertrain Warranty Warranty Included. Pis call Tom CSC Subaru 905-706-2720 1985 BLAZER, 2 dr., black, 4 x 4,197 km., e-lesl, new tires, paint and caib. $1,950. 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