www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, January 22,2003 PAGE 11 Auctions Auctions Auctions Auctions Auctions Coming Events Coming Events Cars For Sale Cars For Sale Registration ❖ PUBLIC AUCTION KAHN AUCTION CENTRE Estate & Consignment Our Specialty at 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 401 on Brock Rd. "BIG ORANGE BARN" Selling Antiques, Collectables, Estate Contents, Furniture, Glassware & China THURS. JAN. 23rd, 6:30 P.M Start NEW PREVIEW TIME - 4:00 P.M. ESTATE FROM THORNHILL TO INCLURE COIN COLLECTION, ROYAL DOULTON DISCONTINUED FIGURINES, GOOD QUALITY ANTIQUES ANTIQUES AND FURNITURE: Victorian Easllake chest of drawers, mah. Es- lerge what not, Vintage oak bookcases, early childs chest, walnut table w/3 leafs, 9 pc. mah. clrc. 1930 diningroom suite, walnut china cabinet, Queen Ann tea table, early walnut tavern table, pine chest, early clrc. 1875 settee, oak empire dresser w/mirror, trench dresser, Villas maple dresser, Rosewood Rosewood wine table, corner cupboard solid maple, oak sideboard carved, Ca- nadiana parlour table, many old collee & end tables, lois ol old Canadlana, gualily used bedroom & diningroom turn, loo many items to list. . SPECIAL INTERESTS: Coin collection from Thornhill to Include Canadian and US, from penny to 50 cent pieces, dating form 1920 to 1975, Gl Joe box, older Tonka toys, childs tricycle & sled. We are also selling brand new 3 pc. sola sets, quality fine turn, Includes Queen Ann diningroom suite, suite, New England Chippendale diningroom set & balance ol container ol carved walnut & mah. 18th Century style turn, includes grandfather chairs, slacking bookcase, china cabinets, accent tables, dressers, many new Items. INTERESTING ITEMS: Lois ol old silverware, Vintage Michigan cash register, autographed celebrity pictures, several bronze ligurlnes, old lamps, lost ol old estate Jewelry wilh appraisals. ART AND OIL PAINTING: 3 Limited Edition Trisha Romance, Group ol 7 Limited Limited Edition gualily framed from Casson, Thompson, Carmichaels, Harris, some lirsl lime ottered in Ibis scries, many oilier Canadian artists Limited Edition, some first lime offered, a great selection ol professional painted new & old oil on canvas, watercolours etc. GLASSWARE AND CHINA -Royal Doullon discontinued ligurlnes, partial list lo Include: #1420 Miss Dcniuce; #2132 Suitor; #2229 Southern Belle; #2147 Nina: #2458 Diana; #2229 Winsome; #2347 Clarissa; #2734 Sweet 16; #2742 Sheila; #2337 Loretta; #2937 Gail, and others, Zaworskl crystal collection, collection, Carnival glass, Cornflower, lois ol old 8i new decorated china arriving arriving daily. There will be over 50 lois In this calegory. AUCTIONEERS REMARKS: This sale will be a great sale ottering ol over 350 lots. Please he sure to attend. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, debit card. No registration registration tec. 10% buyers premium. Delivery available. For mote into, or lor consignment please call Vidor Brewda-Audloneer (Member ol the Ontario Auctioneers Association) at (905) 683-0041 B.I.D. AUCTION SERVICES OUTSTANDING AUCTION NOTICE EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD - DIRECT FROM THE MFG. ESTATES 1 LIQUIDATIONS 1 CONSIGNMENTS' HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1 DINING ROOM SUITES' COLLECTIBLES 1 GROUP OF SEVEN ART COLLECTION 1 LIVING ROOM SUITE 1 GOLD & ■ DIAMOND JEWELLERY 1 DECORATIVE ARTS 8 CRAFTS 1 SPORTS MEMORABILIA - LEAFS 8 LEGENDS 1 SILVER JEWELLERY 1 LAMPS 1 GRANDFATHER CLOCKS 1 TVS 1 DVD 1 STEREOS 1 CATALOGUE SALE - WILL BE SOLD IN DETAIL WITH NO BUYERS PREMIUMS BY: PUBLIC AUCTION SUN., JAN. 26 AT 1 P.M. (PREVIEW 12:NOON) THE PICKERING SPORTS COMPLEX 1867 VALLEY FARM RD., PICKERING (West of Brock Rd. South from Hwy. #2) OVER 1000 ITEMS TO BE SOLD NO BUYERS FEES OR PREMIUMS* ARRIVE EARLY - LIMITED SEATING Sale to include: Modern & Estate Jewellery, Estate coins, collectibles, furniture, giftware, nostalgia items, designer lamps, sports memorabilia collection, foyer mirrors, Fabrege style collector eggs, jade desktop globe, TVS, Stereos, cordless phones, compact disc players. DVD players, large selection of accent furniture, artglass, original oil paintings, signed hockey jerseys, clocks, wildlife sculptures, porcelain figurines, A.J. Casson (1898-1992) Original Signature artworks and more. Terms: Cash, Visa, Me, Interac, as per posted & announced, additions & deletions apply. Information: call -905-940-0713. Tovmhouses For Bent PICKERING SOUTH Liverpool Rd, 3-bedroom tov/nhouse, S1250 plus gas & hydro. Available immediately. (905)839-9-146 TAUNTON TERRACE - 100 TAUNTON RD. E„ OSHAWA 3 bedrooms w/without garage. 3 appliances, hardwood flooring flooring Outdoor pool, sauna Children's playground Close to all amenities Fenced hack- yards. (905) 436-33-16 Rooms For Rent M " &Wanted A LARGE FURNISHED room, full ensuite bath, cable TV, parking, fridge & microwave, by Rouge Valley (Altona/ Sheppard) $535/monlh. (905)509-6072. WHITBY Basement - 2 rooms & upper level 1 room avail, immediately. Suil female. Each $450/month inclusive. Call 905-665-6946 FURNISHED ROOM, prefer non-smoking female. Ajax location. location. On bus roule. $400. Also basemen apt. Feb. 1st $350. Sep entrance. 905-427- 5595 SHARE 5PC. BATH w/1 other, large furnished bedroom, North Ajax home. Share modern modern kitchen/laundry; Cable- Plus. Rogers Hi-specd internet, internet, parking, no pels, S495 first/last. immediate. (905)683-3864 FREE ROOM AND BOARD plus salary in exchange for iiouseclenning/cooking & childcare. Non smoker • Comlice. 905-432-1855 QUIET FURNISHED clean room. Share kitchen, laundry and bath. Lan for computer, suit mature non-smoking quiet exec. SlOO/week. North Osha- v/a. 905-436-3597. Shared Accommodation BRAND NEW HOME Ross- land/Cockrane in Whitby. Bus route, furnished room, immediate, immediate, from $400t. Student/ prolessionaVquiet, good character character preferred. 905-439-2538 416-438-2559 BRAND NEW TOWNHOUSE to share, Rossland/Cochrane area. 2-bdrms, own 4pc bath, share all facilities. Avail March 1/03. $650/month inclusive. inclusive. Prefer single, non- smoker. First/last, references. Call 905-579-8264 LUXURY HOME TO share 1- bedroom, private living room, dining room, bathroom, cable included, share kitchen, Use of garage. Laundry facilities included $700/month utilities included. Lots of privacy, quiet home, Suit single. (905)686- 1168. ROOM available immediately. immediately. Located 3-storey beautiful detached home, Grandview S. Osliawa. 2 bathrooms, laundry, laundry, near Mall, parking, bus at door. Full use personal training studio. $175/mon!h/ inclusive. 905-243-2520. SHARED ACCCOMATIONS - Female preferred. Bowman- ville area, $675 inclusive. Ist/ last. Available Feb. 1st. Tele- phono(905) 623-5762 Will TOY HOME to share w / owner. Includes large bedroom bedroom plus' own den, bathroom, phono, Internet, cable, parking. parking. Share laundry, kilchcn, large deck. $6/5/mcliisive (416)209-4857. 205 Reniais Outside Canada CLEARWATER, llQIltUA, 2-3 bedroom liiiiiished manulac- tmed homes. 05" pool, 105 J hoi hih, minutes lo beaches and major attractions. NHL Hockey ($fl/seat), llorse/dog hacks, Blue Jay/Y,mkee Baseball. Children welcome From March on. Canadian Owner (727)538-2123 Campers, Trailers,Silos HUNTER'S DELIMIT • Oil. slide in I RUCK CAMI'I M, 2 beds, clove wilh oven, bulge, Inin,ire, washiooin anil hoi water, can ho seen at Castle- Inn Hills Trailer I'.nk, loi 1 m call ui til)!»- 3IV70:i8. Snowmobiles 101)9 .YAMAHA f.X /1)1), giip wainieis. slmMi'i! hack, cov- nr, 3,2(H) kins,, veiy clean, $1,1)118 plus Lues, Vauder* meet hyota, ,vk fm ll.ink !HM2 5i;i/. AUCTION SALE Thurs., Jan. 30, 2003 @ 10:00 A.M. Estate of the late Donald F. Peebles (of Brighton, ON) plus Consignments AUCTION TO BE HELD @ WILLIAMS' AUCTION CENTRE, CENTRE, 33 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, CAMPBELLFORD, ON. Quantity ol dishes & glassware: ant. pieces; kitchen utensils; collectibles; cups & saucets; Vintage Fashion Queen Barbie doll w/3 wigs (good); Barbie clothes from 1960's; 2 cranberry vases; end of day vase; mustache mustache cup; old camera; radios; pocket watches: 2 porcelain porcelain figurines: depression glass pieces (Inch pink boal shape candy dish):- 3 blue, bird wall plaques; gold plated .cigar case; tin toys; 2 wooden decoys: Royal Purple tin; cig tins: cow'creamer; Fire King bowl; 4 Big little hooks: Keens mustard lin; Coke thermometer; Coke tray, 7-Up clock: Miller High Life neon sign; crocks; set ol Bristol dishes (England); toy serving machine; ant. couch; anl. sideboard; small desk; anl. church pew; ant. chest of drawers; oil lamps; mantel clock: ant. rocking chair; lamps; French ivory clock and 40 plus asst, pieces; apple/grape press; books; bed chesterfield; double bed; dresser; microwave; twin bed w/Serta mattress; bedding; complete water bed; 2 sm. pedestal tables; nighistand; portable stereo; pictures & frames; wall curio cabinet (small); patio set w/table, umbrella & 4 chairs (cushions); fishing tackle, plugs & rod & reel; fishing creel; quantity ol hand tools; ext. cords; carpenters wooden tool box; 2 new tool boxes; Skit Saw; drills; power hand plane; jig saw; wrenches; 25 It. suction hose; 450 ft. lay lia! hose; sewer plugs (various sizes); cleaning pigs/watér & sewer; hand winches c/w s/s cable; 1 safely harnesses, vests & ropes; traffic control signs, cones, etc.; Butt fusion, Joining machine |2'-4' polyethylene pipe); 5 lip electric motor (like new); smaller motors; Scott air packs (5 min. & 20 min.); banding machine for shipping cartons cartons c/w bands & clips; steel racking (3 It. wide); arc welder c/w hoses; hydraulic cylinders (various sizes); 2" wacker traslr pump c/w Honda motor (like new); 10 ton hydraulic winch trailer mounted (700 It. ol 5/8 cable); cable); 1996 Honda Accord (fully loaded, sun root, 4 cyl„ auto, sells certified & emissions tested). Many more Hems ol inleresl. An excellent sale. NOTE: Car will sell at 12:00pm. Terms: Cash or cheque with ID. Lunch Available. No Reserve. WILLIAMS' AUCTIONS & APPRAISALS, Cainpbelllord. Auctioneer: Rod Williams, CPPA. Phone (705) 653-3533 or (705) 760-8005 Web Site: www.wllllanisaccllons.ca AUCTION SALE Antiques, Collectables, Household Contents, Sunday Jan. 26th, 10:0 a.m, (Viewing 9:00) MacGregor Auctions In ORONO at Sllvanus Gardens. 115/35 Hwy. lo Main SI. Orono & follow signs. Auction features diningroom sels, library (able, couch & chairs, china cabinet, dressers, Victorian chairs, settee, mise, tables - kitchen, parlour, col- loo & end). Quality glass & china, linens, country collectables, washsland, 2 Industrial sewing machines, machines, lools & hardware, selection ol sorts cards & memorabilia, Doullon ligurlnes, Lid. Edition 4 Dccoralive atl, coins 4 stamps, plus many more Horns from past lo proscnl. Call For All Your Auction Needs MacGregor Auctions 005-987-2112 1-800-363-6799 LINDSAY SALE BARN R.R. 2 Lindsay, ON 705-32-1-2774 or 1-800-813-4449 Regular Sale overy Friday at 11:30am Selling Finished Caille, Stockers, Brod Cows, Cull Cows, Bulls, Horses, Veal and Bobcalves. Special Goat Sale • Friday Jan 2401:00pm. Soiling a Herd Dispersal ol Approx 120 Mixed Goals Special Stockor Salo • Friday Jan. 31 at 2:00pm Consignments Wolcomol Ross Bailey Jeff Redmond 905-905-0697 705-324-9617 LARGE AUCTION' Hooks & 2 Estates Iront Cahoiiry. To be held at Classiqiio Country Attelions Durham SI. N. ol the 401 at Cobotirg on Sim. Jan. 26/03 al 11 am, vlowlnu (ruin 9 am day ol salo. "I'loaso Nolo Duoks Soli al10 am Itoplar Aiicllon ol Eslalos al 11 am" Fnilllsli pool lalilo slain top, coffee tallies, extension ladder, air nailer A stapler, compressor, rjimerator, air hose, wheel harrow, solas, slilu chain;, (lining room set, several bedroom suites, kitchen tallies & chair sels, lamps, picture's ami frames, desks & croilonzas, slovo, gas dryer, washing machlno, kills wagons, rccliner, tlgiirinus, glass, china S much, much inuio. Sale conducted by Classiqiio Country Auctions. I'oi Inin or In coiision. please call 905-372-1226 ni 1-II8IMI33-105I). Piolossloiial Estate SoIIIoig Antiques, Eslalos >1 Liquidations. Owner Aucllonifüi mil ii!!'|H)ii!Hl)lo loi I or,9, |),mia(|i)or liijiiiy Wlllll) .llliîlllllllll CORN üIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, Jail. 2-1 at 4:30pm 3 miles East of Lillie Britain on County Rd. 4 2pc. pine flat lo wall cupboard, Bonnet chest, rc- finished antique dressers, 8pc. modern dining room suite in excellent condition, wing back chair, old wicker chair, modem roll lop desk, oak buffet, ice cream parlour table & chairs, antique antique A. Anderson Brass cash register, wash- stands, pine chest of drawers, approx. 15 hand made quilts, crocks, walnut vanity dresser, chesterfields chesterfields & chairs, modem dressers & chests of drawers, Kenmore 30 in. electric stove, Quebec heater, qty. hockey cards, large qty. of early to mid 1000 coins large & small pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, 1/2 dollars & dollars (before 1970), box trailer, 1990 Volkswagen Jelta, qty. china, glass, household & collectable items. Don & Greg Corneil Auctioneers R.R. #1 Little Britain (705)786-2183 AUCTION, Thurs., Jan. 23rd 5:00RM at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy#2 Colborne, Household articles, tools, appliances, glass, china, etc. good fridge, stove, automatic automatic washer, dryer, excellent sola & love seat, excellent dining room table & chairs, radial arm saw, outboard motor, other tool related articles, plus contents of large storage unit being sold (or non payment of rent ♦ about 100 boxes all packed & unseen at time of advertising. Small dinette set with table, chairs, china cabinet & server, dressers and chests of drawers, pictures, lamps, mirrors, dishes, house hold articles. No reserves. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac GARY E. WARNER-AUCTIONEER 905-355-2106 Online al www.warnersauclion.com NOTE: No sale on Saturday, Jan 25th SAT. JAN. 25-10AM- ESTATE AUCTION AT ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTER 2194 Lillie Britain Rd. LINDSAY Special: a large collection (over 400 pieces) of model trains, track, turntables, landscapes, buildings, display racks & accessories. Furniture & antiques: Beautiful 3pc mahogany bedroom suite w/ 4 poster bed, antique antique oak dresser & mirror with lamp holders, Vilas bedroom suite, open pine v/ashstand, oak washstand, antique drop leaf kitchen table & chairs, antique round center pedestal dining table, Easllake platform rocker, child's Victorian lounge couch, beautiful turned walnut walnut floor lamp, new chesterfield suite, new round oak table & press back chairs, 81 glass showcase, treadle sewing machine, gramophone, prints, 2 Red Skeleton Ltd Ed prints, glass, china, crystal, Royal Doulton figurines, figurines, 12.5hp riding lawn mower (like new), hand & power tools, 84 Cadillac, estate car. hundreds of interesting interesting & collectable items, info 1-800-461-6499 OR VIEW at www.mcleanauctions.com ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE FRIDAY, JAN. 24TH 6 P.M. Selling the estate of Lawrence and Vera Staples Staples from Orono, antique china cabinet, roxton / pc. maple dinette, occasional tables, coffee tables, floor lamps, table lamps, pride electric power lift chair (like new), occasional chairs, prcssbacks, console t.v.'s, 3 pc. antique bedroom bedroom suite (circa 1930), bridge sets; glassware, china, collectibles, Moffat washer, Kenmore dishwasher, viking freezer, microwave and stand, garden tools, etc., etc. Preview at 2 p.m. Check out website for updates. Terms: Casn or good cheque, visa, m/c, interac. Auctioneers Frank and Steve Stapleton, (905) 786-2244, 1-800-263-9886 www.stapletonauclions.com 'Estate Specialists since 197V KAWARTHA LAKES CO-OP MARKET (formally) the Woodville Sale Barn) RR3 Woodville, Ont Sales every Saturday at 9:30am Special Stocker Sale Saturday Jan 25 approx 1pm Bred Cow Sale Saturday Feb 1 approx 2pm To consign or info call Stephen at the Sale Barn 705-439-4444 Kevin Barker 705-374-4478 John Willan 705-374-4613 AUCTION SALE--PETHICK & STEPHENSON AUCTION BARN, 2498 Con. Rd. 8, Haydon, ON. Sal. Jan 25 al 5:30 open al 4. Contents from a.Picketing home,,Kilo-, lech Electronic Weighing Scale (new), Bunn Commercial Commercial Colfee Grinder, Comm. Collee Pol; Office Furn., Bookshelves, Oresser, Freezer, Lamps, Glassware, Tools, elc. Terms: Cash, Inlerac, M/C, Visa. Auctioneer: Don Slephenson 905-263-4402 or 1-800- 866-357-5335 LINDSAY SALE BARN R.R. 2 Lindsay, ON 705-324-2774 or 1-866-813-4449 Saturday February 1 at 7:00pm Char Cross Commercial Herd Dispersal. Dispersal. Charolais & Char Simmental Cross & Char Simmental Red Angus Cross, Simmental Red Angus Cross, Bred full French Char "Patton" Bulls. Craigen Farms, R.R. 1 Newburgh, Ont 613-378-6461 or Fred 613-530-5859 SKIDDO PACKAGE ■ 94 Grand Touring 583cc, liquid-cooled, reverse, 9.5 km, new rear suspension, • 91 Safari Deluxe Deluxe 377cc., new rear suspension, suspension, 10K km, double north trail trailer, all excellent condition, condition, asking $6,500. Call after after 5 p,m.(905) 579-0516. Hobbies & Crafts FOLK ART classes available, all levels, beginners our speciality, speciality, one stroke beginners seminars also .available. Shill workers accommodated. Call (905) 576-3947 for information. information. Horse Supplies & Boarding (Jiulmiial ÿqm'olviait $2 (L'tititT HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centro, 370G Runcllo Rd. (Courlico) is now accepting now students (children and adults) (or our riding and horsemanship programs, cic. For further Information and lo rogir.tor call 1-905-623-7336 33-IISC Oargaln Cpntro A 12 placo sutlinu ul china- w,mi, never been used, in uooil condition, $125.00. 005- 023-71111. HOPEH WASHER mil luglis ii,vi iliyci, $: l 0il. Iclephuno (•.mo on/- /'.)i;i Articles For Rain 2 CYNIII EAUI'EII lickcls, inldillo id sl.iini, exccllciil seats, I eli. llilli, 11,151110 ll,iiii,i. Sinon (yen s;'0). ytl!i-:i:NHI4(l2, 6 SNOWMOBILE III I Mi l!',. 1 lililliil X Lug», 4 n.mgei II ■ I X'l.iign, I medium, :' :,m,ill I',in ul I,Kill's, lil.uk ruin',inn- lulu limit 1 :, sl.'i) /, I iiii'iis, I'lei o siimvinnliilii mill, Clio- Inn liln, in, '« l.ugii, 0115IIH5- i'!lti;i A KING pillowlop mattress set with frame. Ncv; in plastic, cost $1599. Sacrifice $650. 847-271-4534. A-1 CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! 3 rooms (30 yds.) commercial carpel $285 or Geibcr carpel Horn $375 includes includes Installation and FREE upgrade lo 12 mm pad. Many oilier great choices lo choose irom, FREE shop al home service. Whilby lo Cobourg area. SAILUAII CARPETS, 905-242-3691 oi 905-373- 2260. PIANO/CLOCK January Clear- nance Salo stalls Jan. 2-llh on all Models ol Roland dlgilal pianos, Samick pianos. All Howard Miller clocks. Laige selection ol used pianos (Yamaha. (Yamaha. Kawai, llelnlzmann elc,| Not suie II your kids will slick with lessons, try our icnl lo own. 100% ol all rental payments apply. Call TELEP PIANO (905) 433-1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD! AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES HANKS APPLIANCES, fridges fridges SlOO/np, stoves $l50/iip, washers A dryers $350/pr, Washeis SI 75/up. dryers S150/up. Slacknblo washer/ dryer S-199/up. I'oll.ible dishwasher dishwasher SI75/tip. large so- lection ol appliances. Visit our showroom. Paits/sales/seiv- ice. 42G Simcoo SIS. Mon-Fri 8-Cpiii. Sal 9-5pm, Sim II- ■Ipin. (905)728-10-13. ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. Amazing Electronics. COI llumlas III W. Whilby, Call (905)1155-7/32.■ ANTIQUES: Wedding Gills? Tables, lea Wagon. Dishes. tilankthiH, Icebox, slciling A silver II, ilw.no. 10x1411 Indian 1,11pet. lient: h doors, skyliglil, and now nmlls. 905-987-1825 AREA IIUCS, 3 avail,ililo, lia- ilibmi.il, size llxJli', Anligiio pink anil green (005)09/" 9 HUM-,up) lllll, QUEEN ï'IlTÔWlE nullicss, box, Irani». Never nil'll s lill p.ukaiied cost Sl(i:'!i, sell SEMI. Call 1117- p/i-iiiiij 0E0R00M SET. Open ebony- vraml Hell, chest. Ill dicssei, iiniioi. mglil stands, iluviT.nl I'liiiMiiKlInn Never opened. Ill line", Cost S'llillil, Tarn- lue $2111111 111', /.III J'l'l.l Legal Notices Legal Notices Maple Grove United Church SPAGETTI SUPPER (Allyou coil cut) Saturday, January 25,2003 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Adults - $10.00 Children under 12 - $ 5.00 For tickets contact Ian and Barb Oliver NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Charles Barnabas Shipley, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Barnabas Shipley, late of the Town of Newcastle, Newcastle, who died on or about the 9th days of February, 2002 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 2003, after which date the Estate will be distributed distributed by the undersigned having regard regard only to the claims then filed. Dated January 15th, 2003 Donald Shipley, Estate Trustee With a Will - by: Andrew D. Felker, Esq. WALKER, HEAD Barristers and Solicitors #200 - 1305 Pickering Parkway Pickering, Ontario. LIV 3P2 (905) 839-4484/(905) 683-3444 Daycare Available Daycare Available (Utley tfe, feat cuitl do-! Working as partners wilh parcnls and Providers, Wee Watcli caters lo the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full and Part Time Care Please call: Bowmanville/Oshawa East - 433-0558 278 Registration 278 Registration Come Join the Fun Registration for Winter/Spring Session; Early Childhood Music Ages 3-6 dap, snap, twirl, whirl, sing, r dance, & stomp • includes' - /M^sik GARTBN Teaching Music. Understanding Children Margrit 905-697-2951 www.neighbourhoodmusicstudio.com Home Improvements Home Improvements I 4 T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured est 1987 Custom Homes, General Contracting. Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 THU HELPING HANDS RENOVATIONS All Types of Renovations Big or Small. COMPLETE BASEMENT SPECIALISTS • Licensed Laminate Floor Installer 1 (905) 431-8135 email: thehelpinghands@sympatico.cn *1111 Articles lor Sale CARPETS, LAMINATE and VINYL SALE. 3 rooms, 32sq. yds. lor S339 including premier premier underpad and installation. Laminate S2.39sq. II. Click System. Residential, commercial. commercial. customer satisfaction E anted. Free Estimate. 905-431-4040. CARPETS SALE & HARDWOOD HARDWOOD FLOORING: carpel 3 rooms Horn S329. (30 sq. yd.) Includes: carpet, pad and installation. installation. Free estimates, caipel repairs. Serving Durham Durham and surrounding area. Ciedil Cards Accepted. Call Sam 905-686-1772. COMPUTERS: Bits and Bytes Computer Services, P200 Tower Internet Ready Complex Complex System $185.00: P2/350 internet Ready Complete Systems Systems Starling at S250.00, P3/ 500 Internet Ready Complete System S455.00; Toshiba P2/ 233 Notebook w/Docking Station Station S199; P3/500 Dcsklop Internet Internet Ready Complete System Includes 15'. Monitor. Keyboard. Mouse; Upgrade to 17' Monitor $50.00; 90 Day Warranty, Lay-Away-Plan, New Systems and Laptops Available. Call (905)576-9210 or www.spccdline.ca/bilsand- bytes. CONTENTS: ESTATE wonder- lui quality- pristine condition, Elizabeth Barry Watercolours. Watercolours. Uailros, Hummell, Dalton, Dalton, spectacular coslume jewellery Inch Haskell, etc., armoires, wicker and rattan, Drexcl BR suite, diningroom suile, bookcases, fabulous garden lumiluio liicl. plant stands, caclie-pols, trellises, antique Iron garden mil, elc. Brass bed. dressers, lamps, china, lovely decorator access. access. kitchenware, exquisite linens, great designer clolliiiig A access., ollico supplies, icconls, books galuie. A much more! 117 Remount SI. (Hilckson N. to Winchester, west Hollow signs.) Sat. Jan 25tli, Itl-Spm Sun noon-Spm. No early birds. DININGROOM 13 PCE cher- rywood. Double pedestal. II chairs. Iliillcl. hiiicli, server, dovetail consliucllim. Slill In boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrilice $3000, (410740-0995. DININGROOM SUITE ■ Dean- Mill solid oak A hickory, Imlcli A liullnl, B padded chairs. I',ild $911011, asking $3200 (purchased horn Wilsons Ini- mini»). Call aller Opm DOS- 4:10-1453 HOUSEHOLD FUI1NIIUIIE, new in boxes, mtisl sacntico; new mattress sels, twin, douille. douille. queen GO:, nil iul.nl. Call today 4UW/I-IHI9I I OR SAIL: hid'd» A Slow Washer A Iliyci. I xcellcnl tnndilioil Phono (905)/;'3 lil)/!i Kllll Articles lor Sale GAS FIREPLACE, freestanding woodstove style, 21.000 B.T.U. output, (approx. 2 x2.5 ) 3 yrs. old. S1500. Call Sue or Sieve 905-786-2854. HITACHI 50" BIG SCREEN only S15 per week Delivery and set-up included No Money Down No Payments until April 2003 SHOWTIME TV Cobourg • 905-373-0265 JAMES LUMBERS 'Mr. Hockey' Hockey' (Gordie Howe)-S450. Basil Ede 'Mallard Ducks'-SIOO. Carl Blenders 'Companions' (Wolves) S500. All prints numbered, framed, double mailed, mini condition call Ken 905-728-5199. KING SIZE BEDSPREAD, bed skill and two pillow shams. Moss green, suilable lor traditional traditional bedroom. 905-097-9402 (snp) KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, upper upper and lower wilh counter tops, wood grain finish, spotless. spotless. like new. 3 sections plus! Call 905-023-2295 lo view. MOVING SALE: Sola A love- seal, new, dining set w/4 chairs, Panasonic stereo system. system. microwave. 1 Meg computer computer Including all software, tablc/chalrs, elc. (905)426- 0725 MOVING TAG SALE: Antiques A Collectables, some modern, ruiniluic, china, pressed glass, prints, elc. Call (905)420-5757. PIANO TECHNICIAN available lor liming, repairs, A pre-purchase pre-purchase consultation on all makes A models ol acoustic pianos. Reconditioned llclnlz- man, Yamaha, Mason A Rlsch. A other giaml or uptight pianos lor sale. Gill Cerlihcales available. Call Barb al 905-127-7631 or check mil the well al: wwiv.baibliallcom Visa. MC. Amex. PLAYSTATION MOO CRIPS Stcallli chip SCO, P52 nco 2 5 S95, Applccliip SI'llO, XIIOX chip now avail. All wmk gii.u- anted. Call East nl Wlulhy (905)721-230!, nr West ill Wlulhy 410-450-4953 PONY FOR SALE, 13 2 dapple dapple gray gelding welsh puny. 7 yuan old Hood lui ridinii nr jimiiiiiui Very lilemlly Shhill) Call 1005)723-0403 _____ QUAIIIY antique 1910 cmicli. willi mulching chah, down hill'd, lliiix'ii Ann lucl, a iini .t r.ini bev.l idler, rail (IDIi-OOll 0021 NEED A CAR? Rebuild Your Credit With newstartleasing.com As low as $499 down 643 Kingston Rd., Pickering 1-866-570-0045 310 Articles for Sale 400 Cars For Sale RENT TO OWN new and reconditioned reconditioned appliances, and new T.V's. Full warranty. Paddy Paddy s Market. 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SATELLITE STUFF check out www.dssjunk.com. SOFA BED, rust, $150, love- seat. rust $100, recliner, medium brown, $90, 2 man bucksaws. $45 each. 905-373- 6082. SOLID OAK china cabinet, matching 44' round table w/ leaf, medium colour, balls claw foot. $1800. 4 off-white damask-Parson chairs $400; wing chair $300. 905-686- 2286 STORAGE TRAILERS AND storage containers, 24 ft. & 22 ft.. Call 905-430-7693. CARPET SPECIAL kcc. Room Carpet fSAssl. Colours IK oz. ,56C/m|. Li. 2(1 oz. .KKC/xq.ft. 10 mm UntliTpiul from $2.50/si|.)il. 36 oz. Carpet Remnants 10 pcs. 12x9-12x6 Irom S89-S169.99 RICE & CO. 4 SI. George SI. S. Bowmanville 905-623-1622 315 Articles Wanted LOOKING FOR PREVIOUSLY enjoyed Wedding gowns to sell on consignment. Ask for Sheila 905-697-1676, Vendors Wanted 5TH ANNUAL Garden & Landscape Show. Children's Arena Oshawa, April 11th 12th, 13th, Vendor space available. Call Sharon Dickson Dickson 905-579-4400 ext. 2285 to reserve your booth. Sponsored Sponsored by Oshawa Whitby This Week EXHIBITORS WANTED for the "What Women Really Want Show.* February 1 & 2nd, 2003. Hilton Suites Hotel Convention Convention Centre & Spa, Markham. Markham. Prime booth space still available. Call 1-888-211- 7288 ext 227 snp VENDORS NEEDED - The Oshawa This Week Home Show March 28 - March 30. New promotion, new format. Call Devon 905-579-4400 ext. 2236. Firewood KOZY HEAT FIREWOOD, excellent excellent very best quality hardwood. hardwood. guaranteed extra long time fully seasoned, (ready to burn) cut & split Honest measurement, free delivery, 905-753-2246. AAA-LAKERIOGE FARM FIREWOOD, FIREWOOD, the best quality wood, seasoned cut/split/delivered. Looking for acreage to cut. and landclearing work. 905- 427-1734 EMBERS FIREWOOD. Bush cords, face cords, 100% hardwood. hardwood. Seasoned, cut. split & delivered 905-717-9129 " FREE FIREWOOD • Broken woodskids and pallets. Delivery Delivery available Oshawa Whitby/ Ajax Pickering area. 905-434- 0392. (snp) Pel, Supplies Boarding AND PUPPY DOG TAILS Dog & Puppy * Training Classes W Sat. Classes ^ Dog Grooming RUTH ANN MILLER 905-623-8000 ALASKAN MALAMUTES, 3 left, grays and blacks, father from Northwest Territories, mother - Ontario. $650/each. Must see! 905-576-8786 DACHSHUNDS - Miniature, long haired puppies, red, black and tans, CKC registered, registered, vaccinated. DES-RO KENNELS, Cobourg. 905-372- 8226. PUPPIES- Poodles , Husky X, Shepherd X, Lab X: FoxS Boston Terriers, Yellow Lab, Shi-tzu, Border Collies, Beagles, Beagles, Jack Russell & Rat Terriers Terriers 905-831-2145. SHIH TZU puppies, home raised, non-shedding and hypo-allergic. These darlings will be ready to enter your heart and your home Feb. 1st. 613-394-4936. SOFT COATED Wheaten Terrier Terrier puppies, home raised, vet checked, first shots, de- wormed, parents on site: serious serious inquiries only; 905-434- 2904 Cars For Sale 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT. 2 df.hdtp, 400 aulo, new dual exhaust, strong runner, needs work, no rust, $1000. 1-705- 328-2212. 1975 0L0SM0BILE TORNADO TORNADO 455 engine & front drive Irany, new lop end. low miles, can hear running $1000. obo. 1-705-328-2212. 1987 JEEP COMANCHE excellent excellent condition, new engine will certify, $1500 as is or $1750 certified obo. 1991 Chev. Cavalier, will certify. $1000 as is, $1250 certified obo. 905-720-1644 1993 CHEVY CORSICA, 4 dr„ 3.1 auto, loaded, cassette, air, all power, nice shape, certified certified and emissions, 2Q0,000kms„ asking $2350. 1989 Chrysler New Yorkers. 4 dr., 3 litre, loaded, Landau top. moon roof, air, power everything, everything, excellent shape, certified certified and emission, 220.000kms. asking $1,850. Will consider what have vou as part payment. 905-404- 8695. 1995 HONDA CIVIC, 162km, auto, am/fm cass, 15' Acura rims wilh low profile tires included. included. $6,750. cert. & E-test- ed. 905-668-5294 1996 CHEV. CAVALIER., 2 dr. blue, 4 cyl. auto, air, am/fm cass., 113K, $5995; 1995 Plymouth Plymouth Acclaim, 4 dr, burgundy, burgundy, V6, auto, air, loaded, Gold Pkg., 163K, $4495; 1995 Lu- mina LS, 4 dr. blue, V6 aulo, air, loaded, 240K, $4295; 1992 Chevy Cavalier, 4 dr, light blue, 4 cyl. auto, air, 120K, $3295; 1991 Chevy Beretla GT, 2 dr, white, V6 loaded, 21 IK, $2995; 1990 Buick Le- Sabre, 4 dr, dark blue, 3800 V6, loaded, 152K, $3295; 1989 Chevy Cavalier Z-24, burgundy, burgundy, 2 dr, V6, 191K, $2795; 2000 Dodge Dakota ext. cab, 2 wheel drive, auto, 115K, $17,995; 1996 Pontiac Transport Transport Sport ext., Green, auto, air, rear heat, 21 OK, $5295; 1995 GMC Safari ext., loaded, two-tone burgundy, ext-bur- gundy. ini. running boards, 175K, $6495; 1991 Dodge Caravan, V6, 3.3 auto, air, blue 195K, $3295; 1987 Jeep YJ, white hardtop, 6 cyl, 5 spd, 201K, 4X4, $3495: All vehicles cert. & e-tested. 12 month warranty and oil spray rustproofing rustproofing incl. DIAMOND AUTO SALES, 221 Westney Rd. S. Ajax. 905-619-1900 1996 FORD WINDSTAR van, 7 passenger, pw, locks, air, tilt, cruise, etc., looks and runs new, $5,995. 1995 DODGE SPIRIT, 4 door, V6, gold package, auto, pw, locks, tilt, cruise, etc., $4,195. 1993 DODGE SHADOW 4 door, 4 cylinder, auto, new tires and brakes, $3,295. 1994 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYAL 4 door, fully equipped including leather trim, completely reconditioned, reconditioned, $5,595. 1994 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4 door, fully equipped, $4,895, tested today. today. All cars are certified and E-tested, warranty available, lease here, pay here, instant credit. HAROLD'S AUTOMOBILE AUTOMOBILE SALES, 620 Ontario St., Cobourg. 905-372-1955 or 1- 877-813-7303. 1997 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE - Heated, power, leather seats, power DL/windows, sunroof, CD/cassette, aluminum aluminum alloy wheels, certified, excellent condition. $15,900 905-436-6454. 1997 VW GOLF CL HATCHBACK HATCHBACK black excellent condition condition new tires one owner standard standard a/c am/fm cassette.. Will certify, $6900.905-668-9744 -2001 BUICK LESABRE Custom. Custom. silver, very clean, well maintained with only 42,000 mostly highway kms. Certified & e-tested. (905)728-1517 2002 PONTIAC SUNFIRE assume remainder of lease, 4-door, auto, air conditioning, power locks, silver leaf metallic, metallic, 9800km, $295/mo. Call Neil 905-438-8027 ASSUME LEASE, 2yr remaining remaining on a 4yr lease. GM 2001 black Cavalier. 2dr, auto, air, cd player, p/I, keyless entry, 46km used, 50k remaining, mint condition. Low monthly $289/month (tax incl) 905- 767-6566 or 905-263-2481snp dealers-by-slreet.com. Visit local online Dealers - In just 3 clicks. Over 1,400 and growing!!! growing!!! 405 CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East. Ajax at MURAD MURAD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all lor good cars and trucks or free removal for scrap. Speedy service. (905) 655-4609 Trucks For Sale 1986 GMC 4x4, dump box. 4 speed auto, $4.900. 905-373- 4947. 2001 GMC SONOMA SLS, Vorlec V6, pewter colour, 69,000kms, mostly highway, fibreglass tonneau, box liner, elc. $19,999. Call (905)404- 8242(snp) 415 Trucks Y/anlcd WANTED - 1966-71 JEEP paits. V6 Buick 225 engine, oil bath air cleaner assembly. Call 905-721-2844 snp WANTED: 1999 OR 2000 GM Suburban diesel, must be in good shape. Call (705)759- 3331, leave message, will be in TO this weekend. 420 1994 PLYMOUTH Voyager 7 passenger van, 171,000km. new lires, runs great. S4.000, 905-623-5115 1997 CHEVY ASTRO VAN, loaded, Immaculate condition. 57.000 km. $15,000 lirm. Call 705-878-7011 GUITAR LESSONS In Clarington 15 yrs. teaching exp. Beg.-Adv., Asst. Styles Music College Educated Reasonable Rates 905-404-8044 timcrookall@rogers.com 165 Mortgages 100% FINANCING!! 100% Financing Financing available on: Refinancing, Refinancing, Renewals, Purchases. Purchases. Cash back as high as 7%. Pre-approvals within 24 hours. For more information call Laverne at 905-576-7692. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mortgages to 100%. From 5.35% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specially. For fast professional professional service call 905-666-4986. MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements, garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations, S protection protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 • House Cleaning AAMAZING CLEANING INC. Too busy? Too tired? or Just don't like cleaning? Bonded & Insured. Serving Durham Region. Region. Call Teresa (905)571- 0080 to arrange a cleaning by one of our experienced staff. EUROPEAN CLEANING LADIES Have openings. Reasonable Rates Reliable 905-404-8338 HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE by mature dependable, experienced experienced person wilh flexible hours. Reasonable rates. Call 905-434-9767. QUALITY HOUSE CLEANING serving Durham since 1985. I'm very thorough & reliable. Low Rates. Excellent References. References. Call Jayne (905)683- 3864. You've tried the rest, now call the best. Home Improvements Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 702 Garbage Removal Hauling CALLUS 987-4741 ROW NEWCASTLE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask for tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Fri. 8- 5, Sat. 8-12 'TRANSFER STATION' ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE V/E BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our GÉNÉRAL salvage ■ A* 2 - SERVICE Painting and Decorating A&M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, elc. (905)-697-9601 or Cell (905) 213-9749 Ted Stacey Painting & Decorating Wallpapering & Drywall Repairs Free Estimates 623-0907 730 Flooring, Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restretching, our speciality. Free estimates. D & N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1800 735 Gardening 1 Landscaping 1987 SUNDIRD GT, 2 dr. auto, red, I50K., clean, air, ceil. $2,500 or best oiler. (905) 242-0227 1989 CIIEV 3/4 TON SL 2500 scries. Immaculate body, runs like new. Emission lesled. 152,000km. New checker- bond tool box and Reese liilcli S7.750 o.b.o 905-OB5- 2740 or email: ilmcnnil- len ncily picketing onca 1990 FORU TEMPO, 4 rloon aulo, air coud, c-lcslcd safety check. Ladies car, very nood condition, lUB.OOknis. $2200. (005)434-5438 leave mes- sane. 1990 HONDA CIVIC, 4 door, automaiic. air, 121,000 kit., new fires anil brakes, new en- dine, rail, water pump, asking $4.000 Ceil and c-leslcd. Call (905) 723- 0455 1993 CHEV CAVALIER 1-rlr. 4- cyl, aulo, 109k, power locks, icniolo Hunk release, AC blows al a chilly 10 L. AM/FM casscllii ceililieiTcmlsslon lesled Hus is one be.inliliil car. tli.it yon v.limild nul pass up! ?l |IJi 905-571-5138 1992 CAVALIER WARON, licycl .lulu. 200.llOlIk, lii'sli lu|i ciul. new ohaii'.'.l. battery, u'e, very Mile to ceilily. tile:,table tile:,table SI200 as is Call !H)5"i;i7 Mill 1992 IISAIIIIE I'liiis'.liiii pas sud SM'lii C'.'.'k) 11192 I mil Cin.'.ii Vu: ■ (oil,!. Mililii'd einissluii I'asseil ( 1 /Ski $I'I91 I veil- lini- |9iI!i|!i/9 Mill 2091 FORD WINDSTAR LX, PAUL TIME/FULL TIME/possi- ble live-in nanny needed. Single Single mom needs loving, eating imlividiial lo liclp look aller 20-monlh-old daughter. Housekeeping, cooking elc. Build hours aioiind right person. person. Musi speak Huent Frig- lisli, have cipericnco or ECU- diploma. Eleanor 005-019- 20.13 BCT1 Daycare uU Available FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHATLINE! Durham's Own! Somelimcs love Is just nol enough. Listen lo the voice ails lice. Women lice lo meet men. 905-683-1110 EDUCATED STAY-AT-HOME Minn lias openings, liiicclly acioss hum SI. Sleplicn Lie- inenlaiy. Early si,ills avail. Call Clalu 965-1)23 11410 rùllfff CIIILÜCARE avail able in my Pome, loving iron • smoking environment, lie,ilili',- meals/siucks. re- ct'ipls (KID am. slail. Hwy, 2/ Maple Cioy» area. 023-9811 HWY 2/IIARWOOD area. He- l' aille lia-, I,ill) in my lionni. Alhmlalilu Mies, Nini-sniok- mg 11111111111' l) munllis In 3 veils !ll)!,-42ll-;'li/ll Please read your classified classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error.