I PAGE 14 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, FEBRUARY 5,2003 www.durhamregion.com Atom Toros make short work of Oshawa in first round playoff series Advance following easy wins of 5-1, 10-2 and 8-1 CLARINGTON - The Claring- ton atom A Toros served notice that their first place record in Lakeshore League play was no fluke. After compiling an impressive 20-2-2 record, including a nine- game winning streak to finish the season, the Toros made short work of Oshawa in the first round" of OMHA playoffs, sweeping the besl- of-five series with wins of 5-1, 10-2 and 8-1. In the first game, the Toros jumped in front on two goals by Brandon Morishita and didn't look back. Also scoring were Andy Shure, Rory McDowell and Brenden Weeks, with assists to Shure (2), Brett Pollard (2), Weeks (2), Connor Hanke and Blair Beckett. Goaltender Jason Murray stopped 16 shots, while Blake Stone was strong defensively. In a 10-2 win, Shure got five points (2-3), with three points each for Hanke (2-1) and Morishita (0-3). Also scoring were Rory Craddock, Kyle Sullivan (1-1), Nathan Zavitz (1-1), Tanner Nagy (1-1), McDowell and Beckett: Assi > sts,went to Weeks, Pollard,and David Morrison, . Nolan Rocloffzen was in goal for the win. In the 8-1 series final, McDowell (3-1) and Shure (3-2) led the Toro 135 Q, t ■ - '/V L-v?;. '<v Ml - TIPS 11 m junior football kicks off Thursday The Clarington Toros finished first in the Lakeshore League atom A division standings standings this season and coasted through the opening round of playoffs by sweeping Oshawa Oshawa in a best-of-fivc series. attack. Also scoring were Beckett and Hanke (1-3). Assists went to Za- vilz, Sullivan, Ronnie Potter, Morishita Morishita and Weeks. Murray stopped 12 shots for the win. The Toros are awaiting the winner of Belleville and Ajax for the second round. During the regular season, the forwards contributed to the highest scoring offence in the league with 146 goals while the defence and C-Sv, LEARNING BOUND INC. In-Home Personalized Tutoring Programs School Blues? Call today and discover how our, 0NE-0N-0NE tutoring programs j build skills and confidence. Reading Math Writing Study Skills J.K-0AC, ■«Nr 905.721.8638 vywWijearningbound.ca COURTICE SOCCER ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION >3 SEASON MIXED LEAGUE (born between 1967 - 199S) ALL GIRLS LEAGUE (born between 19Ô7 -1994 WHEN: WHERE: TIME: COST: SATURDAY FEBRUARY 0,2003 and SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22,2003 COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA 10:00 am to 3:00 pm $95.00 per child Please provide child's birth certificate. Payment by Cash or Cheque . Coaches and Volunteers Needed!! WHEN YOU PAY YOUR Osliawa • Whitby • Clarington • Pott Peny This Week CARRIER! Your Community Newspaper since 1970 A 100% is kept by our ' carriers as payment , for their delivery. , - CASH could WIN a 1 %eoo..o Shopping Spree! A NEW DRAW EVERY THREE WEEKS VvA 7 dm:. ■-S»- YOU RECEIVE ""ttï valuable coupons. id 4 rdl N 4V1 Tl J! I JitTTTTTTTTl IF you don't receive "Service Worth Paying For" or have any questions or delivery concerns please call This Week at 905-579-MW CARRIERS COILECT EVERY THREE WEEKS CONTEST DETAILS AVAILABLE AT B45 FAREWELL ST., OSHAWA goallendcrs allowed just 24 goals against. The team also won four tournaments and advanced to the quarterfinals of a touracy in Ottawa. Victories of 5-1 over the Captial Crusaders, 6-0 over Humber Valley and 2- 0 over the Oakville Rangers advanced the Toros in Ottawa. The three-game winning winning streak was halted with a narrow 3-2 loss to the Hamilton Lightning, eliminated the Toros from the tournament. OSHAWA - Gordon dc Savoye hopes to snap in a new era of junior football in Oshawa Thursday night. Lined up alongside a head table that is expected to include former or current current Canadian Football League players Gordon Judges, Terry Evanshen, Wayne Shaw, Adriano Belli and Oshawa's own Andre Talbot, de Savoye will introduce his plan of putting the Oshawa Warriors Warriors into the Canadian Junior Junior Football League in 2004. The event is being billed as the Official One Million Dollar Fund-Raising Fund-Raising Kickoff Night and will be held at Holiday Inn Oshawa Oshawa beginning at 7 p.m. All arc welcome to attend free of charge. In addition to introducing introducing the head table and providing providing some history of the 94-year-old CJFL, dc Savoye will show a high- ■ j|lJ Canadian Nuclear Commission canadienne ■ ^ m Safety Commission de sûreté nucléaire light package of the CFL Grey Cup and CJFL Canadian Canadian Bowl championship games. A 60-year-old former player with the Saskatoon Hilltops, the best-known and most successful franchise franchise in the CJFL, dc Savoye recently relocated to Oshawa from Montreal, where he says he will set up an office soon. He currently has an office office in Burlington and can. be reached by e-mail at rcdhaven@sympatico.ca or by calling at 1-905- 639-4532. A previously published Oshawa number is no longer in service. If successful, de Savoye will fill a void left when the Oshawa Hawkeyes folded their junior junior squad in 1996. The Warriors would join the league's Ontario Football Conference, which currently has five teams, none between Burlington and Ottawa. Canada Notice of Public Hearing The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold a one-day public hearing on the Environmental Assessment Guidelines (EA Guidelines) for the proposed expansion to Ontario Power Generation's Pickering Waste Management Facility in Pickering, Ontario. One-Day Hearing: April 10, 2003 ■ Place: CNSC Public Hearing Room, 14 th Floor, 280 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario Public hearings begin at 8:30 AM and follow the agenda published prior to the hearing date. Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) has notified the CNSC of its intent to apply for the authorization to construct and operate additional storage buildings at the existing used fuel processing and storage facility at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station site in Pickering, Ontario. Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the CNSC must complete an environmental assessment of the project before making a licensing decision on OPG's application. Based on the results of the environmental assessment, the CNSC must determine if the project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, taking into account the application of appropriate mitigation measures. Draft EA Guidelines were issued for public comment on October 18, 2002, and the public comment period closed on December 18, 2002. The revised EA Guidelines, taking public comments into account, will be made available to the public on February 7, 2003. The revised EA Guidelines will then be presented to the Commission for. approval at a one-day public hearing on April 10, 2003. i - The public is invited to comment on the revised EA Guidelines either by oral presentation or written submission. Requests to participate and text of oral presentations or written submissions must be filed with the Secretary of the Commission by March 11, 2003. c/o S. Locatelli, Secretariat Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 280 Slater St., P.O. Box 1046 Ottawa, Ontario KÏP 5S9 Tel.: (613) 995-0360 or 1-800-668-5284 Fax: (613) 995-5086 E-rhail: interventions@cnsc-ccsn.gc.ca The Commission will hold a public hearing on the results of the environmental assessment prepared in accordance with the approved EA Guidelines and the licence application at a later date. , Members of the public are welcome to observe public hearings. For current agendas and information on the .hearing process, visit the CNSC Web site: www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca (Ref. 2003-H-5) mmm m Tell Clarington About Your Services Every Week! ★ VERY EFFECTIVE ★ SURPRISINGLY AFFORDABLE ★ Call Jaclyn 905-576-9335 ext. 2263 ctawciïTcn ? îTTT-SBWPtr .miiiiii. in-- jjjj "1 [')/ fp - , a l ■' i (,' 1 y •-"I ' ■ 1 1 l Dwight and Deria Hickson, Financial Security and Investment Representatives 5 King St E., Newcastle 905-987-5372 ^ ' AC. 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