www.durhamrcgion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, APRIL 30, 2003 PAGE 15 CARL FERENCZ/ Statesman photo Courtice Secondary School student Matt Morison recently finished sixth in an event at the national snowboarding championships in Alberta. O o CO cô h- (0 </> Lf) m g i-- LU UJ LU _J DC d (5 < Z 2 * 5 T, O co tn 25 - 50% OFF 20% OFF I CUSTOM IN STOCK J FRAMES -n 33 FTl cn s May 13th, 20 nth: Extra print nt special ! BABY STEPS MEMBERS E g D. <D C 0) 1 ! Additional 10% OFF above offers !!! 5 z 11 HOCKEY PLAYERS NEEDED A, B, C, D, REC. and Ladies^ Starting May 5th, 2003 TEAM ENTRIES WELCOME! Call Greg 905-725-6951 ext. 229 ADULTSAFE HOCKEY LEAGUE SPRING AND SUMMER LEAGUES YHL WILL BE HUGE! SPOTS ARE FILLING QUICKLY CALL NOW TO RESERVE CmANlÏÏE SPORTS 1401 PHILLIP MURRAY AVE. OSHAWA 90S-725-6951 e-mail: oshawa@icesports.com CAM LAM r? ' 11! TJ <3 SPORTS www.icesports.com E-mail your news items to The Canadian Statesman newsroom@durhamregion.com Courtice student soars to i „ LOAD UP THE BOX. i] LOAD UP THE CAB. j TURN UP THE A/C. m . ' Nothing's more versatile than a Sonoma or S-10 Extended Cab. new heights Matt Morison wins provincial title, finishes sixth at nationals in Junior Giant Slalom BY CHRIS MURPHY Special to The Statesman DURHAM - In the summer he gets his kicks playing soccer, but in the winter lie soars as one of Canada's upcoming star sriowboarders. Matt Morison, 15, recently recently placed sixtli in the Junior (19 and under) Giant Slalom at the 2003 Honda Element National Championships Championships in Nakiska, Alberta. Alberta. The Blackslock native also finished 21st in the Senior Senior Parallel Giant Slalom and 22nd in the Parallel Slalom. At the provincial championships, championships, lie placed first in the Junior Giant Slalom and third in the Parallel Giant Slalom. Morison, a grade 10 student student at Courtice Secondary School, started out as a skier before getting turned on' to snowhoarding. "I found out about snowboarding, snowboarding, learned more about it and eventually gut into it," says Morison, who now snowboards every weekend in the winter and is much as possible during the week. "I try to go out two nights during the week. I like riding with my friends the most." The young snowboarder looks up to his brother, Chance, and professional snowboarder Jaycce Anderson Anderson and hopes to become a professional in the sport he loves. "I hope I can make a career career in snowboarding," he says. "I'd like to see how far I can go. I'd love to become become a World Cup rider." Morison notes that snowboarding has grown in popularity over the past decade and evolved to become become a wcll-rcspccted sport. "At the Oshawa Ski Club there arc a lot of people in the snowboarding program," program," he says. "There used to he hardly anyone, now there arc tons of us." For now Morison is just looking forward to next season and trying to keep in shape this summer. "I do a lot of mountain hiking, I work on farms and play soccer," lie says, "Next year I'm just going to sec how well I can do and hopefully compete at the nationals again." Ollier Oshawa Snow Race Club members placed as follows at the nationals: Veronica Best (13th jr. women), Jordan Jacked C 15th jr, men), Megan Patrick .( 17th jr. women), Steve Barlow (2()tli jr, men), Celine Best (21st jr. women) and I,aura Potter (2Nth sr. women). A . 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