l www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, May 14, 2003 PAGE 11 Articles for Sale Garage/Yard Sales Garage'Yard Sales Auctions Auctions Auctions TWO 1996 TRANSPORT van seats, right and lelt, $100 per seat, o.b.o. Golf clubs, w/bag, S25. Great for beginner. Please call (905) 721-2490. ZODIAC 9FT. 4 years old, used only 2 years as dingy on boat. 15Hp horse motor, asking asking $2250. Call (905)623- 4428. Auctions Auctions Auctions Auctions Articles Wanted ESTATE SALE Sat. May 17th, 9 a.m. No Early Birds 16 Fourth Ave. Bowmanville Raindate Sat. May 24th BUYING ANTIQUE 6 Colled- ible contents including complete complete estates. Best possible prices paid. Henry Kahn 905- 985-8161, WANTED- Pressure treated wood for deck approx 10 ft. x 30 ft., or complete deck already already built. Also wanted, shed, approx. G'x8', good condition. Call 905-619-1900. Cwj™ Pet, Supplies SUM Boarding A WEDDING...a weekend retreat. retreat. We will care for your pet in the comfort of your home. Call Monique 905-839-7853 BICHON FRISE PUPPIES, vet checked, dewormed, micro chipped, ready to.go. Only 2 males left! Call Eileen 905- 623-9971 Bowmanville. FREE KITTENS to good homes. Males & females. Parent are social barn cats. 905-655-7845. Leave Mes- sage, snp LOVING HOMES NEEDED for adult cats. Many young and mature cats (spayed or neutered, neutered, fully vaccinated) looking for homes. Kittens with 1st booster booster sometimes available. Many medium to larger breeds of dogs also for adoption. Pet supplies (especially cat food and litter) and donations always welcomed. Foster homes for medium to large dogs as well as timid cats needed. Please call Durham Animal Adoption (905) 438-8411 PUPPIES, Shitzu, Pomerianian, Cocker Spaniels, Pit bulls, Lhasa, PugX, standard poodles, minature pinchers, Bichon-poos, Beagles, Husky-reg'd. 'Sheppard-X, Collie-X $175." Kittens, Tabbys, Himalayans. 905-831-2145. Grooming Services avail. SEAL POINT HIMALAYAN kit- lens $300 firm/first shots. Raised with kids, (905)434-7184 (sne) SHIH-TZU PUPPIES, 3 females, non registered, for pets only. Shots and dewormed. Health guarantee. Mom and Dad on site. $500. (905)432-9791 TSURO DOG TRAINING -. real training for real dogs. 905-797- 2855, Oshawa 905-432-8318. www.tsurodogtraining.com Em Tickets EéÜSJ For Sale GARAGE SALE Sal. May 17th, 8-12 noon 8 Shipley Ave, Newcastle (Mill lo Edward to Glass Crt. lo Shipley) bar fridge, china, crystal, childs bike GIANT YARD SALE Fri„ Sat., Sun., Mon. May 16,17,18, 19 BUNDLE ROAD NORTH 3 miles West ot Bowmanville Milk cans, plows, scufflers, wheels, old cedar rails, bells, books, records, Coca Cola stuff, knitting, etc., etc. Something for everyone. Rain or shine. ☆ 3 DAY YARD SALE! ☆ Sat. May 17, Sun. May 18, Mon. May 19 2725 Taunton Rd. E., Bowmanville Various Items MOVING SALE Sal. May 17th, 8 a.m. 10 Prospect St. Bowmanville IScugog/Odell) french doors, 16" polished aluminum rims (Grand Prix); Inys, huusewares, nld records, Inis mure GIANT VICTORIA DAY OUTDOOR GARAGE SALE Mon., May 19th 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 4181 Sheppard Ave. E. (at Midland) Over 100 Vendors 416-291-0684 YARD SALE Saturday May 17th 8:30am -2pm 63 Roscr Cres., Bowmanville Something for Everyone! Home Improvements Home Improvements DIXIE CHICKS - 2 pairs of tickets to June 12th, A.C.C.. 905-579-5909 after 7 p.m. EIlM Cars For Sale I & T CARPENTERS Licensed & Insured ' est 1987 Custom Homes, General Contracting, Additions, Garages, Basements, House Trim, Stairs, Decks, Windows, Doors & Barns Ivan Jones 983-5303 Tony Fanara 263-9988 Registration Registration 1989 CHRYSLER DYNASTY, G-cyl. automatic, very good condition, new liming belt, rad and waler-pump, clean air and salelied, $1800-obo. Please phone 805-404-0540 1989 JAGUAR XJS, red, Ian interior, VI2, new body & paint S8000. Hick Oram Aulo Body/ Dealer 905-985-1991 1989 PONTIAC SUNBIRD. 2- door SE, sunrool, power- locks, power windows. Great body. Runs great. Certified & E-lesled. S2500. Call Q05-435- 3462. snp 1990 CAVALIER R.S. 3.1L, V6, aulo. 2-door, loaded, $2695. Cerlilied/Emissions. 1992 Chevrolet Lumina Z34, 3.1 L V6, auto/OD, 4-door, loaded. Certified/ Emissions/warranty included S2795. 905-718-5032 dealer 1991 BLAZER 4X4, $3,200. Body and mechanics good. 120.000 kms. on molor. 88 GRAND PRIX, cerlilied and E- lesled, $2,800.905-797-9638, 1991 CHEV Cavalier 2.2L, 4 cylinder, automatic, 2-door, metallic, blue, runs and looks great, $250 as is O.B.O. Call 905-686-1179. serious inqul- ties only please. 1992 BERETTA, aulo, very good condition, 170,000km, am/tm cassette, aluminum wheels. Asking $2,450 certilied/e-lesled. ALS01989 NISSAN Sentra. Call 905-404-8695 1992 CHEV. CAVALIER, 2dr, 5spd, lilt, cruise, p.lockAvind- ows, new clutch, exhaust, windshield, windshield, Body 2yrs. old, excellent- running-condition $2500/obo. 430-7167 aller 6 pm. 1992 CROWN VICTORIA, mint condition. Certified and E-test- cd. Low kms. $3699. Call 905- 404-2311, 1994 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 6 cyl, 3.IL, 2dr, auto, pw, p/locks, air- con, great condition, 200,000 km. • all hwy. woman driven, $2900. obo. as is. 905-720-4605 1994 SUZUKI SWIFT 2-door red, 4-cyl. 5-speed transmission. transmission. 175,000-kms, good con- dilion. new brakes and tires. Cerlilied/emission tested. Asking $2400.905-571-5138 1995 FORD TAURUS wagon, green. 6 cyl., air, cruise, extra seal, very good condition, 179.000 hwy. kilometers, private sale, lew price, S3600 cerlilied, 1705)340-5550 Lindsay. 1996 MONTE CARLO Z34, 2dr, red, with charcoal grey Interior, 3.41, tally loaded S-Î800. Ask lor Troy 905-435-9960. 1996 NEON, black. 2dr, 130.000 km. New performance performance exhaust, new cool air intake, CO player, clean inside 8 onl, no rust. S5000 cerlilied and E-lcsled. 1-705-328-2212. 1997 CHEV CAVALIER - only 77.000 kms., air, CD player, like new condition, blue, ask- ing S7.700, Call 905-373-4871. 1997 CHRYSLER INTREPID, loaded, white, 185,000km. S5995; 1995 DODGE CARAVAN CARAVAN SPORT, loaded, 7-pass. 3.3 molor, blue with grey Interior. Interior. 129km. S6495: 1995 G.M.C. SAFARI. Ext, loaded, 8-pass. 175.000km, burgundy with burgundy Ini. $5995: 1994 PLYMOUTH VOY. 7-pass. G cyl. aulo, air, IGGkin, silver exl, grey interior, running board, snort package S4495: 1995 CHEVY LUMINA, loaded, V0. light blue with blue ini., 240km, $-1295; 1995 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM. 6 cyl, loaded, burgundy exl., tan cloth Interior, gold package, 166km. S-l-195; 1992 CHEVY CAVALIER, 4 cyl aul, air, only 120km, -Idr, blue on blue $3495; 1991 CHEVY LUMINA, ■I rlr, black with bmgumly interior, interior, 6 cyl, 1G7km, aulo, air, till, $2695; 1990 DUICK LESA- HUE, loaded, royal blue exl, blue clolh Interior, 3800 molor 53495, All vehicles sold ccili- bed and E-lcsled. 12 month wananty Included. DIAMOND AUTO SALES. 221 Wcstncy Nil. S, A|,ik. 91)5-019-1900. 1998 CHRYSLER CIRRUS LXI • 2.51., Vti engine, black on black, leather ini, keyless entry, entry, pw, |il, pscals, lilt steering, ciriiso control, bmiiacnlato cnmlilion. Alloy wheels, 141,1)00. $11900. 005-000- 4l3(i 1998 MALIBU, 4ilr, aulo, IPO,00(1 kill, not'd comlillon, lully puwcruil, whitc/gicy Interior, Interior, rcmnlC'Conliol starter, citcwleil wananty, $9100. hlm 005-40-1 91117 ÎÔ09 OLDS ALEI10 GLS. fully loaded, II/,Ill'll kil, extended wananty. Silver willi lealber, sunrool, power l/rl/Av, $12,500. 1)1)11 (905)0011-12 2 3 1999 PONTIAC SUNDIHI). inniil cdinliliim, IliOkm, $15(11) I ..as Is 1991 Mania g?3. $5(111 Call 005-90/-I3I2 or 005-/43 0295 2900 IMPALA all options, sinmiul, lealber, never seen a winter $111,9911. U05-723 7201 RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS Qualified Instructor • 5 semi-private lessons • 45 min. sessions • $57/student 905-623-4859 Cars For Sale Trucks For Sale 2001 GRAND AM, V6, CD, spoiler, full power package, silver, 92,000kms, 514,995. Call days (905)477-7000 ext. 3740, evenings (905)839-1786 2002 MONTANA, assume 4 year lease, quad captain chairs, towing package, 4yr/ 80,000kms warranty. No money down, $433 monthly tax included. included. (905)349-2049 [WVWWVVWI I DARRYL'S AUTO CENTER Bad Credit Bankruptcy Consumer Proposals No Credit We'll Help Build Your Credit Great Cars. rmiifTïïTiFHriïîi Great Results Call Gary (905)436-1499 www darrylsauto.com 170 Bloor St. E., Oshawa EXCEPTIONAL BUY ■ 1987 Toyota Supra Turbo 24 valve, 5-spd. loaded, ps, pw, pb, a/c, stereo system, Targa rool, grey, no rust, excellent condition, never winter driven, 172.000 km. A real beauty! Ceil. $4700 obo. Must be seen. 416-271-5889 or 705-277-3281. Serious inquiries only please. FTiQi Cars Uflïl Wanted $$$ TOP DOLLARS paid 1er scrap cars 7 days/week Call [905)683-7301 or (905)424- 9002 alter Cpm. CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in limning condition. Call 427-2-115 or come to 479 Bayly St. East. Ajax at MUR- AD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all lor good cars and trucks or free removal lor scrap. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 L'llIB Trucks For Sale 1992 DODGE CARAVAN, V6, aulo, burgundy, burgundy interior, interior, loaded, 225,000 kms. Driven daily to Toronto $3300 cerlilied 8 c-tested. Nick Oram Auto Body/Dealer 905-985-1991. 1994 FORD ECONOLINE 350 Cargo van. runs well, good worn truck, sold as is. $2500- obo. 905-686-1640 1994 FORD EXPLORER XLT, loaded, lull power package, Black w/grey lealber interior, sunrool. CD player, E-lesled, $5000. Call 905-983-0175 1997 CMC SAFARI VAN, loaded, excellent condition $10,500 o.b.o. Call (905)623-5129 2000 ASTRO VAN, loaded, air, power windows, cruise, tilt, keyless keyless entry, ISB package, 59,000 km, excellent condition, cerlilied 515,900 obo. Call aller Cpm 905- 203-2084 Garage 4 Storage Space sq.lt Close to Brock/401. $550 t utilities. utilities. Call 905-666-1261. Professional Diredorv 1983 FORD F150, 300, 6 cyl., automatic, new Iront lencer sand tailgate, new ball joins and Iront btakes, no hole, box liner rear tires new, works good, great (arm truck. SI,800 as is firm. No emissions needed, (705) 328-0402 1988 DODGE DAKOTA, passed E- les! in March, new converter, 245,000 kills,, 8II. box willi cap, runs great, $1,200. Call 905-885- 5342 alter 0 pm. 1992 S-10 EXT. cab, 190,000 kms, ccitilicd. c-tcslcd, under- coated yearly. $5000. Call (906)250-4755 1994 CHEVY 1500 P/IJ 4.3. 5 speed, 201,000 kms.. $6,200 ' cerlilied OBO. 1996 TORD F150 XL, cap, 302, aulo, 150,000 kms., $1,300 000.905-349-2778. Legal Services • Family Law Separation Properly Settlement Divorce • Criminal Law Assault Impaired Driving All Criminal Offences • Wills & Estatns Mervyn Kelly Lawyer Bowmanville 905-623-4444 Daycare Available Daycare Available HELPING HANDS DAYCARE NOW OPEN IN BROOKLIN 5959 Anderson SI. Infant to school age. Transportation to local schools Call (or our affordable rales or drop Into see us. 905-655-3522 Prooil Winner ol llio fioailot's Cliolco Award 97-02 Wee / Watch,.! ™ Prime Home Df Care "TUtteH <ut(tf tdc witt d<xl Working ns parluors willi pamils and I'rovklcrs, Wee Wall'll wilts In lliu growth ami iliwlopim'iil of dillilrun in a salV, Immu umlmnmviii, •SilnuilalliiR Dally I'nigiums • lliiscliviliilvil lloinu Visits • IiivoiruThv llm'lpls • l ull anil hirt'lliiii'liari 1 I'lmvatU: Itowniniivlllv/Osluiwa Hast - 433-0558 AUCTION SALE Holiday Inn, Oshawa 1011 Bloor Street East Sunday Noon-May 18th View 11:00 am - Sale Starts at 12:00 Partial list; Jewellery, diamond rings, earrings, earrings, chains, Tiffany Lamps & Window panels, panels, steel cookware, wood & metal lurnilure, stands, hall fables, mirrors, etc. Swords, fountains, grandfather clock, porcelain ware, gym bikes, bench, treadmill, Sv/arvski Crystal, Crystal, chandeliers, glassware, dinnerware,candle dinnerware,candle sets, patio set & umbrellas. Lois of new items & much more, TERMS: Cash. Visa. M/C. only MARKHAM AUCTIONS 90S-947-QW AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 17, 2003 AT 10AM ESTATE OF THE LATE DONALD KERR (OF RR #2, CAMPBELLFORD, ON) PLUS CONSIGNMENTS Aoclion lo be held el WILLIAMS AUCTION CENTRE, 33 Industrial Drive, Campbellford ON. Large quantity ol dishes; Antique pieces: Nippon cups 4 saucers: Set ol Allred Meaken dishes lor 12: Kitchen utensils; Salt & peppers; Figurines; Plates; Glasswv/are; Silverware; Silver serving dishes; Tea pels; Silver lea service: Kitchen utensils; Pols & pans; Table & 4 chairs; Bullet hutch; Table lamps; Tupperware; Chesterfield & chair; Coffee table & 2 end tables; Mix Master; Electric appliances; appliances; Kenmore 8000 BTU air conditioner; Kodak Carousel projector & screen; Pictures & frames; Glider rocker; Wing back chair; Platform rocker: JVC TV w/ remote; TV stand; Baskets: Two china cabinets; Mirrors: Mirrors: Books; Apple peeler; Humidifier; Bookcase; Christmas decorations: Kenmore washer; Hoover dryer; dryer; Chest ol drawers: Shelves; Kelvinator refrigerator and range (Good); Sylvania microwave; Kitchen bullet; Drop leaf table; Wash board; Kirby vacuum & attachments; attachments; Drop front desk; Sev/lng materials & trim; Quilt tops & patches; Quilt; Cushions & afghans; Blankets Blankets & bedding; Linens; Bookshelf; Lamps; Trunk; 3'4 bed w/bookcase headboard; Dresser; Chest ol drawers; drawers; Night stand; Doilies; Cedar bedroom suite w/dou- ble bed; Costume Jewelry; Hat pins; Card tables; Re- diner w/heat & vibrate; Kenmore 36 dehumiditier; Platform rocker; Lawn chairs; 8-tracks; Puzzles; Clock; India brass; Arm chair; Table tennis top; Pulsar colour TV (port.); Scott VCR; Sony stereo; Electric fireplace; Vanity; Coal oil lantern; Frigidaire freezer; Trunk; Clamps; Power tools & hand tools; Grinder; Craftsman 10" table saw; Horse bells; Hammock; Crocks; Patio table & umbrella; Stihl 020AV chain saw; Two Muskoka chairs; Wheel barrow; Fishing rods; Sm. Floor jack; Slihl gas trimmer; New set ol Spalding golf clubs (right); Cast implement seat; Old culler; Dyna Mark 12/39 riding lawn mower; Sabre 5 hp rolo tiller; Prince Graft 15' deep hull aluminum boat w/Johnson 9 1/2 hp outboard & trailer; Ant. Iron Horse 1 1/2 hp outboard motor; Garden tools; Wash tubs; Wash tubs; Milk can; Horse shoes, Many More Hems ol Interest. A good clean sale. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH ID. LUNCH AVAILABLE. NO RESERVE. RESERVE. WILLIAMS, AUCTIONS & APPRAISALS CAMPBELLFORD AUCTIONEER: ROD WILLIAMS, CPPA. PHONE: 705-653-3533 or 705-748-8969. Web Site: www.williamsauctions.ca 1997 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4 pickup, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, low mileage, SI 6,080 905-342-2704. 1997 FORD RANGER, excellent condition, tonneau cover, box liner, new brakes, $6,200 cerlilied rE-lested. Call 905-721-8279 1999 DODGE 4X4 Model 2500 loaded, PS/PB, A/C, lowing package, package, keyless entry. While. 100,000kms. Slep bumper, sport package. S' box. $20,500. L8H Healing 8 Air Conditioning 905- 263-8154 2000 CHEVY hall Ion, black, loaded, 5.3 litre vortex, heavy duly suspension, trailer equipped, locking differential, 520,500. Call alter 5 pm, 905- 885-8471, 2001 GMC SONOMA SLS.Vorlec VS, 4-spd aulo, 3rd door, CD, 16' alloy wheels, pewler with matching matching fiberglass tonneau cover, elc. S20D0 in accessories, 79,000 highway kms, cerlilied, e-lesled. 517,999. Call (905)922-9017 Oshawa (snp) Vans/ 4-Wheel Dirve AUCTION SALE THURS., MAY 22, 2003 AT 10AM PROPERTY OF HILDA FREEMAN (OF HASTINGS, ON) PLUS CONSIGNMENTS Auction lo be held at WILLIAMS AUCTION CENTRE, 33 Industrial Drive, Campbellford ON. Large quantity 01 dishes; Antique pieces: cornflower; crystal: 2 cut glass decanters: tart tins: cast iron dragon candlestick: 2 Copeland Spode plates: R.S. Prussia plate; Occupied Japan figurine; Moorcroft cream & sugar (plain blue): Moorcrolt small vase (orange & red); good cups & saucers (Royal Albert, Aynsley, Bavaria, etc.); vases; kitchen utensils: pols & pans: electric appliances: pictures pictures & frames', paintings; 2 needlepoint pictures; watercolour watercolour scene (Europe); 7 pc. "Art Deco" bedroom suite w/twin beds (good ; black vinyl chesterfield & chair (good); coffee tables; side tables; needlepoint side chair: 2 Jac'ques & Hayes chairs: area rug & runner runner (peach coloured); large crock; sm. corner shell; brass wood box; cast fireplace grate S-andirons; sm. Tine corner shell; wooden chairs; ! iron bed w/brass :nob$; "Canadian Collector" magazines: treadle sewing machine base: wagon: pr. ol old Peterborough skis: brass oil lamp (converted): wall hutch: bedding & linens: 2 quills (new): vacuum cleaner 8 attachments (like new); filing cabinet: 3 sm. wooden cupboards; books; 2 qrm chairs; telephone table 8 chair; chesterfield chesterfield 8 chair; book case; mirrors; sm. TV; wooden plant stand; glider rocker; table lamps; bedroom lamps; oval braided rug; magazine racks; glass washboard; washboard; luggage; fireplace tools; hand tools 8 garden tools. Many More Items ol Interest. A good clean sale. TERMS: CASH OR CHEQUE WITH ID. LUNCH AVAILABLE. NO RESERVE. WILLIAMS, AUCTIONS 8 APPRAISALS, CAMPBELLFORD AUCTIONEER: ROD WILLIAMS, CPPA. PHONE: 705-653-3533 or 705-748-8969. Web Site: www.williamsauctions.ca AUCTION - SATURDAY, May 17th at 10:00AM - Selling Selling the entire contents (rom the large home ol Mrs. Mary MacDonald MacDonald ol Campbellford lo be held al WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWYK2 COLBORNE. Excellent selection of some good modem home furnishings, some antiques 8 collectibles, elc. Partial list includes excellent fridge 8 matching stove, excellent excellent washer 8 dryer, dishwasher, antique sideboard, antique oak extension table 8 4 pressed back chairs (chairs not old) other antique high back sideboard, modem dining room suilc wilh extension table, chairs and glass Iron! china cabinet, excellent excellent remote control colour TV-27". Iwo excellent mahogany bedroom suites wilh 4 poster beds, highboy chests, dresser with mirror 8 night stands, both will) good mattress sets, maple maple highboy chest, pine 3 door chesl, sola suite, bed sola, quantity bedding 8 linens, 2 antique trunks, painted antique dresser, oil lamps, old Victorian side chairs need refinishing, several old pictures 8 frames, small tables, mirrors, antique wicker arm chair painted needs refinishing, antique table with turned legs, antique dresser wilh mirror, oil paintings, 12 large plastic bins lull ol smalls • all packed away in old garage, selection selection dishes, glassware, collectibles, Royal Doulton figurine, 3 Hummed ligurines, knick knacks, china, crystal, elc. Large sale • No reserves Terms: cash, cheque. Visa. M/C, Inlerac GARY E. WARNER - AUCTIONEER 905-355-2106 Online al www.warnersaticllon.com Kawartha Lakes Co-op Auction Market (formally the Woodville Sale Barn) RR#3 Woodville, Ont Sales every Saturday at 9:30 am Machinery Sale Wednesday Night May 28 @ 5pm more details next week, to advertise consign consign by Thursday at noon. Stocker Sale Sat. June 7 approx 2 pm. Bred Cow Sale Sat June 7 approx 2pm Our New Sales Arena will open Sat. May 17 lor furniture, antiques and quality items. To consign or info call Stephen at the barn 705-439-4444 kevln Barker 705-374-4478 John Willan 705-374-4613 LINDSAY SALE BARN R.R.2 LINDSAY, ON 705-324-2774 or 1-866-813-4449 Bill & Jim Hale owners Regular Sale every Friday at 12:30 pm Bred Cows sell at 1:30 in Ring 2 QLMnyJQ - Special Stocker Sale Lindsay Sales Arena Sal. May. 17 al 7:00 pm • Blonde D'AquItnno Sale SaLMay.24 a| 7:00.pm - Herolord Sale Ross Bailey 905-985-0697 Jell Redmond 705-324-9617 Diiyciiiu Avnll.ibln Mortgages Loans DAYCARE THAT CABES ■ Heel- lent c.iio lor clnlilicn In tin,ill. a lioinu. Cliilil/lnl.ml ill'll cd. Ilelciciicus Available. Ivory Crt, llowiiunvillo, Contact ciwyi iigstuhHMH. QUAUriCDECEMomaniîilji* 1er will inovuh! quality iljyc.no In yum homo lull/I',ill in short- leiiu I),u,Is. Itoleiences available Cl'll/llisl Aid. Weekend:', available. available. lot mum into, please call 885 1118-9250. îiïaisiciïïïf NURSE iw djy- ram Immeiliatu ij|ieiuii||'i ages 2/(11'. limokO'licj, pet-lieu rnvi- iiiiimeiit.chii.o In 401. lint limn- lions lunches. Iiidoni/uuiiliiiii Miniulnlinii (day. CI'll ccitilleil Courtieu 9115-1.II 51/5 SSSMONEY FOB ANY I'UII- I'USFSSS ■ Specialized in hard to place mortgage'.,, tut, 7ml. ami did as law as 4:i. Whin your bank says no. cad ur.l Unlit console, niuilguiie m lax aimais okay. Uni, uio Wide ITIHH'591 till!,/ 1ST Oil 2ND MUIUGAGtS • last aiiprov.il. Also lino nl ( ledit and debt consult. Bad Cii'dit -nut a iiioMem Janet (005)031-9137 CENTRAL FUNOINQ GROUP lui, I 8 iiecnnd mortgages In Hill 1 , I nun 515'! i Ini 5 ycai!',. Ile;, I available ulus I'llvato fulfils av.lilabhi, Hell- naniani) debt I'onsiilidatinil a specially lui M-.l pmlm, douai douai i.civice rail 9115 Wifi 49111) WEDNESDAY, May 21st: 4:45pm Auclion Sale ol Furniture, Antiques, and Collecta bles 1er a Cobourg Estate, selling at Nell Bacon Auctions Ltd. 1 km west ol Utica. TO INCLUDE: Pine armoire, oak wardrobe, cherry roll lop desk, lady's dresser, mahogany table, needlepoint needlepoint stool, empire sola, 3 tier table, cedar chesl, press back chairs, maple dresser, ship's compass, 1/2 canoe, brass and iron beds, wrought iron pcs. Victorian Victorian jewelry, bridge lamps, hanging brass lamps, old books, blow torch collection, 1900s fireplace insert, English painting, Langley painting, prints, early scales, history of Cobourg books, old pens, RD plates, cups and saucers (coalport, Royal Albert). Cocoa set, ma]e- lica water pitcher, crystal bowls, wedgewood pitchers, oil lamps, cranberry pcs, 8 plaça selling ol Leighton dishes, Meakin 8 place setting, carnival glass, ink well, silver plate, coke sign, old tools, plus many other old interesting items. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 ❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦❖♦•J- VICTORIA DAY AUCTION Monday May 19th Start 10 a.m., View from 8:30 a.m. Randy Potter Estate Auction, 15 Cavan St., downtown Port Hope is holding an auction of approx. 400 lots of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china and collectables. Terms Cash, Visa, Interac, M/C and known cheque. Randy Potter Auctioneer 905-885-6336 or 905-885-4311 For listings and pictures go to our website: www.randypotterauctions.com NO BUYERS PREMIUM SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 17TH -10 a.m. 2 Large local estates elc. Featuring antiques, furniture, ltd edition, pictures, china, glass, collectables, tools, appliances, etc. Selling at the MABEE AUCTION CENTRE on Hwy. 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 km South of Coboconk. For Fax or further list call Calvin Mabee Auctions at 705-454-2841 or log on lo www.aucllonsllnd.com/mabee No Reserve Don! Miss It LARGE AUCTION Antiques, collectables, books and furniture and new golf shoes to be held at CLASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS on Sunday, May 18,2003 at 11 am. Viewing from 9 am day of sale at Classique Country Auctions. 2224 Burnham St. N. ol the 401 Hwy at Cobourg "Note books sell at 10 am. Regular auction at 11am" Large quantity ol new golf shoes, gloves, club covers, marble fireplace surround, old light fixtures, Beatle photos, post cards, show eases, antique dressing vanity, vanity, old beds, country sola and chair, old side board, tables, prints,set of 4 oak chairs, wardrobe, rugs, book case and shelves, office chair, wash tubs, old washing machine, plant stand, floor lamps, table lamps, china, glass, stools, work benches, quantity of nails, tools, hall tree, dressers and much much more. About 500 lots. Owner, auctioneer not responsible lor loss, damage or injury while attending. Sale conducted by CLASSIQUE COUNTRY AUCTIONS. For info or to consign please call 1-905-372-1225 or 1-888-633-1050. "the professional estate settlers" Antiques, farms, estates & liquidations. HOLIDAY AUCTION - MONDAY, May 19th at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWY#2 COLBORNE - Double Sale at 12:00 - Noon INSIDE: Marvin Fleishman Sale, all new articles, grandfather's clocks, steieos. stainless steel sets, giftware, toys, VCR's and DVD players, hand 8 power tools, jewelry, diamonds, gold, etc., household small appliances, mixers, roasters, blenders, elc., dish sets, plus much more. OUTSIDE: also starting at 12:00 - Noon - from Mary MacDonald s garage - 1987 Mercury Mercury Grand Marquis, 12' aluminum boat with older 6 HP Johnson Johnson outboard, large selection lawn 8 garden tools, antique pieces, side chairs, old tables, etc., most need relinishing, collectible pieces, large selection lawn 8 garden lurnilure, Adirondack lawn chairs, some tools, antique walnut table 8 chairs, lawn mowers. Contents ol storage unit also being sold 1er non payment ol rent • everything Irom boxes lull ol smalls to furnishings, cupboards, mostly unseen al advertising time. Also at completion ol outside sale we will auclion selected sola sets: new in our lurnilure loll, bed solas, bed sola 8 matching chair, plus sola 8 love seat sets. Both sales no reserves. reserves. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, M/C, Inlerac AUCTIONEERS: GARY E. WARNER - M. FLEISHMAN 905-355-2106 Online al www.watqersaucllon.com AUCTION SALE GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER, NEVVTONVILLE FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 6 P.M. Selling the interesting and collective contents from a Bowmanville home, quantity of good glassware and china, Addersly, Royal Winton, Cranberry, Royal Albert, Nippon, Sandwich plates, teapots, McCoy cookie jar, old-books, 8 doz. wade tea figures, tin toys, singer feather lit machine, old mantle radios, Galanti electric organ and bench, coins, mission rocker, maple rocker, wicker rocker, 5 folding patio chairs and cushions, ornate Victorian high back bed and matching stenciled dresser, pr. press backs, Victorian mirror, old trunks, Kitchen pantry cupboard, corner what not, quilts, fernery pr. brass lamps, Honda 80 dirt bike, and a variety of other articles. Preview after 2 p.m. Auction starts at 6 p.m. Note: Durham Police Auction of bikes and properly items, Friday, May 30th at the Grist Mill. Check out website for updates. Terms: Cash or good cheque, visa, m/c, interac. Auctioneers Frank and Sieve Stapleton, (905) 786-224-1, T-S00-263-9SS6 www.slaplctonauctions.com 'Estate Specialists since 1971' CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, May 16lli al 4:30pm 3 miles Easl of Lillie Britain on County Rd. 4 The property of Wilf Ryall of Oakivood plus olhers, square oak dining table, qty. odd press back chairs, pine (able, Maying stacking washer & dryer, _w.ishst.mds, wicker fern stand, Inglis side by side fridge/freezer, walnut curio cabinet, walnut swing mirror, oak buffet, iron beds, walnut walnut hall table, antique platform rocker, co-oil lamps, wicker doll carriage, 2 door refrigerator 8r matching 30 in electric stove, butcher block, 14ft- aluminum canoe, 6 Up Evinrudc outboard motor (excellent condition), 430 Case Diesel tractor & loader, lot lp Turf Troc riding lawn mower, Lincoln Arc Welder, 12ft, Aluminum boat, trailer & -1.5 outboard motor, large qty. hand & power tools, china, glass, collectable & household items. Don & Greg Cornell Auctioneers R.R. 81 Little Britain (705)786-2183 AUCTION, THURSDAY, May 15tli • 5:00PM al WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, HWYH2 COLBORNE ■ moving sale lor Mi. S Mis. Don Steers ol Colbome. Excellent 17 ill 1 Kabota garden tractor vrilli 40' cutting deck, twin grass bagger. Iront mount snow blower 8 garden trailer all like new. gas weed cater, shop vac. hand 8 power tools, garden 8 lawn lools, 11)' table saw, imiter 8 router table, lawn 8 garden luirii- lure, engine hoist 8 engine stand, Gcncly garden tractor, pro- pane barbecue, exercise bike, weight bench, large quantity electrical supplies, all this sells outside stalling al 5 I'M. Household articles to sell inside also starting al 5 I'M which includes antiques 8 mortem home Inmlsliings, neatly new white lull size Imlgc, 30' stove, excellent Kenmore washer 8 dryer, chest freezer, antique pressed back rocking chair, antique antique drop leal table, excellent sola 8 love scat wilh reclining ends m mint condition, antique walnut dining room suite, antique antique side chairs, antique dressers and chests, antique walnut lied, leclinci chair, 2 door wanliobo, wicker pieces, nice desk, small computer desk, occasional chairs, old trl-llglits, large selection inclines 8 liâmes, largo selection lioiisclmld article:;, article:;, dishes, glass, collectibles, china, lamps, bed sola, books, largo selection lianil knotted I'cislan mgs in vallons sizes largo 8 small, plus, plus, plus • very I, vue sale! two Aucllonoun lolling Inside 8 out. kirns: cash, (tienne. Visa, MC, Interne. CARY E. WARNER-AUCTIONEER 905-355-2108 wvjw.wnrnorsauclian.com AUCTION SALE Politick nml Slophonsoii Auction Until, llnytlon ON Snl, May 17, nl 5:30, l out v/ltdol scooter, holpoliit lililqo 8 htovo, fishing lutes, mils 8tc„ Sjioils cauls, ciyslal, llpilght li liii alt comp,, Tools etc. Tonus Cash, liilorac, Visa, M/C, Aucllonoor Don Stephen soil 905-(7U5) 203-4402 or 1-866-357-5335 Soil hy Aitclloti'Ciill Uott KAHN AUCTION CENTRE Estate & Consignment Our Specialty at 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering 3 mi. N. of Hwy. 401 on Brock Rd. "BIG ORANGE BARN" Selling Antiques, Collectables, Estate Contents, Furniture, Gla ssware & China THURS. May 15th, 6:30 p.m. start PREVIEW TIME - 4:00 P.M. ☆★^"Mark Your Calender 11 **^ HOLIDAY SALE MON. MAY 19TH, 10:30 a.m. start ANTIQUES & FURNITURE - Prime pcs. ol Canadians early antiques Including country, Victorian & oak furnishings lo include early kitchen cupboards and cabinets, dropleal tables, selection ol sets ol chairs, variety ol dressers and chests, commodes & washslands, blanket boxes & benches, tables & stands, Vicl. related cabinets, parlour chairs, mirrors, plus more line furnishings furnishings ol the era, walnut armoires, several ant. dressers 4 sideboards ready lor handy caregiver, plenty ol old oak to be lound such as sideboards, china cabinets etc., primitive lo decorative collectables, articullural pieces, plenty ol prime pieces relating lo early 1900's, selection ol good quality end tables, coffee tables, rockers, 4 quality used bedroom 4 diningroom furniture. furniture. too many items to list. HUGE ♦ ANTIQUE AUCTION -0* SPECIAL INTERESTS: Sports memorabilia, signed Bobby Orr, Mike Weir, collection of gallery frame mirrors, new grandfather clocks, brass fireplace fireplace screen with age, balance ol container of 18th Cent, style furniture Includes many new line furniture Items. ART AND UIL PAINTING: Trisha Romance, Group ol 7 Limited Edition quality quality framed Irom Casson, Thompson, Carmichaels, Harris, some lirsl lime offered offered In Ibis series, many other Canadian artists Limited Edition, some first time offered, a great selection ol professional painted new 4 old oil on canvas, canvas, watercolours elc. GLASSWARE ANU CHINA • lots ol old 4 new decorated china arriving dally. NEW FURNITURE lo Include: pressback chairs wilh pedestal labia, conlem- "orary colonial lable wilh 6 chairs and matching server, California arrow- ack lable wilh 6 chairs 4 buffet, solid wood lable wilh 6 chairs maple, other other lurnilure lo include grandfather fireside chairs, bookcases, china cabinets, cabinets, Lyre card lable, parlour tables, loo many Items to list!! AUCTIONEERS REMARKS: This sale will be a great sale offering of over 350 lots. Please be sure lo attend. TERMS ANU CONDITIONS: Visa, Mastercard, Amex, debit card. No registration lee. 10% buyers premium. Delivery available. For more Into, or 1er consignment please call Victor Brewda-Auctloneer (Member ol the Ontario Auctioneers Association) at (90S) 683-0041 Birthdays Birthdays ^ Happy 10th Birthday MARTENE If you see Martene Maysfream 'Smit on May 15, 2003, wish her* 'many happy returns of the day on < her first double digit birthday! Love from Dad, Mom, brother Matt, sister Michelle, Oma, Gramma, and a large collection of , uncles, aunts and cousins , Tenders Tenders Development of a Municipal Water Marketing Campaign INVITATION TO TENDER FINANCE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSAL NO. RFP 642-2003 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Regional Clerk, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, until 2:00 p.m. local time on TUESDAY, MAY 21,2003 FOR THE MUNICIPAL CAMPAIGN. DEVELOPMENT OF A WATER MARKETING Proposal forms are available from the Finance Department, Supply and Services Division, 60 Bond Street, West 2 nd Floor, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8B6, (905) 571-3311, ext. 6287). Lowest or any Proposal not necessarily accepted. ROGER ANDERSON Regional Chair J. S. LORNE, C.E.T., M.B.A., C.P.P.O. Manager of Supply and Services Durham Region Finance Department 60 Bond Street West. OSHAWA ON L1 H 8B6 Telephone (905) 571-3311 www.region.durham.on ca THE DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD TENDER (SEALED TENDERS will bn received in the envelopes provided by the undersigned before 1 11:00 A.M. local Tune on the specified closing date. TENDER T03-13 Intcrior/Exterior Painting at Various Locations CLOSING DATE: Thursday, May 29th, before 11:00 a.m. MANDATORY SITE MEETING Thursday, May 22,2003 at 9:30 a.m. Commencing at G. 1.. Roberts C. V. I. 399 Chaleur Ave., Oshawa (905) 728-7594 lender documents will be available from the Purchasing Department Hie lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. D.M. Hnmcniuk, C. I'd'., CPl'O Manager of Purchasing The Durham District School Hoard 400 Taunton Rd. Easl, Whitby, Ontario I.IK2K6 (905) 666-6442 Mortgages ■LBi IMUf Personals S$ MONEY S$ IUU :s 1st, tinrtamt Jnl Mortgages. Hail credit ÜK. Call Ontario Wide t-888-307- 7/99. CONSOLIDATE All your bills into one easy payment. Up to 100!, Inst moitg.iM willi no money down oac. All types at mortgage financing 1st, 2nd 8 Unis. Ilcslileiill.il and commcici.il niüitgage:;. Gall Hubert fliown al Acciiintn Mono,mo Scivlccs, l ocal 005-436*9282 nr lull tree 1 -11/r'-bU'J-LOAN. Online apiilrc.i- lion www accuiatcmnilgagc-j com MONEY PROBLEMS?" 8ÏUP: iiidgdiiieiilu. garnishments, moilg.igo foreclosure:; 8 bar- rasslng creilitoi calls, lilt: Debt Consoliüjllons, 8 pin- tccllon lor your assois. Gall now: OOb-iihKIiOi SECOND MOIUOAOE at 785%. A Inst mnitq.iiio iittiVy) (use) llelni.mi i' tin rlvlil run iilnliliiiii lod.lyl Call Jjnlo 005-133-14/2 BETTER PENSIONS. SCO Uni NUP s balanced budget platform iiiiblicpowci • Praclical Solutions lor Ontario, vrwvr publrcpower.ca JKTM DÜÿcôro ukl Warded BOWMANVILLE • Cxiieilcnced pail time caregiver for weekdays, weekdays, my homo Ono-yr. nld child. tnsl-Aid/lT'll picleried. References required. Own lianspoihlion. 905 097-1443 SlAlllIND SEPT. Tor 0 month nld. Ilex homs-davs 8 occasional occasional evening:; Vicinity tyilia hulls Its GoiiLicI Sandra 1)011-431-4489. Home Improvements b NO DOUBT "CONSTRUCTION Specializing In Brick Restoration Brick replacement, tuckpointing, chimneys, interlocking driveways, walks, retaining walls c- patios and all concrete work. Quality Workmanship at its best, No Doubt! 905-623-5855 Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 Garbage Removal Hauling 'TRANSFER STATION* ROLL OFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our (ftWpv- GENERAL SALVAGE SERVICE CALLUS 987-4741 NOW NEWCASTLE Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt.-'Ask'for tipping- fee ratbs ; Also accepting fridges,"stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Frl.8-5,Sat.8-12 l 40-tic^ Painting and Decorating A&M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. (905) 623-2098 or Cell (905) 213-9749 Gardening & Landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE wV ey* w V* ey* Tree Trimming Tree Romovul Free Estimates I'ullv Insured (905)263-2538 NORTHUMBERLAND FARM and FOREST PRODUCTS • Privacy Hedges • General. Landscaping • Maintenance & Construction Contact Arch & Pat 905-312-2413 Party Services SOFTTUB RENTALS flew in Durham. RENT NOW lor Parties, Parties, Family Fun, Therapy or Romance. Tubs ol Fun Denials 905-439-TUDS (6627) PTÎT* Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! NOW Willi CHATLINE! Uuiliam's Own! Sometimes love is |usl not enough. Listen lo Hie voice ads free. Women lice lo inert men. 905-683-II10 Ploase road your classified ad on the first day ol publication publication as wo cannot bo responsible lor more Ilian one insertion In tlio ovonl ol an error. FOR MORE CLASSIFIEDS PLEASE SEE RAGE 15