www.durhamrogion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, AUGUST 20, 2003 PAGE 17 Bernie Huxter spent three years compiling stories, stories, photos and statistics for a book on the Motor City Soccer League. SOCCER CLUB Indoor Registration Saturday, August 23 (Tyke Fun Day) 9 a.m/3 p.m. Lower Hydra Fields Mixed teams, boys and girls bom 1955-1998 mO per child A Third child from same family $90 A Cheques only please After Aug. 23, registration (first-come, first-serve) at Darlington Soccer Club office 71 Meams Ct„ Unit 3, Bowmanville Mon.-Fri.: 11 am/3 p.m. Mon/Thurs.: 6 pm,-9 pm. For more information call 905-623-7309 dysc@globalserve.net ▲ darlingtonsoccer.ailcanadiansport.ca Notice of Liquor Licence Application Ontario The following establishment has applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for ai liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Hideway Bar & Grill (The) 170 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville Any resident of the municipality may make a written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than September 14, 2003. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the Commission, please identify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives the applicant copies of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W„ 7'" Floor Toronto, ON MSG 2N6 Fax: 416-326-5555 F-mail: lieensing@ageo.on.ca Email it fThe Statesman :hewsroom@durhamregion.com NOTICE OF PESTICIDE USE Between July 24, 2003 and September 30, 2003, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) will be conducting a larviciding program at 10 Brock Road South, Pickering, ON L1V 2R5 and Holt Road South, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3Z8 under the authority of the Local Medical Officer of Health, and by permit permit approval of the Ministry of the Environment to control larval mosquitoes in order to prevent their development into vectors of the West Nile Virus. The pellet formation of the larvicide methoprene [Product Name: Altosid Pellets, Registration Number 21809 under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada)l will be placed into the catch basins of the storm drains inside the station properties including those catcli basins in the station switchyards. In addition, the stations will also be applying the granular formulation of the biolarvicide larvicide (Product Name: Aquabac (200 G) Mosquito Biolarvicide Granule, Registration Number 26862 under lire Pest Control Products Act (Canada)] which will bo placed into areas of standing water that cannot be drained. All larvicide will be applied by Ministry of the Environment licensed applicators or trained technicians. For details on tire exact locations and dates of treatment please call Kathy Peck, for Pickering, at 905-839-1151 ext. 4074 or Don Terry, for Bowmanville, at 905-623-6670 ext. 7443 or look for additional Information at OPG's Web site: www.opg.com ONTARIOPOWER GENERATION Motor City Soccer League still kicking with release of book on history Popular league folded just shy of its 50th birthday BY BRIAN McNAIR Staff Writer OSHAWA - The Motor City Soccer League may be dead but, thanks to Bernie Huxter, it won't soon be forgotten. In what can only be described described as a labour of love, Huxter has spent the last three years poring over newspapers and microfiche to compile a 400-page book documenting the history history of the league, which folded just shy of its 50th birthday recently. The book begins with an opening ceremony photo taken in 1954, the first year of the league, which was known then as the Ontario County Soccer Association. Oshawa mayor Jack Naylor is shown kicking a ball with such league luminaries as Steve Czaban, James Macdonald Macdonald and Terry Kelly looking on. "People who were back in the 50s, 60s and 70s are really going to like this book because that's when soccer was played best," says Huxter, who served two terms as league president, president, 1991-93 and 2000- 01. "It's meant to preserve the history history of senior soccer in Oshawa and Durham Region." Although he doesn't presume to have found every press clipping or photo, Huxter says he spent "hours and hours and hours at the library" and believes very little information is missing. The league started with seven teams - Oshawa Duplate, Oshawa Strila, Oshawa Polonia, Whitby. Ajax Dowty, Ajax Bequicks and Claremont - and reached a peak of 16 clubs from 1994-96. But the de cline was steady after that, with only four teams taking to the Held in 2002. During its existence, the league also included teams from Ciaring- ton, Port Perry. Uxbridge and Pickering Pickering as well as beyond Durham Region, Region, including teams from Peterborough Peterborough and Trenton. Huxter has made 50 copies of the book and hopes to sell 40 of them for $35 each, primarily to cover his costs. If interested, call Huxter at 905- 576-6937. ^Qlarington Girls Hockey Association^^ HOUSE LEAGUE REGISTRATION for the 2003-2004 Season Thursday, August 21st 6 to 9pm at the Garnet B. Rickard Arena, Bowmanville House League Ages 7 -18 Cost: $400 per player includes: $50 recoverable fundraising fee per family Fundamentals Program Ages 4, 5, & 6 Cost: $200 per player Have fun while learning to skate, pass, control the puck and other basic hockey skills. Please bring a photocopy of child's birth certificate For more information please contact Mona Blaker 905-623-9727 or Dave McKee 905-697-8886 VOLUNTEER COACHES AND TRAINERS NEEDED LATE NIGHT SHINNY HOCKEY EVERY NIGHT - CALL FOR TIMES laoi PHILLIP MURRAY AVE. OSHAWA 905-725-6951 CAMMlM rr^v--i i ? » 1 IIH3 j, SPORTS www.icesports.com e-mail: oshawaeicesports.com mmmmê is ONLY AT CANLAN ICE SPORTS I. Z ADULT HOCKEY LEAGUE «muAHMcmiusut Begins September 20 • 25 Games Guaranteed Select your night (Monday to Sunday) and Skill Level (A,B,C,D, or Rec.) Ladies League on Friday Nights Compete for Facility, Provincial 4 National Champioships powmsKMmmm® #1. Sept, 4-22 ■ Every Mon, & Thurs, at 4:15pm #2. Sept, 4-25 • Every Tues. 4 Thurs. at 5:15pm 7 Class Session - September Only PRE-SEASON CONDITIONING Sept. 18 to 24 • 5 days • 2 hours per day Powerskating and High Tempo Drills .Dir;7 n::..y. - 1 : • J Canada i 0% PURCHASE FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS iViQRF COMFORT □DUAL ZONE Air Conditioning □ 40/20/40 Split Front Seat with Custom Cloth Trim DTilt Steering nCD Stereo MORE STYLE □ Aluminum Wheels □ Deep Tinted Rear Window □ Chrome Grille el BUILDING LEGENDS PLUS AN EXTRA WHEN YOU BUY, FINANCE, OR LEASE VIRTUALLY ANY NEW 2003.* 2003 GMC SONOMA EXT. 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