PAGE 20THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, August 27,2003 >«¥«> Mailin'ir is pleased la announce the birth of his baby sister Rccgnn Diane Conksan Bonhin on July 22. 2003 m 2:58 pm weighing 8 lbs. 6 or I'roiul parents are Melissa and Sean Keegan is welcomed by her grandparents: Diane it Hill Stephens Wayne it Jean Conksan Kathy it Alex llordun ami many aunts uncles it cousins Special thanks to Sandra and Maysonn (midwives) *¥¥¥« Coming Events Coming Events SINGLES DANCE EVERY SUNDAY 8:00 pm - Midnight Jubillee Pavilion SSLakerk'tr Arc. Os/tmea Admission $10, $5 before 8:30 pm Professional EVGOt single's Hotline l-ricmls 905-626-3575 % Anniversaries Anniversaries The 40lh Wedding Anniversary of Margaret & Ernie Colliss with be celebrated at an Open House al the Salvation Army 75 Liberty St, Bowmnnvile on Saturday August 30 front 2:00 pni-5:00pm Best Wishes Only Daycare Available Daycare Available Vffaa ™ Private Home Par Care f-r* 'W&ett (Hticf t&e- ouiCt do-! Working ;ls partners with parents and Prowlers, NVee Watch caters to the growth and development of children in a safe, home environment. •Stimulating Daily Programs • Unscheduled Home Visits • Income Tax Receipts • Full and Part Time Care Pieuse call: Bowmanvillc/Osliawa Fast - 433-0558 Garage Yard Sales Garage'Yard Sales GIANT YARD SALE Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. ~ Aug. 29,30,31 & Sept.1 RUNDLE ROAD N. 3 miles West of Bowmanville, or 6 miles east of Oshawa off Hwy.#2 Milk cans, sculflers. wheels, walking plows, old cedar rails, books, records, knitting, knick-knacks, etc., etc. Something for everyone. Rain or shine. Articles Wanted Cars For Sale WANTED - Exercise equipment. equipment. Looking for a 'Total Gym" exercise unit in good condition. Call Ron 905-686- 8351. Vendors Wanted WANTED - VENDORS for the Whitby Home Show, Sept. 5, 6, 7. Limited Space Available. Call 905-579-4400 Devon ext. 2236 or Wendy ext. 2215 Antiques and Art MOVING to Calgary - old fiddle fiddle and bow, S300 firm; Hoos* ier cupboard with flour bin and nine jars made by Burnette, Renfrew. Ontario. Pine cupboards cupboards and armoires. 501 Division Division St., Cobourg (next to KFC). Pet, Supplies Boarding AND PUPPY DOG TAILS •*Jr Dog & Puppy m Training Classes ,•#, Hew Dates + Aug. 6,, 14, 19 .»# Intro to Agility & V PMJ.iot 905-623-8000 GERMAN SHEPPARD LAB puppies. Mother purebred German Sheppard, father registered registered Chocolate Lab puppies, puppies, all black. Ready to go. S200. Call Kaz alter 6:00pm 905-623-9971 Bowmanville PUPPIES, German Sheppards. Sheppards. Pugs. Standard & Toy Poodles, Dobermans. Cocker Spaniels. Pugpoos, Jack Rus- sells, American Eskimos, Golden Retrievers, Maltese, Chihuahua, 'Sheppard-X, Lab* X. Collie-X Springer Spaniel* X, $175.' Kittens, Mima* layans & Persians. 905-831- 2145. Grooming Services avail. REGISTERED GERMAN Sheppard Sheppard puppies, great temperament, temperament, family raised, reasonable. reasonable. Call (905)986-0425 Tickets For Sale A WEEKEND FOR 2 - Watershed Watershed 4 Concert in Walker- ton Labour day weekend, camping included for 2 adults, retail value S430. asking S350 oho. Call 416-451-9387 L Cars For Sale 1906 CREVETTE, 2dr, low kins, immaculate. S750. 1994 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SPORT, loaded, S4300. ceil. ft e-lesled. Call 905-434-3757. 1987 HONDA ACCORD, blue, 5 speed, easy to certify. New clutch, 217,000 kil., evenings. $900 or best oiler. (905) 4/3- 6101 Zephyr. 1990 HONDA CIVIC. BX Special Special Edilion. 1990 Chevy Lamina Lamina 3.1, e-lesled. Call lor details. (416)269 2345. __ 1990 TOYOTA COROLLA. 5 sppeil, excellent condition, one wownui, $2,000, Telephone Telephone (905) 5/1-1205 1991 0L0S CUTLASS Slurra, 4dr, 1/5 DDIIkin, new brakes, new rad, new lues, 0 cyl, auV), $2300. ceil I V'liiisskni tested. 1996 SUNIIHE, 2dr. -1 cyl, auto, pw, pi, p.simiuol, a/c, 154.000km, ceil . e-lesled, $4,995 Nick Oram Aulohody, 905-905-1991 Dealer 1998 SUNFIRE. 2 dr 4cyl. 5spd. green, grey interior, 145.000 km. certified ft elested. S5995. 1994 VOYAGER VAN. white, tan interior. interior. V6auto. air. 190K, very clean. $4750. cert. & e-tesled. Nick Oram Autobody (dealer) 905- 985-1991. 1999 GRAND AM SE 4-dr. cd player, new tires, new parts. Runs great and in great shape. 100.000km 58.000 o b.o. Call 905-623*9021 2000 PONTIAC GRAND AM - 4 dr., air, am/fm/cd/cassette. p/w windows, aluminum wheels. While. Certified. E- tested. 50.000 km. $11,800 or OBO. 905-571-5241. 2001 BUICK CENTURY 4-door, burgundy. 52.000-km, loaded, cd/lape. SI4.900. will certily. 905-723-7834 2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE. 4 dr. silver 2.2. auto, air, p/I. warranty. warranty. rustproofed. certified & e-tested. one owner $9,000. 905-683-2768 98 CHEV MALIBU, air, excellent excellent condition, certified, E- tested. S6.850.00 ask for Chris. 905-665-0439 '■-■YeYbVVVb-b-I DARRYL'S AUTO CENTER T WAVAVWA Bad Credit Bankruptcy Consumer Proposals No Credit We'll Help Build Your Credit Call Gary (905) 436-1499 170 BloorSt. E., Oshawa RARE CAR - 1965 GT 40 kit. Runs, needs some work, just rewired, new brakes, battery, plugs. While, blue race stripes. Moving, must sell S5500 oho. 905-718-3964 after 6pm. WINGS WEST lull body kit. for 1996 to 1999 Honda Civic, only on vehicle for 2 months. Immaculate condition. Asking SI.200. (905) 706-7668 EC7TH Daycare Available $$ MONEY $$ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd Mortgages. Bad credit OK, Call Ontario Wide 1-888- 307-7799. $$M0RTGAGES$$ Best Rates available!! 1st./2nd mortgages. mortgages. bankrupt, poor credit, sell-employed, no income. HMC 1-800-699-0792 $$ 1ST ft 2ND MTGES $$ Debt Consolidations. Refinancing. Refinancing. Credit issues, Preapprovals. Preapprovals. Cashbacks. Low rates. Residential-Commercial. Residential-Commercial. Call Dennis at (289)314- 1102 '.vww.moftgagebid ca APPROVAL GUARANTEED!!! All type loans within 24 hrs. Car loan specialists. Call (416)888-9936 BUSINESS FINANCE SPECIALIST SPECIALIST Business loans for all purposes. From Prime t1%. 905-690-9875. CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP. first & second mortgages to 100%. From 4.85% for 5 years. Best available rates. Private funds available. Refinancing Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty. For fast protession- al service call 905-666-4986. CONSOLIDATE all bills into 1 easy pay! 100% 1st mortgage mortgage with no money down oac. 1st. 2nd & 3rd mortgages. mortgages. Residential and commercial. commercial. Call VAL LAWSON. Accurate Mortgage Services. 905-436-9292 or 1-877-509- 5626 Online application - CONSOLIDATE all bills into 1 easy pay'!. 100% 1st mortgage mortgage with no money down oac. 1st. 2nd & 3rd mortgages. mortgages. Residential and commercial. commercial. Call VAL LAWSON, Accurate Mortgage Services. 905-436-9292 or 1-877-509- 5626. Online application - MONEY PROBLEMS? STOP: judgements. garnishments, mortgage foreclosures & harassing harassing creditor calls. GET: Debt Consolidations. & protection protection for your assets. Call now: 905-576-3505 1992 CORSICA, 3.1, low km. good condition, 4-door, new tires/battery, e-tested, certified. certified. S2.975. Call 905-987- 5087 1993 FORD ESCORT LXE, 4 dr. 5 spd. lots ol options, great engine, 152.kins. E-tested as is S1800 Or best offer.. (905)668-2137. 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS good condition, no rust, new tires, gas lines. Ready to go. Cedi- fied/e-tested $2700. Call 905- 579-0811 1993 CAVALIER, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto. 1989 Olds 88, 4dr„ 6 cyl., loaded, both in good shape. Highway kms. Many new parts. $2000 each, cert/e- tested. (905)623-5156 1993 CHEVROLET CAVALIER, 4-cylinder, automatic, 2-door, excellent condition, runs very well, reliable, economical, clean, complete tune-up. oil change. 53295. Certified/ Emissions 905-718-5032 Warranty Available, dealer 1993 GRAND MARQUIS, cd, air, new tires, loaded. S3,700. Excellent condition. (416) 875- 7745. 1993 HONDA CIVIC OX 2-dr. coupe, 4 cyl, auto. Good condition. condition. Certified & e-tested. Asking S2750. b.o. 905-571- 5138 1994 CHEV CAVALIER, 2.21, 2 dr., black, 170,000 kms.. good condition, SI .800 OBO. Please call 905-372-7670. 1994 CORSICA, 4dr. a/c. runs great, very good condition. $2,750 certilied/e-tesled. Also 1988 Grand Am, very good condition, Cerlified+t-tested, asking $1,750. Call 905-404- 8695 private. 1994 GRAND AM, $2999; 1993 BONNEVILLE SSC $3499; 1992 CARAVAN $2499; Others from $1695tup. cert. ft e-tested. (Kelly & Sons since 1976) 905-683-7301 or 905- 424-9002 alter 6. 1994 JEEP YJ, black e-tesled/ certified. 2 tops, new tires, 189,000kms. Body is in great . shape, very well maintained, good to go!!! $7500. Call Paul al (905)623-5415 (enp) 1994 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4 dr. excellent condition, 188,00 km, emission tested ft cerlilied. $4295. 905-839- 9128 1996 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, 5spd, loaded, black, 2dr, 141km, was $5995. now $5495: 1997 CHRYSLER INTREPID, INTREPID, Gcyl. 3.3 loaded, white, 4dr. 185km, was $5995, now $5495; 1995 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM. V0. loaded, burgundy. burgundy. 4dr. 162km,was $1495. now $4195; 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER. 165km, auto, air, lilt, citiiso, am/lm cass, 7- passenger, was $4295. now $3995; 1995 DODGE CARAVAN, CARAVAN, VG. 3.3 auto, loaded, 129km, Spoil package, was $5995, now $5495: 1999 CHRYSLER INTREPID, 4(lr, loaded, 126km, green clrar* coal inleiior, was $8995. now $11495; 1997 NEON EXPRES- SO, ?df, fed. 5spd. 138km, $4995; 1991 GEO METRO, 2i!f, while, 134km. $2295; All vehicles vehicles ceil, ft e*tested. Diamonds Diamonds Auto Sales Ltd, 221 WISINEY III). SOU HI, AJAX. 905 619-1900. __ 1997 CADILLAC DEVILLE, while, 109,001) kms., excellent condition. $17,500 or best oil- «14905) 203-2124. 1998 ACCUIIA 1.0 EL, mint condition, loaded with exilas, lady diiven, $13.900 ceMitied. Call 905-725 0393 MusIc&Onnclng Instruction I'l.AY I'lANO/ KKYIÎOAIU) l'u|iiiliiv Styles All iiiTx 1 lmi|iii', iiiuilmi Mk'lliiul (.luulilii'il iihlmi'lor 23vis in I liiiliiim (*>05)725--3-172 Cleaning HOUSECLEANING AVAILABLE by mature dependable experienced experienced person with flexible hours. Reasonable rates Call 905-434-9767. Improvements CHILDCARE AVAIL, in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. mother with B.A. in psychology willing to care for your child. Healthy snacks, activies and outdoor time. Call Rachel at 905-697-7683 EXPERIENCED MOTHER ol 3 providing daycare in my home. Looking for children 2 years & up, Dr. Ross Tilley area, Bowmanville. Please call Jody (905)697-9945 (snp) FTTH Cars Wanled CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call 427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MUR* AD AUTO SALES. JOHNNY JUNKER Tops all for good cars and trucks or tree removal for scrap. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 liim Trucks For Sale '96 DODGE RAM 1/2 ton 4x4 with 7-1/2 hp Arctic plow, fully loaded, in great shape S12,900. Ceil. 905-668-0224, 6-9pm 1987 GMC 7000. 8.21 diesel, 16ft steel deck w/hoist, S3,750 o.b.o. Call 905-797-2801 or toll tree 1-888-226-6344 1988 GMC S-15, low km, 5- spd, good shape, lots of new parts, new tires. $1500 firm. Call 905-436-2164. 1996 CHEVY BLAZER 4x4 LT. Silver w/leather interior, 4.3L, V6 Vortec engine, tinted windows, windows, 200lb. roof rack, alum, alloy rims, Michelin tires, new brakes, A/C, power all & driver seat, overhead console w/trip computer, keyless remote w/ alarm ft auto start, tow pkg. E- test, cerlilied, 135,000kms. Transferable remaining 6 month Lubrico warranty. SI 0,000. (905)440-4318 (snp) Rick Watts Carpentry General Carpentry & Framing Custom Decks Basement Renovations Free Estimates (905) 623-9709 Robert E. Jackson HEATING • ELECTRICAL Air Conditioning Lennox Dealer Custom Sheet Metal Authorized Consumer's Gas Dealer 905-983-6221 TNT HOME MASONRY & REPAIRS Specializing in: Parging, Repairs, Interior Masonry. Brick, Block. Stone & Chimneys Over 30 Years Experience Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed CALL MARCELLO (905)-987-5098 'TRANSFER STATION* ROLLOFF BINS FOR SCRAP AND GARBAGE WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING Ask about our KAftwSv-, general SALVAGE SERVICE 1997 DODGE RAM 1500, '4x4 pickup, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, low mileage, $16,000, 905-342- 2704. 2002 DODGE RAM 1500 Quad Cab Sporl. red, loaded, 20" rims, 45,000-kms, immaculate, immaculate, $30,000. Will trade lor farm truck plus cash. 905- 263-9936 92 DODGE DAKOTA VG extended extended cab, 5-speed standard, 232K new body, asking'$3500. 81 Yamaha Exciter Snowmobile Snowmobile 3000 miles with double trailer S500 evenings. (905)852-5659 FTTV Vans' 4-Wheel Dirve Now receiving asphalt shingles, concrete, road asphalt. Ask tor tipping fee rates. Also accepting fridges, stoves, batteries. All recyclable metals. Mon.-Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-12 I 40-HC J Painting and Decorating 1961 CORVAIR GREEN BRIAR VAN, great for restoring restoring S2500; Also 14 fl. libre- glass boat and trailer S350; 905-623-2430, ask for Bulcti 1989 GMC CARGO VAN, emission tested, new transmission, transmission, 350 motor, good runner/some panel rust. SI.150 or best oiler. Mike (905) 433- 0857 1996 PONTIAC TRANS- SPORT, air. p.vv, p.dr., keyless keyless entry, female driver, excellent excellent condition, very low kms, $9500. Call (905)438- • 0144 93 GMC SAFARI 4.3L 20GK E- Tesled. Many new parts: Battery, Battery, Alternator. Tires, Exhaust many more. $3900 as is, Call 905-404-0956. FTTB Motorcycles 1903 SUZUKI GS 750, mint condition, certified, $2.300 OBO. 005-885-2028. 2000 NINJA G00R, modified pipes, alarm system, great unming order $9500 oho. or willing to trade. 905-448-9516 or after 6 p.m. 905-243-C070. 98 YAMAHA VIRAGO 250cc, shield ft saddle hags $3400. 85 Honda Night Hawk, 450 cc $1200. Both have new batteries. batteries. (905)263-1088 CJ7V Daycare ukl Wanted A & M PAINTING Interior & Exterior Painting, Drywall, Wallpapering, etc. (905) 623-2098 or (.VII (905) 213-9749 Moving and Storage COBOURG MINI STORAGE - 83 Veronica SI., 905-372- 6756. Brand New Facility. OPENING SPECIAL! Flooring, Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, rcstretching, our speciality. Free estimates. D & N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987-1000 Gardening & Landscaping DURHAM TREE SERVICE . v -y» - V .v Tree Trimming Tier Ueiimviil I'Tre I'MImnlvs Fully llisiiml I.S.A. (Yrl. Arborist {90S) 263-2538 FULL TIME DAYCARE REQUIRED REQUIRED lor 5 yr. old in JMJ PS. area lor Scpl. in yum hoirie. 905-673 8818 Party Services S0FTTUII RENTALS New in Durham. RENT NOW fur Parties, Parties, Family Inn, therapy or Horn,nice. Iritis ot fun Hunt, Ils 905-439-1IIHS (8112/) Dating Services FRIENDS AND LOVERS DATING DATING SERVICE! NOW WITH CHAT LINE! Duilum's Own! Sometimes love is |iisl not emingli. Listen lo the voice ails lice. Women tree to meet men 905-683-1110 256 256 ANDREWS, Robert Murray (Retiree of General Motors) -At the Peterborough Regional Health Centre (Rogers Street Site) on Saturday August 23. 2003, Bob Andrews ol Darnley Street. Hastings, in his 67th year. Beloved husband of Shirley Milford. Dear father ol Danny (Anu). Terry (Marilyn). Bobby (Tracy), Jack (Barb), Judy (Bill). Laurel (Tom). Debbie (Keith), Janet (Dan), 8 Shelley (Dan). Bob will be also missed by 15 grandchildren & 2 great grandchildren. Brother of Jerry, Irene & the late Jim Andrews. Also survived by several nieces & nephews. Son ol the late Garnet 8 Pearl Andrews. A Service was held at the Brelt "Hastings" Chapel (705) 696-2222 on Monday August 25th at 1:30 pm Reverend Jamie York officiating. officiating. If desired, donations may be made (by cheque only) lo Trinity United Church or charily ol choice. DAWSON April Lynne Suddenly, on Sunday, August 24, 2003. April, in her 24th year. Beloved daughter of James and Mary Dawson. Loving sister of Jamie Dawson. Dear granddaughter granddaughter ol Tom and Marion Noseworthy and Joan and the late Edward Dawson. Fondly remembered by many aunts, uncles and cousins. Relatives and friends will be received at the MCINTOSH-ANDER- SON FUNERAL HOME LTD., 152 King SI. E„ Oshawa (905-433-5558) on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Prayers Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. A Mass ol Christian Burial will be held at SI. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church, 690 King St. E„ Oshawa, on Thursday, August 28,2003 at 10:00 a.m. Interment Resurrection Catholic Cemetery, Whitby. Donations made in memory of April to a favorite charily would be appreciated. OBITUARY DONALD HALL BEBEE - Passed away at the L8A County General Hospital in Napanee, Ont. Wed. July 9, 2003 in his 58th year. Donald was born Jan. 17, 1946 in Bowmanville, Ont. He was the son of Helen Harvey and Benson Bebee. Donald is survived by his loving partner Gayle Freeman, son Andrew Bebee, step-daughters Victoria (Jerry) Yatco, & Karen (Randy) Gurnsey & 4 grandchildren William, Charlotte, Caroline and Lillie. He leaves behind his brothers Ben (Marilyn), Lorenzo (Nedi), Wesley (Nancy), Ed & Harold & sisters Sandra and Rose A Lee (Freddie). Also many nieces and nephews. Aside from a 5 year slint at GM in Oshawa, Donald was predominantly predominantly sell-employed. His last business was Likely-Split Printing in Napanee, Ont. where we created created and produced the "Napanee & District Advertiser" (now known as the "Napanee Guide"). Don was a creator by nature and was a Charter member member of: The Napanee Toastmasters (became an ATM), The Napanee Optimist Club and The Tamworth Lions Club. He was the President of the Oshawa Federal Conservative Riding Assoc, while residing in Oshawa. He managed the Tamworth Minor Ball lor 5 yrs., helping helping to provide as many children as possible the opportunity opportunity of summer activity in their own community. Family and friends were received at the Wartman Funeral Home in Napanee, Sat. July 12/03. Mr. Ralph Gentile officiated al the service. Victoria, Karen and Andrew each eulogized Dad with their loving unique talents. Also eulogized by Ralph Gentile, Len Freeman, Lorenzo and Ben Bebee and Fran Freeman. Don was a very special man and for those who knew him well, his absence will be deeply felt. FISCHER, Gunter - at Lakeridge Health Oshawa on Sunday, August 24, 2003. Gunter Fischer in his 88th year. Beloved husband of the late Karin Busekist. Dear father of Britta Schesnack & her late husband Klaus, Henry Fischer S the late Anne Fischer. Lovingly remembered by grandchildren, Kim, Stewart, Ashely & Thomas & greatgrandson Trevor. Brother of the late Olaf & Henrik Fischer. The Fischer family wish to thank the doctors, nurses & stall of Lakeridge Health Oshawa. A Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, August 28th at 2 p.m. in the Chapel of Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens, (2000 Dundas St. E. Whitby). Memorial donations to Keeping the Pace- Lakeridge Health Oshawa or Durham Region Cancer Centre would be appreciated. Donations may be made through ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 King St. E. Oshawa. FLINTOFF, George - (38 year employee of General Motors of Canada). Peacefully at Lakeridge Health - Port Perry on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003 in his 81st year. George will be sadly missed by his loving wife Margaret of 49 years, his dear daughters Georgia (Jon) Jenkins, and Barbara Flintoff and his cherished grandchildren Robin and Alex. At George's request no Funeral Service will be held. Funeral arrangement entrusted to OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel", 847 King Street West (905-721- 1234) KNIGHT, Phyllis (nee Woodcock) Suddenly, at the Lakeridge Health Centre (Oshawa), on Sunday, August 24, 2003. Beloved wife of the late Alymer Knight. Loving mother of Terry, Lorie, Nancy, and the late Stacy. Sadly missed by her 7 grandchildren and one great grandson. Dear sister ol Wilda, Cathy, Kenny and Floyd, the family will receive friends at the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL HOME, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax, (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488, on Thursday August 28, 2003 from 1:00 p.m. until the funeral service at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel. Should family family and friends so desire, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated. LAROCQUE, Eva Marie - at Hillsdale Estate Manor on Tuesday August 26, 2003 in her 79th year. Eva, beloved wife ol the late Robert Joseph Larocque. Loved mother ol Linda Challoner, Tim Larocque and the late Robert Daniel Larocque. Loving grandmother grandmother of Jannine, Kelly, Cindy, Crystal and great-grandmother great-grandmother of Karly, Tyler, Courtney, Carly, Caiden & one expected. Dear sister ol ArthurSheehan, Edna Steen and the late Danny Sheehan, Joseph Sheehan, Alice Woodcock,, Tommy Sheehan, Teddy Sheehan and Johnny Sheehan. Friends may pay their respect at the MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL. 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Thursday, August 28th from 2-4 & 7- 9 p.m. and Friday, August 29th 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral service in the Morris Chapel on Saturday, August 30th at 11 a.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations in Eva's memory to the Onlario Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated. LEE, Nelson William - Peacefully on Wednesday August 13,2003 at Lakeridge Health Oshawa in his 76th year. Nelson, beloved husband ol the late Dorothy Lee (MacKinnon). Loved lather of Darrin and his wile Michelle ol Bowmanville, and Diana and her husband Lyle Tucker of Regina Sask. Loving grandfather grandfather of Ian and Colin Lee, and Christopher and Cameron Tucker. Dear brother ol Fred and his wile Marie, Bernie and his wile Kay, Herbie and his wile Betty, and Anna Ervin. Nelson will be lovingly remembered remembered by his many nieces and nephews. Friends called at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 King Street East, Oshawa on Friday August 15th from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. A luneral service was held on Saturday August 16th at 10:30 a.m. with interment at Ml, Lawn Memorial Gardens, Whitby. Memorial donations donations to the Durham Lung Association would be appreciated by the family. MORTON Stella (nco Tyson)- died peacefully In her 83rd year, on Friday, August 22, 2003, at Foslorbrooko Long Term Caro Facility, Newcastle. Stella, beloved wile ol Richard (Dick) Morton ol Orono. Dear mother ol Amy and her husband Ed l lond ol Pori Hope and Ed Morion ol Orono. Loving grandma to Laura and Brian Hoad. Stella taught private private piano lessons lor many years, was the organist at Orono United, Kingsvlew United, and other local churches, and was à teacher al Forest Hills West Prep lor 10 years. A Memorial Service will ho hold nt Orono United Church on Saturday, August 30, at 2:00 p.m. Arranqomonls entrusted to NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME, 905-987-3984. Deaths Deaths MacMILLAN, Peggy • Peacefully alter a short illness on Sunday. August 24th, 2003. at Sunnycrest Nursing Home. Close companion of John McGrath. Loving mother of Fran and her husband Alex Robertson of Ingersoll, Audrey and her husband John Sybers of Peterborough, Marion Cowey and her friend Réal ot Kirkfield. Gerald Cowey and his friend Sandra ol Oshawa. and Karen Mclean and her friend Larry of Courtice. Dear Aunt ol Ron and Marvel Botham ol Courte. Peggy will be missed by her sister Pat Conaghan ol Newmarket and her brother Clilf Smith of Toronto. "Grandma Peggy" will be fondly remembered remembered and sadly missed by her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. At Peggy's request no Funeral Service will be held. Funeral arrangement entrusted to OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel", 847 King Street West (905-721- 1234). Memorial donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian National Institute lor the Blind would be appreciated by the family. NIMIGON, MORRIS (Retired OPR Corp. alter 35 yrs. Service) Peacefully at Home on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 in his 75th. year. Morris, beloved husband of the late Beverly Thrasher. Loved father ol Jessica and her husband Colin Crawlord, Louise, Jay and his wife Dawn, Joe and his wife Angela and Daniel. Loving grandfather of Corey, Beth, Kathleen, Tanner, Ethan, Maya and Isabel. Dear brother ol Nick, Mary Miller, Mike, Ann, Patricia, Steve, Alec and the late John, Bill and Paul. Friends may pay their respects at the MORRIS MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 Division St., Bowmanville on Wednesday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service service Complete in the MORRIS CHAPEL on Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment of cremated remains in Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations in Morris's memory memory to Memorial Hospital Foundation Bowmanville, Alzheimer Society or charity ol your choice would be gratefully appreciated. Deaths WILSON, Robert Mason - Passed away on August 2,2003, with his loving family by his side. Bob's wife and best friend ol nearly 60 years. Celia; daughters Wendy (Jim), Patti (Rodger) and grandchildren Lisa (Chris), Jayme, Kyle, Abbi and Craig will remember him lor the tremendous love and devotion he bestowed upon them and the honourable way in which he lived all aspects ol his life. He will be sadly missed by his brothers Russ (Marg), extended family and many friends. Bob was a proud and dedicated employee of General Motors for 50 years. Memorial donations may be made to the charily ol your choice through the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME (905- 433-4711) WISEMAN, Marion R. (Toots) nee Cole - Suddenly at home on Wednesday, August 20,2003. Wile of the late Lewis Wiseman. Loving molher of Ken Wiseman and his wife Ellen and their daughter Anne and Anne's children Madison and Evan. Loving mother of the late Billi Ballantine. Beloved grandmother ol Sara Ballantine and friend Jay, Kevin Ballantine and his wife Lisa and their children Madison and Braeden Ballantine. Special grandma to Chelsea, William and Johnalhon. Survived by her brother Butch Cole, sister sister Sally Mason. Predeceased by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Friends were able to pay their respects at the MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 Division Street, Bowmanville on Thursday August 21st from 7-9 p.m. Funeral service was held in the MORRIS CHAPEL on Friday August 22nd at 11 a.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Donations to the Children's Wish Foundation would be gratefully appreciated. OLDFIELD, John Dawson "Barney" - At Community Care Nursing Home, Pickering.on Thursday, August 21 si, 2003 in his 84th year. Beloved husband of Marjory. Loving father of John and his wile Sheryl, Peter and his wile Elvira and Jim and his companion companion Joady; and daughter-in-law Suzanne. Survived by 8 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren and sister Patricia Blair. Family and friends are invited invited to a Memorial Receplion in the Heritage Room at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE "Thornton Chapel", 847 King Street West Oshawa (905-721-1234) on Saturday, August 30th from 2-4 P.M. In lieu ol flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. PETTIGREW, Betty Madge - Quietly into the wailing arms of her son Stephen Howard Haw, with her daughter at her side on Thursday, August 21st, 2003. ' Beloved Grammie ol her treasures Haley and Jordan Reeve. Cherished mom ot Cheryl Reeve (nee Haw) and son in law Michael Reeve. Belly will be forever missed by her sisters Thelma Holmstrom ol Saskatchewan, Audrey Jeanotle ol BC and her many wonderful nieces, nephews and Iriends. Her strong will and independent spirit, which was so much a part of who she was, never left through her months ol tailing tailing health. Betty was olten heard to say "It is not what you are dealt in life but more importantly how you deal with it". Betty loved her grandchildren and life at the cottage with the loons and hummingbirds with a passion. passion. A Memorial Service will be held at 11am on Tuesday, August 26th at THE NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME, 53 Division St.N. Bowmanville. Family and friends will be received one hour prior to the service. In lieu ol flowers a donation in her memory to Toronto Sick Children's Hospital would be appreciated. The family would like extend their heartfelt thanks to Dr. Harvey Williams ol Bowmanville and the caring nurses and volunteers at the Oshawa Oncology Clinic. "IVe will miss your loving loving smile and you will be forever in our heads" PRICE, Gillian (Mrs. Price) - On August 23, 2003 in Vancouver B.C. alter a brief battle with cancer, Gillian passed away at the age ol 58. Predeceased by her parents, Kay and Frank and survived by Parker D, sister sister Lliane, and stepmother Vera. Gillian taught for the Durham Elementary School Board for 33 years. At her request there will no service, cremation only. Donations to the Cancer Society or the Joey Fund would be appreciated. Gillian will be greatly missed by her family and many Iriends. TEEPLE, Alana Marlene • Peacefully on Tuesday, August 26th, 2003 al Lakeridge Health - Oshawa in her 53rd year, alter a long, courageous battle with cancer. Beloved wife and best friend ol Doug. Loving molher of Denise and Brian. Dear Nanny to Kirsten Bekker. Sister ol Allan Fisk, Audrey Nickerson (Jim, Ken Fisk (Doris) and the late Shirley Foellcr. She will be sadly missed by her many dear friends and family. family. Friends may call at OSHAWA FUNERAL SERVICE SERVICE "Thornton Chapel", 847 King Street West (905- 721-1234) lor visitation on Wednesday, August 27th Iront 2-4 and 7-9 P.M. Complete Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Thursday, August 28th at 3:00 P.M. Memorial Donations to the Charily ol Your Choice would be appreciated. STEAD, Carrie - On Wednesday August 20,2003 in her 82nd year has joined her beloved husband Derrick Holburn Stead and daughter Elizabeth Ann Hickinson. She will be sadly missed by her children Ronald & his wile Elizabeth ol Bowmanville, Canada and Colin & his wife Oily of Shrewsbury, England and grandchildren Shelley, Lindsay, Milissa, Samantha, Iven, Taryn, Alex, Chloe, Merrick and lone. Visilalion will take place al THE NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME 53 Division SI. N. Bowmanville 7 - 9 pm Thursday and 2 - 4 & 7 ■ 9 pm Friday August 22nd. Funeral Service will be held in the chapel on Saturday August 23 at 3 pm. A Memorial Service will also be held in the Crematorium Chapel at Lawnswood Cemetery, Leeds on Wednesday August 27 at 11:40 am. Memorial donations may be made to Claringlon Community Care. At Thorntonview on August 21, died peacefully with his family by his side. John, beloved wile of Anne ol almost 60 years. Dear Father of Caroline, and her husband Andy, John, and his wile Cheryl. Lovingly remembered by grandchildren, Mark, and wife Kim, Steven, Daniel and wile Wanh, and Rachel, and great-grandchild Matthew. Interment of Ashes was held on Monday, August 25, for family, held with Rev. Dick Prince officiating. A memorial service will be held at St. James United Church, in Waterdown, Ontario. on September 14, 2003, at 3pm. Many thanks to all the staff at Thorntonview lor the excellent care and love they gave John this past year. They became just like family, and we really appreciated all the support they gave us. Memorial donations to the Alzheimer's Society or the Canadian Institute lor the Blind would be appreciated. PORTER, Rev. John VISSER, Freda (Panto) • The Lord took Homo on Friday, August 22, 2003 al Lakoridgo Health Bowmanville our beloved wilo, molher and grandmother grandmother at the ago ol 73. Beloved wilo ol Harmon. Dear molher ol Albert 8 Winnie; Jellroy 8 Jane; Philip 8 Dcbbio; Ronald 8 Loii. Lovingly remembered by Itor 14 grandchildren. Dear sislor to Aaltjo, Aalko, Jako, Gabo, Fokko and tho Into Johannes and Honk. Visitation will take placo at THE NORTHCUTT ELLIOTT FUNERAL HOME 53 Division SI. N. Bowmanville. Monday 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral Service 1 p.m, Tuesday at Rohoboth Christian Reformed Church, Intormont Bowmanville Cemetery, In lion ol llowors, donations may ho ntado lo Knox Christian School Bldg, Fund. PINEY, Bradley Ryan - passed away suddenly on Saturday, August 23rd, at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre in Toronto, at the age ol 20. Lovingly remembered by his mother Tammy, his Nana Beverley, his brother Jordan and his girlfriend Ashley Trumble. Bradley will be truly missed by his many aunts, uncles, cousins and Iriends. Resting at the ARMSTRONG FUNERAL HOME, 124 King Street East, Oshawa with Funeral Service in the Chapel Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 1 p.m. Interment Thornton Cemetery. Visitation on Wednesday from 7- 9 p.m. Memorial donations to the Liver Foundation would be appreciated. DAWSON CEMETERY MONUMENTS 6457 Leskard Rd., Orono, Ont. We install at all local cemeteries Superior work at "SENSIBLE" prices Payment plans available at 0% interest Quality Monuments from $1649 IVe oiler lower prices than all other monument retailers in Clarington Call Tom Henderson at (905) 983-9608for more info In Oshawa/Whitby call Philip Dawson Oshawa (905)-579-1116 Visit my on-line showroom at In Memorlam In Memorlam MONUMENT OR MARKER SELECTION MADE PRIVATELY IN YOUR HOME As time goes by year by year Memories keep you ever near Silent thoughts of time together Hold memories that will last forever. Time cannot steal the memories That we carry in our hearts Or take away the happy years Of which you were a part. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mother, Dad and Family V 6MASTERSON Û In loving memory of our dear sons Jim, who passed away August 28,1982 and BARB JAMES In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, who passed away August 24th, 2002 We think of you in silence We often speak your name Bill all we have arc memories And your picture in a frame Our heals still ache with sadness Our silent tears still flow For what it meant lo lose yon Mom No one will ever know. They told us lime heals everything But we know il isn't so Because it hurls as much today As it did one year ago Today, tomorrow, Our whole life through We'll always love and remember you Sailly missed by son Brad ami his wife Peggy ami grandchildren Jennifer and Jesse Den Hertog Cornells (Casey) August 20, 1914 - September 03, 1987 God has him in his keeping We have him in our hearts. Love Chris, Davill and families {Jn dl/lztnoiiami