. i- www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, August 27,2003 PAGE 5 r.v Eves lands in Ajax to tour Messier-Dowty ^ AJAX - Messier-Dmvty Inc. " answered (he call when Premier Ernie Eves asked businesses to l'eut energy consumption by 50 - per cent last week. So on Friday, the premier visited the Ajax manufacturer manufacturer to deliver an in-person thank you. Messier-Dowty, located on Monarch Avenue, has been making making landing gear in Ajax for over 50 years. It employs abouf 500 people here. "We met that challenge by shifting the shifts to off hours and reducing energy consumption by switching air conditioning off and reducing lights and things like that," said Barry Wolil, vice president, human resources and administration, in an interview. Mr. Wolil said the Ajax site's ,,-biggcst power needs arc for heavy machinery and air conditioning. conditioning. As a result, the day shift was moved to the second shift Income Tax Courses FREE INSTRUCTION and the second combined with the third, so that all major machinery machinery did not begin running until 4 p.m. Air conditioning was shut off in the office but left on in the cafeteria so employees had a place to cool off. Office staff was asked to start at 6 a.m. in the morning instead of 8 a.m., which meant they left earlier. "By 3 p.m. wc were able to shut the lights off in the office for the rest of the day," said Mr. Wall. He said Messier-Dowty was able to make the changes without laying anybody off and without any delivery delays to customers. 'Ihe measures were put in place lirst thing Monday morning. Premier Eves toured the facility facility and thanked workers for their contribution during the crisis. Premier Eves said the government government had a plan all week to prepare prepare for the "power up" in the province. At the same time, he said that doesn't mean we should all become become power hogs. The premier urged Ontarians to continue conserving conserving energy, noting one lesson of the past week is that, "we all have learned how we can help." •Course Material Extra 4 rkT"905-697-0553 SERVICE Over 240 locations in Canada ^xxxmxnxixnixrixixri xxxxi xx 1 rxxx nxx xxxxxx:^ MORTGAGE RATES BEST RATES AS OF: PRESS TIME ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE 3.11% 6 MONTHS 4.95% 1 YEAR 3.75% 2 YEAR 4.20% 3 YEAR 4.50% 4 YEAR 4.85% 5 YEAR 5.10% 7 YEAR 5.51% 10 YEAR 5.87% ALSO AVAILABLE: "MORTGAGE WITH UP TO TÜ, CASH BACK" NOTE: IS YOUR MORTGAGE UP l-'Oli RENEWAL? WE WILL TRANSITU YOU TO A BETTER RAIL AT'NO COST! IVE ALSO ARRANGE: • SECOND MORTGAGES • CREDIT LINES • PERSONAL LOANS CALL: DEL DYKSTRA/ DEBBIE DYKSTRA-MURRAY/ DON PRINS 905-697-3300 DELTON O FINANCIAL LTD. 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Bowmanville 905-623-8451 ■ no • T' -ib cl Z" c:rh m' Celebrate Agriculture I'm Going To The Fair, ARE YOU? $ Demolition Derby Sunday • 7:30 pm Bull Riding Show Monday* 12:30 pm TRUCK & TRACTOR PULL SATURDAY *7:00 PM Sponsored By: 0 GREAT BLUE HERON CHARITY CASINO PLUS. » Harness Horse Racing & Pari-Mutuel Betting • Horse Pull • Family Rodeo • Beef Auction • Baby Show • 4-H Beef & Dairy Shows • Valentine the Clown • Pet Show • Tug of War • Light & Heavy Horse Show • Midway • Beer Tent • doggers • Flapjack • Bingo • Fiddle Contest • Home Crafts Exhibit • Craft & Agricultural Demonstrations & more! at the PORT PERRY FAIRGROUNDS LABOUR DAY WEEKEND Saturday Night Aug. 30th 0 through Monday, September 1 st Truck & Tractor Pull Event (sat 7pm) $8.00 Adults (13+) $6.00 Children 4-12 $3.00 Children 3 & under FREE s .... ---- For information call: Heather Callan 905-985-0962 To Uxtiildtio FAIRGROUND §f PORT £ PERRY a; Ouoon fil 111 6i 1 ° V MnnchoMur ""■'"'V l'iu~ Fitness facility users take a swipe at new system CLARINGTON-You'll have to swipe before you swim under new rules at Clarington's pools. Effective Tuesday, Sept. 2, all pool, squash and Illness members, as well as program registrants, will have to swipe a computer-generated access card for admission to the Ciarington Fitness Centre Centre in Bowmanville and the Courtice Community Complex. The card will serve a number of purposes, including including improving customer service, says Joe Caruana. Clarington's community services direc tor. It will eliminate the need to check in with an attendant before entering the pool area, and that should cut down on lineups, he notes. "If the customer has a way of not having to introduce introduce themselves every time they walk into the building, it would be more efficient," he says. As well, the cards will help eliminate instances of people sneaking in. and will also aid in tracking tracking usage of the buildings, says Mr. Caruana. Cards will be granted when residents register for programs. r TABRICLAND CANADA'S LARGEST ^ FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR À FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR FALL FASHION PREVIEW SALE THURSDAY. AUGUST 26-SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 ALL NEW FALL FASHION ARRIVALS 20% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK McCALLS PATTERNS IN-STORE STOCKONLY $2.99 EACH OUR ENTIRE STOCK QUILTING FABRIC AND NOTIONS 30% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK FLANNELETTE ALL IN 5T0CK 30% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK BUTTONS ZIPPERS & THREAD 50% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK DRAPERY & UPHOLSTERY FABRIC 30% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE OUR ENTIRE STOCK DRAPERY TRIM & HARDWARE 50% OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE isoi Dund-s s , e. / <fabriclajnd)\ 600 ^27 $ ' 721-9152 ^ ^ 436-7589 LOTS OF FREE PARKING Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sunday 12-5 p.m. |'1|\SI NO 11 IN SOM1- S1 OKI s II I Ms M \\ HI soi I) VI MOW IK PRICK I H VN (H R RKCtI\R <11 X1N STORK PRICK. \\ iiK.KK l HIS ( OMIM IIMM I'KK IN(. 0( ( I Us I III \D\ I K I M l) N WINGS W II I. BK OKK OCR RKCl l XR ( II \ IN S IORK PRICK. 0 Ride J- the Bus 2!_ on uS v Ciarington Transit > Orono Fair Service Schedule x September 5, 6 & 7, 2003 • Bowmanville Stop - Church & Temperance (beside the post office) • Newcastle Stop - In front of Town Hall • Orono Stop - Fair Grounds =c aringtc B Friday Evening - September 5,2003 Going to the Fair Friday Evening - September 5,2003 Returning from the Fair Bowmanville to the Fair Newcastle to the Fair Arriving at the Orono Fair Departing Orono Fair Drop-off in Newcastle Drop-off in Bowmanville 4:50 5:05 5:20 5:20 5:35 5:50 . 5:50 6:05 6:20 6:20 6:35 6:50 6:50 7:05 7:20 7:20 7:35 7:50 7:50 8:05 8:20 8:20 8:35 8:50 8:50 9:05 9:20 10:00 10:15 10:30 Saturday - September 6,2003 Going to the Fair Saturday - September 6,2003 Returning from the Fair Bowmanville to the Fair Newcastle to the Fair Arriving at the Orono Fair Departing Orono Fair Drop-off in Newcastle Drop-off in Bowmanville 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:30 10:45. 11:00 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:00 9:15 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 Sunday - September 7,2003 Going to the Fair Sunday - September 7,2003 Returning from the Fair Bowmanville to the Fair Newcastle to the Fair Arriving at the Orono Fair Departing Orono Fair Drop-off in Newcastle Drop-off in Bowmanville 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:00 3:15 3:30 4:00 4:15 4:30