www.durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, SEPTEMBER 3,2003 PAGE 5 Durham Region takes a leap of faith New D-Pass designed for safety and the environment : BY JEREMY LE PAGE ; Staff Writer ; DURHAM - Gel out of your cars. ■ For safety, economy, and the environ- ' ment. i That's the message from lire Region ! of Durham following the commence- I ment of its new public transit program, I the D-Pass. It allows transit users to go « anywhere within Durham, using one ! pass for GO Transit or any other local ! transit service. ; "This program is a big, big gam- ; ble... A leap of failli," says Whitby ■ Mayor Marcel Brunellc, chairman of ' the Regional Transit Task Force ' (RTTF). "But it moves us miles down ; the road." ; He says Durham's success during - its current population boom - econom- ;Do a good deed ■and send an old car to heaven DURHAM - If you are sick of paying money to fix your old clunker. clunker. it is time to send it to 'Car Heaven.' Heaven.' Car Heaven is a non-profit program program which takes polluting cars off the road to help improve Ontario's air quality. By sending your car to Car Heaven you get a free tow, valued valued at up to $200, a minimum charitable charitable receipt for $60 and the chance to win a brand new Ford Focus. Not only is your car recycled, but proceeds from the sale of its parts support worthy charities such as Epilepsy Ontario. If you think your car is a candidate candidate for Car Heaven you can automatically automatically access the donor form through the Epilepsy Ontario Web site at epilcpsyonlario.org or call 905-764-5099 and toll free at 1-800- 463-1119. You can also contact Car Heaven directly at 1-888-731-731 1 or online at www.carheaven.ca. Roger Anderson: Initiative is a 'huge step forward' for Durham. ieally and environmentally - depends upon the use of public transit. The roads are jammed already, he explains, noting gas prices and car insurance are taking a toll on the wallets of residents. "It's time for people to take a look," he says. "I think this program is very timely." New infrastructure such as the extension extension of llwy. 407 through Durham is going to take years to finish, he predicts, predicts, while a provincial promise to widen Hwy. 401 in the region has yet to come true. With an estimated $600 million worth of building permits to be issued in the region this year alone, he says getting people out of their cars is essential. • "We're all holding our breath and waiting to see." says Mayor Brunellc about whether or not the new program will be a success. And holding one's breath takes on a new meaning due to the high level of smog in the region, with several smog advisories issued for southern Ontario, including Durham Region, this summer. summer. A study in British Columbia by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute news team 4/ provincia il tl awards for editoria This Week Iljc tertian Statesman , The News : Advertiser Œimcs'-Joiiuial Metroland Durham Region Media Group DURHAM REGION Consumers Drive (Regional Road 25) In the Town of Whitby ROAD CLOSURE WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC NOTICE Motorists are advised that Consumers Drive (Regional Road 25) will be closed to traffic from west of Thickson Road to east of Sunray Street in the Town of Whitby, beginning September 8, 2003 for a period of approximately four (4) weeks, to facilitate the replacement of two (2) large diameter culverts and the widening of Consumers Drive. Access to the adjacent properties will be maintained at all times. The signed detour routes include Thickson Road, Hopkins Street, Dundas Street, Victoria Street and the west end of Consumers Drive. All local businesses are open and fully accessible using the detour routes during the closure period. DETOUR ROUTES ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED DURING CONSTRUCTION The Region regrets any inconvenience caused by this necessary work. For further information, please call: Andy Drzewiecki, Project Manager - (905) 668-7725, Ext. 5214 E-Mail: andrzei.drzewiecki(o)region.durham.on.ca Durham Region Works Department Id 1 , Consumers l)i WHITBY ON L 1N ('.A3 telephone ("()!.) (><iM IT? I ni 1 MOI I 3/2-1 103 vvww iei|ion dmlum on i u stales "A full transit vehicle consumes less than 10 per cent of the energy per passenger-mile as automobile travel." Environmentalist groups champion the idea of public transit, or any strategy strategy implemented to reduce energy consumption. consumption. "Conservation is the way to go... It's not sexy conserving energy, hut it works." says Shawn-Patrick Stensi, director director of atmosphere and energy services services at the Sierra Club of Canada, an environmentalist group. Durham Chairman Roger Anderson says the initiative is a "huge step forward" forward" for Durham. "If you can put one bus on the road instead of 30 cars, it's win-win for everyone... It benefits everybody." lie says the program will be watched closely. "If it isn't working, the odds of it existing for a long time is remote," adds Mr. Anderson, but he expects people people will realize the benefits of the service. service. "It makes the region more accessible," accessible," he says. The D-Pass costs $25 on top of regular regular monthly GO Transit pass and is available to everyone at GO ticket agencies in Durham Region. CLARINGTON RECREATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE COACHES CRHL Select Try-outs will be held on the following dates and times at the Garnet Rickard Arena Pad B. 8:30am - Major Tyke - A to M ,9:30am - Major Tyke - N to Z 10:30am - Minor Atom - A to M 12:00pm - Minor Atom - N to Z 1:30pm - Minor Peewee - A to M 3:00pm - Minor Peewee - N to Z 4:30pm - Minor Bantam (2hrs) 8:30am - Major Tyke - A to M 10:00am - Major Tyke - N to Z 11:30am - Minor Atom - N to Z 12:30pm - Minor Atom - A to M 1:30pm - Minor Peewee - A to M 2:30pm - Minor Peewee - N to Z 3:30pm - Minor Bantam (3hrs) Players must attend at least one of the first two try-outs and all remaining try-outs to be eligible for the team. All players must be registered with the CRHL prior to attending try-outs. Cost $7.00 per player per hour. Any questions call 905-623-3001. JOIN US AT THE 15TH ANNUAL ealthy Lifestyle AndTravel Show SEPTEMBER 5 & 6, 2003 pRiSENUDBY: Metro T oronto Convention Centre 255 FRONT ST. 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