l PAGE 6 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, SEPTEMBER 24,2003 www.durhamrcgion.com Clarington Community Care is selling an historic keepsake coverlet depicting several local buildings to help raise funds for programs. Admiring the handiwork are, from left, Sally Barrie (Community Care), Irwin Colwell (committee member), Janice Kroft (Community (Community Care) and Annabel Sissons (committee member). Community BY JENNIFER STONE Staff Writer CLARINGTON - Community Care is offering people a chance to get wrapped up in historic Clarington. The organization is selling a Historic Clarington keepsake coverlet, a 48-inch by 68-inch washable cotton blanket, depicting depicting several local buildings. Shown on the blanket are Bow- manville Museum, Bowmanville Town Hall. Central Public School. Ebenezer United Church. Newcastle Community Hall. OronoTown Hall. St. George's Anglican Anglican Church and Tyrone Mills. The blanket is also adorned with the Clarington Clarington Municipal Crest. The blankets, priced at $90. will help raise funds for Clarington Community Care, to help support programs like Meals on Wheels, foot care, and COPE Mental Health, says Sally Barrie, home support program administrator with the Until Nov. 9,2003, receive | a FREE blower, remote j or thermostat! Retail \ s&h nrwm POOL & GARDEN CENTRES 2029 LANSPOWNE ST. W. 741-0555 UPON mil «BIS 84 x 84 x 35 deep, seating for 6 people, 25 physio-therapy jets, 1-5.0 hp jetting pump, mini-mizer circulation pump, ozone ready, 100 square foot filter, I OTHER MODELS PRICED TO SELL DID YOU KNOW Creating the circulation required to filter and heat the water of a spa, can basically be accomplished in two ways. Some manufacturers use a 2-speed pump that doubles as both the circulation pump and the jet pump. The pump will operate on a low speed to provide circulation/filtration then high speed to provide whirlpool action to the jets. With one pump taking on double duty, its durability can be seriously jeopardized. So to protect the pump from being overworked and to increase the efficiency of the system, a filter cycle must be programmed to shut tire pump entirely off. This results in absolutely no circulation/filtration for up to more than half the time. Sunrise uses a much more efficient method, as we use a separate low amperage Mini-Miser circulation pump dedicated solely to this function. By not using one pump to do two jobs. Sunrise can incorporate a very high flow, low energy consuming pump that will use less energy running 24 hours a day than a 2-speed pump operating for a fraction of the day, The result is constant 24 hour filtration with more total gallons/litres filtered and less energy consumed. See for yourself... Sunrise Mini-Miser Circulation System™ 1/15 lip dedicated circulation pump drawing 0.63 amps and running constantly will draw 15.12 amps per 24 hours. 0.63 amps x 24 Ill's. = 15.12 amps (energy consumption = 0.15 kilowatt hours) 2-Speed Pump Method 56 frame 2-speed motor will draw. 4.5 amps on low speed and with the filter cycle on 5 hrs. out of every 12 hrs. (typical filter cycle selling), this unit will use 45 amps over a 24 hr. period. 4.5 amps x 10 hrs. = 45 amps (energy consumption = 0.45 kilowatt hours) :;';V Mm a ■: - G " yivrin POOL £ GARDEN CENTRES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 2029 Lansdowne St. West Peterborough 741-0555 (Boslilu Puturhoruugti Chrysler Jeep) an eye ontiie arts E-mail Christy with all your entertainment news at This Week lljE Caimtiian Statesman Ixinibgc TOitteS- Jotmtal M Metroland Durham Region Media Group Care selling keepsake organization. "The idea came from a local advisory advisory committee member who had seen it in Prince Edward County." says Ms. Barrie. Barrie. The blankets, which will he available in mid-October, will be on display and can be ordered at the following locations: locations: Clarington Community Care. 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville: Bowmanville Museum at 37 Silver St.: Rickaby's. 27 King St. W.. Bowmanville: Rekker's Garden Gallery. 2258 lhvy. 2. Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Gould's Cards and Gilts. 51 King St. E.. Bowmanville: Village Card and Gift Shop, IV King Ave. E„ Newcastle; Newcastle; the Municipal Administrative Centre. 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville; Bowmanville; The Apple Blossom Shop, 5.324 Main St.. Orono; and the Courtice Community Complex and Library. 2950 Courtice Road. About 3(X) of the blankets will lx* made initially, and Ms. Barrie doesn't think there will be a problem selling them. "I'm only sorry we couldn't use all the sites we thought about" on the coverlet., coverlet., says Ms. Barrie. "Maybe next time." ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELECTION YOU CAN VOTE BEFORE OCTOBER 2 If you arc qualified to vote and your name is on the Voters List, you may vote before election day at any advance poll in your electoral district. Ballots cast at advance polls will lie counted at the dose of the regular polls on election day. If you have not received your Notice of Registration card and you would like to vote at an advance poll, you can apply for a Certificate to Vote at your Returning Office or at the advance poll location itself when you go there to vote. l ADVANCE POLL VOTING WILL BE HELD In your Returning Office front Saturday, SEPTEMBER 20 through Friday, SEPTEMBER 26 (Sunday excluded) between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m At Area Advance Polls Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 24 Thursday. SEPTEMBER 25 Friday, SEPTEMBER 26 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Ill DURHAM EtoluriiiiiR Office t ill lhvy21!,Courtice 905.45M.W0 or l.8M».2-i2.J02-i Iv.Lsidak- Collegiale Inst, 2(n Harmony ltd N, Osliawa Port Perry lllgli School, Kill Rosa St, Port Perry Newcastle Comiminilv Hall, 20 Klim Ave, Newcastle EI FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL US AT 1.88S.ONT.VOTE (1.888.668.8683) TTY: 1.888.292.2312 (for deaf/hard of hearing) E-MAIL US AT VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT info@electionsoiitario.on.ca www.electionsontario.on.ca Published on behalf of electoral district Returning Officers by John L. Hollins, Chief Election Officer If you require a sign language interpreter, Ontario Interpreter Services (OIS) makes them available to voters across Ontario on a first-come, first-served basis. Call OIS at the Canadian Hearing Society office nearest you to determine their availability, or contact Elections Ontario for additional information. If you have friends or relatives who have difficulty reading, please make them aware of the information in this notice. ^■JRI.! -«^ ^-1 : l*'- X V - ' . I •' : v /*2 THE "HOM PUBLICATION" m YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS COMING TO YOUR DOOR SEPTEMBER 24-26, 2003 LOOK INSIDE FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! :ÆÊÊÊÊÈ' , 0 a » a a g 2L 2LI ■ I Sfdmi * « or you can enter online at www 0 enefiH'- MAIL ENTRIES TO: Molrolcind Corporate Sales, 10 Tempo Ave., Willowdalo,Ontario M2H 2N0. I 1 NAME: ADDRESS: -TELEPHONE:. I I | POSTAL CODE:. I EMAIL: I I Dcadlinn for enliius Is (XIoIxm 31, 2003, 6 00 pm. Winners to lx> announced in your local Mclroland comimmily nowspcijxjr I llin week ol November 2,2003.1 iiiployf-tr, ol Mulioland 1'iinliiicj, Publishing and Disliibuliiuj ltd,, and llioir families, am not -- eligible to cnlui or win this Black and Dcckor Contest. limit ono Ixillol jx:r (xiison.