i! PAGE 10 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ DECEMBER 7,2005 Legion collecting for Canadian troops serving in Afghanistan durhamregion.com BOWMANVILLE - The local Legion is taking up a collection to try to make the Christmas season a little more cheery for Canadian soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. . .. . , .. The collection is part of an initiative by Whitby Legion Branch 112. Items collected in Bowman- ville will be taken to Whitby, and in turn, shipped to Afghanistan. According to Bowmanvillc branch secretary Cecile Bowers, items like Tim Hortons coffee, hot chocolate, magazines, unsealed cards and letters, toilet paper, and small, individual candies and chocolate would be appreciated. A donation box will be available to drop off items at the Bowmanvillc branch, located at 109 King St. Help the Stuff a Bus event Dec. 17 Have yourself a merry little waistline. At Herbal Magic, we will show you how to lake weight oil and keep it all |ust like Eleanor. She s looking great, feeling great, and 131 pounds lighter. Herbal Magic is a realistic approach to weight management, using grocery store food and all-natural supplements, so visit us today and have yourself a merry little waistline. iæpgk. BOWMANVILLE - Members of the Bowman- ville branch of the Royal Canadian Legion are hoping hoping you'll help them get stuffed on Dec. 17. The branch is holding its annual Stuff-a-Bus event that day, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Legion parking lot at 109 King St. E. They'll be collecting non-perishable food items, new unwrapped toys, new warm clothing, and other items. All items will be donated to the local Salvation Army. •95 DAY. Legion secretary Cecile Bowers said there s. one group in particular for whom they need donations: kids aged eight through 16. Watches, hockey sticks, hat and glove sets and gift certificates are all good gift ideas for that age group, she suggested. Those who cannot make it .on that day can drop items off in advance at the branch. For more information, or to arrange pick-up of items, call 905-263-2086. Watch for us Wednesday, Friday and Sunday for all your local news. 5? V» pnce E- off weight loss BotW on fuff pcognvn, uxckxUi monitory prvxhd, •xparwt Dec 31, 2003 ACQUISITION LOOKFOR Four flyer t IN TODAY'S , NEWSPAPER!, ONTARIO Rj HYUNDAI 1 505 DUIMDAS F, WHITBY Canadian statesman a ,... ■ ■ f- > ' , " , . tffvVVv *•*» ' "u" I wV ' ' 4 ' • 1 . j-v -f ■: ■ :■ <. ^ „. • .... . » WEIGHT LOSS & NUTRITION ^ CENTRES \ ■ Saturn ION-2 Quad Coupe model shown 2006 ION QUAD COUPE Dual rear access doors 2006 Saturn ION-1 Quad Coupo MSRP $ OùmUIIIIUIVI uuuuuuu|rumu... . - safe * or looso for 13,995 M58 as: • 140 li m t /mo./48 mo. loose $1,600 down payment freight not Included The gift of value includes: ■ 140 lip, 2.2L Ecolec engine HWY: 6.1 L/IOOkm CITY: 9.5L/100 km s ■a THE SATURN SJ PROMISE $ Yt/IM.OM km Uwllid Pewitliiln WiinMf (No OidudlkUl* N« Hassle Eipiflmei • 30 0 Vehicle t*ehen||i Introducing the #1 Satellite Radio In the Universe. yAA Experience XM Satellite Radio In a new Saturn vehicle. "V SATIRN ;] .A Jilmamm l Yl/IN.WI em limitée rewewein T ,e " en, i - y MKà\ MOTOR CITY «SATURN Find new and used cars at: motorcltysaturn.com Tel: 905-430-2350 Toll-Free: 1-877-SATURN6 1520 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario L1N2K7