V ' PAGE A8 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ DECEMBER 14,2005 durhsmregion.com Program helping to empower girls BY DANIELLE MILLEY Staff Writer DURHAM --Young women are getting the çpportunitÿ to learn how to empower themselves in'a comfortable environment. The Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham offered a women's empowerment workshop during the summer for young women, where they learned about violence violence and dating, building healthy relationships and anti-oppression techniques. Starting in the new year, five of the women are going to pass on what they've learned to local Grade 9 girls. They've been working working hard to complete a Power Point presentation and a poster to take along with them as they travel around from high school to high school. Keshia Williams, a WMRCC youth counsellor, said the centre has done programs similar to this before, but they were mixed gender gender groups. By having the workshop workshop just open to girls, it made them more comfortable. 'The girls felt it was a much better space for them to only be with women discussing these issues," Ms. Williams said. The travelling workshop is also something new and she said it's a benefit to have the students learning learning from peers. Ms. Williams said often when adults talk to youth there is judgment judgment and youths don't like to hear statements such as, "young people today..." To which the youths reply defensively, "what do you know about young people today?" Three of the students facilitating the workshop are in Grade 10. They said they wished they'd had something like this to leant from. Ms. Williams' said the youth in the summer program got a lot out of the workshop and often said it was learning about the little things they can do to combat violence in their everyday life that was most enlightening. The workshop was made possible possible by funding received from the federal government earlier this year. As part of the Government Government of Canada's National Crime Prevention Strategy, the centre received $50,000 to support its Freedom from Violence project. Esther Enyolu, WMRCC's executive director, said this type of funding is. very important to allow the centre to offer programming. programming. The centre doesn't have core funding so it funds on a ' program-by-program basis. WMRCC is a non-profit community-based community-based organization established established in 1993. It works towards the elimination of violence against women and their children. DONALD TRAVEL HAS MOVED Donald Travel is excited to announce that we have joined the KempTravel Group of Companies, which includes KempTravel, MitchelTravel, BowmanvilleTravel,Wesley's BowmanvilleTravel,Wesley's World of Travel and now Donald Travel. We will still have the same name... Donald Travel... the same staff... 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