U Page 2 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ March 15, 2006 (Million Leading the Way ^ 905-623-3379 durhamregion.cdrn info@clarington.net n SM p*? •• MAYOR'S CORNER CLARINGTON PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT - A COMMUNITY EFFORT- On Monday March 6th Council heard a presentation by Ms. Sheila Hall, Chair of the Clarington Physician Recruitment (CPR) Committee. The Municipality of Clarington was designated as "under serviced" by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The Committee was appointed by Council to address the current shortage of family physicians. Getting and keeping doctors is a community concern that requires requires a community response or solution. We all have a part to play in this process. Young doctors graduate from medical school with lots of ambition and debt. The province needs to work in conjunction conjunction with the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons to create opportunities and incentives that will encourage students to choose family medicine. This will encourage those who want to practice family medicine to do so without being concerned that their earning potential is less than those choosing a specialty. In her presentation, Ms. Hall stated that the best recruitment strategy is the cradle to the grave" theory meaning that we begin recruitment before or just as young people enter medical school and we continue to work with them as they complete their training. The Committee's target market is the new and graduating graduating medical students and when possible international medical graduates. From time to time the Committee needs the assistance of our community partners to faciliate the visitation, relocation and transition transition of new doctors to the community. This could be temporary accomodation, or memberships at certain facilities, or it could be a social function that introduces the new and recognizes the contribution contribution of those who are here already providing for our health care needs. According to an often quoted African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child" In the context of physician recruitment, it will take a community to solve the doctor shortage and if any community can do this, it is Clarington. I encourage you to think about and plan how you can contribute to the efforts of the Clarington Physician Physician Recruitment Committee. It won't be a single person or family that will benefit. It will be all of us. y For information or to volunteer to help contact the CPR Commîtes Commîtes at DttP^/d0C84.cfarlnQton.'nat/contact.htmland let them know that you want to be a part of the solution THE INTERNET AND MY CHILD In recent weeks I have received dozens of calls from concerned par- ents regarding internet safety. Incidents on the internet are iricreasinq because this offers the "bad" people an opportunity to type whatever they want without having to fade the victim. It is also an easy forum forpsopieto gang up on chatroprrisv:Sdrpejecent statistics indicate 90 /o of children 8-16 yrs will be exposed to pornography on the in- ternet. A simple spelling mistake can land a child into a pornographic site. Chat rooms on the internet are often used by pedophiles as a way to meet children. If is bullying or other threats'the internet posses posses a risk to children. Lrebently was chéckirig sorrije. IrcaLweb pages and was able to fina local children that had sèt up W^^es with pictures and information about the school they àttenâtiaee 'friends etcah is is ven/ dâ n gérou S ^h^ior. ! ' ' -do not allow your children to use web cams - keep the computer in afamily room not a bedroom - do not allow pictures to be placed on awebpage. - never give out personal info including school.info. -avoid chat rooms its not always kids that are on them. The internet can be a great tool tiutaélwifh any tool safety measures must be used. You wouldn't let yourcfiild play with â chain saw the internet can be just as dangerous, you just may not hear or see the danger. cwalsh@drps.ca NOTICE OF MEETING Brookhill Neighbourhood Secondary Plan Study In October and November 2005, the Municipality of Clarington Planning Services held two design charrettes for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. The design charrettes produced three neighbourhood design concept based on;New Urbanism priniciples. Since that time, The Municipality of Clarington's Planning Staff and their consultants, The Planning Partnership, have been working together to produce a Preferred Plan for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. You are welcome to view and discuss the Preferred Plan on: Thursday March 23,2006 at 6:30 pm Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville For more information, please contact Cynthia Strike at 905-623-3379, ext. 219 or by email at HYPERLINK "mailto:cstrike@clarington.net" cstrike@clarington.net Community Comer ■fi: />*• 4 GHiliTT!' fSSs^fy w >7 ,'C Changeyour CLOCK, CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES March you set your : clocks ahead one hour. When you change ' your clocks, change the batteries in your smoke • alarms too. --MBII <T The Council of the Municipality of Clarington is seeking applications from interested individuals to fill the following positions: Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committea - to advise Council on accessibility related issues within the Municipality -- meetings are held the first Thursday evening of every month - 3 positions (in accordance accordance with the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, the majority of committee members shall include people with disabilities) Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee -- to review existing and future traffic management practices - meetings are held the third Thursday evening of every month - 2 positions for Ward 1 1 position for each of Wards 3 and 4 ' Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee -- tn make féçV ommendations on thè preservation of structures of historical and/or ' architectural significance - meetings fare héld the second Tuesday 7 evening of each month -1 position ■ ' . Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee - to assist the municipality and the Ministry of Natural Resources in the management of the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area - meetings are held monthly -1 position Clarington Highway 407 Community Advisory Committee - tn rowiou» the need and justification for the Highway 407 extension and the environmental, social, cultural and economic issues associated with the proposed highway - meetings are held monthly - 1 position for Ward 2 If you wish to be considered for these appointments, please submit an application to the Municipal Clerk's office by 5:00 p.m., Friday, March 17, 2006. Application forms are available at the Municipal Administrative Administrative Centre Customer Service Desk, in the Municipal Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario and also on the municipality's web site, www.clarinffton.net. NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING A PORTION OF AN UNOPEN ROAD ALLOWANCE SITUATED BETWEEN LOT 12 AND.LOT 13, BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION IN THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Take Notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, at the meeting to be held, in the Council chambers, 40 . Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario on March 20, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. proposes to pass a by-law to stop up and close a portion of an unopen road allowance situated between Lot 12 and Lot 13, Broken Front Concession in the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Municipality of Clarington. And. Further Take .Notice That before passing the said by-law, council or a Committee of,Council shall hear in person, or by his Counsel Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard. Patti L. Bàrrie, A.M.C.T. - Town Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 CAREERS The Municipality of Clarington is currently hiring for the following following position(s). For complete job descriptions, please visit xww,claringtQn,nMMQÇ9/çàmisMm! Submission Deadline: Skateboard Supervisor Please quote File #18-06 Mobile Skateboard Park Staff Please quote File #18-06 -, Summer Camp Counsellors - Please quote File #17-06 Summer Camp Supervisor - Please quote File #17-06 Summer Camp Lead Counsellor - Submission Deadline Please quote File #18-06 5:00 pm,May 1 To bo considered, all applications must be submitted to the Human Re sources Division of the Municipality of Clarington. Failure to do so may result in an application not being received In time for consideration. 5:00 pm, April 24 Submission Deadline: 5:00 pm, April 24 Submission Deadline: 5:00 pm, May 1 Submission Deadline: 5:00 pm, April 24 Beginning April 1, 2006, the Municipality of Clarington will implement implement a number of changes to its admission criteria for Aquatic Facilities (to be known as Pool Admission Policy). These changes are a result of a Coroner's Inquest, and have been recommended by the Lifesaving Society of Canada and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, to enhance the safety of young children in aquatic environments for the Province of Ontario. Changes will include the following for all Family and Public Swims: Children under the age of 8 years must be accompanied by a participating participating parent or guardian 14 years of age or older, who is respon- sible.for their direct supervision. Direct supervision is defined as 'within arms reach." Maximum ratio of children to guardians is 3:1. Children aged 8 and 9 years who cannot pass the facility swim test must be accompanied by a participating parent or guardian 14 years of age or older, who is responsible for their direct supervision. Maximum ratio of children to guardians is 4:1. Guardians or group leaders are responsible for the children in their care while in the facility and must directly supervise the children at all times. Direct supervision for this purpose means "in the water." Facility Swim Test: Submerge entire head under water in any comfortable way, including including face, ears, and back of head. In a relaxed manner, swim continuously continuously two (2) widths of the pool on front using any form of propulsion (arms/legs or combination). Maintain near horizontal body position. Swim in one direction, turn and then swim in the opposite direction. * Children aged 8 and 9, upon successful completion of the facility swim test, will receive a facility identification card, Upon presenting this card at the reception desk prior to a public swim, children will receive a wrist band which identifies them as being able to swim without parental supervision. To assist parents with this new criteria, Swim Testing dates for children children aged 8 and 9 will be held at both the Clarington Fitness Centre and the Courtice Community Complex, at no charge, Please bring identification for your child to verify their date of birth. Clarington Fitness Centre Tuesday, March 21 and 28 6:00-8:00 pm Thursday, March 23 and 30 6:00-8:00 pm Sunday, March 19 and 26 3:30-5:00 pm Courtice Community Complex Monday, March 20 and 27 5:00-7:00 pm Wednesday, March 29 5:00-7:00 pm Saturday, March 25 10:00 am-1:00 pm For more Information on new Admission Requirements, please contact contact the Clarington Fitness Centre at 905-623-3392 or the Courtice Community Complex at 905-404-1525. ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM'S ARTS OF : CHINA EXHIBIT visits Clarington Clarington Museums and Archives is pleased to host : this traveling exhibit that has been developed by The * ROM in collaboration with the Chinese Cultural Centre; of Greater Toronto. The special exhibit will run from 7 MARCH 8 UNTIL APRIL 20, 2006 at the Sarah Jane N Williams Heritage Centre, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. For more information or to book a group ;y tour for your school or community organization call the': Museum Office at 905-623-2734. -, Î;- ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ST. PATRICK'S SHOW MARCH 16 at 7:30 PM, Orono United Church, Speaker- Elizabeth Kellogg on Bluebirds. All Welcome. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION Self-defense for Older Adults - Tuesday, March 14,6:00 PM - 8 PM St. Patrick's Social Tea and Winter Art Exhibit, - . Thursday, March 16,1:00 - 3 PM t Social Dance - Friday, March 17,1:00 PM - 4:00 PM i For more information, please contact Jo-Anne at the , Clarington Beech Centre 905-697-0739 ' : SESQUICENTENNIAL PHOTO CONTEST - Snap your photos throughout the year and enter your ; favourite in December for great prizes! j ST.PATRICKS DAY DANCE - : Newcastle Community Hall, FRIDAY MARCH 17 at ' ■ 8:00 PM. $10/person. Tickets available at Stedman's, ; ; Freedom 55 and Heart to Heart Flowers in Newcastle. ; Cash Bar/Door Prizes/Light Lunch. Check the info line at 905-987-3911 for all Sesquicentennial Events, y EAST COAST RENDEZVOUS - 9th Annual Gala and Silent Auction , Hosted by the Clarington Project, Semi Formal y ; SATURDAY, MARCH 18, Garnet B. Rickard. Recre- ation Complex. Cocktails 6 PM, Dinner 7 PM, Dance .7 following. For Tickets call Darlene/Warren at ; \ 905-623-6814, $35/person 'j; NEWCASTLE BONDHEAD RATEPAYERS ? ASSOCIATION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 20, at 7:30 PM in the Lion's Room . Newcastle Community Hall Guest Speaker: Inspector Bill Temple, r,l / Durham Regional Police Services '7 AH are welcome to attend. j notice OFteeiW- ciXMNiàW f OLDER APULT ASSOCIATION ' ' Notice Is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at the Clarington Beech Centre . ' •n Bowmanville, Tuesday, MARCH 21 at 10:00 AM ' For the purpose of receiving and considering the reports of the Board of Directors and the financial -, statements of the year ending December 31,2005. ' The Board of Directors extends a cordial invitation H.:- to all interested members to attend this meeting. By order of the Board, Jim Hilborn, Treasurer » CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION u L THURSDAY, MARCH 23 AT 9:00 AM for all recre- ' I, ational courses such as various fitness classes, art, '• : computer, ballroom dancing, line dancing, yoga, * • Spanish lessons, music theory and oesteo-fit. Phone / 905-697-2856 for more information. GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY - Upcoming Events . Owl Prowl Program - Saturdays, March 25 & April 22,7:00 - 9:00 PM Ganaraska Forest Centre. Pre-registration is required - 905-797-2721 _ SITTING ATTHE CROSSROADS, Presentation by Dr. R. Garth Smith, Nonverbal learn- MARCH97 at £ sper9 ? r Syndrome. > ; ; rnct C tin 7 nn/ 6 ' 45 " ® PM - Newcastle Public School., Cost. $10.00/person. For more information contact: v Joanne Simpson, Learning Disabilities Association of 7 Peterborough/Clarington at 905-623-1852 Yi; j'i- PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION ! • TUESDAY MARCH 28 AT KENDaCcOMMUNITY _ CENTRE, 6:30 PM - 9 PM . D?ir S anar ? sk . a River Fisheries Management Plan : Public Consultation Process! Background data and findings wi|l be presented. This is a working meeting meeting - make your voice heard! For more information • contact Marc Desjardins 905-885-8173 ext 229 or ' PKteilaatlMgarca.onci. 401 IPRIL 5, 7-8:30pm |£BUNCO «TOUT, BOWMANVILLE I I I LhimAh ahdyieiqtdjouhA, Dj. Ife v'W*' 7l I ncizl'iiiti Oiil.iilnK. 905-6233379 www.clnrlnKton.not flofih Untie www.clarington.net