Page 4 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ March 15,2006 durhamregion.cort) Qaringtm Leading the Way ^ 905-623-3379 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS NOS. 43 AND 44 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN In accordance with Section 17(3) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. as amended, amended, I advise that By-laws 2006-044 and 2006-045 adopting Official Plan Amendments Nos. 43 and 44 to the Clarington Official Plan were passed by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington on March 1, 2006. - An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Official Plan Amendments is included below. A copy of the Official Plan Amendments and any background material is available to the public for inspection in both the Clerk's Department and the Planning Services Department, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, 8:00 a.m! to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. The proposed Official Plan Amendments are exempt from approval by the Regional Municipality of Durham and the decision of Council is final if a notice appeal is not received before or on the last day for filing a notice of appeal. The last day for filing a notice of appeal is April 4, 2006. A notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6. A notice of appeal must set out: • The specific part of the proposed Official Plan Amendment to which the appeal applies; • The reasons'for the appeal; and • Must be accompanied by the fee required by the Ontario Municipal Board ($125.00 made payable to the Minister of Finance). Only individuals, corporations or public bodies may appeal a decision of the Municipality to the Ontario Municipal Board. A notice of appeal may not be made by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be made in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T., March 15, 2006 Official Plan Amendment 43: Official Plan Amendment 43 affects all residential, commercial and industrial land within the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Commercial Policy Review by amending the Municipality of Clarinqton's Official Plan by: 1-The policy of the Official Plan allocating maximum amounts of floor : area for retail and personal service uses to the East Bowmanville, West Bowmanville, Courtice and Newcastle Village Main Central Areas are revised to establish floor area targets. 2. The "Central Area" designation is replaced with a'Town Centre", "Shopping District", and "Village Centre" designations. 3. Table 9-2 Housing Targets of Neighbourhoods is revised by deleting Central Area housing targets and accommodating these targëts within residential area housing units. 4. The Light Industrial designation policies are amended by deleting policies permitting CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON amendment to the Clarington Official Plan to permit large scale retail warehouse uses. 5. Local Central Areas and Neighbourhood Commercial Areas are designated into Neighbourhood Centres. Policies are added respecting Port of Newcastle Harbourfront Centre. Corner stores to a maximum of 500 m2 permitted in Residential Areas subject to a site-specific zoning amendment. 6. The South Courtice Highway Commercial Area at Courtice Road and Highway 401 is deleted and replaced with a Light Industrial designation. 7. The Service Stations policies are revised to ensure the. location and design of these are consistent with the urban structure and design goals of the Official Plan. 8. Land use designations in the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan, Courtice Sub-Central Area Secondary Plan, Newcastle Village Secondary Plan, and South-West Courtice Secondary Plan are amended to provide consistency in the vocabulary used in them. 9. Policies respecting site plan approval are amended. Official Plan Amendment 44: The land use map published with this notice shows Bowmanville West Town Centre and amendments to the Secondary Plan made to Official Plan Amendment 44. The purpose and effect of Official Plan Amendment 44 is to implement the Municipality of Clarington's Bowmanville West - Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review and Official Plan Amendment 43 by amending the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary . Plan by: 1. Renaming the Secondary Plan area as the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan. 2. The Secondary Plan boundary is expanded west of Green Road and north of Highway No. 2 to include additional lands for retail commercial and service uses and.high density residential development. The boundary is also expanded eastward to include lands on both sides of Highway 2, east of Regional Road 57 to the railway. 3. The retail and service floor space thresholds are replaced by a maximum retail and service floor space limits of . 80,000 square metres until the population reaches 91,000 4. The lands north of Hwy 2 and west of Green Road designated "General Commercial" permit up to 30,500 sq.m, of retail floor area to be developed for . ' large format stores this will accommodate the proposed WalMart and Real Canadian Superstore, and up to 4000 sq. m. of floor area for street- related retail uses. 5. The lands north of Hwy 2 and east of Green Road permit up to 18,600 sq.m, of retail floor area to be developed which will accommodate a proposed Home- Depot, medium format stores and street related uses. 12. 13. 6. The commercially designated lands south of Hwy 2, east of Green Road, north of Prince William Boulevard will allow up to 26,800 sq.m, of commercial and service groos leasable floor area to be developed. 7. Retail commercial, Office Commercial, and Residential policies are amended. 8. The Medium and High Density Residential polices have been amended in respect of density, maximum height of development, amenity area, and urban design. 9. The revised policies introduce a comprehensive set of urban design objectives, policies and standards for development including drive through uses directly into the Plan. These are intended to ensure that the area develops in a manner consistent with the original objectives of the Plan. 10. Lands south of Highway No. 2, east of Regional Road 57'are redesigned from High Density Residential to Office Commercial. Office uses are prohibited at the ground level of retail buildings. 11. The Public Secondary School lands are designated Community Facilities and the abutting lands to the south will be designated Street-Related Commercial. A new east-west collector road Brookhill Boulevard forms the northern boundary of the Bowmanville West Town Centre Secondary Plan between future Boswell Drive and Clarington Boulevard. A new east-west collector along Stevens Road extension replaces Uptown Avenue extension between Regional Road 57 and Green Road. Policies respecting Holding Zoning By-Laws will be amended. 14. A copy of Official Plan Amendments Nos. 43 and 44, as well as the Commercial Policy Review and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review, may be viewed at the Planning Services Counter of the Municipality of Clarington Administrative Centre during normal busi-)' ness hours. | Add *6 low HIm High Density RwldeW Delete From Town Centro* Add M *Geoerel ComnwrieT From •Special Portcy Aroe* To 'Community FedPty* Add Tow Rtee High Oeneify [ _ • _ 2°*™* t**™* ReettentiaT Category L lwewT | Add « -Community Facety* From High Density ReeldenM* To *MM Rite High Density ReetdenbeT Extend Town Centro* Boundary From "Ratal CommerdeP To'Sheet Related Commercial" [Âdd "PrivateStreet"] J Extend "Secondary Pfsn' and Town Centre* Bound ariee From "Highway CommerdaT To "StreeLReleted CommerdeT a Commerdir Category | STREET-RELATED COUWRCW. ] OFFICE COMMERCIAL j «MJIAL COUSEROAL | COMMUNITY TAOLfTY | COMMUNITY PAW I NDCHeOURNOOO PARK From 'High Density Residential* To 'Neighbourhood Part* e e e a e • pedestrian walkway contaminated site From "High Density Residential" To "Office CommerdeT Rename Irom "West Main Central Aroe* to "West Town Centre" 'High Density Reeldeoti To 'Mid Rise High Density Reeldentiaf Add "Pedestrian Wstkway* BOWUANVILLE WEST TOWN CENTRE SECONDARY PLAN FEBRUARY 6, 2006 * •■A; PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington passed By-law 2006-047 on the 1 st day of March 2006, under Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, not later than the 4th day of April, 2006, a notice of appeal setting out the objection objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection, together with a cheque in the amount of $125.00 made payable to the Minister of Finance. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, and a copy of the bylaw, with a key map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies are attached. attached. Further information pertaining to this matter may be obtained by contacting the Municipality's Planning Services Department at 623-3379. Dated at the Municipality of Clarington this 15th day of March, 2006. Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk CLERK'S FILE NO. D14.ZBA.2002.025. D14.ZBA.2002.04. D14.ZBA.2003.043. D14.ZBA.2004.055. D14.ZBA.2005.nP1 PLANNING FILE NO, ZBA.2002.025. ZBA.2002.024, ZBA.2003.043. ZBA.2004.055. ZBA.2005.021 .. NOTE: The Planning Act provides for appeals to be filed by "persons". Groups or associations, such as residents or ratepayers groups which do not have incorporated status, may not be considered "persons" for purposes of the Act. Groups wishing to appeal this decision should do so in the name or names of individual group members, and not in the name of the group. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW 2006-047 The purpose and effect of Zoning By-law 2006-047 is to implement the provisions of Official Plan Amendments 43 and 44 and certain of the recommendations recommendations of the Commercial Policy Review and West Bowmanville Main Central Area Secondary Plan Review. By-law 2006-047 amends the Municipality's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended as it applies; to the area outlined by a heavy black line on the map respecting By-law 2006-047. This map is published with this Notice. By-law 2006-047: (1) Repeals the "General Commercial Exception (CM4) Zone" designation designation applicable to the portion of the site located south and west of the intersection of Clarington Boulevard and Highway 2 which is identified as C9-1 on the map published with this Notice. The C1-14 designation of this area is replaced with a new designation "Street-Related Commercial Exception (C9-1 ) Zone". The By-law provides new regulations for the C9- 1 Zone respecting permitted uses, maximum permitted total floor area, built form and siting requirements as well as other matters set out in Bylaw Bylaw 2006-047. The balance of the site bounded by Clarington Boulevard, Highway 2, Green Road and Prince William Boulevard remains zoned General Commercial Exception (C1-14) Zone". However, the regulations applicable to this area by By-law 84-63, are repealed and replaced by ' regulations set out in By-law 2006-047. The new regulations delete the requirement for a supermarket within the C1-14 zone; establish permitted uses; reduce the maximum permitted total floor area of buildings; provide regulations for location of buildings; provide regulations for the location of the buildings; add provisions respecting a seasonal garden centre, siting requirements; and certain other matters set out in By-law 2006-047. (2) Repeals the "Highway Commercial (C8) Zone" provision of By-law 84-63, applicable to the lands in the north-west quadrant of the intersection intersection of Green Road and Highway 2 and replaces them with new "Large Format Commercial (C8) Zone". The new C8 Zone provisions include: i) Definitions specific to the zone, including the definition of Large Format Retail Store and Medium Format Retail Store. A Large Format Retail Store shall have a minimum floor area of 2500 sq. m,, while a Medium Format Retail Store shall have a floor area between a minimum of 1000 sq.m, and a maximum of 2500 sq. m.; ii) A list of permitted uses which include a Large Format Retail Store and Medium Format Retail Store; Hi) Regulations for yard requirements; built form and siting; building façade materials; building façade articulation; business entrance locations; screening of rooftop mechanicals; screening of loading spaces; landscaping; parking; the exclusion from the calculation of maximum permitted total floor area of a garden centre and a seasonal garden centre; the location of a garden centre; the durtion of use of a seasonal garden centre; and regulations for - drive-through facilities. (3) Creates Special Exception Zones to the "Large Format Commercial : (C8)"Zone" to more particularly,detail, the regulations of the CS.Zone. . ! applicable to the identified Special Exception Zones and to provide for particular uses and regulations âs follows: i) The C8-1 Zone will permit a Large Format Retail store now proposed to be a Wal-Mart store with a maximum total floor area of 14030 sq.m., as well as a motor vehicle service station; ii) The C8-2 Zone will permit a Large Format Retail store now proposed to be a Real Canadian Superstore with a maximum total floor area of 16525 sq. m. as well as a motor vehicle fuel bar and motor vehicle wash; iii) The C8-3 Zone will permit Large Format or Medium Format stores to a maximum of 5050 sq. m.; and iv) The C8-4 Zone will permit Large Format Store now proposed to be a Home Depot store with a maximum total floor area of 9170 sq.m. These Special Exception Zones also provide for certain exclusions from the calculation of total floor area and certain siting and building form requirements, and provide for the accommodation of parking required for uses located on abutting zones; and adjustments to yard and built form requirements; maximum areas of a garden centre and a seasonal garden centre; and certain other matters identified in By-law 2006-047. (4) Creates a new "Street-Related Commercial (C9) Zone". The provisions of the C9 Zone include: i) Definitions specific to the zone; ii) A list of permitted uses; iii) Regulations for minimum and maximum store sizes; yard requirements; built form and siting requirements; building heights; building façade materials; business entrance locations; canopies; building façade articulation; screening of rooftop mechanicals; screening of loading spaces; landscaping; and parking. (5) Creates Street-Related Commercial Exception Zones and provisions which are exceptions to the "Street-Related Commercial (C9) Zone". They more particularly detail permitted uses; establish maximum total floor area provisions; establish limits on stores containing between 100 sq.m, and 300 sq.m, of total floor area; provide for the accommodation of parking required for uses located on abutting zones; and provide for specific floor area and floor size requirements. There are four Street-Related Commercial Exception Zones: C9-1, C9-2, C9-3 and C9 " 4 - They are shown ori the maps published with this Notice.' This Is Schedule" A-1" to By-law 2006-047, passed this 1st day of March, 2006 Â.D. , dZJ Zoning Chsny* from *A«74* To "(HJCI-r I W//A Zoning Clung* From To "(HJCfl-2" 8233 Zoning Cheng# From "A" To "(H)Ca-2" C$3 Zoning Cheng* From "(HJC#" To "(M)C9-2" E223 Zoning Cheng* From "A-74" To "(H)C9-2" n r ir y-y- B --I Ü L* : to i ii 'nr J mm u « Oowmwwllle This Is Scheduld' A-2" to By-law 2006-047, passed this 1st day of March, 2006 A.D. -/ l rûrJàË"?u8üC~sfs£Îr \ "s, Hill Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)C8-3" I I Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)C9-3" . $$$81 Zoning Change From "C1-15" To "(H)C9-3" SXSi Zoning Change From "A" To "(H)C8-4" IlififlEllS Zoning Change From "C1-15" To "(H)C8-4" S ' " |Subject] lïîîïi] fete Ms: ~ Itej tiowmwwllle fefei j This Is Schedule" A-3" to By-law 2006- 047, passed this 1 st day of March , 2006 A.D. ^:tr L fefe fell , .PR'NCE V.II.MAM !J: j ! 1 / " j Zoning Change From "C1-14 Area A" To "C9-1" | Zoning Change From "C1-14 Area B" To "C9-1" | Zoning Change From "C1-14 Area A" To "C1-14" .vo. iUL nr Jl 38 m ii ,fefe\ Oj jife fefeffer' 1 ' fe>if feUH; IlI II :r.'\ fl*? Bowimenvllle 'i'itiUÏI j-Mei, iwCtoefe.t 11 : 'ii j This Is Schedule" A-4" to By-law 2006-047, ! Passed this 1st day of March, 2006 A.D. i; i uurhW /" , PftiSct fe vij - "' : ) Zoning Change From "C1-7" To "(H)C9-4" 'At* n .LSI J l rvfe r*to# UMj v I .fe\ ,fea Bowmanville " : rir "i<i « ;