THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, April 5,2006 PAGE 9 apartments & flats lor rent PICKERING, bright, new, 1-bed- room, walkout ravine access, high ceilings, separale en- trance'security. Central vac/air, parking, laundry, no pets/smoking. pets/smoking. First/last, references Call ,416-427-7200 email: PICKERING, Dixie/Glenanna, large blight t-bdrm bsmt. Separale Separale entrance, parking, lull balh, cable, laundry inch No smok- ing'pels. Firstlast. S75C/mo inclusive. inclusive. Available May 1st. Call (905)421-0290. PICKERING, RosebanWShep- pard. New 2 bedroom basement, kitchen. Dining room. 4pc. bath. Private entrance. Share laundry. Parking. Available. $700;35% utilities or S800 inclusive! No smoking'pets. (905)837-5146 PORT PERRY BIG BRIGHT 2- bed. basement apt. Suit mature working or retired persons, available now.. No smoking/pels. Private entrance, Iridge/stove in- cluded..$1000.905-985-8615. PORT PERRY, Quiet, well kept large deluxe, 283 bedroom apartments in low-rise, walk to Lake Scugog. Parking and laundry. No pets. Call 905-430- 7816,905-985-3406 QUIET BRIGHT 2-bdrm bsmt apt. Parking, laundry. No smoking. Simcoe/Taunton, Oshawa. Avail, immediately. S850/mo inclusive. First/last, references. (905)619- 1385 SIMCOE/TAUNTON, 2-bed. legal basement apt. Quiet crescent, close to college, separale entrance, entrance, 2-parking, S750/mo. inclusive. inclusive. Available Immediately. No pets, Call 905-985-8073. SOUTH PICKERING, completely lurnished, newly renovated, 2- bdrm bsmt. Includes utilities, sep. entrance, parking. First/last. No smoking/pels. S900/mo. Avail May 1st. (905)420-2171 . SOUTH PICKERING, Liver- pool/401. Large brand new blight living space. Separale entrance, partially lurnished, all-inclusive, no pels/smoking. Firsl/lasl, references references required. Avail May 1st. For apt call Ron 905-421-8879, 647-290-9401 UXBRIDGE NEW! Town- house/Aparlments, air conditioned, conditioned, 4 appliances, palio/gar- den, parking, storage. 905-852- 4777. ' WHITBY - 1 8 2 bedroom suites from $775 • $860 per mo. all inclusive. inclusive. Close to all amenities,. Office hours 9 • 5, Monday • Friday. Friday. (905)430-1877 WHITBY - 1 BEDROOM basement basement apartment, private entrance, newly decorated, all Inclusive, laundry, parking, Go bus. 5640/month. Available immediately immediately (905) 655-7277 WHITBY CENTRAL, Large 2. bedroom, quiet small building no smoking/pets, May t, S929+. Oc- copied mostly by seniors. Parking, Parking, laundry. (416)438-4895. WHITBY DOWNTOWN, 1-bedroom 1-bedroom apt. $800, -2-bedroom $900 Includes hydro, heal, air, 1 parking, parking, laundry. facilities. Firsl/lasl. . references. Call (905)430-8327 WHITBY'S PRESTIGIOUS west' Lynde, May 1, main floor ol bungalow, bungalow, 3 bedrooms, parking, fenced yard, appliances, close to all amenities, $1100 plus share utilities, firsl/lasl, (905)668-8620. WHITBY, $610/mo. • clean bright one bedroom basement apt. Suit one person. No smoking/pels. All inclusive. Available April 15th or May 1st. (905)665-1061 WHITBY, 1-Bed.Basemenl Apart, sep. ent, Laundry, Expressview and all utilities (ncl... In Otter Creek. 1 person/ non-smoker, delinilely no pets. May 1st. , S850/mtn. Call Chris leave mess. . . 905-668-1866.. WHITBY, Avail, immediately Bright, spacious 2-bedroom base- i ment apt., fireplace, built-in dishwasher, dishwasher, ensuite laundry, 2-parking, 2-parking, private entrance, cable. S895/mo. No pels. 1 st/last. 905- 668-2949; 905-430-4855 WHITBY, immaculate 1 BED Avail. April 1st. $754.00 includes appliances, heal, parking, laundry facilities. Call (905)666-1074 or 905-556-0455. WHITBY- 1-bedroom, bsmnl. apt. Fully furnished including kitchenware, air, I/p, patio, cable, lirsl/lasl, references. Close to 401/GQ. No smoking/pels, S775/mo. Call 905-668-5259. . articles for sale articles for sale articles for sale articles for sale tf.-. r«vu^r TAj articles for sale auctions auctions auctions auctions Rekker's GARDE | CENTR Saturday April 8th AMAZING TRUCKLOAD SALE TOP SOIL only $1 .OO/bag (taxes included). Store will be open at 8:00 a.m. Limit 20 bags per customer while quantities last. Also at 11:00 a.m. 'LAWN MAINTENANCE SEMINAR' with Bill.McGowan Call to reserve your seat. All our spring seminars are free!! 905-623-2300 BROCK 1 VICTORIA - Whitby Shores, detached 3-bedroom 1600 sq. It. house with sunny deck, 5 appliances, C/A, 2 1/2 baths, 2-car parking, minutes lo Go 8 401, No smoking/pels. Available immediately. References References required. S1525/mo. tulililiest 905-767-7440. BROOKLIN new 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, family room with gas fireplace, 5 appliances, air $1500. plus utilities, non smoking/pels, smoking/pels, avail. April 15, call 905- 579-5993 COURTICE 3-bedroom bungalow Main floor. $1050+utililies, hardwood hardwood floors, jacuzzi tub 8 garage; large 2 bedroom basement; $900 Includes laundry. No smoking/no dogs. Cindy 905-432-3222 NORTH OSHAWA, beaulilul 3- bdrm bungalow, area, living/room, living/room, are,. newly renovated large yard behind park. No smok- • Ing/pels. $1350+1/2 utilities, lirsl/last/references. Avail. May - 1st. Short-term lease avail. (905)721-9769(905)922-4751 OSHAWA • large bright 2-bed- room main floor ol house, available Immediately, also 3- bedroom house with garage available May 1st. Please call 1-800-442-3947. S. AJAX, 3-bedroom, main floor. Own laundry, parking, no smoking. smoking. 5 appliances, clean modern layout. Available. May tsl. $1150/mo -t60% utilities. First/last/relerences req'd. (905)767-7220. STOP RENTING, BUY NOWI We have several 3-5 bedroom homes with 2 baths, finished basements available w/renl-lo-own lerms. Best Neighbourhoods. Slarl build- - ■ ing your future today. Homes starling Irom $1295/month. Low money down. We can help YOU! Tel: 905-443-3111,416-855-6685 WHITBY, new large one bed. separale entrance, gas fireplace, c/a, 4pc. bath, sat. t.v., 2-parking/garage, 2-parking/garage, laundry. Isl/lasl $750. plus utilities. May 1st. (905) 434- 8614. condominiums for rent 2 BEDROOM CONDO, 2 baths, Westney Rd. 8 Hwy#2. 5-appliances 5-appliances and parking included. $1,320 per mo. inclusive. 416- 462-7365 or 416-289-6963. COURTICE EXECUTIVE condo, 3-bedrooms, 3-balhrooms, $1250tulililies. Call 905-441-4546. PICKERING PARKWAY 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 baths, 1 parking, available immediately. $1195/mo+ hydro. Immaculate condition. View el 416-893- 2545. WOWI Own a house 0 down! Wade Kovacic Sales Rep. Sutton Group Status Realty Inc. 905- ; 436-0990. houses for rent -A-ABA-DABA-DO STOP PAYING PAYING RENTI Own from $650/mlh. NO MONEY DOWN. $35,0004 family income- up lo $20,000 cash back. To good lo be true. Call Ken Collis, Coldwell Bank ; er 2M Really, Assoc. Brkr, (905)576-5200 or 1-866-576- 5200, 2/3 BEDROOM ranch style house, downtown Whitby, quiel street, very clean, newly remodelled, remodelled, gorgeous yard, a/c. June 1st. No smoking/pets. References a must. 511004 utilities. Isl/lasl. - (905)668-9088 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Beaulilul Ajax home, near lake, schools and shopping. New Laminate Floors, fenced yard, 4 car driveway driveway with garage. Professionally finished basemenl, fireplace, new berber carpeting. Partially furnished furnished at request. $ 1550/nith 4 utilities. Available May t. Call. [Udine at 41^-788-3998. 3-BDRM clean main floor bunga- low SalenVBayly.area. Avail, im- mcdalely. Parking, lencod yard. $|IOO/ino+ utilities. (905)428- 0081 ■ - A ABSOLUTELY astounding 6 months lice, thon own n house Irom '600/month, Up to $15,000 cash back lo youl Require $35,000 4 up family income and reasonable credit. No down payment payment required. Wiry Rent! Call Dill Roka, 25 yens as lop sales rep Willi wows leading ronllor. Re- max Sninl (9051728-1800, 1-888- AJAX ■ 3 BEDROOM, main floor bungalow, Tulloch Olive,, Drlgtit. own Inundiy, parking, now Tutnaco/nlr, hardwood, hardwood, fenced yatd, no smok- Ing/sublolling. Fob ok. noloionc- os/crudit check mandatory. No Time Waslodl 51060 mo plus 80% utilities. (604)609-9948 AJAX Rossland/Audloy/Saloin atoa. Brand new 4-bdrm do- Inched house. 3 baths, garage, laundry room, available Immediately. Immediately. $lG50tuli®3, liisl/lnsl, loloroncos. 905-130-3693, coll 269-314-9554 AN unbeatable"deali o ; down, own your own homo. Curios lor loss Ilian tent. OAC. Minimum Income innulicd per liousohold Is $40,000. tap cull Amelin Cosma, Neman Spliil Inc. 1-1)00-732-1600 or (005)728- 1600,24 III. pager. rooms for rent & wanted éâs Farm Machinery Auction Sale Wednesday, April 12th- 3 p.m. At KAWARTHA LAKES CO-OP (Formally Woodville Sale Bam) - 580 Woodville Rd, (2 KMS EAST OF . WOODVILLE) Included in the sale is a #685 Case/Int. 4X4 diesel tractor with loader & cab, John Deere #1830 diesel tractor with Sims cab, Massey Ferguson #1080 diesel tractor with front end loader, Ford #3000 tractor with front end loader & cab, #6060 A.C diesel tractor with cab, #1845 B diesel skid steer, Kubota M7030 diesel 4X4 tractor with loader, Fordson Dextra diesel tractor, #1360 John Deere disc/ mower/conditioner, mower/conditioner, New Idea # 5109 haybine, #468 M.F. Com planter, #10 Int. 16 run sec- drill, Int.#990 mower/ conditioner, Gehl 2 wheel rake, Fransguard T14000 hay tedder rake, # 300M Kuhn Rake, disebine, 10' Triple K cultivator with land levellers, Int. #45 Vibra Shank 18' cultivator with wings, A.C. 18' cultivator, cultivator, White 18' & 24' cultivators, 18' Glencoe cultivator, #470 hydraulic disc with wings, Junkkari PTO chipper/shredder (excellent condition), condition), 5 ft Bush Hog, plus more! For more information call : 705-439-4444 or 705-878-2947 Check the web site daily for updated list: Auction Sale Sat. April 8 6 4 pm View from 3 Haydon Auction Barn From 401,Ext43l @ Bowmanville, N 8 mi on Hwy 57 To Con Rd 8, Turn E 6 The Fire Hall To Haydon Lionel Train items,Collector Coins S House- holdiWasher,Dishwasher,Prints,New Craft Items,Nat. Gas BBO,Glass,Collectibles,Toys. Auctioneer Don Slephenson 905-263-4402 Auction Sale Farm Sold selling Farm Machinery For Bruce Todd and Consignments on the property at # 4840 Concession 5, North of Newtonville, South of Kendal Good Friday April 14 at 10 am. Full list next week Terms: Cash or Cheque. Auctioneer Don Slephenson 905-263-4402 boats & supplies FISHING BOAT • 14' fibreglass hull, back side bench & 2 middle sets, wired for lights & live well 20 hp. Evinrude, Norlhtrail trailer, tongue jade. Boat runs well 8, in great shape. $1700. Will store boat for winter. 705-328-0402 alter alter 6 p.m. auctions I pools & supplies SWIMMING POOL SALE- Get discount prices. Eg. 14 x 26 $12,999. Some models in slock. . Over 17 years experience. 416- 554-8195. 905-985-3491 townhouses | for rent 2+1 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE . completely renoyated, finished basemenl. North Oshawa. Beau-, titul Adult Lifestyle, end unit. No ' smoking/pets. S1250/mon!h, all inclusive, lirsl/lasl. Available April 1st. References. 905-571-3674. AJAX large 3-bedroom town- home, lamilyroom fireplace, private private backyard, 5 appliances. $1375+. Avail. May 1st. No smoking. smoking. 905-239-0367; 647-271-6660 AJAX, 3 BEDROOM 2 1/2 baths, ' new townhouse, fireplace, 5 appliances, appliances, a/c, $1475+ulililies. 416-576-9588. BROCK/401, PICKERING- New townhouse, 3-bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, living/dining/family, living/dining/family, finished den, near, amenities, no smoking. Available immediately. $1295/mo.+ utilities .: Firsl/lasl. Call 905-420-3739 HILLCREST HEIGHTS Community Community Living in Oshawa' now has units Avail, immed., parking incl. Please call 905-576-9299. NEW 4-BEDROOM townhouse, oil Simcoe, north ol Taunton. 5 appliances, 3 baths, fireplace, c/a, c/vac, suitable ior working couple with older children, Non- smokers, no pels. Available now. $1600/monlh+ • (905)720-1533, (905)767-5839 PICKERING ■ GO STATION: 3- bdrm, 4 appliances, rec room, underground underground parking, one minute walk lo grocery store. $1200 plus ulililies. 905-420-8883. TAUNTON/MARY ST. 2 bedroom bedroom lownhome. Finished rec room, heal extra. No pels. Available May 1st.. $1100/month. 905-429-2169. . WHITBY 3 bedroom townhouse, near 401 & schools newly renovated, renovated, quiel neighbours, S1200+utililles. 905-430-9009, 905-995-4593 housing wanted MATURE RESPONSIBLE couplo seeking to rent and keep your home and property in pristine condition, a 3+ bedroom home with small acreage In north Durham Durham preferably, reasonable rent. Excellent references. Call 905- 985-1345. Crafters Wanted Mini Flea Market Sell, Sell, Sell At the Whitby Home Show April 22nd, 23rd & 24th at Whitby Iroquois Complex Call Jessica at (905)579-4400 ext 2386 LOVELY 3-BEDROOM Cottage on Buckhom Lake, safe swimming, swimming, beaulilul view, pine interior, canoe/paddleboat. 18-hole golf. Call 647-284-4658. campers, trailers, sites Vendors Wauled lor The Wliithy Home Show April 22nd. 23rd A 24th at Whitby Iroquois Complex Call Devon al 903-579 4400 e\l 2230 PROWLER LYNX, 5th wheel, 27.5 It., sleeps 6, separate master'bedroom, 4pc bath, good condition, awning, $4850. Call (905)987-1245 auctions auctions boats & supplies 1994 THUNDERCRAFT, 350 Express, Express, mint. Twin 454, Brav 11, Gen. Air, Ice, GRS, Radar, 480 Hrs. loaded.-$119,000. Whitby 905-571-4273 auctions KAHN AUCTION CENTRE 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering (3 miles north of Hwy. 401 exit 399) Thursday, April 6th Preview 5 p.m. Starts 6:30 p.m. Just Arrived: 9 pc French Country Dining Room Set, Glucksteinhome Collection Designer Series of Bedroom furniture & Theatre Room Seating. Back for the Spring Season; Pub set with Lazy Susan & 8 chairs, Beautifully carved King Bedroom Suite & Micro-suede Living Room Suite. Great selection of Leather sofa sets, Queen Bedroom suites including Country Pine, Sleigh Beds, Rice Post & Mission. Quality Canadian Made selection of box spring & mattress sets, all pillow topped & guaranteed 20 or 30 yrs King & Queen sizes. Also - estate pieces, antiques, accent tables, King chair, Wing back chairs, Teak wall unit, variety of desks, gorgeous solid oak dining room suite, Grandfather Clocks. Art including Group of 7,, Walter Campbell, Robert Bateman & Norvâl ; Morriseau. Coming !! Double header Easter weekend sales. -Auctioneers-: Peter Raithby & Anthony Wagler , Call 905-683-0041 "Fantastic furniture at a great price" CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION Berrybank Farms - 3383 Taunton Rd. Orono Ont. 11/2 miles west of Hwy. 115. Selling a Full line of farm equipment, tractors, tools, machinery, vehicles, hardware, recreational items, lumber etc. SAT. APRIL8TH, 2006- 10 Â.M. TRACTORS: Inti. 140 w/cult/fast hitch; MF 245 42 hp. diesel 2wd w/ldr; Cockshutt 30 w/ldr & blade; 9N Ford; SKIDSTEER: 443 Bobcat w/36" bucket; EQUIPMENT: Case IH 8330 mower conditioner; Nl 3626 manure spdr w/endgate; Deutz GP250 round baler; White 5f plow; Ford 14' disc; JD 10' disc; 65 JD forage blower; AC 7' combine; 82 Int. combine; 4-250 gal totes; bale chopper; cultivators; gravity box w/running gear; grain elev. on "wheels; Farmatic hammermill; 3pth orchard sprayer; 3pth fertilizer spdr; hay elev's; hay wagons; ... MISC: apple boxes; tractor weights; grain bin fan & distributor; new Paige wire; Canox welder; galv. panels; milker parts; foot bath; 24" var. spd. fan; chainsaws; gates; hay feeders; steel posts;' riding/push lawnmowers; 9' alum, boat w/trailer; 17ft. single axle house trailer; qty windows. VEHICLES: 87 Int. s/a dump w/plow/wing 240 Cummings; 95 Dodge Neon; LUMBER: cedar; oak; pine; large qty cedar posts; MANY MORE ITEMS! List subject to additions and deletions. TERMS are cash or cheque w/proper ID. Owners and Auctioneers Auctioneers are not responsible for accidents or mishaps. Lunch booth. For info and to consign to this auction, contact the Auctioneer: John D. Berry CPPA Auctions & Appraisals 905-983-5787. A SEPARATE ROOM tor rent, Pickering, $350 Inclusive, quiel home, available immediately, near shopping 8 amenities. Female Female preferred. Call (905)426- 1974, leave message II not home. AJAX lully lurnished, own washroom/shower, washroom/shower, would bo suitable 1er professional. Available now. Own cable, phono. $500 Inclusive (negotiable) call 905-428-6385. FURNISHED ROOM available immediately In family homo. Shared bath, kitchen, laundry, common room. No smokMets. Working poison preferred. $l00/weok, Firsl/lasl. (905)728- 092101(905)243-9886 Family Treasures Auction Simcoe St.United Church - 66 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa SILENT AUCTION - Fri. Apr. 7th, 2-8 p.m. Sat. Apr. 8th, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. LIVE AUCTION - Sal. Apr. 8th, 3-4:30 p.m. China, glassware, furniture, figurines, unique items FORMAL TEA: Sat. Apr. 8th, 1 -3 pm. Info: 905-723-3183 905-728-8143 shared I accommodation AT BLOOR 8 SIMCOE, Oshawa, Share luinlshod apt with 2 males, Near all amonillos, cnblo/lnlornol Included. Available immodialoly, Ist/lasl, $460/mo Inclusive, Inclusive, Viowlng (905)433-4088. COURTICE, luinlshod room w/TV 8 satollilo In townhouse, A/C. Slinro nil facilities. Near bus loulo. No smoklna/pols. - Avail, immodialoly. (905)404-1574. HWY, 2 / SOLINA COURTICE- Bus slop, ample parking, pool, Private livlngroom, Irldgo, wash- loom, No pols/smoking. Working shared | accommodation SHARED ACCOMMODATION In 4-bedroom homo. Available In North Whitby. Suilablo lor a mature mature working poison who Is socking socking long-term tenancy, All Inclusive, Inclusive, $130 weekly. Call (905)665- 2728. SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS In North Bowmanvlllo, available Immodialoly. Brand now homo. All Inclusive, $650. (905)914- 3434 01 (905)697-4162 WHITBY • GaidonJDundas. 2 rooms available In townhouse, parking, laundry. Share oil facilities. facilities. Non-smokors, no pols. $475./mo.lnclusivo. Flrst/lasl. May I. 519-894-1843, 519-241- , 9580 or 1-877-893-2903. vacation properties FLORIDA accommodations. 5 slar location 2 bedrooms, Call Joanno 416-222-6233 I roulais outside Canada ng. v i5/wookly or poison piolonod. $I26/woi $500/monlhly. 905-430-2160. LOOKING FOR A professional loinulo lo shiuo upper iovol ol houso, Close lo all amonillos. Cablo and parking Included. Pool, big backyard. $/00/rnonth. Available May I. Coll 005-837- 8520. CLEARWATER FLORIDA, 3- bodroom luinlshod, nlrcondi- lionod, nianulaclurod homos. 85" pool, 104" holtub, Near beach- os/major atliacllons. Hall hour lo Stanley Cup champions $l5/soal), Chlldion welcome, April 29IIV0II. $35axsk (loss Ilian molol), Photos shown In your homo. (005)683-5503 AUCTION HARDWOOD FLOORING Sunday April 9th 10:00 a.m. Preview: Saturday April 8th noon lo 4:00 p.m. & Sale Day Irom 8:00 a.m. MARKHAM FAIRGROUNDS 10801 McGowan Rd„ Markham , 1 mile north ol Major Mackenzie Dr E HOMEOWNERS, CONTRACTORS S DESIGNERS Give your homo or olfico a now look lor a great pricel ■ Save up to 75% ofi retail prices! 50,000 SQUARE FEET NEW HARDWOOD & Laminate Flooring Very High End Pre-FInIshed Nall Down Flooring May Includo: Black Walnut, Japanese Cherry, Mocha Maplo, Rod Poar, Rosewood, Maplo, Cherry, Pino, Red Oak, Goldon Oak, Birch $ol4MMv9T9lAoLBoml^httmnmM PLUS DOORS, DOORS, DOORS QUANTITY OF RED OAK SOLID CORE DOORS, 6 PANEL & QUANTITY OF FRENCH DOORS, RED OAK, WITH TEMPERED GLASS SEVERAL STYLES & SIZES QQQBSMLLmLfm PUBLIC WELCOMEI Twins: 15% Buyer's Promlum, Cash, Visa, M/C, dobil GARY HILL AUCTIONS 905-052-9530/ I-B00-G54-4G47 ' Coll 4IC-5I0-64OI CLOSE OUT AUCTION tor Counter Tops and More, SATURDAY, APRIL 8th - 10:00AM ■ 180 Tremaine St., Cobourg. (Exit 401 at Burnham SI., go south to William St. and follow south lo King SI. Go west on King SI. lo Tremaine Street, turn left lo #180) Sale consists of inventory, some unique kitchen cabinets, including centre islands and carousel cabinets, office furniture 8 equipment, complete line ol good tools, machinery, dust collecting systems, paint booth, computers, as well as some family estate articles which they have had in storage on premises 1er years. Truck, trailer and miscellaneous articles. Property sold, owners retiring. Personal family articles: Antique round oak table 8 chairs, modern pine dining room set, Victorian settee,' slant lop desk, 2 antique dressers wflh mirrors, book shelves, auto washer, dryer, 1981 Silver Wing motor cycle, 1940's rare sieve complete with original paper work , some smalls, etc., 8 HP snow. blower like new. Office furniture and equipment: Custom' made workstations, reception work stalion, sates work stations, these unique office furnishings are all complete with files, cupboards, etc., and are all quality made furnishings, furnishings, also 2 computers, lax machine, photo copiers, selection desks, chairs, etc. Kitchen cabinetry Includes: 4' x 5' kitchen Island Island with butcher block lop, plus other kitchen islands, galley with solid surface sink and pantry, plus olher kitchen cabinets all custom made quality cabinets. Equipment include»: 5HP General International International 12" table saw complete with rolling fable, 5HP General 10" table table saw with ext. table, 7HP 4 drum dust collector, spiral pipe 8 fittings fittings 1er dust collection system, Kin 26" drum sander, Hitachi 12* ilaner '8 6" jointer, King 1 " industrial shaper with General power .aed, Craftex 3 HR wood .shaper complete with sliding table, Blum mini press complete with cabinet extensions, Freud table top edge bender, Delta oscillating spindle sander, Delta 6" bench grinder with floor stand, King 6" lilt sander, Delta 14' band saw, General floor model drill press, 5HP air compressor, complete spray booth, 1 HP Delta dust collector, 10" disc sander complete with mitre, gauges 8 cabinet, Blum drawer assembly air jig, t - 2HP electric motor, 2 HP Spec air dust collector, King 10" left tilt table saw complete with ext. table, 24" exhaust Ian, commercial vacuum with hose. Hand Tool» include: Several routers, plunge routers, Conan 16 oz and 10 oz adhesive guns, large selection clamps, air inline profile sander, electric electric trimmers, Fein 2 0 HP plunge rouler, Betterley coving router base, Porter cable 1 £2 HP router, Porter cable 3 HP router, random orbit sanders, Freud biscuit jointer, Boshtoh 2 Q' air nailer, electric grinders, drills, drill bits, electric welder, air hoses, air drills. Inventory Includes: Selection paints, slains, etc., large selection laminates, selection various hardware, selection Corian sinks, miscellaneous miscellaneous doors, selection various length counter tops including solid surface, plus related other articles. Miscellaneous Includes: Storage cabinets, H.D. racking, drying racks, stainless racking, pallet pallet racking, pallet truck, work benches, saw blades various types and sizes, other storage cabinets, straight edge, fiat bed metal frame, upright metal trames, dollies, trims, mouldings, material handling handling carls, TRUCK 1999 Ford Lariat, diesel, F 250 lully loaded Including Including leather complete with cap, 16 ft. H.D. cargo trailer, rear barn doors and side entry walk in door in excellent condition. Note: everything in this sale is in excellent condition, everything has been very well maintained. Purchases will be allowed 5 days 1er removal removal from premises. Everything sells with no reserves. ORDER OF SALE - 10:00AM household; 10:30AM Office 8 Kitchen cabinetry; 11:00AM Shop 8 Inventory, Tools 8 Machinery, etc.; Truck 8Trailer 1:00PM Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac Viewing - 8:00AM Canteen on premises. Gary E, Warner - Auctioneer - 905-355-2106 . Rusland's and Waddington's , Auction held at the Evinrude Centre 911 Monaghan Road In Peterborough AUCTION APRIL 1 1 th & 12 th AT 4:00 PM Preview: Tuesday & Wednesday from 12:00 NOON - 4:00 PM "Hoi Property" For almost twenty years Hot Property has been a fixture in Toronto as the City's pre-eminent supplier of vintage props and decor to the film, television, advertising and retail display industries. Over that time Hot Property has accumulated an extensive and excitingly eclectic inventory that has largely remained remained intact, spanning a period from the early 1900's right up to the 1970's. Almost every major movie, T.V. series, brand name product ad and clothing store chain has rented props from Hot Property. To name only a few: Chicago, X-Men, Good Will Hunting, Queer As Folk, The Terry Fox Story, and such retail outlets as Ralph Lauren, Holt Renfrew & Tiffany's. The stock of Hoi Property is a veritable treasure trove of nostalgia, vintage collectibles, and retro modern design in categories almost too numerous to name:. Sports, Travel, Ladies and Gentleman's Accessories, Games and Toys, Leather and Decorative Decorative Bound Books, Cameras, House Wares, Lighting, Jewellery, Packaging, Prints, Drawings, Posters, Postcards, Photographs, Magazines, Radios Radios & Lighting. There is something for everyone in this sale,'from the advanced collector to those looking for a souvenir from one of Iheir favourite T.V. shows or movies. For photos and details go to We are accepting quality items or estates for consignment Rob Rusland (705)745-4115 Waddington's (613)475-6223 The Mary Caroline Brotherhood Estate a long established Cobourg family, Plus contents from the home of Eileen Wise AUCTION SUNDAY APRIL 9, 2006 AT 12:00 NOON Preview & Tag Sale Saturday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM & Sunday 10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON Furniture lo include: Walnut Sideboard, small tables, tables, mahogany double pedestal dining * table, Georgian card table, inlaid sideboard, music cabinet, cabinet, iron table & chairs, pine sideboard, pair ol Chintz love seats, oak stacking bookcases, pine lingerie chest, nest of tables, French Provincial bedroom suite, leak bookcases, desk, sideboard, table & chairs, Oriental rugs, mirrors, lamps, Early Family Sampler dated 1826. Paintings to include: large oil by Loomis, R. Austin, numerous watercolours, watercolours, several early prints, books. Large selection ol glass & china lo include: Early English porcelain, porcelain, pink lustre, Bloor Derby, Vienna, Staffordshire, Flo Blue, Herend, Wedgwood dinner service, Dresden, Dresden, Candleabra, Antique Oriental ceramics, Jug & Basin, Lladro ligures, Doulton, Carlton ware, cut crystal, decanters, large selection of Sterling & Estate Estate jewellery, For details and photo gallery go to Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Debit, Cheque with I.D. Lunch Counter We are accepting quality Items or estates lor consignment 101 Applewood Drive, Brighton, ON KOK1H0 Hwy 401 to exit 509 South, follow signs Phone: 1-613475-6223 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th: 4:45 pm Auction Sale ol Furniture, Antiques and Collectables lor an Uxbridge home, selling at Nell Bacon Auctions Ltd,, 1 km west ol Utica To include; Dining loom suite, kilchon suite, black leather chosloitiold and lovoseal, 4x8 Dufloiin slate pool table, set ol drums, lioozor, largo quantity ol colloclables and glassware, glassware, quantity ol new silver pcs, 1000 dinky and dinky type cars and bucks hem n Pickering Estate, extension ladder, plus many other Interesting items. Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, and Interne, paid la lull on day ol sale. SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY NEIL BACON AUCTIONS LTD. 905-985-1068 SAT., APRIL 15 • 10:00 AM Auction Sale of equipment & tools, antiques & furniture selling the property of IVAN LLOYD located at 1431 Hwy, 7A, Port Perry, Ont. EQUIPMENT 8, TOOLS: 1997 GMC 4x4 diesel taick/plow, camper trailer, 40x45 wooden custom building 10' side panels easy to assemble, 6000 sq. ft. barn flooring, metal gazebo, assort, of lumber, sm. playhouse, play equip., air compressor, storage units, terra cotta floor tiles, store lixutres, tarps, farm gates, power tools, hand tools, tool boxes, farm & garden tools & equip., etc. ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: 7' harvest table, baker's table, dining room suite, pine table, pine 4 poster king bed, rocker, end & accent tables, wicker furniture, dressers, mirrors, wingback, fridge, stove, pine shelves, office furniture, hall units, doors, windows, screen doors, household furniture, plus many morè items. An interesting sale. Plan to attend. Good parking. Food booth • Terms: Cash, Visa, M/C, Debit Phil Faulkner • Gary Vanderpost, Auctioneers PbU Faulkner Auctions Inc. 23 years in tbe Auction Profession 905452-9631 • 905-715-6841 phflfeailkner.the IE. HARDWOOD FLOORING AUCTION Stapleton Auctions, Newtonville Thursday, April 6th, 6 p.m. Selling a wide variety of hardwood, laminate laminate and exotic flooring including a selection selection of solid oak, golden oak, English oak laminate, and other laminates, also rustic hickory, pilgrim plankwood, black walnut, exotic cherry, monet birch, rosewood, barn ' board, maple formica overlap step nose, Biltmore Gunstock and others. Preview after 2 p.m; Check website for updates Terms: 15% Buyers Premium App. Cheques, Visa, M/C, interac, cash Auctioneers Frank and Steve Stapleton, Newtonville (905) 786-2244,1-800-263-9886 'estate specialists since 1971' Farm Machinery Auction At KAWARTHA LAKES CO-OP 2 kms east of the village of Woodville Wednesday, April 12th- 3 p.m. Included in sale is a #685 Case/Int. diesel tractor with loader & cab, #6060 A.C Diesel tractor with cab, #1845B diesel diesel skid steer, Kubota M 7030 diesel 4X4 tractor with loader, Fordson Dextra diesel tractor, #1360 John Deere disc mower conditioner, #468 M.F. Corn Planter, #10 Int. 16 run seedrill, Int. #990 mower/conditioner,, Gehl 2 wheel rake, A.C. 18' cultivator, White 18' cultivator, cultivator, White 24' cultivator, #470 Int. 14' hydraulic disc with wings, Forage box. Partial Listing only. Watch next weeks paper for more! For more info, call 705-439-4444 or 705-878-2947 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, April 7 at 4:30pm 3 miles East ol Little Britain on Kawartha Lakes Rd. 4 Oak high boy dresser, pine dresser with mustache pulls, round pine table and 2 chairs, telephone table and chair, walnut server, oak bed, pine dresser, oak gun cabinet, wing back chair, 4 and 5 piece modern bedroom sels, 2 double box spring and mattress sets, treadle sewing machine, wing back chair, trunks, chesterfield and chair, occasional chairs, die cast toys, Anjo guitar, 8 pieces Swaroski crystal, partial set ol Limoge dishes, cranberry glass, qty. ol new lumber (including 2x4, 2x6, partial sheets of plywood), 110v Century Mig welder, upright metal shear, 4 told up couches (for .trailer), 4 new Americana 15 cubic loot fridges, Hot point dryer, Inglis. washer, Hotpoint 2 door Iridge, Kenmore side-by-side Iridge, boat trailer, .Guns: Ranger 22, Stevens Crack shot 26, Winchester 94 Klondike Gold Rush commemorative, commemorative, Stevens 22 pump rifle, Stevens 20 GA shotgun, shotgun, plus other 22s (FAC required). Qty. ol china, glass, household & collectable items. Don 1 Greg Cornell Auctioneers 1241 Salem Rd.,R.R.*1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 for more Info, or pictures BRUCE KELLETT AUCTIONS Selling Finishing of the Estate of the Late Harry Brindza of Whitby St Oshawa Estate. At Malcolm Sale Bam 13200 Old Scugog Rd., 1/2 Ml. S. ol Blackstock TUBS, APRIL 11, 5:30 P.M. Bridge Lamp, Sheiwood Stereo & Turntable with Boston Acoustics Speakers, Antique Coffee Grinder, Wade Tea Figurines, Salt & Pepper Collection, Fitz & Floyd Cookie Jar, Don-val Don Valley Tea Pot, Advertising Sign, Dresser Mirror, ey I Iron Horse Pull Toy, Copper & Rubber 1920 Car Horn, Old Flo Blue Plates & Butter Pats, 2 Flo Blue Jardinieres, Old Wooden Salada Tea Box, Old Tin Doll Carriage, Vintage Mixing Bowls, Vintage Refrigerator Containers. BRUCE KELLETT (705)328-2185 or (905)986-4447 AUCTION,THURSDAY, APRIL 6th -5:30PM at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy. #2, Colbome Selling household contents Irom Brighton home Including smalls, glass, china, collectables, dishes, etc. Partial lisl only: hunier green love seal 8 matching chair, sola 8 chair sol, pair very rice club chairs, excellent wicker chair wilh marching tool stool, lining and kitchen table 8 chair sets, bedroom suile complole wilh 2 nights, plus other dressers 8 chests ol drawers, small latries, coflee 8 end tables, interesting bedroom seflee or fireside bench, filing cabinets, knitting machine, wing back chair, molal wall shell and plan! hanger, antique chest ol drawers (needs mirror) antique vanity, ail conditioner, conditioner, exercise bike, old piano upright needs relinishing, oak framed minor, component stereo, colour portable TV, knick knacks, household household articles, pols, pans, dishes, glassware, pictures, lamps, rugs, plus counlloss oilier articles to be cleared Thursday as we have no sale al hall on Saturday See on location sale in olher ad. Tatma: caih, cheque, Visa, M/C, Inltrac. Gary E. Warner - Auctioneer 905-355-2106 - online at PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION - Sulurdiiy, April Nth, 10 a.m, at McLean Auction Center, 21VI Little Britain Rtl., Lindsay On - I miles west mi Hwy 47 off Hwy ,'5 and Hwy 7 intersection south on Utile Hiiutin Rd, -10 ears, liueks, van's, -I \ -t's, ATV's, ele. Consignments lo lx- sold on instructions from Alan, Lawson Fisher Trustee In ILmkni|Hey, wholesalers, estates estates nnd public. TERMS: S.MUX) Buyers Fee. SMKI. deposit at the sale. Cush, Interne, visa nr inaslctvmd, 'Hie balance in certified funds within 5 days. We guarantee dear titles. ' Consignments arriving dally! dally! McLean Auctions (705)324-2783 or 1-800-461- 6489. www.meleanaucllims.iinu public notices Notice to lot owners and any one interested in Lakeview Cemetery in Newtonville, meeting will be called for 7:00pm, Tuesday April 18th, 2006, at William Kimball's home. personals SINCERE SINGLES, Your professional professional matchmaker since 1992 in long-term relationships lor all lifestyles. Toll free 1-866-719- 9116. daycare available CHILDCARE AVAILABLE flexible hours, reasonable rales, great location, activities lor all ages, ages, receipts available. Please call (905)644-8709. uTii-l health & 741 Pi homecare LIVE ITI New health 8 wellness magazine. 250,000 copies. Cost-effective directory ads, word ads. Call today lo book tor the June Issue. 416-493-1300 ext. 276. psychics PSYCHICS reader and advisor,, help in all life's problems, satisfaction satisfaction guaranteed, specializing in Palm, Tarai and Crystal Ball readings. Always private and confidential. House parlies available. (905)665-3222. horse supplies & boarding ARABIAN- STALLION, 6 year old, purebred registered. Arabian Mare with a 2 year old filly. Call 905-576-7383. MINIATURE HORSES, Registered, Registered, lor sale. Call (905)986- 5602 articles for sale +CARPET CARPET CARPETS 3 rooms carpeted wilh Commercial Commercial carpel and premium pad Irom 5289 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted wilh Berber carpel and premium pad Irom $369 (30 yds). 3 rooms carpeted with cut pile carpel and ; premium pad Irom $489 (30 yds). Free in-home quotes. SAILUAN CARPETS 1-800-578-0497, 905- 242-3691 :905-373-2260. 12 HP. 33" WIDE snow blower, like new, paid S1350, sell lor 5900, 1 year old. 905-985-0577 or cell: 905-434-0660. 2 DRAWER lateral filing cabinet 18' deep, 36" wide. 6 Drawer lateral lateral filing cabinet 18' deep, 80' high, 36' wide. Beige meial wilh locks. 2 drawer lateral black plywood plywood filing cabinet. 8 Oliice chairs swivel metal frames, upholstered upholstered seals and backs. Flip board holder. (905)987-3848. A BEDROOM SET, gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mirror, dresser/mirror, tall dresser, 2 night tables, new. Cost S7450, sell 51,900. Call 905-2134669. A DINING ROOM, cherry wood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, Buffet, hutch, ■ dovetail construction. construction. New, still in boxes. Cost S11,000, sacrifice $2,600. 416- 746-0995. A King orthopedic pillowtop mattress mattress set. New in plastic, cost $1600. Sacrifice $550. 416-746- 0995. Can deliver A1 ALL SATELLITE SERVICES. DishNelwoiking, FREE TO AIR. Sates, Installations, Repairs, Modifications. Ariza-700, View Sal-2000 Plalimum, all models in-stock. Dish Network Service and Safes. (905)999-0362 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES. Stoves, S149/up, portable dishwashers 5200/up, 16* dishwashers in stock, fridges $175/up. Washers S125/up. Dryers $149/up. Large selection ol reconditioned 8 new scratch 8 deni appliances. Paris Specialist. 426 Simcoe SI.S. (905)7284043. ' ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress Set, cost $1000. sacrifice sacrifice $250. Call 905-2134669. AN AMAZING MOVING SALEI* Coke machine w.loonie mech, 10 gal. lish lank w/sland 8 acc's, pine accent lables, 2 sets ol lamps, Oak Triple Dresser, Tall Bey and 2 Nighl Stands, Lishman Jacket, downhill ski's S bools, ski suils, Gas Range GE Profile XL44, For complete lisl with asking asking price call 905-982-0625 or APPLE NEWTON Message Pad 120 tor sale. Comes with all cables and box. Like new. Plus new rechargeable batteries included. included. Asking $25.00 Call (905)576-8399 ARMOIRE, 2 units, pine, 5300. Wall unil, 3pc. Cherry wood, 5900. (905)831-7361 BEAUTIFUL 3 SEAT SOFA and Loveseat plus throw pillows. Patterned. $800 OBO. Please call (905)623-5737 BED, Aamazing bargain, queen orthopedic mattress set, new in plastic, warranty, $250. 416-741- 7557. Will deliver BEDROOM SET, Solid Pine 'Cannonball' Queen-size bed, large dresser w,Vanity 8 minor, ' toll chest ol drawers, 2 night tables. tables. Asking $1,450. Pictures available by email. Call 905-259- ' 2085 BEDROOM SET, chertywood, bed, chest, dresser, mirror, 2 nighl stands. Dovetail construction, construction, never opened. Cost 58.000 Sacrifice $1,900. (416)748-3993 BITS AND BYTES COMPUTER Services: P4's (Dskp) Slatting ol $319., add matching 17" Flat (CRT) Monitor 1er $65., Laptops. Call tor Current Inventory. Repairs Repairs al reasonable rales. Located Located al 112 Luke Street, Oshawa. Email: www bilsandbytoslech com or call (905)576-9216 CARPETS. Laminate and vinyl sale 3 rooms, 30sq yds. tor $319. Commercial carpet Including Including premier undoipad and installation. installation. Laminate $l.69sq It. Click system. Residential, commercial, customer satisfaction guaranteed. Fteo Estimate, ktiko 905-431- 4040