Page 6 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ April 5,2006 durhamregion 100K club grows From page 1 • Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk, $102,194.38 • Anthony' Cannella, Director, Engineering, $118,171.44 • Joseph Caruana, Director, Community Services, $125,510.80 • David Crome, Director, Planning, $120,041.46 Frederick Horvath, Director, Operations, $109,876.47 • Marie Marano, Director, Corporate Services, $135,943.77 • Nancy Taylor, Director, Finance, $119,850.29 Gordon Weir, WEIR, Director, Emergency Services, $100,814.82 • Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer, $171,681.86. For a full list see our website at www.durhamre- search keyword: 100Kclub2005 Ron Pietroniro/Metroland Durham Region Media Group A1 and Louisa Vaillancourt sit on the front steps of their home near the intersection of Solina Road and Hwy. No. 2. They are asking asking the Region to look at that stretch of road after numerous accidents have ended upon or through their property. They still have the parts of their truck that was totalled while parked in their driveway after a November 2005 accident. Five-lane road From page 1 suddenly veered to my side of the road. Fortunately, he did not hit me; however, he did end up in the ditch and drove out of it on Solina Road facing south," he said. "Not until the police arrived did we know that he hit a young girl, waiting for the bus. She was thrown in the ditch and was badly injured. It took several years for her to get back on her feet again." In another instance, Mr. Vaillancourt recounted, his brand new parked vehicle was totalled and his basement basement wall was hit and cracked when a car went off the road and onto his property. "After a while, it gets a little scary," said the senior. "I'm afraid one of these people are going to come through when I'm outside doing some work ...There's something wrong with the highway. "I want somebody to go down and look at that highway." highway." The matter was referred to Durham Region's works department. Durham's Top Earners Ontario Power Generation • Richard Dicerni, EVP and Corporate Secretary $866,562.30 • Gregory Smith Senior Vice-President, Darlington $811,747.71 « William Robinson Senior Vice-President, Nuclear Programs and Training $776,228.26 Lakeridge Health Corporation • Karen Dockrill, Neonatologist $299,563.55 • Brian Lemon, Chief Executive Officer $287,358.23 • John A. Callum, Chief Financial Officer $280,874.40 Ontario Court of Justice • John F'ayne, Judge, $222,106.57 • Robert McCreary, Judge, $217,845.31 Durham Region • Garry Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer $212,644.82 • Dr. Robert Kyle Commissioner, Medical Officer of Health $179,465 • Jim Clapp, Commissioner of Finance $174,787.95 Crown Attorneys • John Scott, Crown Attorney $172,540.22 • Greg' O'Driscoll, Assistant Crown attorney $164,196.64 A. Statesman earns top honours from newspaper association DURHAM - Mctroland Durham Durham Region Media Group community community newspapers were honoured honoured Saturday night, collectively collectively bringing home 19 awards from the Ontario Community Newspapers Association convention convention in Toronto. The association's 2005 Better Better Newspapers Competition saw reporters, photographers, graphic designers and editors from each of Metroland's seven newspapers in Durham recognized recognized in a variety of categories. The DRMG also earned five honourable mentions. "We are proud of our staff, who are second to none in providing providing our readers with top quality quality community journalism in each of our newspapers across the region," says editor-in-chief Joanne Burghardt. The Stephen Shaw Award for Reporter of the Year went to DRMG crime and courts reporter Jeff Mitchell. Second place went to Danielle Milley, staff writer with the Ajax-Pick- ering News Advertiser, while Chris Hall of the Port Perry Star received an honourable mention. mention. The awards, given out per circulation' circulation' category and listed by newspaper, are: CLARINGTON THIS WEEK/ CANADIAN STATESMAN • Best Special Section, first place, 'Faces of the Future'; and • General Excellence, Claring- ton This Week, third place. At the OCNA awards held last weekend The Canadian Statesman/Clarington This Week and its sister newspapers newspapers in Durham Region won a number of awards , including a first place for its Art Scene section, second for Community Service with the North to Nunavut. Jeff Mitchell, pictured above, won the Stephen Shaw Reporter of the Year award. AJAX-PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER • Best Rural and Agricultural Story, first place, Danielle Mil- ley and Ron Pietroniro, 'Urban Farmer' ; • Community Service; first place, Tsunami Relief; • Reporter of the Year, second place, Danielle Milley; • Heritage Award, second place, 'Ajax 50th Anniversary Souvenir Edition'; • Best Creative Advertising, second place; • General Excellence, third place; and • Honourable mentions: Best Feature Photo, Ron Pietroniro; Education Writing, Crystal Criini. OSHAWA THIS WEEK • Reporter of the Year, first place, Jeff Mitchell • Best Arts and Entertainment Section, first place; • Feature Writing, first place, Mike Ruta and Walter Passarel- la, 'North to Nunavut'; • Community Service, second place, 'North to Nunavut'; • Best Technically Enhanced photo, third place, Sunday Lek, 'Whitby Sesquicentennial'; and • Honourable mentions: Best Editorial, Best Sports Section. PORT PERRY STAR • Best Rural and Agricultural Story, second place, Chris Hall, Tanners protest'; • Best Sports Photo, third place, Celia Klemenz; and • Honourable mention, Reporter Reporter of the Year, Chris Hall. UXBRIDGE TIMES-JOURNAL • Best Editorial, second place; • Best Rural and Agricultural Story, second place, Crystal Crimi and Celia Klemenz, 'Harvest 'Harvest Time'; and • Best Special Section, third place, 'Uxbridge Bicentennial'. WHITBY THIS WEEK • General Excellence, first place. Letter writing a boost for our troops From page 1 care," said Mr. Rohrer, adding that he has received a number of e-mails from soldiers expressing gratitude for the public support. In the fall, the Whitby Legion will embark on another project to collect goodies and other edibles edibles for troops. They are hoping to send 3,000 individual- boxes - one for each Canadian troop around the world. For more information about Operation Homefires or to participate, participate, call Robert Rohrer at 905-439-9951 or Cecile Bowers at 905-263-2086. $ .mm Dr. Karl Vermeulen Dr. John Balenko & Assoc. 60 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville (905)623*7100 -- the t Sleep Factory 0% INTEREST WOJgONTHny PAYMENTS! OVER 40 FACTORY OUTLETS ACROSS ONTARIO INCLUDING... w WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRESS! » SET UP AVAILABLE- DISPOSAL OF OLD SET» FHFE fi MONTH LAY AWAY A * A PH06E ORDERS ACCEPTED * * * ■■■■■■■ Monday to Widnudiy 10-6 H0URS Tlmi,, V *° Friday 10-9 ■ Saturday 10-6 A Sunday 11-4