Page 16 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ April 26,2006 ' . Submitted photo The Preston the Mover Peewees prevailed in overtime against Faria and Bebee to win the Division 1B Championship in the Clarington Recreational Hockey League. Preston the Movers OT to their liking Brian Stockbridge nets winner in deciding game of Peewee series CLARINGTON - The Preston the Movers Peewees wrapped up the season winning the Clarington Recreational Hockey League Div I B championship championship in OT. The Movers faced, off with Faria and Bebee Masonry in a two game, first team to three points championship. In the opening game, Faria and Bebee Masonry took the series lead with a 3-1 decision over the Movers. The Movers bounced back in the second game with a strong team effort from all players, with IT of the 13 players making making the gamesheet in a decisive win of 7-3, sending the series to a sudden victory OT period to decide the winner. ■ . In the first six minute overtime period, Kyle Schuh blocked the door making some game saving stops while the movers defensive unit was clearing any rebounds. With no scoring in the first OT period, the game progressed to declining player style OT with the Movers potting potting the game winner in two- on-two play on a goal by Brian Stockbridge set up by Justin Nesbitt. The Movers played their best when playing as a team and it was this unselfish philosophy that saw the Movers have a very successful season with an awe-. some win in the final to bring home the hardware. The season saw the Movers Movers end regular season play in second place with a record of 15-4 : f with a 1.85 goals against average in 20 games. The Movers were A champs in the Colborne Hockey tournament tournament on Jan. 22 with two B championships in Manvers and Clarington tournaments, and a C championship in Newcastle. The Movers are: Brian Stock- bridge, Zachery Rekker, Matt Wellman, Peter Loudfoot, Jordan Jordan Stencell, Jordan Couture, Kyle Schuh, Tanner Smith, Mac Pritchard, Brad Milne, Michael : Haylock, Justin Nesbitt, Patrick Michalski, Mark Bartolucci and Zach Chretien. The coaches included Roger Milne, Tim Chretien, Brent Pritchard and Dan Stencell. Y#U CAN'T (b;, . TO".' WITH - pBS 1 ;' 1 vni i pdfp-p ■ ^TyU m-tfi T : c f , visfcf- 5 1 - i, »-« George kaufnan s, Moss Hart PfVvUll'J w :>f'r -M L . .... - .Oshdwa Little Theatre Bringing playful moments to life! April 20 2122 27282930 Msy456 Tickets $18 IM "The fastest Growing league lii Durham' Alliance CYO Hockey Solar Bears Tryouts Tryouts Start April 24th CYO Minor or Novice Novice Minor Atom Atom Minor Pee Wee Pee Wee Minor Bantam Bantam Minor Midget Junior Midget Senior Midget Hockey with a Dittotcficol Born 99/00 Born 1998 Born 1997 Born 1996 Born 1995 Born 94/95 Born 1992 Born 93/92 Born 1991 Born 1990 Born 1989 Cost $10.00 per session or (905) 743-3445 35 * 8.5x11 single sided Photo Copies Business Portraits Scanning Colour Copies Business Cards Laminating E largess fntn em Binding Product Photos Promo Products The Document Company XEROX. 31 King St. W., • Downtown Bowmanville • 905-623-2568 foto source - Kingsway Arms at Clarington Centre A New Choice in Retirement Living Suites starting from $1900 Inquire today! Independant & Supportive Packages now opi;n! ( all today lor your personalized lour. Model Suites open lor viewing. "Your Family Matters" Kingsway Arms at Clarington Centre 65 Clarington Blvd. *.(905) 697-9992 • email: A Smart Choice For Today's Senior Retirement Suites with Amenities. Ask us about our Short Term and Trial Stays. Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at Clit ûitabiatt êtatfsinan . - 1 :1 ou lose, ou gain. sx X zx. * & 7 0\t Nr ■v, ' , i V;: ' • ,v - N v Wki Bdwmam|Èiê^ 905.697.9^84 ÿMall f E Oshawa I 1330 Ritson Rd. N 905.432.6999 Oshawa III 1076 Cedar St. 905.438.8446 NHPD Royisloiotl CALL 310-THIN (8446) U&ibaiMc WHOM! loss & NUlRinON Oshawa II 1345 King St. E 905.725.4146 CIN1RIS t. ■1 .*1 -, /'I >1 /'I