durhamregion.com THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ April 26,2006 ♦ Page 17 Dunlops come up one win short Whitby drops Allan Cup final to host team BY BRIAN MCNAIR Staff Editor POWELL RIVER, B.C. - Although it ended with a disappointing thud, the season as a whole for the Whitby Dunlops Dunlops can only be viewed as a success. This is a team, after all, that didn't exist three years ago. Just two seasons since resurrecting the historic Dunlops name, the team came one win away from delivering the town its third Allan Cup senior national championship. championship. The tact the dream ended in a 7-1 defeat to the host Powell River Régals Saturday night in British Columbia doesn't diminish diminish what happened in the other 50 games this season. "For a lot of guys; it was the first Canadian championship. It was a good run," coach Mike Posavad said after the final game. "There was so much excitement. excitement. Our goal here was to get the bye, the next goal was to make sure we made it to thé final and then to win. Of all the things we set out to accomplish this year, we just fell one step short." After losing in their Eastern Ontario Senior Hockey League championship to the-Norwood Vipers in six games of their inaugural season, the Dunlops made See ALLAN page 18 Reeals'iiHhi^Anan r^ r } leadS ï? W . hit £ y Dun,ops in th e post-game handshakes following the team's 7-1 loss to the PoweH Rivei^ Régals m the Allan Cup final. Behind Cannings are Martin Kearns, Shayne McCosh, Bre nt Gaylor, Ron Baker and Mike Van Volsen. NOW ONLINE Sudoku -4-4- TT -fj- 4i"- < ; "VT 'TT" 3 ; Tr; -i.L„ i s i T > rv ■!*]"" XL 1 ! f It's fun It's challenging "TT" -1-i "u" "f4" 4 ! 'IT; 3 [ "i"\ ' l 5 ■i 4 "TÎ" "TT- Anew puzzle each day .1.1. 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