l durhamregion.com Clarington Sports Hall of Fame seeks nominations by May 1 1 nc vhmhuihm o IAI colvlAN ♦ April 26, 2006 ♦ Page 19 tyi'itii * ^Mnnw * V inetn^ Clm '" tribution t0 the s P ortin 8 com " able at all municipal facilities, ★ ★ " . Ji°" SP Ha " ? Fame ,s munit y 'n Clarington? or call 905-623-5728 for more k Qfc T enshrin | neW niembers 10 be Those are the kind of people information. Take some time to k * t ,i e ( h e committee is seeking as fill out the necessary informa- , , an alh,ete out lhere prepares for the 4th annual tion, and send it in for consid- i>i . 0 "^serves special recogni- induction ceremony on Satur- eration. S!!,h»h° r a / eam ° r someone day, Oct. 21. The deadline for 2006 sub- *■*; wno has made a significant con- Nomination forms are avail- missions is May 1. /puiM ' V Fun for the whole family iBAAÉv Tickets at Ticketmaster Get your tickets now; they're selling fast! Online: www.tkketmaster.ca Phone: (905) 433-9494 or (416) 870-8000 • ; • • • • y vj y . "; | " . f;' y' ■ < i • | ; , Direct from The White House Easter Egg Celebrations to Eastdale Collegiate in Oshawa Shows at 11am and 2pm ; * l. v ; j - i. ' j - ; j . i; : " v'y c] ; • Bring this flyer and your ticket stub for a free Concert souvenir (Kids Only) " "Max & Ruby ™ and ©Rosemary Wells. ; ^ Nelvana™ Nelvana Limited. CQRÜS™ Corus'Entertainment Inc. d. Produced under iicensè by Sph www.sphereentertqinment.com DRIVE AWAY IN pontiac, fj mmm BUICK OR CMC M-Ziss*" AND SAVE AT l\ tt#- j THE PUMP! lU v I $500 GAS INCENTIVE i;;l ■ ' 3rdAkh<icl( 1 i z R Mm to vendor show only presented by: MrmoCANO DURHAM PliatOM MEDIA OROOF Supported by Metroland Durham Region Media Group & TOSCA Banquet & Conference Centre SWING INTO at the 2nd Annual Dinner & Dance Friday, May 5 • 6pm - Midnight TOSCA Banquet & Conference Centre 800 Champlain Ave., Oshawa Dinner Tickets $30 includes sit down dinner Doors open at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm Dance 8:00 pm - Cash Bar Buy a ticket for the Dinner & Dance to be eligible for an additional grand prize} draw. Proceeds go to participating Durham Region Senior Centres. _ , . CLaringtonA DJ Service by: pbo sounovj Dinner & Dance tickets available at the following locations, please call for details. OSHAWA SENIOR (*< oscc < ciii/fns ct Nines Q 1C Urln^Um older - - _ _ _ Ailull AsMitl.tlimi Cl I l/l NS Cl NTHES U 903 576-6713 905-697-2156 905-661-1424