durtiemregion.com Page 2 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ May 10,2006 Qariagton Leading the Way ^ 905-623-3379 MAYOR JOHN MUTTON MAYOR'S CORNER OPEN AIR BURNING IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON The nice weather seems to have finally arrived and rakes, hoes and BBQ's are hauled out of winter storage. Cleaning up our yards, burning leaves and fallen branches from the winter months is something we may want to do but Clar- ington residents should be aware, that not all open air fires are permitted. The Fire Services receive many inquires regarding open air burning burning such as burning brush, burning leaves, and bonfires. The Ontario Fire Code prohibits open air burning unless approved. In ' Clarington open air burning is not permitted in urban areas. Rural property owners with a minimum of 10 acres are eligible to apply for a burning permit with restrictions and a fee of $25, at Clarington Clarington Emergency and Fire Services at 2430 Highway 2 Bowmanville. Permits are valid for the calendar year. If the Fire Department receives receives a "burning complaint" regarding an illegal burn, a fire truck will be sent to the location, the fire will be extinguished and the owner may be charged for costs incurred. The use of a clay "chimnea" is considered to be open air burning burning so you must have a permit to burn one. Appliances designed ,, solely for the purpose of cooking such as BBQ's and appliances fueled by natural gas or propane are exempt from the no burning regulation. For further information or clarification please contact Clarington Emergency Fire Services at 623-5126. TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and will be received on the forms and in the ENVELOPE provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON. TENDER CL2006-14 SITE MEETING: CLOSING TIME & DATE: ENNISKILLEN FIRE STATION ADDITION 2:00 P.M. (LOCALTIME),WEDNESDAY, MAY 17TH, 2006 2354 CONCESSION ROAD 8, ENNISKILLEN, ON 2:00:00 P.M. (LOCALTIME) FRIDAY, MAY 26TH, 2006 Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms will be available as of Wednesday, May 3, 2006 at the Office of the Purchasing Department, Department, Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C3A6, for a $75.00 (includes GST) non-refundable fee payable to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. An Agreement to Bond and a Bid Deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. : r ; Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Tel: 905 623-3379 Thomas Brown Architects Attention: Chris Kubbinga 394 King Street East' Toronto, ON M5A1K9 P: 416-364-5710, Ext. 28 &F: 416-364-4662 TENDER SEALED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP), clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Purchasing Office, 40 Temperance Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C3A6, will be received until the specified closing time and date. Request for Proposal documents may be obtained after May 3, 2006 from the Purchasing Office at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON. TENDER CL2006-21 DEMOLITION SERVICES I ST. GEORGE STREET, BOWMANVILLE II BOULTON STREET, NEWCASTLE 19 BOULTON STREET, NEWCASTLE Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 P.M (LOCAL TIME) THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 2006 Further information / specifications may be obtained by contacting Liz Mitchell, Buyer 1, Telephone: 905-623-3379, Ext. 250 or Fax: 905-623-3330. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Tel: 905 623-3379 Liz Mitchell Buyer 1 Telephone: (905) 623- 3379, ext. 250 TENDER SEALED'Tenders for the Contract specified below, submitted to the Corporation Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, are invited and u ~ received by the Clerk until the specified closing time and date. be TENDER CL2006-22 PORT OF NEWCASTLE BLUFF STABILIZATION SEEDING, MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Closing Time & Date: 2:00:00 P.M (LOCAL TIME) THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 2006 The work for the Municipality of Clarington, under the direction of the Director of Engineering Services, involves the application of approximately approximately 15,000 m2 of perennial seed mix with a pneumatically blown mixture of composted organics on the 2:1 graded slope bluff at the Port of Newcastle. Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms will be available as of Wednesday, May 10,2006 at the Office ofTSH, 513 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 5G6, for a $40.00 (includes GST) non-refundable non-refundable fee payable to the TSH. Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms will be sent by courier if requested. An Agreement to Bond and a Bid Deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ms. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT Purchasing Manager Tel: 905 623-3379 Mr. Ron Albright, P. Eng. TSH Engineers Architects Planners 513 Division Street Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 5G6 Tel: 1-800-463-8046 info@clarington.net PUBLIC NOTICE Respecting Part 23, Plan 40R-23873 and Part 3, Plan 40R-19115 Bradshaw Street, Bowmanville TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality Municipality of Clarington at its meeting to be held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, May 15th, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. proposed to: a) pass a by-law to permit the sale and transfer of Part 23, Plan 40R-23873 and Part 3, Plan 40R-19115 to the abutting land owner located at 80 Bradshaw Street. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE NOTICE THAT before passing this by-law, Council shall hear in. person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law. I Z ""{Plan 40R-23873 Part 23 Patti L. Barrie Municipal Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Plan 40R-19115 Part 3 CONCESSION STREET EAST -rrrr itt \ PUBLIC NOTICE Submission on Province's Greenbelt Boundaries Planning File No.: PLN 1.1.9 Durham Region is considering making a submission to the Minister of Municipal Affairs to request changes to the Greenbelt Plan to delete certain lands near the Courtice Urban Area (see Map below). The effect of such a change would be to allow for urban development development in these areas. Clarington will be considering its position on the proposal to adjust the Greenbelt boundaries through a report being prepared by the Planning Services Department. This will be considered by the General Purpose and Administration Committee on: Date: Tuesday, May 23 2006 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers, , 2nd Floor, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St, Bowmanville, Ontario If you wish to speak to this matter at this meeting, you must register with the Clerk's Department by Wednesday noon, May 17th 2006. This matter will subsequently be considered by Council on Monday May 29, 2006 at their meeting starting at 7:00 pm. Should you wish to appear before Council, you must register with the Clerks Department by Wednesday noon, May 24, 2006. Additional information relating to the submission is available between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm from the Planning Services Department, 3rd Floor, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, or by calling Faye Langmaid at (905) 623-3379 extension 216 or by e-mail at flangmaid@clarington.net. CLARINGTON MUSEUMS Presents the SPRING BOOK SALE at Clarke Museum 7086 Old Kirby School Road (Kirby exit of Hwy. 35/115) Great Books at bargain prices! ' We have a large selection of books including • Children • Mystery • Romance • Historical • Science • Biographies • Cookbooks Lots of exciting books for avid readers and collector All proceeds from the sale support your local museum May 13,2006 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM For more information call 905-623-2734 or' visit our website at www.claringtonmuseums.com CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES SUMMER EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Clarington Museums is currently seeking highly motivated individuals with an interest in the interpretation of local history for summer employment employment at the museum. Positions available include; Programme Coordinator Assistant Responsibilities include: planning and delivering heritage craft programmes, programmes, special events,-and*quided tours of the museums. Exhibit Technician \, ' Responsibilities include; planning and developing agricultural themed exhibits exhibits at a pioneer site, special events, and guided tours of the museums. Archivist Assistant 1 Responsibilities include; organizing archival records and artefacts according according to archival collection management standards, assisting with research requests, and special events at the museums. Applications will be accepted up to and including May 19, 2006. We thank all candidate's who apply, but only applicants to be interviewed interviewed will be contacted. Please apply to: Martha Rutherford Conrad Clarington Museums and Archives 62 Temperance Street Bowmanville ON, L1C 3A8 Community TomerBSKfiti® UPCOMING BOAT OPERATOR ACCREDITED TRAINING (B.O.A.T.) „ Al Canadian recreational boaters wil require the Pleasure Craft Operator card (PCO) to drive a boat with a motor. The Canadian Coast Guard PCO card Is earned by scoring 75% on a test of basic boating safety knowledge. To view more information on upcoming courses, please go online to www.claHngtPn,n^doca/reor^oLtoviw the> Clarington Clarington Community Guide, page 28 or cal 623-3379 ext. 272 2ND ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT 'A Little Something For Everyone' featuring music from the movies, Broadway, spirituals, folk songs, sacred music and more. Saturday, MAY 13 at 7:30 PM, St. Paul's United Church, 178 Church St. Bowmanville, Tickets $10, available at the door or from any member of Jerusalem Lodge #31 or 905-987-5448. AII proceeds to The Tsrry Fox Foundation CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION EVENTS Wednesday, MAY 17 at 1:30 PM, Smile Theatre "How to get Rkf of a Monster" Purchase In advance tickets $10.00 MAY 4, 18, 9*00 AM Outdoor Trail Walking Group, 1st/3rd Thursday every month. Friday, MAY 19, Social Dance 1 -4 PM Enjoy an afternoon of dancing to live country music . Friday, MAY 19, Slo-PItch Baseball Mix League 1 -2:30 PM Contact Jo-Anne at Clàrington Beech Centre 905-697-2856 for mote Information. FLEA MARKET HERITAGE TRACTOR PULL A LAWN j TRACtOR PULL : MAY 20-21, Orono Fair Grounds. For more information or ; registration, please call 905-987-4980 BETHESDA HOUSE presents the 4th ANNUAL DINNER AND AUCTION ' , Supporting women and children fleeing abuse. Thursday, MAY 25, Clarington Beech Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Tickets $50 If you woutçj like to sponsor a table, buy tickets or donate Items for the auction, please contact Wendy at 905-623- 6045 ext. 206. ; I 7TH ANNUAL FRUIT WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL Saturday, MAY 27 from 12-7 PM at Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery 6275 Liberty St. N„ Bowmanville Experience an event so Inctedibte your tastebuds win thank you! : For ticket information please contact 905-263-2396. Ticket proceeds proceeds donated to Big Brothers & Sisters of Clarington. SEA CADETS ANNUAL REVIEW Public Welcome Sunday, MAY 28 at 1.45 PM, Newcastle Arena Come out and support these young people. For more information information contact John Greenfield 905-623-3151 OSHAWA YOUNG EAGLES PROGRAM On JUNE 10, COPA Flight 70 will be holding the Young Eagles Flying Experience for 2006. This is for children arid teens aged 8 --17 years of age. The EAA Young Eagles pro- i gram was launched in 1992 to give Interested young peo- : pie, àn opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. : These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible possible through the generosrty of member volunteers. Applicants ; LINCOLN M. ALEXANDER AWARDS 2006 Each year, the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and the Ministry of Education present the Lincoln M. Alexander Award to honour young Ontarians who have demonstrated exemplary leadership leadership In contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination. Any resident of Ontario, between the ages of 16 and 25, nominated by a community organization or agency that works extensively in the area of race relations is eligible for the award. If you wish to nominate an Individual for this award, nomination forms are available at the Municipal Clerk's Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Nominations Nominations for the award close June 2, 2006. www.clarington.net Station' Café sit the terminal buHtflng, north end of Oshawa j airport, off Taunton Rd or online at http://www.buttonvlll9flvlnqclub.cprn/v9/ve.foririJ-dL For more Information please contact Doug Raine at 905- 697-2577 or email doug_raineOsympatico.ca JOB OPPORTUNITY BASELINE COMMUNITY CENTRE Requires a highly responsible and self-motivated person to coordinate rentals, and clean and maintain the facility. Flex- ible hours. Must be reliable, honest and hard working with ability to work independently. Address resumes and enquiries enquiries to baselinecc @ sympatico.ca or fax to 905-623-5843. Closing Date: MAY 12,2006 THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU TO CLARINGTON VOLUNTEERS! CLARINGTON PITCH-IN CANADA EVENT A BIG SUCCESS!! Congratulations to all of our volunteers. We exceeded our goal of 100,000 minutes. We had over 214,920 minutes of participation. The Municipality of Clarington would like to thank all of our volunteers who participated in our Annual Pitch-in Week. We would like to especially thank the following groups, organizations organizations and individuals: Waverley Public School Central Public School Vincent Massey Public School Ontario Street Public School Courtice North Public School Hampton Community Association Peter Windolf Charlie Trim and the Masons and Lions Cindy Gates and Hope Fellowship Gem Girls Group Susan Dermarkar and her Scout group Linda Farrow John Schoonderbeek Pamela Werry and the Pine Ridge District Orono Girl Guides Marianne Leung and the OPG gang John Howden and Courtice Secondary School Karen Witty Karen Boyd and Clarington Central Secondary School Jamie Montgomery and the Scouts and Beavers Frank Lockhart Pat Churchill Susan Shean and St. John's Anglican Church Karen Murphy, 4 year old Quincy Clarke (who inspired his family to organize a cleanup) Gary Ball and neighbours Diane Katsikis Dorothy Ansell and family Fred and Gabrielle Horvath and family Louie Lalande Dave and Dorothy Imlach Suzanne and Leslie Westhauser Murray and Debbie Devitt Larry Postill Bob Genosko Kaye Rand It does not stop here. The Municipality will support you or your group with safety vests, garbage bags and garbage pickup if you commit to cleaning up an area that is Important to you. Call Susan Arends at (905) 263-2291 ext 527. Special thanks to our sponsors Wendy's, Tim Hortons, Waste Management, Region of Durham and Ontario Power Generation Generation and of course Pitch-in Canada. Don't be a Litter Bug! Think before you throw.