J Page A8 ♦ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ♦ June 7,2006 durhamrcgion TABRIÇLÆND CANADA'S LARGEST ^ FASHION FABRIC DISTRIBUTOR J TimmYMMAYrSATiUMmSUWW ■ ^ jurnm moRmmm Oùyentlreistockît Our/entirejstock? rnmftmmh IjSetJxqûiiûls} Print' Côltm : iMÏsÿ'SÏièm. AB mit miiiKiiini; pimjnimpêrtr 1 „'v Omentlreistock ÿ I mmmm 1 tmmmâ mmM kMtAOJmcustorne# Màmmmàmmmmmmmmmm-- : ---- -• Omentlreistock y UQÊÊSSI ^uttonsi.zippershttireadhtrimii ïcl^ôfsiJbtarY/cuttefslSJnüim ours regulars price > Walter Passarella / Metroland Durham Region Media Group Little doggie chit chat ORONO -- Lynn Inia 'chats' with her Jack Russell terrier 'Ado Pistol Petie' before his warmup warmup for the Agility Association of Canada's sixth annual Ontario Regional Championship trial in Orono. More than 250 dogs province-wide competed in the two-day event, held at the Orono 'Fairgrounds. The Children's Garden Bomanville By-The-Lake Play and Learn Preschool-Kindergarden-It Grade 1 • Age: 21/2-6 (must be toilet trained) • Ratio 1:5 children (often 2-5) • An AMI Montessori trained teacher with a masters in Education • Children will learn all of the Academics through manipulation of various Materials ' EXCLUDES SPECIAL ORDERS. KWIK SEW VAÏTERNS, CIFL CERTIFICATES, ENDS + PROMO ITEMS. IN STOCK IT EMS ONLY. NOT VALID ON PREVIOUS PURCHASES. 1801 Dundas St. E. /<^ j^j?jnTA c Nr)\ 600 Grandview St. S. Whitby v Oshawa 721 -9152 LOTS OF FREE PARKING 436-7589 Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. We have our first opeirhouse Sunday June 17706 from 1-4pm 109 Cove Rd., Bowmanville (Liberty St. exit) contact Fran at thehandsoftime@can.rooers.com or call 905-697-3512. Feel free to leave a detailed message. Benefit | Rodeo in support of TORCH RUN ONTARIO ,Av The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Ontario Special Olympics NORTH AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL COWBOYS Drone Fairgrounds - Princess St Show starts @630pm both days Tuesday, June 13 & Wednesday,Jurie 14,2006 oaesosoopm I 1 A fill Wrangler ; £> R 1 -866-517-6336 / NAPCextreme.com Your nciglibourliood photographer for over 20 years •Children •Families «Babies 'Pels'Groups «Weddings Photography done in the comfort of your own home or local park Session and 8x10 portrait $49 Regular value S90, Offer expires June 3(1,2006, Limited to Durham Region 905-576-9526 www.magicporlniils.net ***** * •' 695 Townlinc Road North Courlicc On May 31" we'll all be able to breathe a little easier Smoking is the No. 1 preventable cause of death In Ontario today. The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, which comes into force on May 3.1 st , is part of a broad effort to improve public health by reducing Ontarians' ' exposure to and use of tobacco products. , 1 ) ■ ■ The legislation bans smoking in all enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places to protect workers from second-hand smoke. The legislation also strengthens laws on tobacco sales to minors and restricts the display of tobacco products in retail outlets. If you smoke, now is a good time to consider quitting. For help and a plan to quit, call Smokers' Helpline at 1-877-513-5333. Or visit www.smokershelpline.ca for tips, tools and support. For more information on the Smoke Free Ontario Act, contact your Public Health Unit or call 1-866-396-1760. TTY: 1-800-387-5559. Or visit www.ontaiio.ca/smokefree k Ontario www.durhamregion.com Just one more way to get your news thanks to your friends at Canadian Statesman Paid for by the Government of Ontario.